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The best avian races are those that are inspired by the Skeksis and other dark, evil birdmen. Dark, brooding, scheming creatures. This is just a fundamental fact of worldbuilding. You can argue with me if you want, but deep down you know that evil, shadowy birds have the best aesthetics, best personalities, and have the potential for great lore.
I prefer them to be capricious and not especially good or evil.
I like them to be secretly tragic figures, doomed to have become corrupt and lesser versions of themselves when they used to be so much more.
The best ... are those that are inspired by the Skeksis

Fixed, Skeksis ftw
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Just like the skeksis then
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It makes me think of the Arakkoa from WoW, which are heavily influenced by the Skeksis. They had a glorious civilization but gradually fell as a cursed race who gave in to dark powers.
The Carpies from Gummi Bears are cool. I agree that vulture-based birdmen are terrific antagonists.

Does this include Tzeentch? Since The Greater demons are inspired by/based upon Skeksis.

Actually, combined with the Fireys being some of the inspiration for Pink horrors and Flamers, are Tzeentch at the most basic level a Jim Henson Puppets faction?
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>Jim Henson Puppets faction
You now have my attention.
>You can argue with me if you want, but deep down you know that evil, shadowy birds have the best aesthetics, best personalities, and have the potential for great lore.

God damn he's right.
VFX test for the live-action Ronja series.

Skeksis and the harpy from the Last Unicorn are my favorite inspiration for evil bird people. And possibly the Great Owl from Secret of NIMH if I want to present a fairly obvious "fuck you, this is out of your league, just beg for the hint you need and flee"
Thanks for letting me know this is a thing, anon. Gotta put it on the watch list.
Funny. I just watched this the other day.
Still a kick ass movie.
Wish the Jim Henson company actually attempted to produce movies or tv shows so they could have lasted longer than they did after Henson's death. But I guess he was basically the only person holding that company together

The expansion of the Arakkoa's lore was probably the last great hurrah of Blizzard's creativity before taking a complete shit
>when they used to be so much more
I prefer penguin people with strong community.
I like how the Skesis were portrayed as not bad rulers before they fully drop all pretenses.
The miniseries was great too, especially if you like the Chamberlain.
>got shitcanned after just one season because nobody watched it
I was so sad.
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Reminds me of these guys, even if they are not corrupt (for the most part)
Why would a bird have breasts
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Pretty similar to my birdfolk, except they are less dark sorcerers/overlords and more greedy mafia. They look like giant chickens and are called roguebirds
She's a harpy.
Ask the Greeks
I was absolutely fucking livid. I need to know what happens to my girl Deet.
>why would anthropomorphic animal have anthropomorphic features
I truly don't understand why people keep asking this question.
Because the assumption is they are still not human or mammalian in origin and achieved anthropomorphism through their own divergent path.
That's a stupid assumption.
Not really. In fact the opposite is usually viewed as a lazy as fuck design choice because it excuses you from having to think about how they would differ drastically from humans anatomically and physically and can just lazily stick a different head on a totally human body.
If you're writing about fantasy/scifi lifeforms with human-shaped bodies and human-level intellects then you are already firmly within the realm of rule-of-cool contrivance. Boobs belong to that realm. I mean, really, how dim do you have to be to think that a bird is going to naturally evolve into a bird-person?
I should clarify, human-shaped intelligent life isn't necessarily wrong, even in hard scifi you can say that it's convergent evolution and then you can have a lot of fun demonstrating the ways in which the alien is actually completely different despite being superficially human-shaped (as long as it's not something that you might actually mistake for a human, if it's a vulcan or some shit then you're back in the realm of rule-of-cool contrivance). Anthropomorphic animals are not that, anthropomorphic animals are contrived to have familiar elements with fantasy/mythic vibes, while still providing an alternate perspective with its own quirks.

