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Are you tired of 5e? Pathfinder? Do you have a funky setting but NO system to go with it? Or even just see what other systems have to offer? We'll help ya, kind stranger.
Provide a detailed description of the game ya wanna run, and we'll offer you a system recommendation. Don' just request tho, be a good sport and help Anons who are looking for systems too! And feel free to discuss and debate the merits of different systems too, or give advice to someone who isn’t satisfied by their options and just wants to homebrew something for their game.

Which sci-fi game has the best psionics? I have been thinking about Babylon 5 lately so I'm in the mood for some teeps.
Odds are one of the many Star Wars systems could work. Do you have anything else that might help narrow it down.
To the anon who was curious about the various fanmade bonkle systems: i have performed a surface-level evaluation of Masks of Destiny (whichever relatively well-formatted PDF floats around the webs and chans), Lost Chronicles, Heroes of the Stars and Doronai Nui. The impressions are... mixed, to say the least.
Out of these four, i'd rank Masks of Destiny the highest; it's not in any way spectacular, it's rather barebones and leaves some non-insignificant balancing to the GM, it has its share of unclear mechanics and probably some non-obvious imbalances and slants as well, requiring a thorough analysis to discover them, but it at least attempts to do something that's not just a physical-mechanical translation of the bonkleverse (examples of attempting: the Terrors mechanic, the Unity mechanic).
Heroes of the Stars would take the second place, but not a close second; it fluctuates between relatively mechanically-involved (for its pagecount) combat and little guidance for other things a bit too much for my taste, but the combat itself doesn't feel involved /enough/ as to warrant /that little/ guidance for other things. The system's seeming simplicity feels more like primitivity, as opposed to elegance.
Lost Chronicles and Doronai Nui share the distant, distant third place; i would not - would absolutely not - recommend playing them. For the first, the creators picked d100 40k games of role to base it on; for the second, 3.pf. Both end up too convoluted, too bloated, and too moment-to-moment-calculation-heavy with little visible payoff that a dedicated grid tactics combat game would have.

None of the games listed seem to provide sufficient GM guidance, possibly relying on skills and habits (good or bad) transmitted through word of mouth.

Perhaps basing a game of bonkles on mechanics of Wildsea RPG won't be too bad...
Whats a good system for JJK?
The main mechanical complexity that adapting such a system would be how Cursed Techniques work and domain expansions.
The system features a lot of complexity as to how cursed techniques can be altered in several ways via binding vows, where the user self restraints how their ability is activated/works in order to have a greater effect.
My players wanted to use the following 5e hack https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sd-ouEwTkDVCrRHkVpcCuv0EduIn1o68dEFvD8Unz3I/edit , it does away with the magic system and the og classes so i wondered if there's a better system on which i can use this document or what system could be used to adapt this.
I kind of want to run a campaign set in an Early Modern court (c.16th-18th century), and I want a system that can do things like social interaction, stealth, and espionage very well, but also has extremely granular combat rules. I want just the most autistically crunchy rules for sword and pistol duels.
You need a superhero system. JJK is way to disjointed for other type of systems when you look at it from a game design perspective.
I think there are some other anime inspired systems that would work but I am not that familiar with them.
Cyberpunk or Dominion Rules 3e are the only ones I know that fit the bill.
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I'm looking for a system for my friend to run a game with. He's sent me some information, which I've posted below. If you can suggest some systems that would handle what he has in mind, I'd be much obliged. He sent too much to put in one post, so I've attached an image.
Honestly just modify Cyberpunk 2020 or Red, since it is close enough to what you want
Have you considered Trinity Continuum: Æon?
Honor + Intrigue.
What are some good systems for playing as an elemental being, or at least as someone that has elemental magic or powers, that isn’t Ars Magica or one of the AtLA systems, please? If it has a setting that puts cool twists on the elements, that’s even better.
Would Savage Worlds work for that?
Trappings and modifiers seem to be a good template for binding vows.
Not him, but why do those systems fit the bill?
Best low crunch system to run the enemy within campaign in?
WFRP 4e is way too rules fiddly for my tases
I'd use BRP and use the advanced/Runequest rules for melee combat. One anon mentioned CP2020 and that could work but you'd have to fit all the future shit out of it when BRP is a generic settingless system already and allows to to easily make or pilfer mechanics from other systems that share the BRP bones. (Like stealing Runequest's Parry/Dodge/Hit table and rules. I can't remember for the life of me if the new edition of BRP has them as optional rules in its rulebook.)
Don't know how good it is but Warlock! is basically designed to be WFRP lite. There's also a 40k version called Warpstar.
>Not him, but why do those systems fit the bill?
Because DR is a very good duel engine while Cyberpunk is a good generalist system for the other systems he mentioned.
I'm back. BRP does have the its own tweaked version of the Parry)DODGE/Hit table and it has rules for limb damage and limb health.

