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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Errata for Third Edition

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

>Current Quixalted Extended QE Version (Fanmade Supplement)

>Optional Quixalted Exalts

>4thchan Edition (4.2E)

>Exalted Demake/Black Vault (Now with updates):

>collection of Exalted Hacks

>stuff that might be interesting

Last thread: >>93136832

TQ: How do you treat barbarians at your table?
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So is "figure out how to give all mortals exaltations" sort of the default motivation for most exalts that are trying to be benevolent?
>make more exigents
Fuck you.
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No? Not for any of the Exalted I've run into, anyway.

The Twilight I'm playing right now's motivation is to gather sorcerous power and turn it to the good of all people. The benevolent Earth-Aspect crafter in my game is building a bunch of artifacts and using them to pummel people into benevolence. The happy-go-lucky Air-Aspect is of the type to do what they can where they see something they can do. The Wood Aspect is trying to connect people together and build up empathy between groups. The Casteless Lunar thinks the world is broken and suffering, and needs to be dissolved into the Wyld to spare everyone the pain of existing in the structured world. I had a Twilight crafting princess whose benevolent goal was unlocking the eight seals and releasing Autochthon. The benevolent Dawn just wanted to kill monsters and found a Sidereal to point them at the worst problems out there, and the renegade Abyssal just wanted to save her sister. The majority of Sidereal PCs and NPCs I've had in my games or created myself are benevolent celestial authorities working to improve and/or maintain the world in various ways. Etc.

Most people have more definite and obtainable goals.
Talking about them.

Willow really feels like a discount Sidereal.

>The Fortune Pool
>The Fortune’s Fool anima power lets Willow Specter remove dice from his rolls and save them for later, storing those dice in the fortune pool. (You don’t have to physically set aside the dice — you can just write down their result).

>These dice can then be added to subsequent rolls with Fortune’s Fool or certain Charms. When determining how many successes the roll receives, that die is included as if it had been rolled with the rest. This doesn’t count as a bonus from Charms. Added dice are also included in the roll for purposes of effects that care about rolling specific numbers, like doubling 9s or three-of-a-kinds.

>Example: Willow Specter rolls (Manipulation + Presence) to bluff a faerie prince and uses Fortune’s Fool to add a banked 10. The only successful dice he rolls are a 7, an 8, and a 9, as well as the 10 from the fortune pool, for a total of five successes.

>If an action fails or succeeds as a result of dice being moved to or from the fortune pool, some implausible coincidence occurs that causes that result: a thrown knife ricochets off a passing pigeon’s beak; every sentence of an eloquent speech is drowned out by a clap of thunder.

>Up to (higher of Essence or 3) dice can be stored in the fortune pool at a time. Once the limit is reached, Willow Specter can remove stored dice to make room for more.

>Many of Willow Specter’s Charms involve the fortune pool, either increasing its power or expanding the ways in which he can use it.
Why would anyone go to that as a "default motivation"? That's beyond exceptional and niche, I can't imagine anyone even thinking of that in Creation.
The traditional benevolence would be to establish a New Solar Deliberative and hopefully figure out and fix the Great Curse along the way.
>I can't imagine anyone even thinking of that in Creation.
You have a very limited imagination then. It's not that extreme at all for someone with the time and inclination- it just takes determination and a bit of ingenuity. Really, it's basically a world-wide eugenics program (for dragonblooded at least). The Lunars already do something similar with their experimental societies, at least in 2E.
Basically, you're foolishly supposing that exalted have far more insight into their circumstances than they actually have. >>93204776 provides a bunch of solutions that have already been tried by people in by-gone eras. To meaningfully improve the state of Creation, the Exalted need to start trying shit that hasn't been done before. And improving the baseline capability of the entire humans species, rather than some tiny minority of heroes, isn't something that's been tried before. The problem is that most exalted aren't that creative or wise and are operating on supremacist ideas that prop up their superhuman communities.

A lot of exalted would like to think they're a savior, when really they're just the latest iteration of an archetype that isn't going to make a difference. Something new is needed, and most exalted and too goddamn PATHETIC to do anything new.
>TQ: How do you treat barbarians at your table?
As a Forever ST I kind of feel that from a Storyteller's perspective 'barbarian' is a pretty useless descriptor. That is, there's no benefit in thinking about cultures of Creation in terms of some of them being civilized and some barbaric. It's not that I don't think that there aren't degrees of civilization and barbarism, but it's a sliding scale more than a binary classification, and it's not like any culture self-identifies as a bunch of barbarians, anyways, So basically I feel like just thinking of cultures as cultures, figuring out their defining traits, societal organization, current circumstances and shared goals and stuff like and then letting players and their characters make their own judgements about who's a barbarian and who's a civilized person. Now, if your question wasn't meant to be about how people handle barbarians from a storytelling or worldbuilding perspective and more about how they actually get treated by PCs at different tables, then my last campaign was about a group of Realm Dragon-Blooded in a far-flung satrapy. They definitely had clear views about civilization and barbarism, they saw a lot of barbarians around them, and the way they treated those barbarians could be summed up as 'poorly'. Warfare, burnt villages, a bit of enslavement and that sort of thing took place.

Exalts of bygone eras have made a great deal of difference in various different ways, including ones that have in the past improved the lives of mortals. Obviously those Exalts also made more than their fair share of mistakes, and it'd be best to learn from those mistakes, but declaring that since past generations fucked up then literally everything they tried to do must've been wrong and pointless is hardly rational. Let's just start with trying to recreate First Age infrastructure while putting in place some checks and balances on people in power, yeah?
>including ones that have in the past improved the lives of mortals.
Right up until the golden souled elite vanished and the sorcerous infrastructure that was dependent on them crashed into the ground.
>but declaring that since past generations fucked up then literally everything they tried to do must've been wrong and pointless is hardly rational.
I'm not even saying that what they tried wasn't rational at the time, I'm saying that it wasn't adequate and trying to replicate it will just produce more inadequate results. They had far, far better conditions to work with back then, and you thin that if you try the same thing again now it's just going to turn out better? Why?
>checks and balances
It would help, but the ultimate problem is that the mortals can't look out for themselves. Imagine if every single mortal had capabilities on par with a dragon-blood. All five hundred million of them. Kind of shits on the entire setting's opposition doesn't it? Suddenly every threat is much more manageable. And the crazy thing is that it's not technically impossible- the law of diminishment doesn't apply to Gaia, she's a primordial.
Actually, this all reminds me. If I wanted to carry out a sorcerous working to access the memories of the million most good people in Creation- the most moral, the most ethical, the most virtuous. And then I wanted to dump those memories into a mass-producible artifact and give that artifact to shitloads of people- what would the sorcerous working's circle and ambition be? And what would the rating of that artifact be?
It simply wouldn't be a sorcerous working. Messing with reincarnation to scalp the memories of a bunch of 'good' people is one thing (though you would need to define 'good' much, much more stringently, and actually defining good in that way will defeat the purpose if the purpose is to get an elevated perspective, and I would tell you that before you started rolling), but the part where you're scanning the past to mind and soul read literally everybody through history (many of which are immune to mind and soul reading) is just not within the scope of sorcery as I see it.

You then go on to mention crafting mass-producible artifacts, which isn't a thing in 3e which is the edition where sorcerous workings exist.
>Messing with reincarnation
Not a necessary component seeing as they don't have to be dead, I'm just trying to access memories. Why would they have to be dead?
Why the fuck am I stealing them rather than copying them? I didn't say I was stealing them.
>defining good in that way will defeat the purpose if the purpose is to get an elevated perspective
Explain that. I grasp that giving them memories from evil people in addition to memories from good people would give them a more complete perspective, but my goal is to give them a tremendous familiarity with good psychology and an intuitive understanding of how to build themselves into extremely strong, good people. I want to give them a starting point, not a qwisatz haderach-esque perspective of all humanity's extremes.
>read literally everybody through history
I didn't say that, I'm talking about the million best people who are currently alive.
>which isn't a thing in 3e which is the edition where sorcerous workings exist.
Fuck, really? I thought magitech was still a thing in 3E? Well, how would it be done in 2E then?
>Explain that.
Because I don't know what you mean by 'good' and neither can the working make effective moral judgements on what good or evil are. There are various methods it could be judging by - maybe you have some bound spirit determining good or evil, maybe you have an automated sorting system that works on predetermined qualities and measures, maybe you have it adjust based on fate's decree, whatever - but there is no absolute measure of good to say it's picking up.

>I'm talking about the million best people who are currently alive.
That's not what you said, you said the million most good people in Creation - which I took to mean all of Creation, including it's history.

>Why would they have to be dead?
Because sorcerous workings don't just work and immediately warp reality to get what the sorcerer wants, they work through means and methods. Even if all you're doing mechanically is rolling dice at an extended roll, the sorcerer is still going around planting flags in the process of reincarnation or bribing memory spirits or whatever. Accessing the memories of every living person currently in Creation directly is impossible because there are so many people immune to that, and it's not possible to automatically distinguish between people who can resist a mental effect like that and people who can't because the working would also need to be reading their memories and/or an inconsistent future to distinguish who could from who couldn't, and they'd resist that too, gumming up the entire thing.

Grabbing memories from reincarnating people is a lot more reasonable because they don't usually have the power to resist it as a disembodied soul unless they've specifically prepared for that, and the most likely reason they'd do that is to fuck you over.

>Fuck, really? I thought magitech was still a thing in 3E?
Magitech yes but heavily nerfed. Automated artifact crafting and mass production are hard nos, it's one of the nerfs.
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What would be some good Solar Cookery charms, bros?

>Making a huge feast from ingredients that could only feed five people at best
>Making meals that satiate someone for a week like a Senzu Bean
>Making meals that perfectly substitute for any dietary need no matter their ingredients, letting you sate the hunger of a Blood Ape or even a Fae
>Making a meal that has an in built Anton Ego trigger for making social influence from the chef harder to resist
>Making meals that give you the equivalent of a cult merit when it comes to bonus willpower / essence
I need at least 25 before I making my Solar Chef character.
>Well, how would it be done in 2E then?
Collecting the memories is the hard part, and of questionable use. People will defend their memories, for starters. Memories in Exalted are bits of soul and come with personality attached, for seconds. Blending up a million people's memories and dumping them into something is going to make it do something, for sure, and if you're skilled enough which it's probably good to assume you are then it's probably going to be something good, but it's also going to be something with emotions and feelings and it will strongly depend on where you're sourcing the memories.

