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Glow Wyrm Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 (cont.): With the success of the NPC rules in the last playtest I'm thinking of expanding the lists of Hostiles to include more, if you have ideas for monsters or profiles please go ahead.

> TQ 2 (cont.): Please continue to offer lore blurbs for units in books, they really help giving structure to the factions.

I still want a torero mercenary unit.
Also, if we had to locate the main towns/cities in the maps, where would we locate them?
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"I can do no evil, for I know not what it is."
>The Eloi are among the stranger races known to dwell within the deep. Their widespread settlements suggest some ancient hegemony, and yet they appear entirely unsuited to the task of empire building.
>They are a lethargic, uncommitted people. They tend not even to their basic needs, preferring to recline and ponder philosophy rather than perform any manner of physical labor.
>Perhaps because of this nature, they are rarely found living alone. Whether it be Gorgs, Neanderthals, Morlocks, or stranger things yet; Eloi settlements tend to contain a small heart of the Eloi surrounded by sycophantic followers who tend to their masters' every whim.
>Their ability to acquire these followers is uncanny, much as everything about the Eloi is. It seems to be no unnatural compulsion, simply a fact of life that the weak-willed are drawn like moths to the service of the Eloi.
>And yet, the Eloi are often brutalized by their followers. An Eloi lover killed in a fit of rage by a jealous Neanderthal. A particularly beautiful Eloi devoured by ashamed, weeping Morlocks.
>The Eloi, for their part, seem to care very little about such incidents.
>The utter apathy with which the Eloi treat pain and fear and death can be disquieting. An Eloi might express some sadness when one of its favorite petitioners dies, but he will move on swiftly and never allow such feelings to linger for more than a moment.
>The Eloi seem to have little capacity for empathy beyond their own preferences for individuals. They do not spare a thought for people who do not entertain or intrigue them. They have little capacity for sadism as well, generally preferring conversation or competition as a means of engaging with all people they encounter.
>It is perhaps because of this that they often find themselves as wandering merchants, duelists, prophets, and mercenaries.
good question.
what about ice caves? i know there is the 9th, but that doesnt really count. would the ice caves be inbetween the 2nd and 3rd, but not in the third itself? that is sort of what i was thinking. also, is the Neo-Tethys fresh or salt water? personally, i like the idea of it being fresh, at least in some parts.
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Thank you for the OP!
>did you use some sort of game design manual for the homebrew?
Nah, it grew up entirely from this thread's inspiration, my austism, and in large part the feedback from anons in regards to mechanics.
I have not forgotten about it, it's on the list!
Sam with the Monster from last thread.
> Picrel
Is supposed to be an OP character you get through Sponsorship from the Temple of Tigress. Possibly with Lemurian Agent-related mechanics vs Colonials. She is supposed to cause heavy Dread penalty for the remainder of any Campaign where you lost her on the field.
Also, literally immortal.
If anyone has ideas for rules let me know, this is the kind of model where you can go wild.
I also have an idea for First Prophet Ozymandias, its pretty memey and possibly stupid broken, but if no other anons had something brewing on him I'd throw it up.
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>Of particular note are the latter. Only rarely do Eloi take up arms in any particular numbers. Their abject apathy instills in them no patriotism, no racial pride, nor any particular dedication to any faith or creed.
>Indeed, it seems that they turn to warfare largely as a means of entertainment. Those Eloi for whom dueling becomes too dull find themselves invigorated by larger and larger scales of combat, greater risks and triumphs.
>The methods by which Eloi fight are as beautiful and graceful as each individual Eloi. They often prefer nimble, thin blades well suited to finding the holes in their opponents defenses. Some among their number take to archery, loosing arrows with unerring precision.
>Eloi seem to shun firearms, however, either of Atlantean or Epigean make. The roar of shot and the smell of smoke are unpleasant to their refined tastes, and while they care little if their companions in arms bear such weapons, they tend to consider them too base to wield themselves.
>Given their refined nature, one would be forgiven for assuming that Eloi would pursue the arts. Though they have a great appreciation for painters, architects, novelists, and others; the Eloi have utterly no drive to create things themselves.
>Many a talented artist has found himself enraptured by the Eloi, drawn into their worship after his art was praised by these ephemeral beings.
>It is not known at this time where the Eloi came from, or how they have spread throughout the depths. I believe they have some connection to the ancestral roots of the Morlocks, for the two often dwell in proximity to one another, but there is no conclusive connection known at this time.
>In truth, I detest these people. I cannot abide their vacant stares, the utter indifference to their own pain- or that of others.
>My time among the Eloi changed me, in some way. I feel as if I have lost a part of myself simply by their presence.
>However, the work continues.
A. Schöpperlin, Deep Ethnographies
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>She is supposed to cause heavy Dread penalty for the remainder of any Campaign where you lost her on the field.
Actually, I know this one. She's the Lost Seer Jayanyati's (from the Lost Men) mother and so she penalizes her expeditions if the Lost Seer dies, even if she's hostile.
Do you have any ideas for the unit?
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The POLICEMAN of the FUTURE is here for your SAFETY!

