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Steve edition

Previous thread:>>93190194

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>Fluff(visions and BL)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Why are you still angry about brutal?
I’ve attained inner peace and no longer care
Face facts, lads. Nothing comes close to the Ultramarines in terms of paint scheme. A crisp Ultramarine paint job puts all other Legions in the shade.
eavy metal dogshit paintjob that doesnt belong in 30k
>Started the night being upset that my hazard stripes aren't coming out uniform
>Ended the night just being happy to have painted marines to play with
Is this freedom?
>edge highlighting makes nuMkIII look even worse
holy fuck it's so bad
Anyone got a pdf for the The Davstation of Tallarn Rulebook? I've been looking everywhere, but it just has not showed up unfortunately.
Yeah. It becomes a lot easier to live with a model when you remember how small it is and how far you're gonna usually be standing from it.
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i'm not
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Iron Hands FW scheme blows basic blue and white out of the water
That's exactly it, when I realized how far away from me the minis will be when on the table, it became easier to accept that my freehanded lines aren't going to be the same across each marine.
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>casual game with bro
>expect him not to be sweaty because it's casual
>my 20 man tactical squad w/ praetor tucked behind a solid wall with no line of site
>'well akshually i can see the tip of your praetor's sword poking out over the wall so I can shoot the whole squad with my 10 plasma cannons'
>grab praetor and snap his sword off
>'oops, I dropped my model and I didn't bring any glue, guess you don't have LoS anymore'
>He packs up and leaves becaue I 'don't want to play right'
I really have no patience for this faggotry. We've BOTH agreed to house rule that we don't count LoS for wires, antennas, and dangly bits like swords sticking out because that's fucking stupid, but EVERYTIME he gets a juicy shot like that he 'forgets' and acts like a waacfag.
This isn't 40k, you need to see the actual body/hull of the model you're shooting at, not antenna, banners or weapons. Tell your "friend" I think he's a dipshit.
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good job
picrel ultramarines by the painter who came up with that scheme
Never was, and think it's less of an issue than I estimated at the launch of 2.0. But my lists usually have a lot of models with 1 wound or no invulnerable save anyway, so Brutal doesn't really affect me at all.
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This is either a fake story or your autism is on another level and you're both retarded
>can just remind your friend of the house rule you established
>choose to rip off and damage your own models instead mid game like a psycho
>can just tell your 'bro' not to be such a sweat and remind him that you're both here to have fun
>can sit down and talk with your 'bro' about why things turned out the way they did and reach some kind of compromise like an adult
>chooses instead to complain about it here so that this either inevitably happens again or either of you decide it's not worth playing one another or playing heresy outright
I hope for your sake this is just a stupid made up story and that you both aren't literally THAT childish
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There's really no way to have an effective army without your mook squads of troops, is there? Not even a powerful army just one that functions.
I get that you can fuck around with the foc to not take them, but the game is still based around taking twenty pissant bodies alongside whatever else you're using and if you don't have those guys you're just going to lose to numbers.
2x 20x tacs with apothecaries or 3x 10x tacs in rhinos is a good baseline. or just run potl or whatever legion specific row and do whatever.
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>The edge highlight inside the shoulder pad
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why are anons so adverse to taking basic bolter bros? tacticals are fucking rad, and even if you don’t like them you get 3 flavours of “basic marine”, not including even special RoW’s that let you pick and choose whoever you want as the core of your army
>but the game is still based around taking twenty pissant bodies alongside whatever else you're using and if you don't have those guys you're just going to lose to numbers.
…no? custodes are one of the stronger army choices you can play in heresy and they don’t even go over 25 models for the entirety of their army most of the time. You could totally just run PotL and just take terminators as the core of your army and still be viable

seriously why is this such a common complaint I don’t understand
I don't get it either, love muh hordes of tactical marines.
I love them. But, seeing melee legions like WE, BA & EC, I could understand why they'd want to use something else
why would somebody so clearly innumerate be concerned with numbers
Right, but then you can just take assault squads or despoilers; options which are still fluff wise just tacticals with different wargear and slightly more training.

Most of these “rahhh I hate tacticals” posts are just bizarre cause there are so many ways to circumnavigate including them/other basic marines that I actually don’t understand why someone would even bring it up, outside of not knowing the rules or how list building works, but even then you have to know to an extent because why else would the person be complaining about tacticals and how they apparently “have” to bring them.
It's been a new trend in pro painter circles for a few years now. No idea why, because it looks ugly as sin. Maybe it sells well because most people are just like children, bright striking colours equals neuron activation.
Well you wouldn’t need to houserule that since it’s literally already in the rules.
Your ”friend” is not only a sweaty WAACfag but a cheater aswell.
No, you take 20 man tac squads in every slot.
I realize this is probably a points issue, but you should get those Centurions some Greatswords.
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>Allegiance: Dark Angels
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Where are they, GW.
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New pads have an edge there.
Yes another reason why I dislike nu-mk3. But tell me, do you spot an edge inside the round part too?
>bright striking colours equals neuron activation.
Yes berries in the wild full of antioxidants
>do you spot an edge inside the round part too?
If I take my glasses off and squint a bit, I can see it.
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deploy phosphex to all population density centers
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Have there been any artwork of the various non-imperial forces that were fought before the Heresy broke out?
I'd love to try my hand at sculpting something fun for a display board, of a small group of marines defeating a larger/more dangerous foe.
Megarachnids could be a fun project that hasn't been done much (pic related)
Slaugth are a common sculpting project and are fairly easy to convert up with a handful of different artwork examples
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Hrud. I'd use skaven plague monks as a base, kroot rifle maybe.
Holy shit it actually happened. Last game, my Effrit squad came in from Outflank Assault, blasted a SW stalker squad with their shotguns, concussive procced, they successfully charged, and carved up the entire stalker squad with power daggers before they could strike back. Okay, Exodus did snipe the apothecary before all that, but still, it was glorious.
Hello lads, new project incoming for the summer; a knight lancer. Now question is, which is the coolest knight house?
I think it looks good on mk3, mk4 is decent too. But mk6 UM look like shit, there's nowhere to put gold aside from the pauldron rivets and it looks bad when it's just that
Anyone able to help me get an audiobook for Pharos? The fluff mega Folder link seems to be dead.
Traitor or loyalist?
I have 4 armies, WB, WE and UM, SA so I don't care, whatever looks best
Because it has not been released yet, ffs
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Melted down to make more Smegcast.
Doing a traitor no RoW Ultramarine army allied detachment with Warrior Elite + Legacy of Great Crusade Militia list (the two forces having served together during the Crusade, and the Militia scrambling to take part in one last 'glorious' crusade like in days of old once their old Legion allies declared for Horus).