Ways to source the memories:
>Have a big kingdom. Have a secret service / ministry dedicated to grabbing the memories of heroes doing good things, and teach them all terrestrial circle sorcery and Theft of Memories. Let it stew. This will get you a bunch of memory crystals of folk heroes in their finest moments, which you can stew together into the artifact later.
>Check your history books for cool people, then summon up all their ghosts. Put them in somehow - hammer them into soulsteel, or Bauble of the Captured Soul them and use the bones as exotic ingredients, or suck them into your anima with ghost-eating technique and find a way to regurgitate them into crafting, whatever.
>5 dot manse with One Mind Within, Sentience, and Archives. It reads peoples minds and copies the best memories into it's archives, replacing the worst ones it has whenever it sees something better, so that it's memory banks are slowly growing more and more morally upright as more people go through it

After that just use the memories as an exotic ingredient that you can slam into your artifact in mass production.
>Because I don't know what you mean by 'good' and neither can the working make effective moral judgements on what good or evil are.
Kay, I'mma just have it replicate my judgement. Like, if you can have a working do crazy shit like alter a fundamental component of physics at the highest circle and highest ambition level, it should be able to do something as simple as replicating my character's sense of morality, right? It's just copying my thought processes and executing them at massive volume.

>Because sorcerous workings don't just work and immediately warp reality to get what the sorcerer wants, they work through means and methods.
Okey dokey, the working is accessing the akashic record, the collecive unconscious of the human species. Or if the akashic record isn't a thing in Exalted (really seems it should be, it would absolutely fit with the setting), I'll just cut a deal with memory spirits as you've suggested.

>Accessing the memories of every living person currently in Creation directly is impossible because there are so many people immune to that, and it's not possible to automatically distinguish between people who can resist a mental effect like that and people who can't because the working would also need to be reading their memories and/or an inconsistent future to distinguish who could from who couldn't, and they'd resist that too, gumming up the entire thing.
I think you're trying to be obtuse because you like arguing, my guy. Whether I access memories from people who are in lethe and in the process of reincarnating or whether I access the memories of people who are alive, I'm taking the path of least resistance and not getting them from people who can resist that, you already understand what I'm going for here. Whatever works, I just want memories from a million exceptionally good people.

Is there no way to make it work in 3E? Couldn't I just carry out another working to distribute the memories?
>Kay, I'mma just have it replicate my judgement.
Yeah, that's fine. I'd probably represent that by hard copying your Intimacies and slapping the Automaton trait on top so that they don't change. If you wanted it to more precisely copy your thought processes than that I would tell you that I (the Storyteller) can't read your mind, so I can't do that.

>Okey dokey, the working is accessing the akashic record, the collecive unconscious of the human species. Or if the akashic record isn't a thing in Exalted (really seems it should be, it would absolutely fit with the setting)
The closest things might be Orabilis's records, the Loom of Fate, or samsara. The first is questionable, the second has giant gaping holes in it, and the last one both isn't in 3e and hard locks you into predetermination for looking at it.

>Whatever works, I just want memories from a million exceptionally good people.
And that is possible, yeah. You're there, pretty much. Having memory spirits drag in everything they can access to show to some automaton / custom spirit built to think exactly like you but process much faster should be possible.

I'd call it an Ambition 2 Solar Working, drawing a parallel to the example working 'Lay a curse on a group of people', since reading someone's memories is on par with some curses and this is hitting a very large group.

>Is there no way to make it work in 3E?
Mass produced artifacts no, but you could absolutely work out a way to distribute the memories. Having a manse that people walk through to be inundated with the memories of being good people, building a spirit of goodness with redemption-inflicting attacks, making an artifact that radiates the goodness, or, indeed, performing a working (probably also Solar Ambition 2) that curses everybody in your kingdom with a million heroic memories,
>The first is questionable, the second has giant gaping holes in it, and the last one both isn't in 3e and hard locks you into predetermination for looking at it.
Per Moran's and Grabowski's discussion of the setting, the universe is supposed to be a god that subdivided itself to know itself better. Or, if you're reading between the lines, it did that because omniscience and omnipotence made it utterly bored and it decided that a more limited existence would be more interesting. But the point is, it would still be reasonable to treat that as a foundational idea of the setting. So the akashic record would just be the god's unconscious mind, cataloguing and experiencing everything. Could just try to reason with the subconscious of the universe-god along the lines of, "this would help create a better story because it'd create a tidal wave of heroes the likes of which hasn't been seen before."

I suspect that I'm probably a kind of player that most GMs don't want in their games, because I straight up want to "win". I want to solve the greatest problem the setting is facing, not help deal with the problem, but just straight up fucking bring an end to the disaster. And then the GM tries to insist that it can't be done, and when I eventually come up with a handful of different ways it could be done systematically this twists the GM's nards because they want drama and pathos, not a logical ending to the game. Like, imagine if I carried out the scheme we just came up with, and then I followed that up by waking up Autochthon and getting him to find Gaia, and imagine I figure out a way to persuade at least one of them, if not both, to bestow every human with power on par with a terrestrial exalt. It's not even horribly out of the question, the law of diminishment doesn't apply and Auto actually likes humans. And every human also has memories from a million exceptionally good people. Think of how the setting would change.
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>Cook up a monster that comes out of your pot to attack people
>Make an enticing scent with your cooking that draws people in
>Create an Inspire social influence action that effects anybody who partakes
>Put emotions or memories into the food that people feel when they eat it
>Make food that makes the person who eats it hungrier
>Perfectly conceal contamination with poisons/disease that also delays how long after eating they notice it
>Distribute experience points through cooking (i wouldn't allow this unless it was strongly lowballed though, xpshare is a menace)
>Sooth a derangement with cooking
>hero's feast that gives people bravery for the next day
>eat indefinitely for a scene; win any pie-eating competition
>smelling things so good you can taste them
>draw out one of the talents / latent talents from an animal used as an ingredient and temporarily pass it on to the people who eat the dish (probably until end of scene, so they have to carry their dishes onto the field and eat in combat)
>throw food into peoples mouths with unerring accuracy as a perfect attack that does no damage but delivers delicious delicacies directly
>stir up a drink into a frothy mist that extends a few yards / out to short range; if the drink was poisoned everybody gets exposed
>cook many times as much food / bigger meals with the same ingredients; a straight multiplier rather than exclusively small-to-big, so that big-to-bigger is also a thing
>with that as a prerequisite, quickly make buildings of food (gingerbread houses, cake castles, etc)
Here's some suggestions and the reasoning behind them
>Supernaturally attract people with the smell of the meal you are making
Its like the cartoon trope and it could be a decent way to boost rolls to sell food.
>Nullify the dangerous properties of an ingredient allowing the chef to use poisonous animals as food
You know the Fugu Sushi Chefs? that but broader.
>Persevere rations for a life time
Salting was a big deal before refrigeration, making that into a supernatural power would make sense even if it isn't all that flashy.
>Strait forward stat boost when using symbolic ingredients
The usual Chinese medicine logic of eating an animal's brains to grow smarter or their nuts to grow fertile.
>Using Sunlight to heat a cooking surface
I just like the idea of a solar cooking an omelet on the sidewalk.
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>the universe is supposed to be a god that subdivided itself to know itself better.
No, that's Kill Six Billion Demons. Advaita Iraivan defined itself as separate from reality and thus True Chaos came to be defined as not it. Nothing in the universe is Advaita Iraivan, and if the universe Creation is in was being recorded in it's subconscious then Creation would... well, Advaita Iraivan's effect would try to make it cease to exist and then one of Creation's many defenses against that would kick in and say no, probably.

Basically, that's not right. My cite is Graceful Wicked Masques pg20.

>I suspect that I'm probably a kind of player that most GMs don't want in their games, because I straight up want to "win".
I think it's fine so long as you stay in character and understand that a lot of the methods you try to use just don't work, and that trying to redefine the world into one where they do work is something you should try as a GM rather than a player.

>Like, imagine if I carried out the scheme we just came up with, and then I followed that up by waking up Autochthon and getting him to find Gaia, and imagine I figure out a way to persuade at least one of them, if not both, to bestow every human with power on par with a terrestrial exalt
They'd point out that the Loom of Fate would instantly implode and most of Creation outside the Blessed Isle would fall into the Wyld. They'd probably also say they couldn't do it, because creating the Exalted was something of a peak moment for them, rather than something they can just throw out off the bat. Gaia probably also wouldn't want to coordinate with Autochthon on it because he's scary and honestly I wouldn't blame her because he probably would try something. They also aren't actually fonts of unlimited power, for all that limited infinities are in play. They can't just wave a hand and empower everybody in the setting just like you can't because they don't have the power either.
No, the overwhelming majority of benevolent Exalts have direct and practial motivations like, "free the slaves" or "create a better society", not megalomaniacal "you-gotta-fix-every-single-problem-in-creation-or-you-are-an-idiot" goals that depend on out of universe knowledge that only the players have.

I swear to god, why is this thing so common in here?
>>Persevere rations for a life time
>Salting was a big deal before refrigeration, making that into a supernatural power would make sense even if it isn't all that flashy.
This but also build it on top of the Art of Permanent as a prerequisite that doesn't need wxp, or use it as an alternative prerequisite maybe.
>building on that, also make the rations resist environmental damage. Possibly also remove the Improvised tag when used as a weapon.
Dwarf bread and hardy foods in general are also a big thing when it comes to trail rations.

>I just like the idea of a solar cooking an omelet on the sidewalk.
I'm pretty sure it falls under Craftsman Needs No Tools - you already use your anima to cook stuff with that. Or your breath, or rubbing your hands together and using them as pans.

>cook sensory stuff into your food; use sounds, textures, and sights that play as you dig in
Remember that scene from Ratatouille? That, but it's also useful for secret messages.
It's my understanding that Advaita Iraivan is just a component of the omni-god, though.

