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Get fucked Hexproof

Duskmourn actually looking good
also leylines are back in standard
Aesthetically, the stupid ghostbusters gadgets and 80/90s tech completely ruin it. Mechanically, there's not a lot to go on yet.
Also get fucked Lifegain
B.....but stranger things and ghost busters are pop icons! You don't hate pop icons do you?
I kind of like how they turned horror tropes into mechanics. You die in 7 turns, like the Ring.
But in the meantime all your spells are doubled.

Great for burn decks, you don't want the game to last 7 more turns anyway.
forgot my image
+ Pariah's Shield
+ Mogg Maniac

or one of the Donate tricks
It's 7 more instants/sorceries, not turns. Also burn isn't going to play a 4 drop that doesn't deal damage. Doubling your first bolt is worse than this card being another bolt itself, and doubling your second bolt means the game went to turn six so what the fuck are you doing.
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I guess you're right, sorry for getting excited
>this set has literal televisions
>capenna had a fucking traffic light
>nu Kamigawa had neon signs
I fucking hate this new trope of including straight-up modern technology in Magic sets. And don't give me that "w-w-well there were mortars and cannons and robots in the old set" that was magitech steampunk shit and they looked different from modern robots because they were powered by magic not mechanical innards. Even Kaladesh managed to make the magitech look aesthetically fantastical and not like a poor imitation of the modern technology it was imitating. But nowadays these faggots aren't even trying. Kamigawa Neon Dynasty did irreversible damage to the game's aesthetic style, and no one dared to insult it because MUH HECKIN PRECIOUS WEEBS and MY HECKIN PWECIOUS JAPAN. Oh it had double sided saga cards and wasn't chock full of overpowered crap and bad combos that go off on turn 4, wow that means it's amazing! Meanwhile it was aesthetically trash. It ruined the game, which was already on such a downward trend with their shitty shallow settings that blindly imitate real world cultures with no artistry or ingenuity. I hope this game dies soon while it still has a shred of dignity left, and FUCK every single person who think that a Wild West setting with magitech revovlers is acceptable, such shallow genre emulation, so fucking lazy, and the fact that MTG simps defend it is just pathetic.
Okay. I'm looking forward to the space opera set.
>Okay. I'm looking forward to the space opera set.
You and everyone else who is looking forward to that, should be lynched. Magic The Gathering is not for space opera. Fuck off with your hair-splitting bullshit about "well Star Wars is fantasy and star wars is space opera, so space opera is fantasy and MTG should have space opera in it" and various other stupid bullshit stretched logic to justify putting everything from My Little Pony and The Walking Dead into the game, or just poorly emulating real world cultures and then adding straight-up modern-day gadgets into the world without any alteration. Why the hell does there need to be a traffic light in New Capenna? Can you not evoke the feeling of New York City without it? Why do you even need to evoke the feel of New York City? Fuck these cunts and their reductionism. Everyone on the Wizards lore team should be fired and preferably die of cancer. They have taken a game with halfway decent lore and injected pure diarrhea into it until the entire thing is tainted by how terrible the new lore is. The story is pure shit. The art is pure shit. The lore is pure shit. Yet pudgy bug men who work in shipping and receiving and drive Honda Civics will still clamor to spend half their 1200 dollar paycheck on the game. They are idiots and if I drove by one on the side of a highway in a wreck I wouldn't stop to help.
You feel how I used to, but now there's just a dull resignation. I quit some time ago.
But I feel you, anon. I feel you, and I'll add my past self's rage to your pile.

Fuck this, there's a thing wearing the corpse of a game I used to like, and it's standing outside in the rain, asking if it can come in to play commander.

I don't want the skinwalker of my old crush to kill me with the promise of bloated, rain-slick flesh. I know once I let it in, there'll not be any of the horny left anyway.
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>I'm looking forward to the space opera set.
we had one recently
I wish I could forget this game entirely and move on.
There's Flesh and Blood but it's just not as good. Better base design but smaller design space.
I, for one, can't wait for double hexproof to come around. Or maybe just everything also getting leaves the battlefield triggers
I know Glaring Spotlight exists, but attaching this effect to a removal spell is cringe as fuck.
No, don't get him to give up. I want him to die mad about Magic the Gathering.
Its okay to be excited about cards that have interesting lore-based mechanics.
You can play it in commander and have fun with it if your friends aren't all ultra-competitive retards. Sure it won't come out of your deck every game, but it'll be fun and cool.
I fucking love how much the new set makes all those mudcore faggots seethe
Cry more
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>Fucking ACTUAL televisions
>Just regular ass literal televisions
>Not UB
I hated Neo-Kamigawa because it ruined my favorite setting
No one wants mudcore in MTG. The game is literally called Magic. They just don't want near modern technology in a fantasy setting.

>b-b-but the TVs run off magic!