Got 50 grenadiers and a compulsory Ultramarine troop choice, but wanting 20 more legionaries. How should I take them? 20 Despoilers split between two land raiders? 20 despoilers inside a single Spartan? Two Inductii squads in rhinos (2 plas guns in each)? 20 assault marines? Actual list strength isn't too much of a concern, just want to take something that 'feels' heresy after playing lots of dreadnaught and two wound/WS 5 heavy lists.
>>Thread question:
>Why are you still angry about brutal?
Because it's still undercosted as hell while also being an immence power boost to anything when you give it this monstruosity of a rule. It especially becomes obsene when you slap it on str8+ ap2 weapons.
Also because I love fielding primarchs and I dislike the power gap this single rule create between them that is also not reflected in their points. Compare Lion to Russ or Vulkan to Ferrus and you get the idea.
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>Thread question
Honestly I'm not. When the edition started anD my LGS did a little escalation league, there were many Iron Warrior and Alpha Legion fags spamming it via thunder hammers and stolen Fulmentarus which made the game unbearable. Once my main group away from that store began heresy also, quickly realized it was mostly an issue of 40k kids trying to maximize the effectiveness of everything and min-maxing the fun out of the game. The rule is fine, it exists to deal with the new cav, terminators and Dreadnaughts statlines, is wasted against tactical marines and their sidegrades, and only gets annoying when used against veteran equivalent models. Now days I only take enough brutal in my list to kill dreadnaughts or the odd javelin, if any.

You know what is infuriating? HH1 Grognards at events or gamestores who seemingly refuse to read the rule-book. It's actually infuriating how often the other player who say things like "my searchlights are off this turn" and then you need to feel like the asshole explaining to them it doesn't work like that.


(And your primarch no longer has an orbital strike).
Fucking kek
Holy shit those really are just Tyranids.
With knights you've got so much freedom it's unreal. Have a look through the Adeptus Titanicus traitor and loyalist books to see what takes your fancy. There's a little fluff blurb on each one too
>Badly balanced
An unparalleled damage boost without any form of couter mechanic, condition to trigger or ways to limit its use.
> poorly distributed
Vulkan or dynat's hammer not getting brutal
Titans and knights weapons not having brutal
> undercosted
Brutal shouldn't cost +5 pts especially on a power fist profile weapon.
Cause it doesn't work on vehicles
Leaning more towards spiders with swords for arms
so nids with more legs
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Working on the base
Are the books on the mega or is it down?
That knight is hilarious
Because my Primarch doesn't have it.
Not a clue, I bought the traitor one last year
Hear me out, mkvi ultramarines with gold pauldrons and helmets
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>No Death Guard stuff in stock
>Suddenly get a urge to build a Luna Wolf army.
What do?
Luna Wolves are based. The only loyalist traitor army I can fuck with apart from people who play War Hounds.
I have been reading online that HH 2.0 miniatures' heads are smaller than firstborn scale mk3/4. Do the new heads look bad on firstborn torsos? Does anyone have a side by side comparison? Google searches have given me a good idea of the size difference (the iron warriors picture), I just wanted to make sure that where I can use the new helmets. Any photos of just the heads really next to each other would help tremendously Thank you in advance.
What are firstborn?
No Emperor's Children or Death Guard? Personally, I fuck with all Istvaan 3 loyalists
It's best to experiment with the various kits and see what works for you. A good rule of thumb around here is that the helmet shouldn't fit up your pee hole. Test that out and see whether the older kits or new ones are workable
Off the top of my head, there's pic related with new MkIII with two new MkIII heads, a new MkII head, and an old MkIII head. The new marine models aren't that different from old marines, so if you stick to one head size, they'll work either way. Mixing the two makes the size difference more noticeable.
I still don't understand why they redesigned MKIII like that, nu MKIII literally only looks good on Death Guard. At least they still sell the old kits In resin, at a huge markup
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I appreciate the attempt and some designs similar to old models and art, but they fucked it. Everything looks way too round and curvy. Even the backpack looks like it was fed whole uranium and it put on 40 pounds. And what's with every armour having MkVII arms now? Why did they even give the MkVI the FW MkIV style elbow pads when all the upgrades even in the kit itself comes? Ever notice the store images doesn't have the MkVI sergeant with the power fist? Because if they did it, people would see that the fist has a different elbow pad design to the pistol arm.
Head and colors give me Zaku vibes, very cool
Does the knight look too rusty? I don't want it to look like an ancient artifact but a fire blackened wrecked
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>"Listen here, you little shit."
That reads to me as dirt, not rust. It looks like the knight has been dredged up from underground
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not primaris marines
Oh, yeah, those guys.
Anons i come back with reports of my success with the Sorcerer cabal build for Tsons.
It was fucking hilarious.

Its a big point sink but it can shit out damage and it really catches people off guard because they dont expect it.
Played a friend who was using the Ork fan made rules And it brutalized him. In 2 turns it wiped out a a 5 man squad of Mek Guns, a 4 man squad of mek guns, and a 30man blob of boyz in over watch alone.

Super fun, and it just shat out rending hits like it was nothing.
>Built all 4 squads of tactical marines from AoD with legion upgrade helmets
>Only managed to get 2 rhinos before they went out of stock
>Now don't want to use 20 of these guys
Fuck me.
need plastic mk2
I feel your pain, I have 40 tacticals, 20 despoilers, and 10 tactical supports but only 2 Rhinos. Hopefully there's a restock in August after the sigmar stuff is fully dumped.
Take the Mars pill.
Do 3rd party stores not have any where you live?
Elementgames has a bunch of them
Yea, and blue rivets on the pad.
The only 3rd party supplier I know of online for the US doesn't have any, and my LGS is out of stock.
I'm not. I really don't understand why people can't get in their heads that TH and dreadnought melee weapons are meant to hit like a truck.
People here seem outraged that you throw TH terminators against TH terminators and they kill each other pretty quickly instead of getting perpetually locked in melee for the rest of the game, as if that's so much better...
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Not in the US, they're either out of stock or for exorbitant prices.
just buy a predator
for some reason that zorp guy was making heresy cultists using skaven from the the new aos box.
the pred kit is missing this frame for the rhino
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Plastic MkII despoiler kit.
that sucks lmao
You know which predator kit isn't missing it?
mkII needs its time in the sun, though I guess it doesn't have legion-wide appeal seeing as it is directly associated With only WE, WS and maybe IW aesthetics.
it has more legion-wide appeal than the abortion they call nu mk3
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>associated with only WE, WS and IW
I guess WB at a push, Ashen Circle seems borderline mkIII though.
The Salamanders also had a healthy supply of mark two.
IW, Wut?

You missed TS, SW, and WE, who all have upgrade sets or special models specifically for MkII.
Thank you, sirs
>IW, Wut?
most of the fw art of IW are in mk2
at that point just buy a razorback and save 15 dollars
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>IW, Wut?
Not only is there plenty of art of IW in MkII, but both GW and FW upgrade kits for them were centered around MkIIs.
>Exact same 5 poses as mk IV and nu-mk III
>No bayonets in the kit at all
>No pistols
>Not even a single melee weapon for the sergeant, because those will be in the still to be announced plasric melee weapon kits
>New head and shoulderpad attachment that makes them incompatible with legion upgrade sets
>a large box of ten
if they look like the new mk2 that white scars juggalo got, id still buy 20 of them anyway.
anon the FW books pretty much always feature at least one image of each legion in mkII, it doesn't mean there are kits or that the armour is particularly associated with that legion. For TS achaean pattern is built for mark IV and for SW the legion specifics are in mkIII. Also I literally said WE, who are the most obvious because of rampagers and the visor similarities with the helmets.
the funny thing is that those recesses force people to highlight twice for each band rather than once on the old flared style.
oink oink
>white scars juggalo got
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It's a slow day so here's some safe confirmation on upcoming valdor and/or whatever the flamer variant is called. The hull floor plate has brackets that match the spot for the big gun that aren't relevant to the dracosan or malcador builds. The question is when will it be released, and will the flamer version come with the cute fuel trailer?
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You can attach anything you want!
They absolutely are going to be the same copy pasted poses but the accessory sprue is also absolutely going to be the same one the other 2 types get. Box of 20 seems to be what they are going for now a days
I built some SA tanks earlier this week and I have to say they are my favorite vehicles in my collection. Straightforward build, excellent detail, very crisp looking. Highly recommend to anyone thinking about taking the leap.