There is also a French game called Agone or some shit that might be up your alley though I've never played it just skimmed the rules.
To mashup the feel of 3 different video games in a medieval fantasy ttrpg
>Zelda BOTW: party is dropped in the middle of nowhere with no idea where they are and there are monsters fucking everywhere. Once i decide on a system I'm making a bigass map to be explored
>Dark Souls: nuanced, high stakes combat that isn't exactly brutal, but tense and demanding
>Oregon Trail: Immersive survival stuff, tracking rations & water and plenty of player vs environment encounters

Is the answer GURPS? Or maybe some retroclone? Thanks guys.
Honor + Intrigue should work perfectly for this.
1 and 3 are osr through and through.
dnd based systems tend to have either a chaotic fast and deadly combat or a more tactical one but in now way do they feel like dark souls.

I would still go for something OSR or adjacent.
mAybe ACKS for the autistic settlement and other campaign economy generation rules
Original poster of the request here, these are all great suggestions, thank you all very much. I’ve been wanting to run something like this for a while, but I could never find a good system to make it work with, because of how simplified combat rules usually are.
I'm looking for urban fantasy settings where magic and technology actually complement each other instead of being at odds, any recommendations other than GURPS Technomancer? (Nothing wrong with it, just looking for more ideas)
Shadowrun and World of Darkness I don't recall a huge conflict between magic/paranormal and high tech.
>World of Darkness
Technology vs Magic is kind of a thing in WtA and MtAs.
I need a social system I can graft onto a system solely built for (sci-fi) combat. Ideally d6-based.

what else would be helpful to know?
What sorts of situations would you want it to resolve, and what types of outcomes to support?
Is the system in question built /exclusively/ for combat, or does it have existing rudimentary rules/mechanics for other situations?
For context, I want to use Kill Team's combat and statlines. so it is indeed /exclusively/ for combat.
social situations would be interrogations, deception, trading...mostly detective type work, I guess, with multiple opposed d6 rolls per conversation. so conversation combat I suppose?
Greetings from /40krpg/, KTanon.
What's your current vision regarding when all of that should occur: can it happen during a KT-governed battle, or should it be restricted to downtime between these?
How reliant on GM intervention and adjustment for specifics and plausibility within context would you want the subsystem to be?
Are opposed rolls (and, implicitly, relevant NPC statistics) a necessity, or could a subsystem fit if it functions without these?
What scale of interactions would you want it to cover - person to person only, or perhaps groups/factions should factor as well?
If it's detective work, some situations might happen to not be person to person - not directly, at least (clue interpretation, sources and archives)...
Shadow of the Demon Lord has a good bit of Warhammer influence and I've heard of people running Enemy Within with it.
What systems have the best takes on necromancy and why? What about settings that would fit well with those settings that have great takes on necromancy, anyone?
Combat is the sticky thing, I was even thinking of homebrewing some system where you roll opposed weapon skills +/- modifiers to see who gets advantage, and if you lose the opposed roll while disadvantaged you get wounded, with a roll like on the Warhammer fantasy crit tables. I'm still a total newb at game design so if someone else has a better idea I'm all ears.
I'm putting out feelers
>What's your current vision regarding when all of that should occur: can it happen during a KT-governed battle, or should it be restricted to downtime between these?
either I suppose (It could be a mission objective and "Initiate dialogue" is 1 APL), but mostly downtime.
>How reliant on GM intervention and adjustment for specifics and plausibility within context would you want the subsystem to be?
uhhh I don't know? I'm not sure what you mean - like, is dialogue open-ended vs branching tree?
>Are opposed rolls (and, implicitly, relevant NPC statistics) a necessity, or could a subsystem fit if it functions without these?
probably could fit without, but it would definitely feel more cohesive with.
>What scale of interactions would you want it to cover - person to person only, or perhaps groups/factions should factor as well?
person-to-person, maaaybe person-to-faction if they're low morale/weak willed/etc
>If it's detective work, some situations might happen to not be person to person - not directly, at least (clue interpretation, sources and archives)...
I'm fine with a system that sort of hand-waves that, or at least doesn't dive too deep as a subsystem - like how DnD Knowledge (bullshit) skills are just part of the skill system.
Thanks for the analysis anon. Just wish that the people behind those systems were on here so that they could use your advice to improve them.