Worry not about the threat of LEMURS, DREAMSTEALERS or GORGS IN THE NIGHT! With the POLICEMAN OF THE FUTURE on watch, you can sleep soundly knowing that he keeps you and your family SAFE! Equipped with all the latest technological advancements and advanced TRAINING, he is well equipped to battle ANY horror or terror underground!

Donate to your local precinct today! Contribute to the welfare of future generations, and have a memorial bench named in your honour!

[Donations are not tax-deductible]
[Ignorance of Evil] ability gives it immunity to dread
Some kind of [Inspiring Beauty] ability lets it rally allied units who are panicking/routing, maybe lets it rally back units that swapped sides? Lower global dread?
Maybe it can designate another unit on your side as its paramour, giving that unit immunity/resistance to dread for as long as the Eloi still lives. It's supposed to be high damage, low health. Maybe something that lets it be obliviously cruel in its attacks, doing more damage by just not giving a fuck about its own pain or anybody else's.
Love these, will add them to the Worldbook.
Atlan anon had suggested making them as Hostiles NPCs that you can recruit somehow and then can switch, perhaps in relation to who had most Wounds/Dread..?
Seems like a good way to make more use of the Arc Ranger's Shock Baton.
Deep, Leader
Movement 5, Accuracy: 5, Strength 5, Discipline -, Evasion 5, Labor 0 Awareness 5
Health: 1 1 1
Armor: 003
[Tough] [Nimble] [Immune to Moral] [Deadly: Rapier]

Supple: Note a Unnamed and Non-Mechanical, model to gain [Paramore].

Subtle: This model does not cause the generation of Dread for any reason. This model may not be the target of a Prophesy, and does not count against you when rolling for control of a Hostile NPC. This model does not drop below Fed Nutrition.

Come and Play: If an enemy model would avoid Panic were it your model, it becomes your model

Play Rough: If this model would fail an action, you may switch rolls with your opponent.

This model ignores Shaken, Panic, and Frenzy. When this model would become Broken or die while Dread is higher than its Discipline, instead replace it with an Eloi with AP equal to it’s Discipline, and if this model is a Leader, LP equal to it’s AP.