I should also add, even if you're willing to say that a bird randomly naturally evolved to look like a human, that means you're willing to say that a bird randomly naturally evolved to have boobs, because having boobs is part of what it means to look like a human. You're having a knee-jerk reaction to a contrived element but you're overlooking how contrived the rest of the premise is. Anthropomorphic animals are always going to be anthropomorphic.
Boobs as humans have them are extremely specific to humanity and informs breeding and sexual practices. In order for a non-human race to have them they would have to be either part or descended from a human or ape/mammal origin that favors the masking of one's nursing state to facilitate whoring around among other things. It would mean cutting out egg laying for example and various other things to make them that much more of a human copypasta rather than it's own thing.
>Boobs as humans have them are extremely specific to humanity
So human intellect. So is the human body plan. There are birds IRL that produce protomilk. You are extremely silly.
>There are birds IRL that produce protomilk
In their throats, not their breasts. Birds need pectoral muscles and light weight for flight. Given a larger form already stretching some believability for flight, having worthless fat sacks as well on the chest would just kneecap them further.
Ever heard of a peacock? It is entirely normal for a real-world bird species to "kneecap" their aerodynamic frame in order to show off their reproductive fitness. You are extremely silly.
That's correct.
Nice concept art. Really hope the series isn't going to suck. Glad the story finally gets the attention it deserves.
Excellent take
Isn't there literally an IRL bird with boobs? Big ones IIRC.
The Dota 2 skywrath vengeful spirit event depicts a similar thing where the human-bird people live in luxurious towers while the more birdlike feathery "lesser" birds live in squalor on the ground
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Stop trying to justify lazy dimorphism. If you want bird humans then just make them human with feathers like this ugly shit.
you are retarded
Its more likely that it was corporate boardroom politics - the Netflix exec who championed Dark Crystal and suggested they use puppets fell out of favour with the higher-ups and was replaced by one who came up via reality tv and pushed for programming in that direction. Most media execs (and execs in general, really) tend to cancel the projects of their predecessors as soon as they take charge, because it gives them more budget for what they want and kneecaps rivals who can't say "look at this really successful thing I was responsible for", its just in this case it also merged with the trend away from big showy prestige tv and to low budget, low effort, moderate to high profit reality slop. David Zaslav at Time Warner is another case of the same thing, killing off HBO with its reputation for prestige tv and changing it to MAX, refocusing around the Discovery Channel slop he was responsible for.
Aren't the avian godlike usually more bird-looking, and Pallegina's the exception because she had some sort of experimental treatment in her youth to make her more human?
>corporate bullshit killed the dream
I'm pretty certain the last time I gave Netflix any money was to watch the Dark Crystal series, and it's going to remain that way. Fuck them.
The Lord of Change started out as Vrock/Type I demon models for D&D just like how the Keeper of Secrets started out as a Glabrezu/Type III and the Bloodthirster started as a Balor/Type VI.
I don't know if it works the same now, but I remember the showrunner of another canceled Netflix series I enjoyed, Marianne, explained that the way Netflix evaluated whether a show was successful enough for renewal was by looking at the viewership strictly within the domestic market where it was produced. So in the case of Marianne, which ran in 2019 and was canceled in 2020, just like The Dark Crystal, the show did well internationally but was only a middling success in France.

So the point is that this show could have been a monumental success overseas, but if it didn't do great in America, it didn't matter. I don't think this is how they do it anymore, because it never made much sense for a global streaming service to operate like that.
>You can argue with me if you want
I will
>but deep down you know
Absolutely nothing, no thoghts hed empti
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This but make them matriarchal.
>harpy from the Last Unicorn
Say what you want, but Mommy Fortuna got the last laugh on her.
>capture and royally piss of a harpy
>"lol, go ahead and kill me, i will live on forever as a humiliating memory in your immortal head"
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Mommy Fortuna was one of the best villains in cinema history. Can't change my mind.
"Not alone! You never could have freed yourselves alone! I HELD YOU!"

She really was, and I'd say a big chunk of it was how petty she really was. No aiming to rule the world, she just wanted to be in showbiz and have someone remember her, even a hateful memory. And she was sad, a failure at witchery as Schmendrik was at wizardry. "You think I don't know what the real witchery is, just because I do what I do? There's not a witch in the world hasn't laughed at Mommy Fortuna and her homemade horrors. But there's not one of them would have DARED."
And in the end, she won. She knew the harpy would kill her, she was counting on it. Hell, she got a Unicorn as a bonus to remember her forever.
Birds actually make the most sense if they're actually raptors, since they're already bipedal.
Males tend to have structures like that in birds though. In fact, many male birds have inflatable chest sacks.