BTW, I was looking through the archives and found the link below, you need permission to access it these days, but it's a Bionicle system called Kanohi & Cryoshell, which was apparently still in-progress last anyone paid attention to it, if you can get permission, I'd love to hear what you think please.

I'd suggest either Demon: the Descent or Deviant: the Renegades. Both will do it very well, and they're both great games, but they're both pretty different games. Both are in the same system/setting, which is Chronicles of Darkness. The second edition of the World of Darkness reboot.

Demon is a fusion of the occult and technology. You play a biomechanical demon that does all the demony things you'd epect but there is also a large technological bent to them. It's not a sci-fi game, it's a fantasy game in which part of their magic is the utilisation of technology. See this for a broader explanation of the game.

Deviant is very very flexible. It's broadly a take on horror superheroes one of the splats "Invasives" (AKA Cyborgs) who gain their abilities via inorganic implants. This can be a clasic robot-man, or you might have a magical gem in your forehead, something in between, or what have you. As well as all sorts of other characters types with similar explanations and your abilities can be tech related magic, magic related tech, etc.

See this for an overview of the game.

And see these for more specifics, the first one talks about how powers and drawbacks get combined and has a list of all of them, the second one talks about Telepathy and Concentration as a pair, and the last one talks about some of the other drawbacks to being a Deviant.

This is just a chunk of examples for the sorts of ideas you can make with Deviant

Although not mentioned in any of that is the Clade Companion which does have rules for playing things like a sentient machine, mass-produced androids, and other things that play into the concept.
my group recently closed a great campaign of sotdl. we're struggling through an ocean faring swashbuckling campaign using a hack-y 3d6 ruleset. anyone have better suggestions? 7th sea is ass, that mork borg thing is too.
if you stick to a d20 system and you feel like homebrewing something this is a good table to go from.
The system basically does what you said, but not with an opposed roll. You roll for skill weapon +/- modifiers with the opponent's weapon skill as a penalty to the roll as well + d20 and you look up the result in the table.

Otherwise if you have found a system to base this on like Warhammer fantasy just do that and port over all exploration/ration/hexcrawling etc rules from OSR games. They tend to be system agnostic and would work ok with any of the d100 games
Pirates of the spanish main (Savage worlds) would be my first recommendation.
Honor + Intrigue is a cool game about exactly ocean faring swashbuckling but history based and detached from the fantasy genre at large.

7th sea is as and Mork borg is a meme so yeah, you could definitely do better.
>Just wish that the people behind those systems were on here so that they could use your advice to improve them.
Judging from what admittedly limited experience i've had, it might be a rare trait. Few want to admit that their core assumptions and decisions were incorrect, and so the most seek to stifle everyone who tells them so instead.
>Pirates of the spanish main
having flashbacks to like 2004 and playing a constructible game called this
I assume they're unrelated?
What beneficial results of such interactions does your current vision include as of now? Should they be easily tied to existing KT mechanics (new equipment/abilities for characters as a result of trading, future battle adjustment as a result of information gathering etc.), or would something of a greater - or perhaps smaller - scope and greater abstraction not be out of place, too?
It would be either tied back to KT's narrative progression, with each player tracking a named specialist and an un-named generic warrior or two (in combat - outside, they're just the named specialist); or lead to the next mission, give a bonus on a specific mission or future dialog, bypass combat completely, etc. typical ttrpg stuff, I think.