Nice, good to hear.
i hope they give them different bolters than the stupid nu mk3 bolters
I mean... they are even copy pasting the poses. I'd be surprised if a nuMkII kit is not the same nuMkIII but without the extra armour plates.
At least without the forarm extra armour they would have space for some bayonets or something
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Alright, come up with this since it involves models I already own (will just need to paint up 10 new tac bodies). Ended up going with recon RoW. Supposed to feel like mostly nameless generic legionaries and their allies who served alongside them in the Great Crusade. Does this list sound fun and actually playable, or total grief?

Imperalis Militia main detachment
>Force Commander, Charnable sabre
>(Warrior elite (Grenadiers as compulsory troops) and Legacy of the great crusade (Grenadiers go to bs 4)

>Grenadier x 10, Plasma + Grenade launcher
>Grenadier x 10, Plasma + Grenade launcher
>Grenadier x 10, Plasma + Grenade launcher
>Grenadier x 20, Plasma + Plasma (Force commander sits in here)

>Leman Russ, Vanquisher + Lascannon + Searchlight)
>Leman Russ, Vanquisher + Lascannon + Searchlight)
>Leman Russ, Vanquisher + Lascannon + Searchlight)

Ultramarine allied detachment
>Preator, Warhawk jump pack + Paragon blade + Thunder hammer
>(Recon Company ROW)

>Contemptor Dreadnaught, Chainfist + power fist, plasma blaster + meltagun

>Reconnaissance marines x 6, 6 x nemesis bolters + auspex scanner
>Tactical Marines x 20, Artificer + power weapon + chain bayonets (These go in a spartan)
>Inductii x10, 2 x Plasma guns
>Inductii x10, 2 x Plasma guns

>Loctarus Stormsquad x 10, thunder-hammer on leader (Preator unit)

>Land Raider Spartan, Flareshield + Centerline Lascannon + multimelta

Comes out to 3k exactly. If you would change it to work a little better, what would you swap and add?
Pic semi-related, some of my dudes
>The transfers being half raised
I swear to god I've fixed them since, no bully please
bayonets are already on the shared upgrade sprue with the sergeant weapons, crest, vexilla, nuncio-vox, grenades etc, so any future tactical squad kits are gonna include them. still pretty weird to me that sprue doesn't come with a bolt pistol and chainsword.
Link doesn't work anymore need new one
fuck off
I honestly think every list should be forced to take at least 1 mandatory 20 man tactical squad. It’s fun to just have a squad that your cooler dudes can just lay into and slaughter with ease. I always love letting my opponent fight one of my 20 man blobs.
Besides flavor is there much of a point of an axe of perdition over a power fist? You're exchanging S8 for brutal 2, so it's still effectively instant death for marines since having more than three wounds is pretty uncommon. It's a bit cheaper and looks different but it's effectively the same thing until you start fighting dreads or tanks.
I'm not complaining I'm just thinking about what to give to my guys since I don't have many of either bits.
Looks fun to play with and against, though be warned your militia has a glass jaw and you may find yourself in some miserable games just because your opponent took first turn and glanced your russes to death
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>it just shat out rending hits like it was nothing.
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Would it be worth equipping half of a Veletaris storm axe unit with volkite chargers instead as a way to deal with the one turn of standing around when coming out of a dracosan?
>reduce the total cost of the unit
>lets you do a turn of shooting before you charge in
>when you get shot at, you can just remove the volkite charger dudes to still have storm axe dudes
Seems like a worthwhile attempt to deal with no assault vehicle
Instead of bonus rules for dragging along solar auxilia, blackshields should get rules for dragging along militia.
just put the dracosan in between them and the enemy?
>putting 2 inches of vehicle in front of your dudes
>enemy is likely playing marines, meaning they’re gonna move back 7”
>turn of charge you move the vehicle and step forward but because of slower movement + vehicle gap you’ll likely have an extra 3” tagged onto the charge you already had to make
No no not like this mkII bros...
The chad 3d designers already made mk2

take two units, two Dracosans
Recon detachment can hopefully help alleviate the first turn thing, otherwise the 3 separate squadrons means they can hide behind cover (and even one behind the spartan, if push comes to shove)
But YIPPIE glad to hear the list sounds fun to play against. I will start painting some more tac bodies in time for a game next week
age of darkness mega box, HHG, is it still the biggest model count bang for your buck box set warhammer has?

it has SOOOO many beakies, it has a tank, and a dreadnought, and even terminators and two HQ dudes. it seems to be like, the ONLY box of warhammer GW even sell that is an entire army in a box, and a GOOD one.

54 dudes.

meanwhile the solar auxilia set apparently only has 20 dudes, a tanks and sentinel, and 5 command squad dudes. lame.
biggest box set there is, yea?

54 plastic miniatures, each supplied with the appropriate Citadel bases:
– Praetor with Power Axe
– Praetor with Power Sword
– 10 Cataphractii Terminators
– 40 MKVI Legion Tactical Marines
– Contemptor Dreadnought
– Spartan Assault Tank
Let us know how it goes. Always rooting for militia.
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Pretty much yeah, but that was/is $300. The only thing that comes close to that in value was the Indomitus Box for the start of 9th ed 40k, which had 100% new sculpts.
Space Marines got:
- Captain with Relic Shield
- Bladeguard Lieutenant
- Chaplain
- Bladeguard Ancient
- Judiciar
- 3 Bladeguard Vets
- 3 Outriders (bikes)
- 3 Eradicators (heavy melta rifles)
- 10 Assault Intercessors
And then the Necron side:
- Overlord
- Royal Warden
- Plasmancer
- 2 Cryptotralls
- Skorpekh Lord
- 3 Skorpekh Destroyers
- Plasmacyte
- Canoptek Reanimator
- 6 Scarab Swarm bases
- 20 Necron Warriors

All in all, 60 models for $160.
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I just finished the first three Heresy books, First Heretic, Know no Fear, and Betrayer.

Any other books worth reading? Extremely partial toward WE stuff and First Heretic and Betrayer were my favorites followed by Horus Rising
damn. so it really is just the AoD box. since you buy the ONE box, and you have AN army, which can be split into two sides.

I miss battletboxes, but even those were fairly crap. hq choice, 2 troops (barely, sometimes) and like, A support.