>the Loom of Fate would instantly implode
You mean because there'd be too many essence-manipulating effects for it to accommodate and its control over causality would break down under the strain or do you mean there'd be a different reason?
>They'd probably also say they couldn't do it, because creating the Exalted was something of a peak moment for them, rather than something they can just throw out off the bat.
You have a point, but the general idea of trying to push the baseline capabilities of the human species is something that can work. Especially in 2E, where craft (genesis) just straight up allows you to make a better species.
>Gaia probably also wouldn't want to coordinate with Autochthon on it because he's scary
I don't know a ton about Auto. I know the other primordials didn't like being around him because his mortality inflicted a dreadful suspicion that they too might be able to die. Is there any other reason she'd be afraid to be around him?
>he probably would try something.
He does kind of like his asspulls. He just abducted millions of people and skipped town, it's almost comical.
Where are you getting this idea of omni-god in Exalted from?
3e introduced 2, not!Allah and the one from great forks.
From a Thus Spake Zargrabowski excerpt, but it's really late where I am and I'm about to pass out. Gonna have to find it later.
Those are in-setting beliefs, not in-setting realities.
They're meant to be plausible to exist thoughbeit, explicitly.
>multiple people in many different positions of society have "you-gotta-fix-every-single-problem-in-the-world-or-you-are-an-idiot"
>"WTF why does this game about power getting awesome powers in an unfair world have so many people talking about world wide revolution?? MY PEACH GARDEN!"
please shut the fuck up you worthless dreg.
It was supposed to be about how power corrupts, than Grabowski introduced the great curse and any message was shoot down.
In theoretical terms, sure, but you're not describing that being. You're describing the Time Not as though it was a being. Also, the higher-god from the not!Allah religion in-setting doesn't say that it's a cosmic body, it says that it's an omnipotent/omniscient superbeing, and the reason that it's a plausible religion and that nobody can disprove it is because the entire point is that you can't find evidence of it. This puts two giant holes in the idea of tapping into it for knowledge.
Wouldn't the lack of proof proves that it doesn't exist? Since people can monitor souls.
>This puts two giant holes in the idea of tapping into it for knowledge.
If it's a supergod that has prophets, it's not impossible that it could happen.
Sorry anon, but ut is the shinma of interaction.
nah, the supergod isn't a shinma / advaita because the devs are sort of afraid of invoking them - even though the shinma will exist in 3rd as far as we know.
Yes, this new form of WWism is really weird, it made games like 1e Requiem, 5WoD as a whole and mummy the curse hard to get into.
I don't remember seeing anything remotely like that in Grabowski's quotes, but if you can find something to back your claim up, I'll naturally concede being wrong.

They're meant to b plausible in the sense that they're not readily disprovable in-setting. Nothing in the setting is founded on the idea of these belies being true, though.

No, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and all that.
>absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
Sorry anon, but "everybody is innocent until proven the contrary"
That was a completely nonsensical reply, anon. "Innocent until proven guilty" is an extremely important and valuable legal principle, but it's not, like, a principle of logical reasoning. It has nothing to do with anything relevant to this discussion.
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I wonder how they will do the Chosen of Masks, since its fantasy is realized by using artifacts.
>Exalts of bygone eras have made a great deal of difference in various different ways, including ones that have in the past improved the lives of mortals.
The problem is that 99% of exalts think small. They think in terms of local peasant heroes, not in terms of demigods. They think "oh I'll just go slay the monster and things will be better!" but they're not thinking about long-term systems, or how to improve the lives of mortals long after they're dead and gone.

The classical proverb about 'planting trees for the next generation' comes to mind. The exalts never really did that. They only thought in the immediate. They were small-minded.
That's a lot more RNG then sidereals. It's pretty bad. It means you have to make rolls you know don't matter to save successes for rolls that do. It's especially shitty for combat.
When you are a demi-god who can live thousands of years longer than anyone else you lose sight of making something for the future because you will outlast it. No culture has survived unbroken for 5000 years.
Solars created a lot of infrastructure, and gave humans sorcery.

Yes, I noticed it.

The impression I got is that the best application is 1s manipulation.


>Cunning Dice Tricks
>Cost: —; Mins: Essence 1
>Type: Permanent
>Keywords: None
>Duration: Permanent
>Prerequisite Charms: None
>A gambler’s wiles are illimitable, bringing good fortune to every roll.
>Upon learning this Charm, choose two of the following upgrades to Fortune’s Fool.
>Lucky Number: Instead of setting aside the highest die, Willow Specter can choose a number before rolling and set aside a die that rolls that number, if there is one. If he chooses a non-successful number, he can remove all dice that roll the chosen number. He only has to add one of them to the fortune pool unless he wants to set aside more.
>Change Your Luck (Prerequisites: Lucky Number): When Willow Specter uses Lucky Number to add one or more unsuccessful dice to the fortune pool, he may reroll one of them.
>Neverending Streak: The fortune pool can hold an additional die. This option can be purchased up to (Essence) times.
>Overflowing Jackpot: When Willow Specter uses Fortune’s Fool to set aside dice and rolls at least three successful dice that show the same number, he can add a 7 to the fortune pool instead of setting aside a die from the roll.
>Spinning Die Settles: When using Fortune’s Fool to set aside dice, Willow Specter can pay a three-mote surcharge to use it after the roll.
>Underhanded Prowess: Fortune’s Fool gains the Mute keyword.
>Additional options can be purchased for three experience points or one bonus point.
Brother, First Age Exalts were considering taking Creation apart and replacing it with a new world. That's not "thinking small".
>Solars created a lot of infrastructure
Which is either gone or in disrepair now. Infrastructure without the means to maintain it is pointless.

>and gave humans sorcery.
Some select few humans, but they didn't set up the infrastructure or capacity to teach it on a wider scale, and humans were limited to weak sorcery.

If the Solars wanted to they could've made every single person in Creation a Dragon-Blooded. Perhaps even stronger than that. But they were too enamored with their own personal glories to think 'big picture'.
There was no way for them to make the entire human race stronger than DBs. That's extremely outside the scope of workings.
Why would you choose this over just being a sidereal and getting TN4 rolls?
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They get it for free, and can put it in the opponents dice polls.

But you are right, Willow Specter is a poor man's Sidereal.
Janest is the green Zenith.
Masks is an artifact user.
Poisoner is an outcast wood aspect.
Foxbinder is an air immaculate monk with a celestial god familiar.
Sovereigns are the Ream 2.

The break warden may end up with the second part of the Umbral charmset.
isn't the entire point that he's meant for terrestrial-tier play and therefore supposed to be weaker than a Sid
sorry but until you convince me how yurgen kaneko is meaningfully different from a chosen of battles or a full moon, he (and by extension the dawn caste) shouldn't exist
>There was no way for them to make the entire human race stronger than DBs
Since the dawn caste was published first, wouldn't it be the other way around?

>Remove dawns.
Shouldn't you use Twilights instead of Sidereals?
How would you use the shinma to make the entire human race stronger than Dragon-Blooded? Be specific and refer to either mechanics that'd enable it or in-setting feats of comparable scale.
>Since the dawn caste was published first, wouldn't it be the other way around?
sure. every splat shouldn't exist because they can all be emulated by playing a solar.
Punch the part of the shinma that says 'mortals are weak' away
I think the more meaningful question is "would making everyone be a Deeb or something like that fun as the goal of a campaign". Possibly, but the game would then cease to be recognizable as Exalted and that would probably be the conclusion of a campaign that stretches on for years, and every player would have to be on board with it. Your standard "fight the Realm" or "fight a deathlord" or "run your kingdom" campaign in Exalted is much better for general use cases since they're easier to get people into and can wrap up within the span of a year.
>Your standard "fight the Realm" or "fight a deathlord" or "run your kingdom" campaign in Exalted is much better for general use cases since they're easier to get people into and can wrap up within the span of a year.
Those are D&D goals. Exalted was meant for something greater.
>Those are D&D goals. Exalted was meant for something greater.
damn, we got the dude who made the "graduate your game' marketing campaign in here
In a serous tone, it is more because of the fantasies.

The way Willow Specter powers are described, is the same of the Sidereals.
Fate/causality manipulation.

The fantasy of using masks of power, is realized through the use of artifacts/evocations.
Not through a native charmset.

You don't need much to change Janest into a Zenith, you can replace her conversation with TS with one with Conky.

Instead publishing 2 uncompleted darkness charmsets, you can do better with a single meatier one.
The Bleak Warden's themes (imprisonment & darkness) are more than compatible with the chosen of imprisoned dark god.
That's not really the kind of fundamental property of reality the shinma represent. Also that was not specific and it referred neither mechanics nor in-setting feats. Which specific shinma would you interact with to empower mortals like that, and how exactly would you interact with that shinma?

Have you ever read an Exalted book, anon, or just Internet discussions and memes about Exalted?
sorry friend but the fantasies of "fate manipulation", "elemental master", and "shapeshifting" can be done through artifacts, ergo sidereals, dragon-bloods, and lunars still should not exist.
>"WTF why does this game about power getting awesome powers in an unfair world have so many people talking about world wide revolution?? MY PEACH GARDEN!"
Fuck you I'm gonna play my wukong/johnny appleseed expy and you can't stop me.
>Have you ever read an Exalted book, anon
You mean like the one that lets you blow up Creation with a single kick right at Chargen? Yes, I have.
>You mean like the one that lets you blow up Creation with a single kick right at Chargen? Yes, I have.
wow epic, a thing that your friend Bill would definitely allow and not go "John do you want to play the fuckin game or not"
Yes, I do wanna play the game, what the fuck do you think drives people to Exalted you retard? Since when has the appeal of Exalted EVER been that it's a low-power grounded setting?
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The problem is that the power from a magical mask is an evocation.

>Fuck you I'm gonna play my wukong/johnny appleseed expy and you can't stop me.
Even with an Erlang Shen expy?
>The problem is that the power from a magical mask is an evocation.
can you meaningfully convince me that anything a sidereal can do cannot be emulated by a solar wielding a resonant starmetal weapon
Huh, so it genuinely is just Internet discussions. What book did you see Creation-Slaying Oblivion Kick, anon? And do you understand the difference between a rules exploit and an intended way of using available abilities?
To be fair, some rules exploits were canon.
I think it is one of the reasons for "charms don't exist in-universe" is a thing in 3e, to avoid that lore mess.
Sure, but the particular combo using Charcoal March of Spiders, a high place and vision-enhancing Charms to simultaneously attack everyone in Creation, which I assume is what anon was talking about, isn't canon. Nothing about the setting is written in a way that'd imply Exalts having that kind of Creation-wide power. It's a high-power setting, but not to a planet-busting extent, more to an extent where fighting and defeating mortal armies on your lonesome is possible but pretty impressive.
>isn't canon
What do you mean by 'canon'? All of those things are canon within the setting, and there's already an NPC exalt that has all of those things within the setting.
I literally said what I meant, anon: that the setting isn't written in a way that implies or accounts for such power. Yes, all of those things separately are canon, but it is pretty obvious that being able to combine them to perform a Creation-wide attack isn't intended.
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Well then what am I supposed to play if I want high-power anime-esque adventures?
Yes, because WW screwed up the game balance.