>talk to guards to convince/scare them to let us through/leave their posts
>if successful, no combat and no alarms raised
>if not, enter combat

>in last mission, a bad guy was captured
>opposed rolls to extract info
>getting this info will give an extra Forward Scouting uses on a future combat mission
>or get the next lead to chase down


ideally, it'd have (and I know this is asking a lot) a way for people to play characters smarter than they are, while also having the flexibility for really smart players to be even more clever.
I want full on sex
You may not necessarily like this suggestion, but: consider the relevant moves (both basic and playbook-specific, if the basic ones aren't sufficient for what you'd like to see) from Apocalypse World; not some later PbtA game, but AW specifically. Why them? Because the moves themselves are not very involved math-wise, but they include the circumstances they work in and detail the possible consequence types, and the full book also has some designer insight behind the move-writing process.
I'll look into it, thanks.
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What system has the best options for playing as a full-on dragon?
Scion: Dragon
>if you can get permission, I'd love to hear what you think please.
Seems like the author has decided to open it to everyone now.

The doc itself? Seems too unfinished/undeveloped to make any decisive judgements, i'd say; very combat-focused again, like many others (although this time the game fetus barely even mentions anything outside of combat, but that should be excusable for an unborn entity, i suppose).
Nothing spectacular, nothing that stands out.

Ah well, the open gestalt is making noises again. When am i supposed to make a game, and what about, even?
i don't know desu but they probably are unrelated
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What systems work best for playing as gods or godlike beings? Especially if there’s stuff for creating entire worlds.
Why that particular system?
Yeah, that's sad. Well, the creator of that system is still working on it, so they might listen.

Oh, that's great. Yeah, like I said, it's still unfinished, hopefully the creator is motivated to work more on it, and you can offer some pre-emptive suggestions on what they should 'not' do, since I double-checked and the document is set up to allow that.
What's the best system for a Harry Potter campaign?
I've looked at different systems based on the theme I had in mind for the story, but I think it's best to go with what the party actually likes.

What options are good for a large, chaotic group addicted to combat and versatile classes? And that can be adapted to a classic medieval fantasy or sci-fi setting.
I love the concept of biomancy, using magic to reshape flesh and alter genetics, what system has the best options for that?
Bumping, please.
Does cyberspace need to function differently to the real world to any major extent?
Because it's good, finished, and only focused on dragons. I don't know another game that checks all three boxes.
Hi again, it's this anon again. I'm thinking I may try OSRIC, does anyone have any experience with it?
See >>93215308
Why would you link my post?
I think that he's suggesting the systems would be useful for playing as a biomancer, though from a quick skim, I think that they, especially Deviant, would be better for playing the 'victims' of one (unless he was thinking that the biomancer would be enhancing themselves, since that is an option for Deviant from what I read).
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Say you want to play a game with Yokai like Yuki-Onna, Kitsune, Oni, Tengu, etc., what's the best system for that?
Anything Tzimisce to reshape flesh and bone
GURPS Biotech is a cruncho and thorough approach (if you feel willing, you could adapt its main ideas to other sistems)
Thanks for the recommendations. If you can think of more, please let me know.
Are there any good systems for playing in the Magic: the Gathering multiverse besides that one thing for DnD?
>What systems have the best takes on necromancy and why?
AD&D, BX and 3.5 mostly because of a couple of specialist books.
>What systems work best for playing as gods or godlike beings?
God Bound and Worlds without number, despite their flaws they are very good at god like games.
Onmyoji bro, if you want to emulate the feel of the backstories of Onmyoji shikigami, I recommend checking out the upcoming Japanese TTRPG Kedamono Opera
It's not exactly yokai (it's unorthodox dark fairy tale) but it has the exact same feel and can be reskinned easily I think
When I said "Anything Tzimisce" I meant from Vampire the Masquerade, and derivatives.
You also have the Mage: The Ascension spheres
>despite their flaws they are very good at god like games.
And what 'are' these flaws?
>And what 'are' these flaws?
Some shitty presentations and hang ups like descending AC and some power sets.
I would love to hear more details on these books and how the systems handle necromancy please.
Very familiar with Werewolf the Apocalypse/Forsaken, but hoping someone can suggest an RPG to look into for werewolves that isn't that (doesn't have to be the main show, just, I can only do so much before branching out)