I was hoping the AoD box was a sign of things to come and all new boxes would be 'mega' boxes so you enocurage people to get them in sets of boxes so they can have 'an army' of many factions, instead of sinking thousands into just ONE army.
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AOD and Indomitus were only good deals because they were meant to sell the new editions of their respective games. Particularly AOD because it was the first wave of dedicated plastic for HH.
Incidentally, the Leviathan Box used to kick off 10th ed had 72 minis and yet is largely regarded as a failure. Mostly because 10th ed was god-awful at launch and they were asking $250 for it. Granted it has more big models than Indomitus, but no one really plays those ones.
I mean, AoD is somewhat more or less a 'start of the edition' box. Those are also typically best value unless you play Custodes or some shit. Whereas the battle groups like with the Mk3, SA, and Mechanicum boxes are bundles for simultaneous plastic releases.
>following tutorial for EC paint scheme
>”dry brush light blue on lightly for highlights after you’ve done your purples and then shade it with druchii violet”
>should tint the blue into purple and make a nice highlight
>do as instructed
>apply the druchii violet
>blue does not get tinted
It’s just a test model so not the end of the world but I feel silly, especially since the purple looked kind of nice enough already before the blue anyway. Hopefully a second application of shading can save this
Declare a trial by combat to reclaim your honor
Who do I duel though?
The tutorial creator
Bro is already fighting the algorithm with most of his content, it’d be dishonourable to gank someone who’s mid fight

Also I do think it’s mostly my fault honestly, maybe I just dry brushed too hard or too much or something
so i buy the AoD box, right. and... that's it? or do I need supplementary books and cards and crap?
You need whichever army book for the faction you decide to play, as in the traitor army book or the loyalist army book if you play marines.
To add on >>93216169 you also need like more minis
It will be in the (new edition?) boxset of SL vs IW, calling it now.
NEW EDITION? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1yzHjgiS14
Depending on how you build or repurpose the infantry, it can be anywhere from a third to half an army (a full one is 3000pts), but it's enough for Zone Mortalis. The game will require some creative liberties with kitbashing, having to buy upgrade sprues, or 3D printing parts to represent other units. So, those 40 Tactical Marines could be Heavy or Tactical Support Squads, Despoilers, Recons, Seekers, Inductii, Veterans, etc. The Cataphractii termies could represent generic or unique ones, and one of the Praetors you don't use could be reused for another HQ. It's a bit more hobby-focused since there aren't always dedicated plastic or resin kits to fill the gaps, and there's a ton of options.

It does come with the core rulebook, but you'll also need one of the Liber books to play your chosen given legion. Contents of rulebooks are typically hosted elsewhere as well.
not if I paint them all up as dark angels. then they can be loyalists AND traitors depending on the match
which means i get both loyalist and traitor books too.
Think he meant chain bayonets, those are missing in the nu-mk3 kit.
>will the flamer version come with the cute fuel trailer?
It better or there'll be hell to pay.
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Here's my go to reading order:

Horus Rising
False Gods
Galaxy in Flames
Flight of the Eisenstein
The First Heretic
Know No Fear
Fear To Tread
Prospero Burns
A Thousand Sons
Angel Exterminatus
Master of Mankind
Vengeful Spirit
Path of Heaven
Praetorian of Dorn
Slaves to Darkness
There's this story arc in the Heresy that's about the Ultramarines, Blood Angels and Dark Angels, but I think it sucks and is skippable. If you really wanna know what those legions did during the heresy you can add these books to the list:

Vulkan Lives
Unremembered Empire
Angels of Caliban
>will the flamer version come with the cute fuel trailer?
I don't see why not, the LI version does


both the Valdor and Infernus are currently out of stock
No, you can play loyalist legions as traitors or traitor legions as loyalists using either book, they are just divided up along the traditional loyalist legions and traitor legions.
So you just need the loyalist liber if you want to play DA as traitors.
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Idea came up, here's a shitty edit of it.
I threw nerf darts at the screen at picking an inductii
>AOD and Indomitus were only good deals because they were meant to sell the new editions of their respective games.
AOD is the introductory box for HH, they still sell it. Indomitus was the same FOMO bullshit they pull every edition now with 40k. It's a very limited run and then they sell you half the contents with a couple buildings for the same price.
On the topic of this, which legion has the most scared inductii?
I would say NL, since they are literally cowardly gangbangers.
>run away instead of hunkering down
>probably get told that they’re potentially the last of their kind and that all of their brothers before them were killed brutally by former allies
>legion focused entirely around ambushes and surprise tactics getting forced into normal engagements
based on rules? IF

Probably the ones with less gene seed flaws, time for hypno-indoctrination, funny kool-aid, or other brainwashing shenanigans to numb them. The theatre fought in may also be relevant.

>DA inductii are carried by Volkite, but they're probably decently trained
>NL inductii are nutjobs who could very well go either way
>Want to say TS by virtue of hoping they don't blow themselves up (and possibly seeing his brothers mutate)
>AL when they fuck up their first ruse royally
They aren’t running away, it’s a ”tactical retreat”.
It's okay, his Sergeant is a veteran :)
Does anyone have the last campaign book pdf please?
I fucked up and forgot to download it from the mega...
>mystery army
Which army? Demons?
Already out. They teased them by writing that they were non-mortals and never had rules when the article released last year but then they removed that part shortly after leading to a lot of confusion. By now there are already 2 confirmed updated non-marine armies.
My thoughts as well. Mechanicum and SA is already out so what mystery army remains??
None, the winter 2023 mystery army is SA.
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Blackshield praetor done. My warband isn't actually run by a praetor so this is just some dead killy guy that got some sweet drops off one of the mid bosses.
Anyone played any games recently ?

I played my first game in a while with a mate, didn't get to finish as I had to pick up my GF cos northern rail are fucking usless

So we're planning a rematch next week

>Using Maru Saka for the first time
>My Leviathan breaking the new model curse and surviving past turn 1
>Phoenix Weapons are great land speeder killers

I'll post some pics and take more with the game next week
I thought it was pretty amazing, felt like it was the first time since the start of hh2.0 that my HQs were actually wizards. Only down side is it takes SO many points to do it and you sink all your HQs into that unit.
What's the combo?
Nah, nothing comes close to Betrayal at calth box. To this day i think that was the best value box GW ever put out.
- Termi character
- Power armor character
- Dread naught
- 30 mk4 tacticals
- 5 cataphractii
And it clocked in at 150 bucks. At the time, at that price IIRC it came out to you basically getting 2 characters, a dread, and i think a tactical squad for free at that print.
Because tacs at the time were like 50 or 45 bucks, for 10, and terminators were 55.
It didn't come with a HH rulebook, the dreadnought was depressing, and the box was released under the guise of a fake board game, so you can't argue "nothing comes close" because it was a confusing mess and not a good entry for new players.
- Ammitara Occult Intercession squad as many in that unit as you like
- Apothecary attached to the squad pavoni
- Tech marine attached (Optional.)
- Preator in tartar sauce armor, pavoni, combi volkite, telepathy. with master of prospero for a 3d6 drop the highest for casting powers.
- 2x Esoterests in tartar sauce armor with a power sword, and a force sword

Cast Pavoni to get that squad moving 10 inches a movement.
At the start of every turn you cast the mind killer power with the ammitara cult which makes all range weapons have ignore cover and rending 4+, if the weapon does not already have rending.
The esoterests have a psyker weapon called void darts thats and assault 12 S5 AP4, Deflagrate. So you can shit out 24 S5AP4 shots that hit on 2, wound T4 on 3, but are rending on 4+ and then can cause more rending wounds on the Deflagrate.
You also have the Tech marine and the Apoth shooting a combi Volkite as well for some extra memes

Then in melee the esoterests can charge their swords and swing at S8 AP3 rending 6+ at I5, so anything short of Custodes or terminators they are going to rip apart.