I know Rapiers arnt a thing yet.
I think this would need to be a conditional rule, or part of a Merc sponsor. You shouldnt be able to just buy this guy. Maybe an Anomaly.
I like the idea that Eloi are ‘dreams’, rather than something ‘real’. I think they are born from the dreams of sensitive creatures, as a sort of guardian angle, and manifest when they die as a memory or ghost. I guess I cant really explain what I mean right now. Sorry. I will explain better after ive had some more time to collect my thoughts, and gotten some sleep.
Mechanically, the idea is to have a reason not to end the game when your queen gets raped, so to speak. Alternatively, you could give Paramore to an unimportant Model with lower Discipline, giving you less potential value for a more ‘actual’ value. If this model is broken, I guess it will be because of Paramore’s “This model ignores Shaken, Panic, and Frenzy”. This is a really weird unit, and I think it has to be. This is just one idea for Eloi. thoughts?
>Hostiles NPCs that you can recruit somehow and then can switch, perhaps in relation to who had most Wounds/Dread
that is the most elegant solution i think, if not the most beautiful. i dont mind either way too much. whatever the anon that wrote the description likes, i like. i admit what i just posted is something of an unorthodox interpretation, and perhaps reproachfully romantic. it isnt an easy thing to have unit that 'doesnt care' and is 'just here for the fun' make sense tonally and mechanically and etcetera-ly. apathy really is an alien thing. that non-existence is the angel i was pushing with the profile just posted. i think anon did a good job writing on the Eloi, i didnt have much of an idea of them before. still dont, really, or it is a light idea.
damn it, i just realised i spelled paramour like the band. that is really embarrassing.
I reckon make the policeman of the future into a bit of a meme brit/french unit, maybe even american. The colonial answer to the Atlan Immortal. Slow, overcosted, heavily armoured, and covered in a bunch of useless gizmos that will end up saving your bacon in when you least expect it.

>POLICE SIREN: When active, ALL units with less than x discipline must make a discipline test and if failed will flee until they are more than x tiles away from him.
>HOSE-PIPE: The hose pipe may be used to push back a unit 1 tile, if they are within 3 tiles. May not be used on elite models. It may also be used to turn lava or magma tiles to stone.
>FIREWORK: Remove obscurity from all units within a 3 hex area for 1 turn.
>MOB PERSUADERS: Any unit that engages the Policeman in melee automatically takes 1 damage.
Silver Scarab:
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 2, Strength 7, Discipline -, Evasion 2, Labor -, Awareness 6
Health: 2
Armour: 176

Silver Shell: When this model is killed, it drops a Silver Shell, an Equipment worth 24 Silver. Models must spend 1 AP to pick it up, and drops it as a token when they die. A Model holding a Silver Shell loses 2 Movement and gains 6 Armor on the Body Location (to a maximum of 9). Whenever the Body Location has its armor reduced, the Silver vuale of the Silver Shell Decreases by 4. While the Silver Shell is dropped, it counts as Barricade Level 1.
If Field Skinning is used on this model gain an additional 10 Silver instead of a Ration.

If the winning roll for control of this model is over this its Awareness, then it must Disengage.
this is meant to be the Star-Beetle. i think the mention of Star has too much connection to the INNER SVN and all that stuff, but otherwise i quite like the idea.
possible Leg Fish that works like Silver Scarab but for Sp. Rations instead of Silver. might also be broken.

Leg Fish:
AP: 2
Movement 4, Accuracy: 2, Strength 2, Discipline -, Evasion 2, Labor -, Awareness 6
Health: 1
Armour: 000
[Skittish] [Terrain Affinity: Water] [Amphibious]

If this model is killed by a melee attack, the model that killed it gains Fresh Leg Fish. Fresh Leg Fish can be changed into Leg Fish Jerky by cooking it, or Baked Leg Fish by cooking it at a Campfire. Fresh Leg Fish Spoils at the start of the next turn if it is not cooked, causing the owner of the model holding it to gain 1 Dread.

>Leg Fish Jerky:
Sp. Ration. A Snack Action taken to eat this Sp. Ration does not cost AP.