All I can find is pbta on google, and D&D3.5/pathfinder ones drown in racial HD
What system would be good for a modern fantasy game without the requirement to be secret like o/nWoD but with the flexibility of something like Hero System or GURPS?

Roleplaying Games and Supplements
Brooks, Deirdre, Bush, Zach and Melchor, Alejandro. Terra Verde (White Wolf ArtHaus, 2001). This electronically published supplement for Trinity includes expanded rules for the biokinesis power, which grants its possessor psionic shapeshifting.

Cerny, L. Lee and McDevitt, Bradley K. Nightlife, Third Edition (Stellar Games, 1992). A modern "hidden monsters" horror setting that predates White Wolf's World of Darkness by several years; it has a variety of shapeshifters and some interesting ideas and approaches for a campaign.

Catalyst Game Labs. Shadowrun 20th Anniversary Edition (Catalyst Game Labs, 2009). This post-Manaclysm cyberpunk world has its share of lycanthropes, all of whom appear to be hengeyokai.

Findley, Nigel. Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts (Wizards of the Coast, 1993). Supplement for the AD&D Second Edition campaign setting Ravenloft, outlining all manner of lycanthropes for that dark world.

Rein-Hagen, Mark et al. Werewolf: The Apocalypse (White Wolf, 2000). Two editions, innumerable supplements, and a short story collection (When Will You Rage?, edited by Stewart Wieck) make for a considerable resource and detail a range of were-creatures that might be unmatched in the field.

Stoltz, Greg and Tynes, John. Unknown Armies, Second Edition (Atlas Games, 2002). Very bizarre version of lycanthropes in this relentlessly humanocentric game.

Wujcik, Erick. Amber Diceless Role-Playing (Phage Press, 1991). Features a large section on shapechanging powers, their capabilities in the setting, and possible complications to throw at players in a campaign.
Also "Bite me" or "fangs", I think it was a "belonging outside belinging", which is a weird take of a bad explained PbtA, enough removed to be a new content.
There's also teh GURPS Werewolves: the Apocalypse wich is a retake of the setting in GURPS rules; you have contest of staring as a quick skill check. I wonder if that EVER got played X-D
Yeah, I had mentioned that I was familiar with werewolf the apocalypse, and D&D, but thank you for the other suggestions.

I'm not sure I'd call shadowrun's shapeshifters 'werewolves', though, they're animals who take (meta)human form. Though it is a very cool game, yes.
>some power sets.
Like what, and what do you mean by "shitty presentations"? Also, forgot to ask, what are the strengths of those systems?
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Are there any good systems with options for powers or magic related to the four seasons?
Thanks, I'll check it out, if you find something else that work please let me know.
Are there any good systems for playing as an alchemist? A FMA system would be cool, sure, but I'm thinking of something a bit different than that setting.
As much as I am loath to suggest it you might want to look into Changeling: the Lost. Its primary factions are the Seasonal Courts and they get magic related to it.
Shadow of the Demon Lord if you like horror and are happy to see PCs die, Shadow of the Weird Wizard if you aren't and would prefer death to be less of an occurrence.
Looking for a PBTA or otherwise genre-heavy system for something like Mass Effect or Star Trek? I'm looking at Uncharted Worlds and Impulse Drive already.
Say you want to play as something like a Dragonborn or Dracthyr, are there any non-D&D systems good for that?
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There's also Golden Sky Stories, in that game you can technically play yokai (or well henge as they're called) but the game has a wholesome tone so doesn't really fit the spooky and sad backstories of Onmyoji shikis. Not the kind of tales Aoandon would care about basically, whereas Kedamono Opera is geared for making precisely the kind of tales Aoandon would tell.

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