I was test rolling against things like a leviathan. Consistently the shooting was doing over 10 wounds each shooting. The onlything that cucks it is Sv4++ it does on average like 7 wounds then.
>it was a confusing mess and not a good entry for new players.
To be fair, no one played the boxed game, it was the best point of entry for anyone wanting to get into the game, both HH or Normal 40k.
If we are talking pure value, aside from the AoD box, BaC was the best value you could get. Even with the disappointing dread. it was the only way to get a contemptor in plastic at the time, and it was Mk4 in plastic, AND cataphractii in plastic.

So sure it did not come with a HH rule book, it just came with models that were half the cost of what FW was asking for.
Sallies are probably the single least scared inductii, they get pseudo master crafted relic weapons, have a highly skilled veteran as a sergeant, and have the whole promethian cult thing about self sacrifice, dying nobly and martyrdom drilled into them.
Fuel trailers are very cute ngl
>If we are talking pure value, aside from the AoD box, BaC was the best value you could get.
So yes, that would make BaC not the best value. We agree
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Yes anon we do agree.
Aside from AoD, which is the best buy they have , BoC was the best. in terms of pure value of shit you got from it.
It was pretty fucking amazing, and because of how the rule is worded the rending 4+ effect lasts the full turn, not just the player turn, but the full turn. So even in over watch and return fire, its magic mind bullet times.
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I don't know what kind of adult you have around you, but in my country, matters of honor often result in someone getting stabbed or at least beaten. The whole "and resolved it lik adults" in my world means "and they sent a 12 year old with acid or a gun to finish the dude of, because under 13y olds can't go to prison"
DA had a ton of MKII and used them for their Despoiler and veteran formations.
its only a short story in an anthology but tales of heresy has core WE fluff in it
That's a neat looking Praetor, where'd you get the sword?
Average Cthonian experience
Are you from the middle east or something?
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I kinda saved it by doing an additional 2 coats of the druchii violet but it made the whole model super dark as a result, and that in combination with my shitty dry brushing + vallejo metallic being super weird and liquids has lead to this monstrosity

Will make sure to buy a better dry brush and use AK metallics instead.
Sounds a lot more like latin america
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>We've BOTH agreed to house rule
You don't have to house rule things that are already in the rules, anon
What’s the torso from?
looks like a deathwing companion
Those initial plastic infantry also set up the prime era for FW legion-specific torsos, helmets, and shoulderpads. Armies had a lot of variety and character
Yep which is why i loved that style of marine, and i fucking HATE the new style of marine they suck ass because nothing is modular anymore.
The Nu Mk3 and Mk6 armors and upgrades are 100% a step backwards in terms for the customer, its great for GW, but shitty for the customer.
I hope they give you a new oath that lets you run all your HQs
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RIP 6th edition apoc. Pic related was 600 bucks Canadian. I always wanted one. The box was so big they couldn’t fit it on the shelves at the GW store.

Now google “Da Goff Guard.”
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>Wants to play horus heresy
>A game set in a galactic civil war between legions that clash with masses of infantry and tanks
>A setting where dozens of marines beat each other to bloody pulps over smaller objectives
>does not want to play masses of infantry

have you tried playing zone mortalis yet
>Armies had a lot of character after BaC
I wouldn't say that, everyone did basically the same with that kit, threw another cannon on the monopose contemptor and ran the 3 mark IV squads while you saw those characters in absolutely every army, even being common now. They were great sculpts but there certainly wasn't any more variety to arms because of the box, before that box many people had full beaky or mark V tacticals and after no one did.
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>Where are you going to get acid, ese. From the cleaning liquids under the sink? Like some woman??
See that's the average Latin American response. Same with guns,l. Farmers have hunting rifles and shotguns because there's no law in the bush, we don't have a 2nd amendment.
...we do all have a machete, though.
oh fuck yeah! I remember that, the space marine company box. Fuck i miss when GW would do fun and cool boxes like this.
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Rember 10 Leman Russes in a box?
I rember.

Oh fuck dude....i miss when GW had soul like his.
I'm guessing it's to try and stop 3rd party torso bits, but in the long run, it doesn't. The new Indomitus termies have 30k and chapter specific bits on shapeways. Best case, you make the 3rd party modelers do more work, worst case you drive sales to 3rd party models/cheap recasters for people who care about the modeling aspect of the hobby, which are usually the folks that stick around.

I find it really annoying because the old legs and torsos still had like 3-5 poses, but the minor variations you got from assembling them added enough visual differences so it didn't look like the copy/pasted army you get with the set leg/torso poses.
>Comparing ‘matters of honor’ to a tabletop game against a friend
So this is the power of autism. Also typically when people say “like adults”, it usually entails settling something in a civilised and mature manner, as opposed to acting childish and immature, in this case breaking models and storming off instead of talking it out with your homie.

What is it with people who come from supposedly hard done places who try so desperately to grandstand about how hard done said place is?
They are currently in a legal dispute with the Dakkadakka store over their latest kickstarter which was specifically HH-themed btw.
I actually really like that outcome for the armor color, even if it's not the usual for EC.
Quick question since I don't have the book on hand:
If a unit has a Storm Eagle as a DT, it has to deploy in it...meaning it cannot also begin the game on the board, since flyers MUST come from reserves?
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>Irish tabletop scene
>Solve it like adults
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Thanks anon, I wish I could say the same but it’s far too dark for my taste, since the recipe I was following was supposed to give me something akin to pic related
>even if it's not the usual for EC.
I’d do the usual EC if I had an airbrush, but I unfortunately don’t, and this is the only brush tutorial I could find for the EC that I liked
>HH sells 20 man squads of infantry
>doesn't sell 3 vehicle squadron boxes
I hope James chokes on someone else's vomit.
We truly used to be a tabletop game
It’s a coping mechanism; when everything is fucking awful around you, pride in being able to survive in that climate is part of what keeps you going. As a general rule, you shouldn’t tell the people who do this that this is what it is, it’s likely to get you stabbed or beat up.
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I dunno man. I really enjoy the modularity. Sad WIP example, I know, but look past the unfinished paint job and undrilled barrels
>Got into 40k at the time thanks to somebody selling the battle company in a box to me for dirt cheap
Man, I miss those days... Everybody was playing entirely unoptimised, but dammit did we have fun.
The internet (netlisting for min/maxing) and tourneyfaggotry ruined 40k.
Like manythings the internet ruined it by giving everyone ease of access to information and revealing the way to cheese the game.
All those models could still be run in 40k, albeit in 32mm bases. And comes out to just under 2500 points.
I'd play a soulful game against that.
>It's tourney's fault
You can come up with this stuff on your own if you can count. I mean look at >>93218340. Anon came up with it in a thread.
Single handedly proved TS are not only viable, but need further nerfing >:^)
Looks kinda synthwave. I like it
The kickstarter stuff looks pretty infringe-y but GW keeps raising prices, cutting quality of life, and their logistics are garbage, so I don't feel sorry for them.
Anon that kinda proves my point though, I, 1 person, came up with this bullshit, before the age of the internet and spreading it around, that bubkis would have been limited to myself, and maybe a handful of other people. It would not have spread across the globe like it can now with such ease.