>Baked Leg Fish:
Sp. Meal. A Snack Action taken to eat this Sp. Meal does not cost AP.
it feels like a very british unit to me. plus, they could use something like it more than the others.
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The old 3rd Layer map had some indication for some cities.
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The Monster update!
I didn't put in the restriction about Olms and Morlocks, my reasoning being that Amazons are on the list, and one part of the Amazon lore is that while they are very friendly toward Colonials and the more normal Deepfolks, they go full genocide mode whenever they hear that any other Subhumans like Apemens or Gorgs are nearby. Figure if the Monster can get these to work with others, he should be able to get Olms to grudgingly work with Morlocks...?
Also, for the Tribal option for Amazons, did you mean the Mu Nomads or the Devolved Deepfolks? It could be both, or I could simply make a Hostile profile for generic Tribals that can be used for it.
I thought those were entrances/exits.
Many (the triangles) are, although they'll also give some indication of the settlement's location in some cases (Paris, Kitezh, New Kirkwall). But the dots are cities.
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New take on the Cultivation Master.
I have no clue if the cost is balanced considering Cruel Tutelage, but whatever.
Also, a 3x Master list would be fun to try so reminder to include some Hero Trait to that effect.
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Reposting from last thread.
Suggested change to Obscurity
> If a models Awareness is not greater than the total Obscurity between it and a given hex divided by its Awareness, then it does not have LOS that to hex.
> Light Sources reduce the Obscurity of adjacent hexes by their value (indicated as Light Source X). If the Obscurity of a hex would be reduced below 0, it gains Light Source X, with X being the amount it would be reduced past 0.
My initial issues with this is
a) I feel this would require a complete rebalancing of Awareness to be balanced.
b) Its added complexity to achieve the same goal (putting models out of Range of actions)
I'm not opposed to trying new things with Obscurity but this seems too much. At the very least I would like to start by testing the original version.
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Pitch for the Infested Degenerate.
The Infestation table could be reworked, it was always left in the air what exactly is infesting their facehole, Shapes always made sense, but I thought the idea of a giant Lemur coming out of it would be funny.
Just realizing right now it could be cool to include some rule to get Degens turned into Ingested Degens if a Hostile get to one.
Thoughts on some other Eloi units being made a thing? (Like a specialist duelist or something)
Leader-Only (And campaign/sponser to boot) really limits the amount of scenarios where it might show up.
Seems more like the Colonial Answer to that Atlan Trapmaster unit. Cool guy though
meant nomads
coincidentally rewatched Big Trouble on saturday. What's the reasoning behind the armour values? He already has nimble and a lot of AP to dodge with.
It's my view that you should be able to willingly (or accidentally) infest your degenerates by having them stand near an infested one, with the drawback of whatever is infesting them propogating.
The chart mentioned that infested degenerates sort of go back to normal, is that still a thing? This is a unit that I've thought about fairly often so I'll pitch something up if I can find the time. Something relating to Hermit Crabs maybe
>added complexity
The Obscurity/Awareness comparison doesn't seem too complex to me, because Obscurity is global, you are really just counting the number of hexes. For example, if a model has 4 Awareness, and the Map is Obscurity 2, then you know that model can only see through 7 Obscured hexes. “If the square of a model’s Awareness is greater than the total Obscurity between it and a hex, then that hex is out of LOS” could be a better way to word it.
The Light Source idea is more complex, but it makes high numbered Light Sources more valuable and lets light spread. Those are good things, I think, but you are probably right that my idea for how to achieve those things is too much.
>to achieve the same goal (putting models out of Range of actions)
It is the same goal, but doing it by restricting LOS and restricting Range directly is a different enough way to get to the goal that it would be noticeable. I think that difference is what is most wrong with the idea. One good thing about restricting Range is that it allows for a medium state, where LOS is a yes or no thing.