It is like a machine-gun I'm the middle ages.
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Isn't OP bullshit the appeal of the setting? Haven't you ever played Dominions or seen Overlord?
Exalted. It's not like most high-powered anime is Dragon Ball Z tier stuff, anon. You can have cool kung fu fights, defeat armies, wreck cities or prevent others from wrecking them and all that in Exalted just fine.
Yes, but somethings are more broken than intended.

To this day WW never made peace with craft or ghost eating technique.
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If it looks and sounds overpowered then it's probably working as intended.
Not really, from time to time they introduce stuff like "this dude is immune to GET for unexplained reasons" or "your medicine charms don't work because it is actually hypochondriasis, your mental charms also don't work".
A battle of choosen and a dawn are completely different. Every single tree is different to each other.

Artifacts can't and aren't supposed to be their own splat. There's no set of evocations that can do what charmsets can do. No amount of charms are going to make up for the utility an excellency has. Let alone copy charms. That's not getting into the charms that key off specific charms that have no analog.
A solar wielding a resonant starmetal weapon will not get general TN+/- effects they'll get some shit that's niche as hell like TN 6 when escaping or doing a specific gambit. They can't get a sidereal excellency or any sidereal charm but they'll get weird fate-like effects.

God Carver uses Solar occult charms because they have sidereal similar charms but that's only because they already have similar charms.
>To this day WW never made peace with craft or ghost eating technique.
ghost-eating technique has one major exception to its ability to perma-kill spirits, what the fuck are you rambling about
I'm sorry but the other anon has established that a Solar with evocations can do anything an Exigent can, so I am merely taking this to its logical conclusion, which is that no Exalt should exist but Solars.
>I'm sorry but the other anon has established that a Solar with evocations can do anything an Exigent can
Only the chosen of masks, since that fantasy in specific, is handled through the use of artifacts.
When you are based around an item artifact or not it's hard to beat those allegations. The gambling exalt might be a shittier version of a sidereal but it still does different things. I struggle to see why a puppet or mask exigents can't be replicated by artifacts which expected to do most of the heavy lifting charmset wise.
there's no shinma of "mortals are weak" thoughever. I think you're a falseflagging retard who has never read 1e Fair Folk.
>at chargen
but you couldn't do it at chargen AND you needed a homebrew solar charm to do it. Anon...?
I wonder why this thread is full of people that do the "Well by that logic, (insert sarcastic remark that attacks a strawman)", or maybe it's just one guy that does it.
Her description is all about using artifact masks.

>This is the write up in Exigents.

>Masks of Power
>The Chosen of Masks’ Charms are not born of her personal prowess and skill like those of other Exalted.
>Instead, she possesses a panoply of magical masks created by Shalrina and by herself, each with its own unique identity and Charms.
• The Mask of Exaltation is the first one Nurlissa wore, a mirror-image of Shalrina’s own countenance carved in black jade. It imbues her with the prowess of the Chosen, the most fundamental of her powers and prowess. She can internalize a limited number of these Charms, able to use them even while wearing other masks.
>• Wearing a mask of carved wood, she becomes the Lord of Beasts, driven by primal instinct and an affinity for all animals. She may speak to and command beasts, wield the prowess of a legendary hunter, pass unscathed through the most perilous wilderness, and empower her familiars.
>• Wearing a devil-faced mask, she becomes the Red-Eyed Demon, a wrathful monster who exults in bloodshed and dominance. She fights with incredible strength, skin like steel, and berserker fury, and terrifies and subdues foes with her dreaded battle-mien.
>• Wearing a silken mask, she becomes the Doe Courtesan, infinitely subtle and wise in the nature of power. She has power both seen and unseen, captivating others with beauty and inflaming their passions or fading from visibility and acting with perfect silence.
>• Wearing a Sijanese funeral mask, she becomes the Gallows Saint, a tragic and melancholy hero. She is a peerless ghost-speaker and spirit medium and can spread infectious sorrow, navigate the Underworld’s waterways, and draw upon the fell power of necromancy.
>• The Mask of Herself restores her to her mortal identity, empowering her to conceal her nature as one of the Exalted, draw power from her fierce will to survive, and safeguard her relationships and those closest to her heart.
I want to create a Jinx inspired exalt for an ExVsWOD game.
What kind of exalt would fit her?
Night caste with PTSD?
Alchemical is more in line with Viktor, but in ExVsWoD they are a splat of fugitives.
She isn't a shapeshifter, but being an outcast fits with Lunars.
Despite the passive, Abyssals don't fit.
Going schizo resonate with ExVsWoD!Sidereals.
Her craziness is like Malfeas and Kimberly.
Sounds cool, glad to have more variety in Exalted.
Why are you glad to have more underbaked half finished charmsets that you have to do 5x the work to make work for a one off character?
No, but there are shinma that are responsible for making mortals weak.
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's cool
Again, anon, which specific shinma did you have in mind, and in what specific way were you intending to interact with that shinma?
Start with Nirguna, move onto Nishkriya, stop by Dharma on the way out.
My theory is that it is done by a freelance/writer.

It isn't really more variety.
You seem to be really struggling with the concept of specificity. What would you do with these shinma, and how, and how would that achieve your goal? And why do you even think that mortals being weak is the kind of thing defined by shinma? Like, it's not exactly fundamental, necessary truth of the world on the same level as "things exist" or "things are distinct from other things!" or "things can interact and communicate with other things". It's just, you know, a fact of Creation. There's no shinma responsible for making mortals weak, whoever made humans is responsible for it. There was no change in the shinma or birth of a new shinma when humans were first made, because humans being weak or strong or extant or extinct or whatever are all just lower level things or more superficial things than what the shinma define.
>And why do you even think that mortals being weak is the kind of thing defined by shinma?
Because all of reality is defined by shinma. Ergo, there's a part of them responsible for weak mortals.
No not really. They're universal principles. They define the foundation of reality they don't control any of the details. This is what happens when you get your info from a wiki.
The fundamentan underpinnings of reality are defined by shinma. Details aren't. Things existing is a shinma-tier thing, but mortal existing isn't. Things having qualities, sure, shinma, but a specific species called humans having a specific set of qualities that leads to them being weak? Eh, not really shinma stuff. Also, I'm still not seeing any specifics on what you actually plan on doing with those shinma and how.
This is too good to be E3 art.
Where did you get it OP?
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Look closely at their limbs and face, specially how the raiders is holding that book.
>My theory is that it is done by a freelance/writer.
Huh, surprised I'm not the only one with that theory
Okay, so just find the person who made humans and make him make humans strong.
Are you fucking retarded? Go and read the fucking 1e,2e or 3e core. Just read something you fucking idiot.
So you're contradicting yourself now. Are you lying now, or were you lying earlier?
It was Authocton the creator, kind of
Nta, but I've never been too clear on it, but I've asked in here before and I got mixed answers if Autocthion made them or they just... kinda showed up one day
If they just showed up one day they're Gaia's creation.
Authocton made the proto human known as the clayman, the rest of the primordials took him apart to make humanity.

The clay man is in creatures of the wyld, a 1e book.
And if the creator can't make humans stronger, then what? Making something obviously doesn't imply omnipotence in shaping that thing.

If Autochthon's the creator, then he's already done something to make humans stronger, namely by contributing to the creation of the Exalted. There's little reason to assume that he could do anything more universally applicable to humanity as a whole.
>And if the creator can't make humans stronger, then what?
He can, because stronger humans already exist.
>There's little reason to assume that he could do anything more universally applicable to humanity as a whole.
What are you talking about, anon? Exalted? Something else?

Well, Alchemicals are already a thing, so go ahead and explain how you'd go about making all of humanity Alchemicals. As I said, Autochthon's already made his contribution to making humans stronger, and that contribution's obviously pretty limited in how big a portion of humanity it can affect.
I was thinking that maybe an infernal with The wicked city charms could work.
But also yeah her schizo side could be sidereal.
>so go ahead and explain how you'd go about making all of humanity Alchemicals
The only limiting factory in making alchemicals is material, and Solars can just forge real-stuff out of the wyld-stuff to make infinite amounts of them.
I thought mainly because of the finger gun charm.

Alchemicals need humans to maintain themselves.
>Alchemicals need humans to maintain themselves.
Yes but also no. Alchemicals not being able to maintain themselves or each other is a cultural design, not anything inherent to the design of the Alchemicals themselves.
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I just want to make fun of the other guy and his bad logic for disliking exigents, why are you getting into conspiracy mode
Average exalted fight
>If Autochthon's the creator, then he's already done something to make humans stronger, namely by contributing to the creation of the Exalted. There's little reason to assume that he could do anything more universally applicable to humanity as a whole.
Or even that he'd want to. His first favored race turned on him and tried to enslave him with artifacts, and he was afraid the Exalts would do the same.
What book is the daystar described in?
Everyone seems to be wrong on this topic. Autochthon made the clayman who was the taken apart by the primordials who intentionally made people to be the weakest sentient race in existence so they could act as prayer batteries. They escaped the Geas that effects all beings but humans to attack the primordials which is why the exalted are all humans. (Until 3e which retcons it for the same nonsensical reason it retcons everything)
Humans are the tools used but they need someone to make them and put them in the vats which exalts can't do because autochthon only taps into humans. The alternative could be robots but we don't know if he can use them as vessels.
>because autochthon only taps into humans
Pretty sure the only reason exalts can't do it is because the means to do so are a closely guarded secret by the top bureaucrats of the nations on autochton
Ink Monkeys. It's not a book, but there is a collection of their stuff in the 2e resources in the OP.

>Some select few humans, but they didn't set up the infrastructure or capacity to teach it on a wider scale, and humans were limited to weak sorcery.
They did set up infrastructure and capacity to teach it on a wider scale. The Salinan Working, plus all of the other things like I AM and education and training charms put down on paper and so on.

>If the Solars wanted to they could've made every single person in Creation a Dragon-Blooded
Yes, but it would have been a huge project. This was actually something like the original intent, but it got scuppered when the Deliberative ruled that they'd rather let Dragonblood love mortals and let the bloodlines dilute than restrict them from dallying with mortals and eventually have a world where everybody is a Legendary Breeding Dragonblood.

They could also have made a deal such that all the mortals in the world became Akuma. This puts them Dragonblood tier or above. You can maybe see why they did not do this.

