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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Just ordered this. What will I think of it?
You'll think it contains coded messages from aliens warning you about the tracking devices planted under your skin.
But then you'll just dismiss such a notion as preposterous and go back to your normal life. Move along, citizen, and thank you for your cooperation.
On a totally unrelated note, you will then notice your book is nowhere to be found.
Wtf is going on here
Can you play as Sauron in this?
Has no one played this? Please do not shout.
Well, let me break out my Orb of Faggot Mindreading to see what you will think of this book... Hmm, as expected, it will make you crave giant unwashed cocks, like most other things.
Are you sure that's not you're dads home made videos lmao
How's the magic in it work?
Always interesting in how things might present the more implied less overt magic in things like LotR.
I'm not sure, I was hoping someone could tell me. If no one posts then I can post about it when the book arrives.
sounds good.
Pretty sure there was some discussion about it if you look in the archive.
It's always implied. Nothing overt or crazy. Passing a stealth check because you are wearing "magical elven cloaks" is one of the main types of magic you will be using.
Can I get an Elven gf (female)?
Why the fuck did you buy a game book without looking into the system at all?
Nobody here besides me plays anything except d&d so I'll tell you what you'll think.
>Character Creation
Great, its fun to customize and the classless, skill based system and distinctive features lets you really make the kind of character you want instead of being pigeonholed

One weakness is treasure. It lacks value and definition besides magical items. I feel that treasure points don't really fit into the system well, more of an afterthought
>Gameplay mechanics
The combat system is light, and it works best without maps. For dnd players with less creativity, it will feel simple and like it lacks options. But its up to the players and LM to add and use options besides "I attack". Combat is very brisk and very deadly.

A big plus is the mechanical support for travel and social encounters (journeys/skill endeavours and councils). It helps keep the game as a game rather than just improv theater with some random dice rolls now and then. I find that the gamification of social systems really helps quiet players speak up in situations they normally wouldnt.

Journeys are good, but they lack player agency. I modified them using the 1e Journey rules and some of my own work. I keep the fatigue system which is excellent at conveying the extreme difficulty of crossing trackless wilderness without a soft bed to sleep at, but I run journey events more as mini random encounters than just a "dice roll and move on"

Overall mechanically it is very sound and plays well
>Loremaster tools
Its pretty good. Guidance is simple and focuses on keeping the game as a game. The books are organized fairly well and have clear maps, easy to parse enemy stats. There are some pretty great and thematic systems like Eye Awareness which keeps even basic dice rolls a little risky and gives you an excuse to punish your players in fun ways.

You are given many great tools to help your game fit the setting, in fact I think the system is one of the best of any of these "boutique setting" systems at this
>The Premade Adventures
So in the published materials there are two types of premade adventures. First there are "landmarks". These are only a few pages each, and describe a specific important location. Usually a map of some kind, some lore, npcs, and what might happen. The other type are actual story adventures, these are more like adventure modules you might expect, with bigger plots, more detailed NPC interactions etc.

In the core book there is one such premade "landmark" adventure. It gives you a good idea how these work, but you'll quickly realize these require you as a player to give the players a reason to be there. They're good for minor side adventures or sandbox campaigns, but to fit them in a big campaign requires some setup on your part. However, once your players are there, these are actually really easy to run and some are quite fun, including the example one in the core book.

The "module/adventure path" style is only found in the supplement Tales From the Lone Lands. This is a series of related quests that you can run as a big campaign. I'm playing through it currently, nearly done. Its pretty good, but definitely not the best such module I've run for an RPG.

Overall, the premade adventures that are available can be fun but they require a bit more footwork than should be necessary imo. Just know that if you arent gonna run non custom stuff, its not as good as can be found elsewhere. 1E had much better and much more modules.

>Overall thoughts

Its a good system, bordering on one of the better systems I've played. If it had more/better options for adventure materials, I would probably rank it much higher. I strongly appreciate the effort that has gone into emphasizing the physical exhaustion of wilderness travel, I love the use of encumbrance and shadow. I do recommend the system to anyone interested in low magic systems, but the guy running this needs to be prepared to do a little work. Worthwhile work though
I live life on the edge like that.
Are the campaign books worth picking up? If so, which ones would you recommend?
quite good, easy to homebrew. Flavorful rules for races in middle earth and the dice system lends itself to tense moments. Characters are fragile, combat is fast, travel has a light ruleset but is still a big part of the experience. Definetly a solid.
no magic for PCs. Fair enough as there's like six people in middle earth that can use magic, and one has gone evil. If you are accompanied by a Wizard, they can use spells of different magnitudes to aid you, but doing so increases the chances your party is detected by the Enemy.
IMO theyre worth it, pretty cheap books and there are some good ideas present. Tales from the Lone Lands is a more playable book. Ruins is a setting book, its more of a collection of landmarks and other ideas. But some of the ideas are really good. Also there are some optional rules at the back that are vastly superior to the core rules for Skill Endeavors.
Thanks for the response. Does the core book come with the solo play rules or is it in one of the other books?
They are a separate thing. I think its a free pdf? I can't remember how I got it but it was a free pdf somehow. Maybe I pirated it lol. But I haven't tried solo play so I can't comment in it too much. It does see. Well thought out though, lots of tables.
I'll look it up, I'm interested in how it works. I looked up Tales from the Lone Land and it seems to be unavailable at the moment here in Bongland but I'll keep an eye out for it.
I'm pretty sure everything is available in the share thread, so you can always take a look before you buy.
Awesome, thank you.

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