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Trying to find other table top games that aren’t bending the knee like GW but why is every other game so inherently strict with named characters and narratives?

40k used to offer so much freedom but now it doesn’t do these games should try capitalizing on it but they don’t. Infinity for example suffers from the worst case of hero hammer.
When will you 40kids realize your fanfic bullshit is actually uncool
Why do I suspect "bending the knee" is seeing like 1 black Space Marine, and not charging kids and young adults $50 for three of them.

Was it bad when they bent the knee to tournament players? Obviously. Was it bad when they bent the knee to lorefags? Yes. /yourdudes/ was killed off by these two groupings of people who don't enjoy narrative play of the Warhammer 40,000 game.

This is a franchise that has sucked since 5th edition and it's in edition 10. If you're asking now, please stay there, you will rape literally every other game there is with your inane autism.
You can’t outright mention the golden boy thing here or you’ll get banned
It’s especially annoying in infinity when named characters are shoved into conflicts for no reason.

The Ariadna commercial conflicts were just saying almost everyone was partying there
The emperor's body guard? That shit was cool when it was one grainy drawing of a Hoplite guy but they had to MILK it and now they are MILKING it more.

Warhammer sucks. It helped put the hobby in a lot of homes but you're supposed to grow into something worthwhile like literally anythingnthat isn't Warhammer.
Oathmark is a fantasy rank and flank that is built around you making your own custom kingdom that builds out the units available to you. It is made by the guy who made frostgrave, also fantasy but a skirmish game about wizards and their retinues.

Star Wars legion does have a lot of named characters, but armies just running generic commanders can do well.
Yeah and what’s happening is people are still playing Warhammer but with alt rules and 3d printed models why bother touching other games
Because the setting sucks, the aesthetic is goofy and resin printing is a pain in the arse. I'll keep playing Frostgrave, Kings of War, Haeil Caesar and a bunch more thanks
No one cares cunt.
Infinity is a dead game
Hence this thread
Please don't. Stay in your containment game, no one wants you 40fags.
Infinity needs us
No one cares about infinity’s lore
Technically Battletech lets you Your Dudes but that's kind of always been overshadowed by the greater setting events like the Invasion, the Succession Wars, etc.
Infinity was made to promote Islam
It's a psy op
Infinity has 90% generic characters with the occasional named guy, though. The meta and story is about named characters, but that's the case with 40k as well. What Infinity doesn't do well is support kitbashing and customizing your models, which is a shame considering the wide variety of gear in the game. At the scale it's not like you can tell the different rifles apart but it'd be nice to be able to get some alternate weapons and parts that look like they belong in the setting without having to buy another character and chop them to pieces.
>why is every other game so inherently strict with named characters and narratives?
Is this a troll thread? 40k is one of the more egregious examples of this, and plenty of other games lack this entirely.
Oathmark has a great idea its just a shame the game itself is bland and boring to play. Same with Frostrgrave, the actual gameplay is aggressively average. You'd have a better time using the campaign mechanics of both and layering them on top of a better wargame like Song of Blades and Heroes, Thud and Blunder, Fantasy Rules! , or Fantastic Battles.
Infinity’s story is so dumb. We all know the combined army are the big bad but every campaign devolves into faction infighting because it has to but the true big bads are pushed back time and time again from a shakey alliance that is then broken and Segway into more side incursions
Really? You often develop plans on how to shill to 40k players
What killed infinity lore was the odd decisions they did against the Tohaa

Honestly, the Combined Army itself is kind of stupid, since Infinity seems to have been made more for small deniable ops rather than a big alien invasion.

The problem is, they kinda need the combined army to spice things up because the Human Sphere is absolutely awful lore-wise. It's the most basic "X ethnicity BUT IN SPAAAACE" but with zero effort put in. The only time they actually tried was with Nomads, and to a lesser degree Aleph.
At this point, Inifnity is more "your dudes" wargame than 40k or Killteam
>Combined army is some how defeated through team work
>Anyway everyone starts doing denial operations and black ops again since they all hate each other
>The combined army come back bigger then ever

And a lot of the major fighting is all out mass army warfare in the lore
Oh you should ask /awg/ about miniature agnostic campaign skirmish games unless you REALLY just like writing shitty fanfic instead of making shit up wholesale. Faggot.
No need to sign your post, friendo. Making a whole setting is pretty different process from just writing your OC donutsteel guy into an existing one.
"X-thing in space" is based, tho
All that is matter is that it's cool to *me*
>Infinity for example suffers from the worst case of hero hammer.
I would disagree if it wasn't for aleph/A.S.S., but their entire thing is the boatload of named heroes so whatever.
Other than them i don't realy take characters all that often as for most missions i need different abilities and tools than what they offer, or because i don't need them due to my local meta (tried running shona and liang in sval, but they never made their points back at all).
Might be my factions (sval, TAK, MRRF, CA, onyx, morats), but only in morats do i have characters as part of my auto includes. Games are 90% decided by the nameless and faceless men/women/monkeh in uniform instead of the chars, with quite a lot of them having gained names
Infinity also tries to appeal to grim dark 40k kids a lot with recent lore losses
>Infinity’s story is so dumb. We all know the combined army are the big bad but every campaign devolves into faction infighting because it has to but the true big bads are pushed back time and time again from a shakey alliance that is then broken and Segway into more side incursions
It would have been so much better without any aliens at all.
Which is why the tohaa getting shat on had a reason. The combined army are alluded as being insanely strong and large like the combine in half life but the earth sphere still squabble amongst themselves

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