They certainly never had it within their power to wave their hands and magic up a mass-Dragonblood-tier empowerment that was easy enough to be done in a decade and didn't come with heavy downsides that made it something they didn't want to implement globally.
No. Autochthon literally guides their hands. It's why there's a religious aspect to it. The castes determine if you can even do what you need to do or not.
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How viable is it for a Twilight to get a shit tonne of artefacts and then learn all the Evocations using Design Beyond Limit and Wake the Sleeper, not spending any actual XP? Say I want to pick up like, Thousand Blade Style.
Ah, so Autochton is just fucking with mortals to make sure they never quite have enough of what they need.
It's more like he gives them a portion of his abilities so they can make sure alchemicals and his world body function. There are five different factions that make alchemicals function.
IIRC, one of the 2E books notes a Twilight could probably figure out how to make an Alchemical EVENTUALLY but Autocthion intentionally designed the process to be as close to impossible as he could for even a minmaxed Solar to figure out wholly out of spite for what the Solars did to the Jadeborn.
When mortals make the Alchemicals they're hit with a burst of divine inspiration/semi-possessed by Autocthion himself to know what they need to do, and even then it takes at least five of them, each one only knowing part of the process while they're inspired/possessed to do so.
But the process is noted to be wholly doable by mortals, all Autocthion does is give them the steps to do (and that process is automated, given the whole, he's in a coma at the moment thing) and act as a source of essence for them to infuse the would-be-Alchemical in
>How viable is it for a Twilight to get a shit tonne of artefacts and then learn all the Evocations using Design Beyond Limit and Wake the Sleeper, not spending any actual XP?
It's one of the most utterly broken bullshit builds in Exalted, limited mainly by the time it takes to output artifacts, merit dots, how many motes you can use at once, and committed motes.

>Say I want to pick up like, Thousand Blade Style.
This is a powerful interaction because after five artifacts you stop committing motes.

It breaks the game but can theoretically be taken down, basically. It's up there with all the other experience multiplication stuff - Flowing Mind Prana, persona abuse, turning craft xp into actual xp, etc. It quickly reaches a point where any build that isn't using a method like that to cheat isn't going to make it, even if in chargen it's not the best out there (because again it takes time and development to become busted) and some people spend all their time in chargen so they don't value it.
Thanks. What's the build to turn Craft XP into Regular XP? I was thinking of throwing Sorcery into the mix but I've already run a character with MA, Sorcery, and Evocations and I'm spread too thin and falling behind everyone else.
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>What's the build to turn Craft XP into Regular XP? I was thinking of throwing Sorcery into the mix
The charms for it are Exegesis of the Divine Form and Spirit-Stoking Elevation, then simply anything which provides wxp. Spirit-Stoking Elevation specifically works particularly well with sorcery, because it can fully replace the xp requirements behind Workings with wxp with no further combo.

Spirit-Stoking Elevation is also very strong with Flowing Mind Prana. With it, experience points are committed rather than spent, which means that once the end-of-story uncommit happens the experience can be freely spent - as it's already been converted from wxp into xp at that point it uncommits as normal experience instead of wxp. Also, you can benefit from your own Flowing Mind Prana so long as, in the same story, you don't use it to teach anybody else or benefit from any other experience-granting training charm; however, you should check with your Storyteller because Spirit-Stoking Elevation and/or Exegesis of the Divine Form might count as experience-granting training charms depending on how they rule it.
or they could have gone with a rewrite but I guess it would have been mentioned because anyone using the raw solar charmset is just asking for nothing but frustration.
>or they could have gone with a rewrite but I guess it would have been mentioned because anyone using the raw solar charmset is just asking for nothing but frustration.
Yes, it's definitely not a good idea to play with the base charmset. Especially not Craft, that's the first to be go in my experience.
>has to name 3 shinma in the hopes one of them is the correct one
noread detected.
Yeah, that, too. Forcing him to do so, even if he could, or even figuring out in-setting that he had any kind of a role in humanity's making in the first place, would also both be pretty difficult.

That is canon in 2E, but from what I recall1E didn't say that about humanity's origin, and neither does 3E.

He helps mortals do something they otherwise could never do, just how is that fucking with them?
>He helps mortals do something they otherwise could never do, just how is that fucking with them?
If you are more powerful than someone understands even when you explain it in small words, and they understand that you are more powerful than they understand, then they'll think you're all-powerful. If you're all-powerful then you must be malicious because you haven't resolved every problem in the world yet.
The funny thing is that he didn't even name the one that would probably be most useful, Nirakara. It being the principle of shape and as the border between Creation and Pure Chaos, it being forced to react to certain actions in certain ways could lead to things like mortals having an easier time power-questing, or at least be able to get more potential power out of it, and as a pretty extreme outlier where you have a lot of cooperative entities and spread it's influence across Creation could lead to things like everybody being able to power-quest at will without risking super significant negative mutations, and the ability to power-quest for stronger spiritual powers, higher attributes, things like that, leading to a setting where strength scales mainly to willpower rather than enlightenment. I could see it leading to a more strongly wuxia or even xianxia type setting, where everybody has potential but talent, luck, and strength of will are supreme.

Going to Nirguna isn't going to do much for power levels, though you could probably make all mortals into heroic mortals that way. Messing with Nishkriya could effect when and how conflict happens, but is what you would use to change the nature of conflict rather than any of the participants - maybe you could flip everything on it's head and force people to fight under Battlefield Escalation Method rules, but mortals are still going to be hosed. I have no idea what he was cooking with Dharma, beyond that fucking with it could make it way harder to kill people and maybe let mortals leech off whoever's leading them better.
The problem with effort posting or educating noreads is they weaponise what they're told in the most obnoxious way possible because they don't enjoy the game or talking about the game, they enjoy winning conversations.
>That is canon in 2E, but from what I recall1E didn't say that about humanity's origin, and neither does 3E.
The clay man being the proto human is from 1e, Creatures of the Wyld.

He seems to have been mutilated by the process.

I know full well that 3e, like 5WoD, hates both the previous lore and the players knowing about the world.
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How many of you faggots would be interested in Exalted related audiobooks, probably done by AI because my accent is squeaky and lame. They wouldn't be the novellas, but just sort of Japanese style 'replays' sessions that have been redited and cleaned up to be an entertaining experience
I listen to audiobooks at work so if it's good then sure.
>He helps mortals do something they otherwise could never do
In very limited amounts such that they're always teetering on the edge of collapse. There's nothing stopping him from shitting out infinite Alchemicals if he wants or just telling mortals how to make them directly without restricting the knowledge so needlessly but instead he plays games with mortals
This is because Authocton is dying.
It has nothing to do with autochton dying and everything to do with him being a stingy little piece of shit. Nobody gives a shit about humans in this universe, they hand out sapience to humanity and then just to be dicks about it they make 99.9% of humans weaker than everything else in Creation.
>There's nothing stopping him from shitting out infinite Alchemicals if he wants
And you're basing that on...what, exactly?
They made 100% of humans weaker it was the gods who uplifted humans so they could get their turn on the celestial xbox. They didn't even do it out of altruism. If the dragon kings weren't geased they would have used them instead.
Sure, Clay Man's from 1E. I meant that tge part about human being intentionally made weaker than other races with the intent of them serving as prayer bateroes is 2E canon that's not mentioned in other editions. I'm not terribly sad to see that bit of fluff go, myself.
>Nobody gives a shit about humans in this universe
For good fucking reason. What's the point of caring about humans when you can conjure them up by the millions? You can't even make the argument that they're the numerous sophonts and that helping them is helping the most people, because there are infinitely many little gods in worse conditions, or how you could talk about the numberless, limitless creatures out in the Wyld and how their abusive courts need a revamp. You can't make the argument that humans have the greatest potential because they demonstrably don't and have basically been living on welfare benefits and the beneficence of benevolent gods - and your plan to uplift them is to have people bless them, besides; this is a plan that assumes that mortals can't get shit done on their own and are going to suffer without help as a starting point. They aren't the only ones deserving of help and quite frankly it's going to be hard to see them as people when you can twist them around your finger and tell them to jump off cliffs like lemmings and watch their stupid asses do it, let alone by the time you get Wyld Shaping or biotech active.

Even out of context, me personally, I don't see any reason to help the mortals on a global scale if I appear in Creation, Exalted. There would be more important things to turn my attention to.
The Dragon Kings probably weren't geased actually and likely weren't chosen because they have a finite number of souls. If they were geased, the Primordials wouldn't have thought they were a threat. And it wouldn't be because of their artifacts, because Jadeborn weren't given the same treatment. In 2e, it was straight up said they thought the Chosen were a threat, which makes sense if a Dragon King wielding a god's power could allow them to use it against the Primordials.
>Even out of context, me personally, I don't see any reason to help the mortals on a global scale if I appear in Creation, Exalted. There would be more important things to turn my attention to.
Same. I'd even go so far as to prioritize breaking the Great Geas on the Jadeborn before doing anything like that.
They weren't considered prayer batteries in 1e but they were considered the weakest species in creation which is why they escaped the geas. Humans time during mortal rule was to be the dragon kings slaves and be sacrificed. So it's not much better than prayer batteries.
If DKs could have been exalted (which they can't) they would have over humans. They were innately stronger, lived longer and were just as devoted to the gods if not more. Humans were chosen because they didn't have anyone else to use and they were geased. From the start, everything but humans were geased to prevent them from attacking the primordials which is why humans were chosen to be exalted.
Every time a Dragon King was spirit-killed, that was one less Dragon King that would ever be born again. By the end of the war, 80% of the total Dragon King population was permanently wiped out, while as long as some humans survived, their populations could be built back up again. If Dragon Kings were made into Exalted, suddenly all the focus would've been on them and unlike human Exalted, the Primordials would actually take them seriously from the start. The best case scenario would have ended with Dragon Kings being functionally extinct by the end of the war even if they weren't completely so.
There is a big difference between just being the species that happened to be the weakest and the species intentionally designed to be the weakest. Former's just a position inevitably occupied by someone in a world where all species aren't purposefully made to be equal, while latter implies malicious special attention being paid to humans. That's what I dislike. I'd just prefer humans being nothing special and beneath the notice of the mighty before the Exalted were made. 2E fluff sort of gives humanity's weakness too much weight and significance, like the writers just couldn't handle the idea of humans just not being anything special and therefore tried to make that very weakness into a special human trait with divine, or in this case Primordial, intent behind it.
Has anyone run the 3e jumpstart Tomb of Dreams?

Considering converting it and using it as an introduction to Exalted Essence, but I haven't run it so I don't know if it's worth it versus just writing up my own introductory scenario.

The spirit and pregen stat blocks are the only things that really need updating right?
I can see that reasoning.
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It was 2e just trying to over explain things.