The fact is most players in the game are completely stupid and or uncreative so they wont come up with the bullshit cheese or builds that you can come up with via the rules. But with the advent of the internet and social media allowing people to converse and share informaiton so rapidly and widly, the cheese gets spread through out the hobby like a wild fire.
Thats the point.

If i never mentioned that build, how many people do you think would have figured it out themselves vs how many never would have thought of it.
True, it's baffling how many people seem to have no thought of their own and just copy lists/units considered strong on the internet (and proceed to still lose against competent players because they don't actually know how to use them)
Which is why i said the internet ruined a lot of hobbies like this. I greatly miss the days of just bring all comer lists that kinda had a bit of everything that just sorta worked.
Maybe I wouldn't, seeing how I never use characters let alone psykers let alone Esoterists. Idk it's not really my style
It has also made people a lot less social. People used to have to go to the lgs and talk to others, and see if somebody else wants to play right there. Now? If you don't arrange a game ahead of time through the appropiate social media platforms, nobody shows up. Most players now arrive at the agreed time, only talk to their opponent, and then head home after the game concluded. Dunno if this is the same everywhere. Communities just don't develop naturally anymore, even if there is a decent pool of players. It's quite weird to see.
People also did nto play armies close to their chest like they do now. I remember a time when you used to have to ask peple "Hey are you ok if i run FW shit?" or you would let them know "Hey im bringing 2 land raiders so make sure you have something to deal with that."
yeah they were clearly better than what we have now, probably because as a lone box they wanted it to stretch as much as possible to cover all bases, whereas now they are content to pump out three boxes of the same unit and waste their own and everyone's time when very easy decisions could be taken to make a better product. Honestly the lone defence GW has is that absolutely everything is the same level of shittiness in the world right now.
Fuck me, that’s exactly it. I used to just show up to the local GW with an army and wait to see if someone else wanted to play a game. I had a few pieces of cool FW stuff but I’d always ask if they were good with me using it. No one ever had an issue with losing or winning, it was just about getting together and playing make believe with toy soldiers.

The internet turning everything into a competitive “sport” and online game culturing ensuring that if you aren’t the best you should feel like shit has ruined life.
yeeepep thats exactly why, it was actually really cool we had a GW store where we were doing multiple games at once for some event. And one of the tables offhandedly made a comment. "Holy shit the basilisks has range of like...the store.." At which point the store owner said "Tell you what if they can make a LD check, ill let you lob shells over at the other table on a 3d6 scatter."
And both tables looked at each other and said "Fuck yeah!"
I'm glad the IF have an identity at least in 30k: Saxons. It is different than the later Black Templars, who are the Crusades' knights (and certainly not Teutonic Knights, as that fits DA better)
Anyone got any bits they could reccomend to make a chain hammer? Want to do a fun thunder hammer convertion
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Exactly this. I'm one of the organizers in my local scene and it just seems impossible sometimes to get away from those 'tinder-date' style warhammer games. Also the proliferation of game systems has not helped. Most people own armies/warbands for multiple systems. Which one to bring is a big problem even if a community can somehow manage the internet hookups to go away.
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This but with chainsword bits instead of the raptor winglets I used?
>Chainblade on a pole
I'm sorry, how is that not a chainaxe? If only there were hammer bits with a flat face you could add circular saws to
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could use one of the nob weapons
Nice chainaxe
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Find one of the assault centurion drill bits, cut the bottom one off, use it to replace the strike face of a thunder hammer.
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Something like this.
Your Prosperan Spireguard, sirs.
>Sanakht looks like this
Dude has a question mark tattooed on his face. What the hell?
maybe an ork would call that slab of steel an 'axe'
I hate that Imperial Army is just the Solar Auxilia now. The Imperial Guard has more diversity than the Imperial Army. Couldn't they just make up another Prospero regiment for the SA models? Like how the SW Kaerls or Ultramar Auxilia encompasses the entirety of the human forces, but itself is divided into different sub-sections. Like the Aetguard, who are in charge of protecting the Fang. Call them Prosperan Dragoons or something and have them be like the elite expeditionary force troops sent out with TS.
been a while since I read it but I'm sure the spireguard wore blue or some different scheme to the legion
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Seem to recall them being described as wearing a read coat and a silver helmet. Always made me think pic related.

Like the thread art. When you're going out alone fighting tyranny and then you have surprise demon friends... it's a good feeling.
He's a duellist, and a diviner. He has seen the future: enemies see his weird tattoo and are thrown off balance.
He wanted to get a tattoo that said "Nice cock bro" but Amon forbid it

I hate how they keep making Auxilia cohorts who are just sidekicks to space marine legions.

I'm doing a traitor Theta-Garmon "cohort" (they were never properly an Auxilia cohort but I wouldn't expect someone who hasn't read the Theta-Garmon fluff to pick up on that) nicknamed "The Dead" rather than "the Deathless."
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No, spire guard wore red great coats long boots kinda like taht pic of the guard standing there, but this was the hats they wore according to the only description we have.
Such is life of not-space marines in the space marine game.

As a side note, I can't believe I've never noticed it before, but SA don't seem to have chainswords nor bolt weapons. There's HBs on Russes (just not combis), but you can't give characters bolt pistols, for example.
Has anyone built the new (relatively) FW Arvus? I want to pick up a couple for my Solar Cohorts.
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>Critters of nightmare flock to your banner
Warmaster...are we the baddies? I sure hope we don't find this dark destiny you warned us about, on the road we took to avoid it
>most sane Eastern European
This. The fact that the army didn't get retconned into different coloured cadians like the guard is one of the things that dragged me into HH.
Companions and other such command tercio guys can swap their lasrifles for bolters and combi-weapons. Kinda wish their combis were a base lasrifle that swaps its blast-charger for a special weapon, though.
I think they can also get chainswords?
Is that a bayonet on the combi-plasma? Shame we don't have more of them.
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>different coloured cadians
Technically they were different coloured Vostroyans, and you could swap their bear hats for different hats.

>Such is life of not-space marines in the space marine game.

I think they're more interesting with a bit of independence. It also undercuts the Headhunters' gimmick of being SoH fanboys.

My traitor SAx are more closely associated with the DarkMech than any of the traitor legions.
There are a lot non-vostroyans in the old card game.
Only if we ignore all the regiments that didn't fit that description. Besides, the Vossie aesthetic was suppose to represent winter attire. In fluff there was way less regulations on Army regiments than Guard. A lot of the things that Guard is known for came from lessons learned from the Crusade and Heresy. Single regiment per transport, standardized equipment and training, etc.
You don't get it. Vostroyan are wearing cadian clothes under their coats:
Winter army is Vostroyan
Gas mask is hazardous environment Vostroyan
Cadian is Vostroyan without their coat, on their normal fatigues
Catachan is Vostroyan without their coat or fatigues, just their undershirt
Everything is Vostroyan
I was not brought upon this world to get it.
I believe that anon is from Krakow.
Hey man, after what their country's been through, I'd find the idea of losing anything physically repulsive too.
It represents tattoos being a questionable life choice.
I am finishing a dreadnaught for my Layalist World Eaters. It has a twin lascannon and a powerfist. My question is what should be built-in in the other arm to be on theme with the legion and any If you have any tips for posing
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Is everyone drinking their pant or something? What the fuck is going on with all this spelling mistakes and esl sentence structure?
One AM phoneposting man.