Yeah, I don't know what that idiot is going on about. It just comes off as the usual narcissistic idea that the human path to intelligence/bipedalism is the one and only path bullshit based on a sample size of 1.
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I love the image of the harpy just lying awake at night cringing about how she got captured by Mommy Fortuna.
prove it.
easily slain.
why do you have low testosterone?
Yes, and that's good.
what do you mean necessarily wrong? nothing in fiction can be wrong.
No. I'll do as I please.
>And possibly the Great Owl from Secret of NIMH
The owl had a kinda tragic facet in the book when it mentions the tree is dying, but as she's too old to move on, she simply accepts to go down with it when it eventually falls.
So like crows and/or ravens then?
Why do you want to fuck birds?
No, it's your opinion.
wtf does a giant anthro birb have to do with Ronja Rövardotter?
But if anything is suitable for (((Netflix))), it sure is Astrid Lindgren's insufferably smug brand of (((feminism))).
Arakkoa are one of the coolest things about WoW, should have been the 4th horde race rather than undead.
>wtf does a giant anthro birb have to do with Ronja Rövardotter?
I know one thing about Ronja, and that's the harpies, which were also in the Ghibli anime.


So I'm gonna guess that.

>(((Netflix))) (((feminism))) (((things in parentheses)))
You do grasp that this makes you look like a retard, right?
>Why would a bird have breasts
Who says it's a bird?
What are you, gay?
I don't remember any harpies, but I was a kid when I read it, so I may be wrong.
Yeah I'm the retard.
Never heard of chicken breasts, anon?
>Yeah I'm the retard.
I mean you managed to miss that I was talking about putting things in a bunch of parentheses and not necessarily anything in those parentheses, so, yeah. A retard is you, Anon.
>mentioning jews is for retards
It's very anti-semitic of you to try to erase the achievements of the jewish people, anon. You're a bad goy.
Man you're just determined to be retarded today. You forgot about the harpies in a popular children's book, just take the L and stop crying about politics.
Featheries are lower than furrys in my book.
>don't talk about the topic in terms I don't agree with
Fucking keksis
True. I look at furry porn sometimes but I never understood lizard/bird/fish/insect fetishists. Like wtf we are mammals they're not even in the same class as us.
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Depends how they're presented.
Farscape was fantastic.
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They're literally in the first chapter. You're definitely a retard.
>sample size of 1
Whats your sample size?
He means that the sample size for intelligent talking human-shaped life forms is just 1 species (with our cousin-species coming close in almost every way). He's still full of crap, I'm not saying that all intelligent life has to be human-shaped, I'm saying the opposite. Nature as we know it doesn't produce anthropomorphic animals. If nature produced another intelligent animal (in its own time and in its own way) then it would probably look nothing like a human. We don't tell stories about anthropomorphic animals because they're plausible, we tell stories about anthropomorphic animals because they're cool, and in most cases the explanation is some magical or metaphysical humanoid-element which was used to create multiple species in the game world (and not just natural selection or convergent evolution). What I'm saying is that bird-people with boobs make at least as much sense as bird-people without boobs.
Yea, and Happy Time Murders was surprisingly good, but still in generally they haven't been doing so good.
Which, again, seems stupid from the point of view of all the people (me included) who wish we could throw more money at Dark Crystal. That show was beautiful.
But, eh, if I'm being honest it really wasn't a good kid's show, I've tried showing it to kids and they just seem disturbed by it, it was made for people like me who want to see hardcore good-vs-evil couched in the terms of our youth.
Oh well.
<ask a question, admit ignorance
>you're retarded for not memorizing children's books from the 80s!!1!
touch grass
Well, you're a little retarded for that, considering they're one of the most iconic parts of the whole thing. But mostly you're a retard because of all the other dumb shit you said.

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