I think the goal was "humanity is mistletoe".
I get your reasoning but
>Former's just a position inevitably occupied by someone in a world where all species aren't purposefully made to be equal, while latter implies malicious special attention being paid to humans
Even the lore in second edition felt more like the former than the latter to me. Best analogy I can come up with is that a 1 inch screw is shorter than a 5 inch screw, but they’re both designed to be that length for a reason and given the same amount of thought afterwards, no malice involved. Likewise there didn’t seem to be any malice or cruelty in the creation of humanity in 2e, just one unimportant component amongst many others
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If you're using AI, won't the voice delivery for dialogue scenes be meh? Maybe there's a way around it.
The Primordial War has been an objective mass extinction event with no upsides for every single lifeform except humans and gods.
Are there charms to reduce high level opponents, like opposing exalts to shivering wrecks via intimidation?
Also elementals and genesis lords and ghosts.
Genesis lords are mortal humans, or they were before they uploaded their consciousnesses into diseases to escape extinction at the hands of the Solars
i don't know why they're dragging ass on the monthly releases, but i'll just cover two weeks since we both forgot last week
Weekly Update
>Final Draft
Champions of the Divine Flame
Danielle: John has finalized redlines and sent them back to the authors to polish everything up
Danielle: Are you ready for me to talk about a ton of Exalted projects? I sure hope so! Alchemicals has moved at cruising speed out of final drafts and into the developers’ hands. Now they just need to polish the gears and double check the Charm installs
Sidereals Companion
Danielle: Oh ho, but what is this? The Sidereals Companion is also in development? Yes, that’s right. Unfortunately, Chazz is only one person and can only develop so much at once. We’ve prioritized Alchemicals, but never fear, the Sids Companion is getting the love it deserves
>Manuscript Approval
Exigents Jumpstart
Danielle: Are you ready to check out a cool adventure with your favorite Exigent baes? Great, so am I. This book will hopefully sail through approval and drop into editing rather quickly
>Post-Approval Development
Sidereals Novella
Danielle: Weren’t we just talking about Sidereals? Okay, so if I can’t get you the companion in record time, I hope you’ll accept this novella moving forward. We had no notes, so I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear next week how this is going off to editing
>Art Direction
Essence Pillars of Creation – Sketches in and feedback sent
Abyssals – Got the artnotes in… giving them a once over
Essence Deeds Yet Undone (Dirt Cheap) – With Maria
Exigents Screen – At Paradox for approval
Essence Charm Cards – At Paradox for approval
Essence Retail and LtD – Backer books at Studio2, shipping starting soon
Essence Screen – Shipping starting soon
Exigents – Getting quotes
Sidereals – Inputting errata correx
Essence Jumpstart – Inputting errata correx
also, pour one out for our nigga nWoD, for he dies wednesday
It really wasn't an upside for ghosts seeing as how they didn't exist until the war. It just means you can get turned into soulsteel.
>Exigents Jumpstart
Will it be like Tomb of Dreams, and use 5 RMCs?
>Which is either gone or in disrepair now. Infrastructure without the means to maintain it is pointless.

Multiple millennia ago. Besides Roman Roads no infrastructure stays in use that long.
Breathe deeply, slowly, then try to understand what I say next:

1: Creation Slaying Oblivion Kick is a meme rules exploit, not something that happens in games.
2: There are a million miles between "I CAN DO LITERALLY EVERYTHING ALWAYS NO RESTRICTIONS" and "Low power grounded setting".
You don't want to play the game if you want to be able to destroy Creation at chargen. That invalidates everything else in the game.
No they aren't.
Exalted. Why the fuck would not being able to destroy the world at chargen have anything to do with it? High power doesn't start at planet busting.

Now stop shitposting and spamming thinks.
It is. And being able to blow up the world isn't necessary for that.
>High power doesn't start at planet busting.
It does in Dragon Ball.
He's not. He's rightly pointing out that you have no idea about how the setting works. You don't even know who Autocthon is.
Not at all. He was protecting them from being totally at the mercy of Exalts ala First Age. Making alchemical dependent on mortals means they can never go Skynet.
>If you're all-powerful then you must be malicious because you haven't resolved every problem in the world yet.

Wrong. Resolving every problem would violate free will beyond every human rights violation in history.
> nothing stopping him from shitting out infinite Alchemicals

Read a book you liar.
>It has nothing to do with autochton dying
Ok I get what you're saying, but I'm gonna meme a bit regardless:
"No, you don't understand nameless peasant, if I cured your child's cancer or even better eliminated cancer from existence I would be grossly violating your human rights."
Liar. High power in dragon ball starts with goku, who frequently has difficulty against other martial artists. As for dragon ball Z? Also untrue. High power in dragon ball z changes for every arc. Sometimes it's Radditz being able to catch bullets, sometimes it's Nappa being able to blow up cities, etc. And planet busting is relevant as a power exactly twice in the entire series:

1: Piccolo blowing up the moon
2: Frieze destroying Namek

And neither of these are representative of the actual physical feats of either fighter, as even by the end of the series characters still throw punches that don't even destroy mountains, let alone planets. Destroying the moon could be swapped out for 'filled the sky with clouds to block the moonlight' and Frieza destroying Namek could be swapped out for 'causes a volcanic eruption' with no meaningful changes to the plot.

And even if you WERE right about dragon ball it still wouldn't matter, it's only one series, it's not the start or end point of high powered characters in anime. OPM bodies the entire setting.
All Gucci.
Jackie Chun blows up the moon in one attack during the very first tournament, and he gets surpassed by Goku a week later. You can cope and cry, but DB characters are planet busters.
>”WTF why is everyone calling me retarded for being retarded!?”
Read the actual post retard. And your post.
Concession accepted.
You're basically in the right here, but "high power in Dragon Ball" didn't start with Jackie Chun blowing up the moon, just saiyajin.
And Jackie Chun is where high power starts? Are ANY of his other feats on that level or is a nonsensical bit of shock value that doesn't in any way represent how powerful he actually is, like with Piccolo blowing up the moon or Frieza destroying Namek.
Are you ESL?
>i-it doesn't count, that was a one off!
>these other times don't count too
>DB characters are planet busters.
Not in any way that matters. It happens for drama a couple times but none of their actual punches or 99 percent of their energy attacks are on that tier. You could remove the very few times it happened and almost nothing would change. And either way, you're ignoring most of what he said. DB isn't where high powered anime is defined. It's one example. And planet busting is the worst example because it negates everything beneath it.
>they can do it but it doesn't count because... because it just doesn't, okay?
Slippery little samefagging weasel.
Dude you really didn't read this did you?
Try again. I believe in you.
I accept your concession <3
It counts! Just doesn't matter.
>It counts!
So they are planet busters.
>Just doesn't matter.
>if DB characters can blow up planets, why aren't they blowing up planets ALL the time?
Are you the same guy asking why Exalts haven't solved all the world's problems in perpetuity?
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It's been explained to you several times now, I'm not going to waste my time doing so as well. So I'll say this in relation to your idea of high powered anime.

Almost every fight in Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fate, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, even shit like One Punch Man doesn't involve planet, or even continent busting techniques. These are all high powered anime. You don't need planet busting techniques to replicate almost every fight in high powered anime.

And once you give characters powers at that tier, they make everything weaker than them an absolute joke, so adding them to Exalted would be a terrible idea.
Not at all. DBZ characters have individual attacks that can blow up planets. And it happens when Toriyama wants (wanted ;_;) things to feel more epic. But when Piccolo uses Hellzone grenade, which is explicitly a high power move, it's maybe a city buster at best. When the characters punch each other as hard as they can there's rarely more collateral damage than a bomb.

Because power levels are bullshit in dbz, toriyama didn't write characters who in the planet buster tier *physically*. They can just shoot death star beams when the plot demands.

If you remove those instances, or swap them with something more localised (e.g. causing clouds to cover the moon instead of blowing it up, or Frieza causes nearby volcanoes to explode rather than an entire planet) everything lines up more closely with the power scale the characters actually fight at.
Well, no shit, if you remove the parts where they destroy planets, they're not planet busters.

What an utterly asinine thing to say.
nta and that's literally not what he said. He said that removing planet destroying feats changes nothing about how the series plays out.

I don't even agree with him because Frieza blowing up Vegeta did somewhat matter and
the collatoral damage matters a little when it comes to the spirit bomb, but YOU are being a dishonest dumbass by ignoring his argument to pretend it's a stupid one you came up with instead.
I'll try this again. Please read carefully.

Why are so obsessed with planet busting being available at chargen in exalted when it's so rare, unimportant and disproportionate in the actual media you used to justify its presence? This is like complaining that a Naruto RPG is shit if you can't summon the Ten Tails with a starting character.
But that's just a complete lie. There must be like a dozen occasions where the characters have to change up their tactics to avoid inadvertent planetary destruction. For example the single most iconic beam clash in the series is the result of Vegeta threatening to blow up the Earth.
>There must be like a dozen occasions
I think it's less than that (but I'm also sure that there's a few we haven't mentioned). IIRC, the whole "what if we accidentally blow up the planet while fighting" thing becomes a concern sometime in the android saga but then it's basically forgotten.
But I just named an example from the saiyan saga. From what I remember, in that same fight, King Kai was also worried that a full power spirit bomb would destroy the planet. Namek as a whole culminates in planetary destruction. Buu starts blowing up planets all across the universe once he loses his mind.

But it's pretty evident by this point that you're just hellbent on sticking with your lies no matter what.
Providing medical care without permission is unethical except in cases where the patient is literally unable to communicate and has no one to advocate for them.
lol cry harder. I agreed with you earlier but in hindsight the other guy had better points. You got emotional over nothing and lost the high ground.
Nta, but that doesn't contradict the point made over here:

>Almost every fight in Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fate, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, even shit like One Punch Man doesn't involve planet, or even continent busting techniques. These are all high powered anime. You don't need planet busting techniques to replicate almost every fight in high powered anime.

'Almost every' doesn't mean 'none', and yes they're mostly in DBZ, but again, that only reinforces the point that planet busting isn't representative of or necessary for accurate representations of most high power anime.