I think Obscurity rules are probably fine, just wanted to get the idea out. Agree we should try the current rules before seriously thinking about changes.
Needs a "cathartic transgression" ability whereby Dreaded and Panicking units fall upon their superior in a frenzy. Clears those debuffs for a langer term one.
Any Springheel Jack unit yet? I could see there being a Hookhand Jean who swings about Paris' subterranean crags.
>Ingested Degens
looking forward to see what you come up with for Infested Degen.
>some other Eloi units being made a thing?
i will post some ideas later. I should have removed the Leader keyword; it is only meant to be a Leader if its Paramour was one. if it does end up part of a Sponsor, then it would make sense there is a normally recruit able version. might also make an NPC version.
well, there is Jump Man
Don't tell anyone I said that
>I know Rapiers arnt a thing yet.
They are, actually. They first showed up in like the 1500s.
meant in the game. i could be wrong, i didnt do a deep search, but i am pretty sure their is not a weapon profile for one.
>It's my view that you should be able to willingly (or accidentally) infest your degenerates by having them stand near an infested one, with the drawback of whatever is infesting them propogating.
>The chart mentioned that infested degenerates sort of go back to normal, is that still a thing?
I made the Infested back in the days.
It was more that Degens have no personality left, don't speak (how could they?), have no will of their own, and don't seem to have any memories of the past. When a Degen becomes Infested, it is supposed to gain back its memory and personality (perhaps with some creepy changes) and seek to restart their old life, but are still Degens (something which they dutifully ignore). Just like the Flesh Construct, Lemurians have learned that if you just go along with its delusions everyone is better off. If an Infested is too directly confronted with its nature, it may turn aggressive.
Anyways, that was the initial pitch.
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Ok, so I don't know if this is going to fit or appeal to anyone, but here's my (admittedly very gamey and possibly utterly broken) pitch for First Prophet Ozymandias.
Basically, a stone statue that can pump out Prophecies or boost your other model's Prophetic abilities, and the more Prophecies you succeed, the more Lemurians come to his help. The bit about giving the opponent Silver was mostly a meek attempt at balancing the mechanic, its not going to happen unless you hit 20 models, but if it did the opponent should probably be rewarded for every turn he survives the onslaught anyways...
The cost and mechanic restricts the list building options but you kinda get that back afterwards. The most obvious list would be
> Ozymandias
> 5 Scholar-Prophet
> Some Degens with pickaxes or shovels, either to move Ozzie or to clear up the map from Walls.
This is entirely pulled out of my ass so please let me know your honest feelings, if it doesn't fit it just doesn't.
Next up is Eloi.
Having to get guys to drag him around is peak.
Would a chariot with two riders count as three? It is a funny image to imagine someone dragging their highest leader behind them on a rope
Sure! The only thing is that I made it be Workers, and no workers in Lemuria currently have access to Chariots, but I can remove that bit. Plus if you are stuck using Degens only he won't move far at all.
For the Lemurian Officer I was stalling on it, I kinda thought maybe the Officer could be as in "someone who holds an Office" rather than a military officer per say (although there could also be a military officer among the trait choices) and make him a generic mr Potato hero like the Mu Master. So you have some Lemurian who holds an Office from the Temple of Tigress or from some Cultivation School or whatever... ?
Wandering Eloi: Cost 15
Specialist, Diplomat, Deep
AP: 3
Movement: 2, Accuracy: 6, Strength: 6, Discipline -, Evasion: 4, Labor: - Awareness: 4
Health: 1
Armor: 020
[Tough] [Nimble] [Quick Strike] [Immune to Moral] [Backstab: Swords]

Subtle: This model does not cause the generation of Dread for any reason and can not take Labor actions, but ignores Disengage for and cannot be the target of a Prophesy.

Irresistible: [1 AP] During a Face-to-Face Parley roll, this model may switch rolls with the opponent.

Parley [Call for Duel] : Whoever wins this action may force this model and the target enemy model to immediately spend the remaining of their AP to take Attack Actions against each other, or Reload or Move/Charge actions directly toward one another if they cannot make Ranged Attacks. These Attacks are alternated between your opponent and you, starting with them.

