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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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You're not meant to search "the correct" answer online. You're meant to decide the meaning of any ambiguity in the rules, in the setting and even in things that are not ambiguous to begin with.

The search for validation in the hive mind kills GM autonomy.

What the internet or even the author says about this part of the book doesn't matter, GM.

What you think should happen is what should happen.

The players of your game will trust your calls if you trust your calls.

Don't bend to terminally online nerds. Make your game, trust youself, and create something YOURS for your players. You don't need advice from anyone here or anywhere else. Your gut and your experience will be enough.

Maybe you should worry about "doing right" when it comes to stuff like work, studies and such.

This is entertainment.

Trust yourself!
Alright guys, what are we thinking? Powergamer made a build that wrecked his plans? Called out for not knowing the most basic rules? Or is this a stealth anti-establishment soapbox?
seriously though, good advice and I agree for the most part[/spoiled]
>What you think should happen is what should happen.
I think what should happen is what the author of the book decided. If that isnt readily apparent then I shall see what the consensus of other DM's is, as I trust their judgement.
T. Bad roleplayer that keep full stopping the game to rules lawyer
>The search for validation in the hive mind kills GM autonomy.
The abandonment of norms for DM autonomy kills the community. You play at more than one table, right?
I will consult other DMs’ decisions when relevant to ensure my own decision is as informed as possible, even if I decide differently from those DMs.
The point is that I as a player don't want an opaque game of 20 questions about how you've bubba'd the shit out of the system's rough edges to recalibrate my game knowledge.
Literally every other profession and every other hobby benefits from collective knowledge. And somehow you think tabletop RPGs are exempt from this.
A role-playing game uses rules to function. The single most important thing in any session is to have accurate and clear rulings and judgements to ensure a fair and proper game. If you ignore the rules out of laziness, then you aren't playing an rpg.
Who are you to tell me how to run my games at my table for my group?
I think this is only appropriate when you aren't sure of your own rulings. The whole role of the DM/GM/Ref/etc is that they keep everyone on the same page and move the game along at the right pace. "Table rules" are not a bug, they're a feature of the medium.
I cannot be trusted with ambiguity. I am not a responsible enough existence to comprehend when holes in rules aren't supposed to be taken advantage of for my own benefit.

I see you've had the arguments against you removed.
Guess that means I won.

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