People from Krakow are honorable and wouldn't come to blows over something trifling. Assholes from Warsaw on the other hand... they'll fight at the drop of a hat, and will cheat to win.
Listen here you little shit, you come anywhere close to warsaw and I'll stab ya
>Self-proclaimed non english posters don't have perfect mastery of the written english language
What a shocking turn of events.
whom amogus is never drink his pant?
I do, whenever I'm eating my shorts.
>don't have perfect mastery of the written english language
They should rectify that.
you are a faggot my friend
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One (1) bolt pistol.
breachers or terminators. that is the question
>Veterans or Tacticals
Like, uh, to do what?
So far I’ve managed to avoid drinking paint. I have taken a brief swig of mineral spirits though while painting and having the bottle right beside my water bottle. It was only a half second before I spat it out, but it definitely isn’t good for your mouth.

I’ve also put glue on an instant burrito while not paying attention and thinking it was hot sauce. Like the above, I didn’t swallow it.
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i love this tank so much bros
Never drank paint water. I'm autistic as fuck, and always place a drink on my left side. So the paint water has to be on my right, which is the wrong side for a drink to be standing.
It's peak vindicator design. Nothing will ever beat it.
to fill up my 2nd spartan
For efficiency the only cargo worth putting in a spartan is terminators. And even then I'm not convinced, too easy to pop a sparta turn 1 or 2 and just ignore the terminators whilst they footslog the remainder of the game But you should, as always, go with the rule cool: if you think it's cool, do it.
>too easy
Is it, though? Even a Neutron Laser struggles to harm a flare shielded AV14 spartan. And most players only bring lascannons
You tell me
You fucked up twice in that post
Melta or flamer are probably on point
For posing, give the waits some twist and make sure the right are is not in the front if the right leg is and viceversa
Neutron lasers are a trap, terrible weapons for reliably taking down vehicles. Basically have to gamble on getting that explodes! result with a lucky penetrating hit. Lascannon HSS are another noob trap. Don't get me wrong, those are great for destroying dreadnoughts, terminators, and vehicles dumb enough to stand in the open. But any decent amount of proper terrain will ruin their day, because HSS can't move and fire it becomes very easy to hide from them yet still be able to hurt other stuff. Sadly most people are dumb poorfags who only bought the AOD box, read online that lascannon HSS, terminators, spartans and dreadnoughts are impossible to beat, and never expand or evolve beyond that.

For actual tank busting you take predators with magna-melta cannons, or vindicators with magna laser destroyers. Fast enough to flank a spartan and bypass the flareshield, high enough strength to get through AV 14, still AP 1, twin-linked, ordnance or armourbane melta at 18 inch, and high enough volume of fire to either wreck vehicles through hullpoints or get enough penetrating hits in that one will end up exploding or immobilizing. Often for a significantly lower points investment than the spartan. Over here people only bring a spartan for the cool factor, and don't expect it to live to see turn 3 because people actually use units that aren't found in the AOD box.
>For actual tank busting you take predators with magna-melta cannons, or vindicators with magna laser destroyers.
both of which die to a stiff breeze
Doesn't matter when they can hide behind terrain during deployment, then move into firing position turn 1. After that they've usually done their job and can die in piece.
And don't under-estimate AV 13, being vehicles squadrons, vindicators having reinforced and 4 HP, and the vast majority of people being retards who just bring the one lascannon HSS and thinking their anti-tank is covered. Specially in the last case it's stupid easy to still be hidden behind terrain or even use the enemy spartan for LOS blocking They're a far cry from Rhinos, that do actually die to a stiff breeze.
If you only compare units in a void where there is never any terrain, intervening units, or other compromising factors, and just compare raw stats, there will be a lot of units that get completely overlooked. In actual games, even just positioning makes a huge difference in how well units perform.
2 laser vindis will struggle to bring down a spartan and will get out shot by the spartan. 2 melta preds will blow up a spartan if your opponent is dumb enough to let you get in melta range but otherwise wont do anything to it and just get shot to death by the spartan. av13 is terrible
>vindicators with magna laser destroyers
But they are S9. Neutron beam lasers are S10 Ordnance 2. That's twice the pen chance at 2/3 the number of shots... then it's 1.33 better no? Sicaran Venators are faster too
>2 melta preds will blow up a spartan if your opponent is dumb enough to let you get in melta range
>14" movement to get within 18"
>32" threat range
Unless that spartan is cowering in a far back corner of the deployment zone it's gonna die.
What would you suggest? I can do a quick edit to amend it
>terrain doesnt exist
>If you only compare units in a void where there is never any terrain, intervening units, or other compromising factors
We had a game where we had a nice central roundabout. This made the game basically end turn one because it didn't block LoS.
Next game we had to make it count as a LoS blocker. Terrain is both important ...and missing.
Indeed we do fight in a void until we notice, and think cover is a good enough equivalent. It is not.
There is an anon who has a beautiful trench network board. And it looks great until you realize it is indeed a bowling ball planet.
Neutron beam lasers don't have twin-linked. Sure, if it lands hits that 1 higher strength is nice, but about 1 out of 3 times it fires it's gonna miss. And missed shots never get a chance to penetrate.
>Basically have to gamble on getting that explodes! result with a lucky penetrating hit.

Penetrating Hits with neutron lasers force Snap Shots on the target until the end of the target's next turn; the chance of duplicating this on the VDT is 1/6 instead of the usual 1/2 because neutron lasers are all also AP1, meaning the chance of Explodes on a Pen is 1/3

but they're also all S10 meaning (other than the Sabre, which also has Sunder) the chance of a BS4 Penetrating Hit on AV14 resulting in total destruction of the tank is like 1/13, 1/14, with Sunder (on a Sabre or from a Siege Breaker or w/e) it's more like 1/8

it's actually harder, like twice as hard, to duplicate the effects of Shock Pulse on the VDT than it is to onebang a Spartan; but at a bare minimum even if the target has Reinforced and you roll Crew Shaken you'll still force it to make Snap Shots until the end of its next turn, drastically reducing the effectiveness of shooting tanks and giving transports like LR a choice between rushing forward while they can't shoot (but also preventing anything embarked from disembarking) or doing what they were going to do anyway but 75% less effectively because they can't hit shit for shit
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Not unless it favours your side of the argument, obviously.
pot meet kettle
The goal when shooting spartans/land raiders is stopping them from moving, not preventing them from shooting. And, you're totally right there, neutron beam weapons are way better at the latter. Except for me, always roll the gets hot and then my sicaran is half dead without doing anything
Rip anon. I guess the Vindicator at least has more reliable hitting. I just want to penetrate Spartans right from the front. Sheer brute strength, honest and unsubtle Kroeger style.
>melta preds
Say, what if magna Meltas were small blasts again? -2S from Flare Shields, but it's not like armoured Ceramite exists anymore
>I just want to penetrate Spartans right from the front. Sheer brute strength
Can totally understand that. Sometimes it's not about being reliable or efficient; sometimes, it's about sending a message.
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I cannot argue for the return of airplane-borne melta missiles. I mean the Spartan player paid some 400 pts for a tank that can survive at least from the front. Like, it has paid for the right to survive
>Like, it has paid for the right to survive
And I love nothing more than completely disrespecting that right.
Sabotaging stuff is fine, but it's understandable an unavoidable penetrating hit won't be nice to play against
>2 laser vindis
I take it you've never seen what just one of these bastards can do with a Siege Breaker standing beside it.
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The Deliverers scheme looks a lot better when inverted imo
It isn't in the AOD box, so poorfags haven't ever seen it or its unit entry.
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Done with the test model
This book is bullshit, it's jut taking 40k art and giving them random non-40k names.
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Since the Blood Angels trait grants you +1 to wound, does that mean that a strength 4 weapon can wound a toughness 8 unit or no?