On a personal level, I dislike it for the same reason people complain about it capeshit, WOW, etc. It's such a high stake that it feels meaningless. If it happens the game is over. And it requires you to explain why none of the many thousands of solar, many of whom were nihilistic, vengeful, wrathful etc. never ended the setting before anyone could stop them in time. City scale destruction? That's something devastating but also something you can actually run a game, even multiple times, and it happens more often in anime than planet destruction.
True but he was memeing.
We have examples going back as far as the original Dragon Ball of people's planet busting capabilities shaping their combat strategies, so you really have no ground to stand on here.
That's not got anything to do with what I said. Literally my second sentence acknowledged that it happened. Did you read my post at all?
I am saying you are wrong. It does matter, and it is representative, and I gave tons of examples of that being the case. You keep trying to downplay it, and I don't feel inclined to let you.
Bro I feel the same way about you. I feel like we're needlessly headbutting over this. Have you watched or read any of the series listed there besides dragon ball? That's not a trick question.
As the other guy said I was meming, but can it be called "providing medical care" if you eradicate the disease from existence? Also, the meme inferred that medical care was indeed beseeched.
Eliminating cancer wold either require genetic engineering or taking medicine.
...Or omnipotence, which I believe was the point of the original post.
Which is better for Dread Lord's Demeanor, to force a difficulty 1 valor roll, or a difficulty 2 willpower roll? I would think the latter, because even if the target only had 1 valor, they'd still have a 40% chance of success.
Goku has never lifted anything larger than the city block he lifted in Dragonball GT. Characters in Naruto and Bleach have often had journeys taking multiple days on earth-sized planets. Characters in superhero comics and shonen anime are certainly capable of very broad feats, but the term planetary as some kind of objective measure is just plain silly. As others have said all these powers are heavily controlled by context. One thing that's great about Exalted as a game is it codified this inconsistency present in the genre into the game's *physics* in the form of the concept-based and perfect Charms. Some of the genre media does the same thing [generally in the form of some kind of internal energy reservoir like Supes with sunlight or Goku with ki] but not to the same extent. Exalted is basically what happens when you try to write a game that reconciles the abilities of characters in these huge mythic stories with how the protagonists actually use them.

The fact most games that try to emulate Dragonball-tier anime or DC capeshift tend to implode in on themselves by just giving players those powers with no oversight is another aspect to this. Because very few of these characters employ their powersets in ways an intelligent person who knew his powers would be consistent would employ them. Whereas all PCs are like that by definition because they're playing a game where 'planet-destroying punch' at bare minimum always means 1d12+8d6+456 damage. Exalted is the only game I know that hits that middle ground of representing high power while also making it work like the genre fiction does.
At max stats, the chances to fail the roll are
Valor: 7.78%
Willpower: 3.63%

It is significantly better for it to target Valor because it is much less likely/straightforward for a character to pick up Valor 5 than Willpower 10 - that is to say, it hits more people with low stats - and even for those people who do pick that up, it hits more often. This is including the Difficulty bump, yes. Also, targetting Valor, any penalties inflicted on your opponents become much more powerful, and the Abyssal charmset is littered with those.
What if they works out a way to make a satellite in space bath the planet in cancer-destroying radiation, but it could only hit everybody or nobody because of some funny way the beam refracts across the atmosphere? It can't be replicated in-atmos because you need vacuum to make the right kind of light, and bringing people up is still not cost effective except for the mega-rich and dangerous besides. They've worked out the side effects and distributed information on how to resolve them safely (none beyond the obvious). They've even gotten a worldwide vote that shows 80% yes. Is it still morally wrong to hit the button?

It's a hypothetical that might sound ludicrously unlikely, but science has revealed a lot of weird tricks and the scenario is not absolutely impossible. Also it's definitely not unlikely that similar scenarios would happen in Exalted and you might have to debate the morality of it there too.
Do you know any penalties off the top of your head? I'm looking through the book myself of course, but it's pretty dense with a lot of charms.
What happens when it glitches once and starts emitting cancer causing rays?
Is creating cancer in the first place without permission not unethical?

Those examples would be relevant in a Dragon Ball thread on /a/, but this is /tg/ and /exg/. Exalted's not Dragon Ball. It's pretty anime, though anime's not all there is to it inspirations, but most anime isn't Dragon Ball. Even most high-powered battle shonen anime isn't Dragon Ball.

Nah mate, it's a miracle. Genes stay the same, no one just gets cancer anymore. Why is it bad?
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Pretending that this retarded noreader is correct about DBZ's tiers, why the fuck would i want Exalted to be like shounen shit anyway?

DBZ is ugly alien of the week slop for Mexicans and Brazilians such as myself. I want Hokuto no Ken martial art techniques, Maoyū: Maō Yūsha large scale economics, the political/war deep dives of Kingudamu, the wonderful magic kung fu politics of Azuma No Ketsuzoku and the gorgeous aesthetics of Feito/Gurando Ōdā.
OK I'm gonna have to diagnose you with faggot hipster syndrome.
nta but half of those things he linked are extremely mainstream and it's not contrarian to dislike DBZ if you aren't from South America.
If there's one thing I've learned, money is more important than ethics.
>it's not contrarian to dislike DBZ
It is.
You've never seen people discuss anime on the Internet, huh?
Bad take since that kind of glitch would not be exclusive to medical radiation satellites. If the medical one is a problem, what about the thousand other satellites up there which you can't opt out of?

Sure, opt-in being mandatory makes sense when somebody needs to operate on you specifically, or if you can be excluded from life-saving operations effecting other people, but the moral argument falls off outside that scenario.
Contamination of Spirit
It is because after planet busting, there is really nowhere to go.

And they try to balance faster than light planet busters against animal themed detectives.
shouldn't you still be sleeping, Juanito?

also I lolled when I found out what Azuma No Ketsuzoku was. I'm pretty sure that never got a Japanese translation but it did get a Korean one.
>Azuma No Ketsuzoku
What is this? Google only gave me hentay.
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>Dragon Ball.
It isn't a good shonen to be emulated, it is mainly a statcheck and the powers do more of the same.

And planet busting makes the scenario basically white rooms.
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Bring me the SHITxalted.
A daybreak Abyssal would DESTROY Goku. He would make a super heart disease and Goku will kneel.
Even five minutes away from dying in agony because of the heart virus, Goku would still be strong enough to wipe out the entire exalted host.
It's a super heart attack. He wouldn't have 5 minutes. Especially if we're talking about 5 Minutes in dragon ball. But he would also die to a sneaky attack so it doesn't matter.
>*perfect defense's*
>*slaps you with undodgeable/unblockable + 118 die post-soak-fuck-you damage*
>118 die post-soak-fuck-you damage*
Sincerely, why is this a thing? It is several times the amount of health boxes the avarage character has.
it's not a thing
sometimes you just feel like flattening the himalayas
i also don't remember what was actually the cap on post-soak effects, might as well put in a three digit number
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What is your favorite constellation and why?
I like Jupiter. A teasing Milf who knows everything is hot.
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>responds with a maiden
I can't read.
You'll fit right in here then
Monthly Update
Sidereals jumpstart
Abyssals companion
>First Draft
Exalted Essay Collection lol
>Second/Final Draft
Champions of the Divine Flame
Exalted Essence Player’s Guide
Sidereals Companion
>Manuscript Approval
Exigents Jumpstart
>Post-Approval Development
Sidereals novella
>Art Notes
Exigents Streaming Overlay
Exigents VTT Tokens
Exigents Wallpapers
>Art Direction
Miracles of Divine Flame (Exigents Companion)
Essence: Pillars of Creation (Essence Companion)
Essence: Deeds Yet Undone (Adventure Trilogy)
Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave
Exigents ST Reference Screen
Essence Charm Cards
Exigents: Out of the Ashes: Getting quotes for trad printing
Essence – Backer books at Studio2, shipping starting soon
Essence Storyteller Screen: At Studio 2, shipping starting soon
Essence: Tomb of Memory Jumpstart – Inputting errata
Sidereals: Charting Fate’s Course – Inputting errata
lots of errata going on. next book probably tomb of memory, unless the cards come out first. alchemicals crowdfund probably end of year if this year
and once again, tomorrow ends the nWoD as we know it. pour one out
The Ship's Wheel, The Peacocks, The Shield.

All of them kind of have that "When there is nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire" vibe that Sidereals have.

It doesn't matter if I have to shatter myself to achieve my goals, or work with someone I hate or walk for weeks, or demean myself as a menial laborer for months. I will throw away everything to achieve my aims.
What will be in the essence's pg?

>Miracles of Divine Flame (Exigents Companion)
I wonder if will start seeing art for it.

Geist was my re-entry to WW games.

One of my middle/high school friends was obsessed with Vampire.
is every pc a superhero style character in this game?
More or less, it is a collectivist written, the "no time travel or resurrection" is the only things stopping the setting from going full capeshit.
the essence pg is exalt focused i hear, chapter for every type to add setting detail and mechanics not in the core or companion.
that's crazy, geist was the first wod book i read front to back
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Oh, thanks. shame how there are no news about spoken or Hearteaters

The first time I read it, I got the same gut feeling of when I first read Exalted and Bleach.
What would be the best way to make a full on vampire abyssal exalt?
Depends, what kind of vampire? Ventrue, Gangrel, Nosferatu, etc...
Toreador, relying more on supernatural charm and compulsion rather than brute force
Daily reminders that those that add Hearteaters or any cringe nuexalt types in their games need to fuck off from this game.

Adamant Caste Alchemicals already exist and having other exalt types that are resonant with adamant is bloat.

I will be very glad if Exalted 4e doesn't canonize them or make them antagonists only like Lunars.
Take Irresistible Succubus Style, max Appearance, and you're done.
Which edition? If its 3e, can't go wrong with going deep into Socialize and splashing a few charms from Presence and Performance.
>1e oldhead hates change, more news at 11
i bet you bitched when they released infernals
did you bitch?
you little bitch boy?
>antagonists only like Lunars
Dragon-blooded poster detected.

Anyway, last thread I mentioned 3e Lunars charms I liked and I forgot to mention how nice Inchoate Wonders Realized is as a crafter, since you can whip up high dot Artifacts earlier than you can actually make them and start wielding them. Pretty fun.
2E, my bad sorry- I keep forgetting to mention the edition.
nta but I started in 3e when it was just coming out, tried 2e, went to Essence, hit up ExVsWoD and Demake for a bit, but I've settled on 1e as the best edition.
Why is that? I heard 1E had overpowered defenses
It is easier to fix, once you know the problem.

Both 1e and 2e were "solved", so you know how to deal with them.

3e was deliberately made obtuse, to avoid it, but it ended up a mess without head or tail.
Like what many true fans say, having more exalt types devalues the setting. Many people in non-Onyx Path forums or servers hate the nuexalts including /exg/ and so they agree with me.

They are in the moral high ground therefore you should heed their advice in getting rid of them.

>Anyway, last thread I mentioned 3e Lunars charms I liked and I forgot to mention how nice Inchoate Wonders Realized is as a crafter, since you can whip up high dot Artifacts earlier than you can actually make them and start wielding them. Pretty fun.