Another place for Call for Duel. Meant to be a more worldly and ‘involved’ Eloi, but still not all there. An Eloi that had learned how to use its gifts to get what it wants, namely Duels and winning them. Fragile, but Nimble, Tough, and the armor should make up for it enough that it can survive long enough to at least win a Duel. Irresistible lets you force a Duel at the cost of being much less fit for it, however a Ration will mitigate that, and if you have it eat a Warm Meal you can force a duel while being at 3 AP. It also allows you to get free LP; if that turns out to gamey, then adding an LP cost of 1 would be an easy fix. I like Backstab, and it obviously works very well with being able to Disengage for 1AP. Subtle has been changed to not be stupid.
Stray Eloi:
AP: 1
Movement: 4, Accuracy: -, Strength: 3, Discipline -, Evasion: 2, Labor: - Awareness: 5
Health: 2
Armor: 000
[Dogged] [Terror]

Concupiscence: Shaken and Panicked models with LOS to this model are Frenzied.

Avoidance: When rolling for control of this model, add 2 to your roll for every friendly model Engaged with it.

Made with the assumption that it would be a Hostile NPC. Having it helpless justifies not taking the time and AP to kill it, and also means you wont just ram it into the enemy if you are controlling it, which means Concupiscence is more likely to do something and hopefully leads to more tactical play. Terror is there mainly as a thorns effect, and also so if you really want to you can just ram it into the enemy and have it do something at least. It is a slower unit and that both fits with the new characterization, and once again makes it harder to get rid of because you cant just shoot it off or send it careening into the enemy. If you want consistent control of it, then you have to deal with the Terror, which could be worth it if your LP isnt doing much (or you have someway to get a lot of it back like with Wandering Eloi). Should be interesting, and hopefully tactical.
Anyone else checking out the new FL update?
They took our sky-whales man
Yes, the triangles are entrances and the dots are cities. The colonial settlements themselves would probably not too far off. New Kirkwall and Kitezh are likely on the coast, given the proximity. Paris, Kagoshima and Istanbul by the very nature of their transportation into Agartha are at their entrance points.
I didn't come up with Oz, but I think the one big thing about him was that he's supposed to psychically damage any non-Degen coming too close. Did you omit it because you didn't know how to implement it in a good way?
>Did you omit it because you didn't know how to implement it in a good way?
Not really, I kinda just got stuck with the Prophecy into Silver to recruit & immobile stone statue idea. By the time I was done doing that it felt like the unit was already very heavy rule-wise. I can add it if you want.
I think it was a pretty integral to his whole concept, so it should be there. Even more so if you intend to make moving him around such a pain in the ass. And even then it would be better to simplify it, all the song and dance needed to move him 1 hex seems excessive without any trade off for it really. He was also supposed to damage friend and foe alike, so it kinda auto-balances to an extent. Something like Terror+unblockable Graze to the head for any non-degen within the same range could work maybe? That would be 1/4 of one's Health for most units, nothing to sneeze at.
As for movement, maybe just require adjacent units to spend 2 AP total per hex moving him, up to 2 hexes max. So, for example, two Degens (or most units, but you wouldn't use them for that, ideally) would spend all of their AP to do it.
I think there should also be a special rule that basically makes the opponent concede if nobody is left around to move Ozymadias? I'm not sure if a hypothetical situation where he can't move but Lemuria wins because the opponent can't kill him without his army dying and going insane is fucking terrible or secretly genius.
As for the Immortal Founder, is the summoning continuous provided you're not at 20 max at the moment? So if some die, he can ummon some fresh units? Because holy shit that sounds like Morlock spam, but worse and not played as a joke.
Also I imagine that some units like Husks or maybe even animals could be reasonably conceived to be immune to Ozymandias frying their mind with overflowing Prophetic brainrot, making for some interesting counter potential?
And yeah, with Grazes would actually be 1/6th, sorry. If you bump the damage up to X, it would be more like 1/3rd. In that case, maybe have an Awareness test lower it to Graze.

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