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No, it's - instead of a 7+ or a 8+. Doesn't sound to me like that's intended.
It doesn't provide +1 strength, so no. The to wound chart doesn't give a value for str 4 to be able to hurt toughness 8 to begin with.

tldr: a - means can't wound even with +1 to wound rolls, because you can't roll a -
They should really have specified that btw but it's not like they playtest this shit so it never came up for them lmfao.
They don't even proof read their shit

Cheers guys thanks!
Agree with this. It's not actually making the weapons innately better, it isn't Furious Charge (1) making the guy with the weapons better and it doesn't affect Instant Death thresholds, so the interpretation that it's just one lower should be correct.

Makes power sword Wounds on Contemptors 2x as likely but doesn't let you gut a Leviathan. Makes sense to me.
see this is what I am talking about. they need to be doing boxes like this for each faction. it will get people to buy AN army they would never, and play it. instead of getting exactly ONE army and that's it. going full retard online meta list faggotry.

god yes. i was so tempted but I already had my army. back when imperial guard had an option to run a whole army list of 12 tanks.
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Everyone will hate it when I say it, but I lost the regular cataphract sword and a friend gave me a primaris officers palash. I probably should have gave him a powerfist or a chainfist to stay true to Horus Heresy, but a bladed weapon seemed more fitting for a leader of so many terminators.
I had no idea the amount of Heresy-era worlds that dressed and acted exactly like Cadian's and Catachan's, and used makes and models of weapons and tanks that wouldn't be invented until 10000 years later. Remarkable.
GW is trying to sell you toys anon, you dont need to be this dense.
Catachan in HH times and in w40k times, was exactly the same. Same catachan barking toads, same catachan devil (potentialy tyranid scouting organism, same way as the fenrisian kraken) etc.
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>t. has not looked at modern HH art
You do realize even in 40k there's plenty of worlds that "dress and act exactly like Cadians and Catachans" and that the Imperial Army was split into Guard and Navy, right? Cadians did not invent their look, they adopted already produced equipment. Just like Castraferrum dreads, Mars pattern tanks and Ultima bolters were around during the Heresy.
>used makes and models of weapons and tanks that wouldn't be invented until 10000 years later
Such as?
Do you seriously want me to believe that tank tops and cargo pants were somehow too advanced for 30k but were rediscovered post heresy and mass-produced on a scale large enough to supply an entire planet's pdfs and all the regiments it puts out? Catachan attire is the most generic regiment look out of all of them, sphessh rambo and predator.
heck Cawl was running covert missions with primaris, testing their gear, armour typs and vehicles, in covert missions during the scourging and for the first 800 years after the Emperor got enthroned on the the Astronomicon beacon.

the "cadian" stuff and the w40k IG weapons is more or less what PDF were using at the time of pre heresy
Alien Colonial marines / Halo CE is peak design. No unenhanced soldier has ever looked better. Tied for best at most
Get mogged.
I wish the Perry brothers still did sci-fi, I know that they don't really care about it but still.
I think you can reconcile these things just by saying the Spireguard would wear different uniforms on different occasions. Like how the Geno Five-Two Chiliad are usually thought of as wearing greatcoats and big furry hats while also being described in text as wearing something more practical, and nobody really makes a big deal of it.
That looks like a normal soldier wearing american football protective pieces
>normal soldier wearing american football protective pieces
There's few things more 80s than misuse of football protective pads
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To be a technobarbarian with a cute red head techbarbarian amazon girlfriends. Ah , a dream comperable to it being the 80s again.
the movie is so janky looking now
This seems like the best solution.
RG or NL
Tbf you can literally just add lasguns and scifi bits to their sculpts and get excellent results.
GW should sell lasguns and the like separately so people can put them on any models they like to use as Imperial infantry. Just imagine all the possible regiments people could make that way.
Or, you know, buy 3rd party lasguns and put them on your 3rd party models.
ah yes because everybody has easy access to those
>what do you mean I have to buy from another store?!
Dude there’s a ton of bits producers who make lasguns other than GW, often specifically for that purpose.
Have fun sucking off GW if that’s what you want, but don’t complain about lack of options in that case.
Rg inductii are fine. Running away is better than being pinned. I bet those beakies wish it was moving anywhere instead of running away, turning Pinning into a buff.
The worst Inductii I saw are BA and WB, simply because they don't give you anything until you fulfill a conditional
>BA: can't sweep. Gain Fear if you win combat
What do you want Fear for if you can't sweep!?
WhatI mean is that there is no another store and id have to import from other country and pay twice as much for shipping than for parts themselves. Option stops being an option once it becomes financialy retarded.
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>GW is literally the only store I can buy from
Its the only range Anon. Thats quite a difference, get your head out of your ass
>verification not required, kek
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>Option stops being an option once it becomes financialy retarded.
>Implying buying lasguns from GW wouldn't be financially retarded
Stop being poor and retarded.
>Verification not required.
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Meanwhile, six of Anvil's phase rifles is £3.80.
Worst one is WE imho, but then again it is fitting.
Which legions have the best inductii?
Where do you live where you have to buy stuff like that from another country and it’s that expensive?
The middle east?
Is there any community where you live at all?
Surely they will include more bolt pistols in the close combat weapons kit.
Why are gw so mean?
WB gives you Fear (1) Fearless S4+1 Despoiler blobs tho

BA gives you a potentially 20-dude blob (if you chased down a unit which was already Falling Back and successfully Charged it and it failed its Regroup test, as soon as you made base contact that unit would be locked in combat, but must be removed at the end of the Charge Sub-phase, you'd get Fear for free) with a 12" bubble of -1Ld to enemy units.

it IS fitting

it's also marginally better - very, very marginally, to 3sf - than not having it vs equivalent chainsword MEQ and still marginally but noticeably (1/12 to 1/13) against being smacked with a S4 bolter butt, but I guess there are probably other savings to be had from it elsewhere
large chunk of balkans and easter europe, south america and so low populated places as africa and asia. In Singapore and Hong Kong getting, non scam, 3d printed stuff (especialy if you want it to not kill you) borders on miracle. Where the miracles name is "I earn 5xtimes the nations avarge, have no wife+children and hate my parents".

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