Nobody gives a shit about Lunars and Sidereals are far more better tricksters than them. They can also shapeshift into birds, so they invalidate Lunars.

Their craft charms are also far better.
>Lunar talk.
Is this a baiter trying to defend the chosen of masks? Creating a strawman so his side can be seen as more reasonable?
I wasn't even talking about the chosen of masks.

I just really hate Lunars because they are beaten by Sidereals in every way and they do not have a clear theme.

>muh they have Second Circle Necromancy while the sidereals don't?

Necromancy is just weak sorcery and anyone who uses their xp for it is just wasting it for far more better things.
I find Liminals as Exalts weird- in spite of the devs protests, they are really just Prometheans with an anima banner and no disquiet.

Otherwise though I find most of the new Exalt types individually cool.

Getimians are cool, Sovereigns are cool, Umbrals are cool, Architects are cool.

The issue isn't the individual design. It's the quantity. There were originally 4 Exalt types. You were the chosen of the most high. Even the least among them were Exalted by Gaia's children, the Five Elemental Dragons, the highest of the Terrestrial Hierarchy who dwell in the Elemental Poles that anchor Creation.

Now it's like, you're exalted by a god of puppets? Not THE god of puppets even? That fucking sucks. Exalted of "The Dark Mother?" Fuck off. Exalted of a small plot of farmland? Instead of the god damn Sun? It just makes them feel so petty.
>I find Liminals as Exalts weird- in spite of the devs protests, they are really just Prometheans with an anima banner and no disquiet.
Their fantasy of "cursed wandering exorcist" was already done by the Abyssals.
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The weird thing about the chosen of masks, is that she is pretty much just Mirror Flag.

They even got masks from the same goddess.
My issues with Getimians are that they're filling a space that was already filled. However, even in Essence, they play very well.

Sovereigns are also cool, Umbrals I'm more so so on, Architects are also pretty original even if they run into gimmicks more so than Sovereigns who can stand on their own two feet.
Yeah some are definitely better than others. I think my big problem is even for the best of them, there are just too fucking many. It's setting bloat.

The original setting is basically DBs rule the world and war with Lunars on the fringes and that is it until the Solars come back. The Sidereals, Alchemicals and Abyssals are in an alternate fuckin dimension most of the time. It's mostly you and your Lunar spouse fighting spirits and DBs. There are now Lunars, DBs, Solars, Getimians, Liminals, Sovereigns, Umbrals and Exigents in Creation proper all the time. It's almost triple the amount! And what are the core conflicts now?

Still the same ones, the new ones are all superfluous because they weren't carefully considering additions made one at a time, they just added like 5 Exalt types at once and said anyone who didn't like it was an irrational hater, it's nuts.
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>Umbrals I'm more so so on,
They are in a kind of an early alpha state, the Penumbra gain is unbalanced, and they lack a certain "do" the other proper exalts have.

The latter may be fixed by cannibalizing the Bleak Warden, since Umbrals are supposed to be wardens (soul steel caste Alchemicals)

There's an overlap with both Architects and Malfeas!Infernals, but they diverge in certain crucial points.
What are the biggest player character cliches?
Combat wombat, princess, hedonist, social monster, craftgod, sorcerer supreme, martial artist, improv artist, god-king, renegade hero, Scavenger Lord, emo, and the zero-fucks hero.
Dynast born Solars.
I hate Getimians they're not an exalt they're a problem to be solved. That will destroy the setting if they are allowed to propagate. It's the issue I have with hearteaters. Abyssals at least skirt the line but their actions can be used for good.
>It's the issue I have with hearteaters. Abyssals at least skirt the line but their actions can be used for good
Hearteaters' actions were used for good, before them being betrayed by their allies.

The writers even reworded it a bit to make them less sympathetic.
Probably people trying to build a particular anime character in Exalted. Usually Gilgamesh or JoJo.
I mean character archetypes, like >>93237874 mentions.
Guy who hates the guild/John Brown with a Daiklave/Strength-of-Many
sorry don't care if they aren't canon
Ironically enough, despite of being apocryphal, they have a bigger presence and gravity than all other nu-exalts.
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No, you need to fuck off. People can do what they want and Hearteaters are both optional and cool.

>The one good thing about the Exigents book is, unsurprisingly, a group of optional non-exigents.
Lunars aren't and never have been antagonist-only. Cope and seethe.
>many true fans say, having more exalt types devalues the setting
No. Having bad ones with shit lore does, like the Exigents or Getimians, hearteater lore is fine and as q whole they're entirely optional so they don't fuck up canon. They're merely a nice optional addition. You'd know that if you were a true Exalted fan.

>Many people in non-Onyx Path forums or servers hate the nuexalts including /exg/ and so they agree with me.

So? I don't like Exigents either. But who cares?

>They are in the moral high ground
Says who? You? I don't care.

>therefore you should heed their advice in getting rid of them.
I too agree on ditching exigents, liminals and Getimians, but stop phrasing it like a fucking wanker.

>Nobody gives a shit about Lunars
Nah. People talk about them all the time.

> and Sidereals are far more better tricksters
I agree, the devs should have made the lunars better tricksters.

>They can also shapeshift into birds, so they invalidate Lunars.
Lmao, fucking moron. "Durr Lunar can add ten dice to dere excellency enhanced rolls so dey invalidate da solars". Fucking moron, lmao.

>Their craft charms are also far better.
Good for them?
REALLY hate Getimians and Sovereigns personally. I agree Liminals are a bad exalt concept. Umbrals and Hearteaters are peak cause you don't have to add them if you don't want to but they're there if you want them.

Any damage they could do to the lore simply isn't a problem cause you get to be in total control of if they even exist, they're a fun expansion pack, not Cataclysm from WOW.
nah they're faggots.
Bonus irony points for Aurorals, and to a lesser degree Umbrals, being the closest they ever got to Elder Scrolls/Dark Souls style writing.

Even if they were canon, Hearteaters numbers are controlled.
>Even if they were canon, Hearteaters numbers are controlled.
And their lore doesn't contradict how exalts are supposed to work.
I'd be fine with Liminals if they weren't Exalted. In fact, I'd probably have liked them, because I like playable non-Exalts. I like Jadeborn and Dragon Kings more than some Exalts, like Solars. Umbrals also don't necessarily need to be Exalted, but they make more sense. I have mixed feelings on Getimians. I don't hate the idea, but they are clearly based off of Nocturnals, but have worse lore, and they were designed to take the space that Infernals filled as Sidereal foils in what I can only assume is Holden wanting Infernals to be 1st Age Solars reborn (which I hate for multiple reasons). I don't mind Architects. Since I like higher powered gonzo Exalted, I'd give them Charms that let them keep their cities from getting smited off the face of Creation by a Dawn.
>Any damage they could do to the lore simply isn't a problem cause you get to be in total control of if they even exist, they're a fun expansion pack, not Cataclysm from WOW.
Like how you originally controlled whether Alchemicals exist at all, not just whether they're relevant? Or how you were supposed to control whether Infernals exist? Those options that were supposed to be assumed to be no sure did become non-options assumed to be yes, didn't they.
No just Alchemicals. And either way, hearteaters don't damage the lore. So if they become Canon it doesn't matter.
>Like how you originally controlled whether Alchemicals exist at all, not just whether they're relevant?

And still can, exactly! It works great for alchemicals so it'll work for hearteaters.
>And either way, hearteaters don't damage the lore.
well, of course they don't. they don't exist, after all.
>And still can, exactly!
Interesting statement, but entirely disjointed from reality. I just looked at RotSE and found it very clearly describing Alchemicals existing, even if they haven't breached into Creation. Same in Essence. Even if it was the optional in the original intent later works made it completely one-sided, as was very obviously my point.
Alchemicals were always canonical, with the exception of the apocryphal adamant caste.

I don't remember well, but I think the sixth caste was added later on when the Alchemicals got a proper book.
Dumb of it to be optional, they're great, and them being in a private dimension serves the same purpose as dubious canonicity does but without the fucking around. Marked improvement. What's your point?
>Alchemicals were always canonical,
There a source for this?
I think it was because of the dropped meta plot.

You can notice that 1e has a vestigial one.
The Autochthonian invasion was an initial event.
[citation needed]
RotSE in it's entirety is optional anon, no one's forcing you to run it
Are they? Blink twice if they have a gun to your head
Sovereigns I could take or leave, the other ones you listed I don't dislike the idea of, just the implementation, but that's the case for a lot of things in 3e
I do think, as the other anon suggested, they would be better if they were non-Exalted entities though
>RotSE in it's entirety is optional anon, no one's forcing you to run it
I don't see how that's relevant.
>I don't see how something optional is optional
You're a special kind of autistic aren't you anon?
Oh, so you're trying to say that RotSE and Alchemicals are the same thing. Okay, you're just dishonest.
A very special kind of autistic indeed
Alchemicals are canon, but they are optional - they are optional because of the Seal which otherwise makes Alchemicals not show up.
Don't bother, I'm pretty sure this is the same anon who spent half a thread arguing that because something can show up in a game, you must act as if it will show up in every game
You can notice that 1e was supported to have one, but it was dropped mid development.

>because something can show up in a game, you must act as if it will show up in every game
Isn't this what Crucible of Legends suggested? Specially about the Realm?
>Isn't this what Crucible of Legends suggested? Specially about the Realm?
No clue, though I only skimmed CoL like once if I'm being honest. But if this is the same anon then like two threads ago he was going as far as saying you should ignore what the ST says about a scene and assume things are there because they could be or that if one's fellow players have the option to specifically fuck up the party's playstyle one should assume they will
I know the realm is big and all but there's plenty of places in Creation where the realm has zero influence...right...?
>I know the realm is big and all but there's plenty of places in Creation where the realm has zero influence...right...?
Well, 1e Core says that the Realm's control in it's early days spread from the shores of Creation to the edges of the Wyld, and then reiteration said that it controlled the Threshold (which was defined in that book as everything between the Inland Sea and the Wyld), so... no?
As always, the ocean floor is more alien than space/the border matches, because there's no way the Realm has influence over Sunken Luthe.
1e core says a lot of stupid shit that doesn't match with later 1e material.
Daily reminder the ENTIRE Great House Tepet got curb stomped by a scavenger prince that hired some bandits.
Faithful Immaculate turned self-hating "Anathema"
Wayward mateless Lunar with no goals or aspirations whatsoever, only exists to be "mateless Lunar"
Scholar wizard who put Lore and Occult to 5 so he can justify reading all the setting books and recognizing every little thing that comes up
To be fair nobody really cares for it.

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