So why make them look like real TVs?
The funny part is that this set sold badly in japan because it looked like modern day hong kong instead of cyberpunk japan.
Boo fucking hoo. I hope the next set has a 2008 Honda Civic so I can bathe in your tears
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>complaining about tvs
Did you guys miss the Transformers set? Mtg jumped the shark years ago. It’s the same as DnD, your only choice now is to just ignore the shit you don’t like and play with the stuff you do like. If you can’t, quit playing and devote your time and energy to a new hobby instead of raging impotently.
>I can’t!
Then you’re too far gone, and you have nobody to blame but yourself. Mtg doesn’t exist to please you as an individual, it always existed to make as much money as possible. Grow up and deal with that fact
>b-b-but the TVs run off magic!
even if they didn't it wouldnt be a rpoblem with me. you can have fantasy, even high magic fantasy, without every little thing being vague muh magic
Duskmourn isn't UB, it's part of the canonical MtG storyline and exists in the same multiverse as everything else in the MtG storyline. Just saying.
>no one wants
Those who cared and had any self-respect left already. Sorry, anon, but the things you remember fondly are not coming back.
NEO was actually very respectful towards MTG direction and aesthetically cohesive.
And, what's most important, it was an actual plane, not a cheap knock-off/parody of an existing setting, like Kaldheim, Capenna or whatever came later.
>for the rest of the game
Fuck you whoever designed this
Ohhhhhhhhhh well in that case who the FUCK cares??
Nowhere to Run doesn't bypass Shroud,
I always thought it was insane that they keep making effects like this without any built in trackers. Emblems already exist. Just fucking give them an emblem that says "you cannot gain life". Same with all those effects that give you an unlimited hand size for the rest of the game. They insist on keeping emblems exclusive to planeswalkers, but then also insist on creating permanent effects. Just fucking use the permanent effect trackers that are already in the game.
I will print proxies with more fitting art like I did with New Cappena ones I liked
why are we getting duskmourne spoilers? isn't bloomburrow the next one¿
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>new trope
Yeah but they're releasing so much stuff in such a short window they gotta keep the hype train going
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ShroudGODS we are ascendant
>Hexproof bypass
>Ward bypass
Once again, something that should have went to white gets given to black who already has everything
>whiteschizo still playing out his oppression fantasy when most dominant standard decks are white
inb4 "i-it doesn't count unless they're monowhite!"
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>Analog horror enters MTG
Who the fuck is wizards hiring?
>it's actually better because it ruined an existing setting!
I wish we could just ban NEOvagiana zoomers like you.
I think they've been shifting white's pie slice away from "law and order" to more "lots of little dudes" slowly but regularly for quite a while now. And black is going from "power at any cost" to just "screw the other guy as much as possible"
Officially, they were worried that people didn't understand the intended setting of Duskmourn.
Does the Ring count as analog horror? Well if so it certainly predates the trend.
I still don't understand the setting. It's like a big halloween haunted house, except it's so big it's a plane, but it's still a house.

That's a bit weird. I guess they can't just make it a normal plane o' monsters cause we already have innistrad for that, but this does feel a bit out of place.
Yes, the ring does count but if you paid attention to youtube trends and indie horror analog horror is the hottest thing right now and there is way too much of it.
>all this TV hate
So is this a bad time to mention the TV-style alternate arts?
>recovered tape fragment
Oh hey it really is analog horror. they have "tapes"
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can analog horror just die already?
but still WOTC will never put just normal guns into the game outside of UB sets
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>Jump scare
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You kids like your fatal frames and analog horror?
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which of these best depicts your feelings toward analog horror?
This card doesn't seem great but completely hosing an entire mechanic for the rest of the game with limited counterplay just seems very "feels bad".
I'm still not convinced that this video was made with the intention to be scary.
I'm unironically excited for the return of Archenemy.
It's deeply unsettling, which isn't the same as scary, but it still counts as horror.
It's more funny than unsettling
>without any built in trackers
arena just handles it :^)
and I am fucking mad they keep designing shit for arena and paper is an afterthought god fuck magic these days I quit just under a decade ago and it was a good idea
In the near future, as virtual reality and AI get better, almost all human interaction will be online, rather than in person. We may feel as though something was lost, but on the bright side, without the ability to jump to new hosts, the common cold will go extinct.
You are more likely to fall ill without exposure to virulent's
If I could ask something to wotc about magic it would be:
-Return those nifty 60-cards decks that were discontinued after Eventide
-Return to the three sets blocks formula
-Return to the same release rhythm of before
-No more Universes Beyond
-No more alternate arts
-Fire the design team that made black get enchantment removal in the recent sets
-No more mythics
-Return to traditional art, no more digitalslop or poorly concealed aislop
-Cease with the political correctness -Retcon everything that happened after Alara as an alternate timeline derived from the events in Planar Chaos
Isekai is popular and full of "straight-up modern technology in medieval setting".
Not saying it's good, but higher-ups want money and so they need to cater to as many people as possible
It's very funny that the sets are creeping closer and closer to modern settings but every art team is still banned from drawing a gun.
blunder junction feels like the logical conclusion of this. its almost a parody of itself lmao
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the spoiler season ride never ends
this is all divine punishment for the godbook leak over a decade ago
How are they making that many sets after they fired a bunch of people earlier this year?
They have an ai that shits templates out
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What were they thinking?
It's so bad, holy power creep
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Too bad I dont have Hexproof :^)
Time for me to be an evil lawyer- I mean, a good magic player.
>Hrmm hrmm the enchantment doesn't target your creature
>Derp herp it says "as though they didn't have hexproof", not that it bypasses hexproof specifically
Anyone who is into isekai should enter a real world isekai by hanging themselves.

Nowhere specifically bypasses protection of Hexproof and Ward.
Plax's ability is neither Hexproof or Shroud and it certainly isnt Ward.
Creatures your opponents control can be the targets of spells and abilities (for example,) as though they didn't have have hexproof.
The card should just state you are able to target hexproof creatures otherwise.
Its not even the first card to do it.
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We had a card that did this over a decade ago
>has to deal player damage through basic combat as a 2/2
stigma balls
No, it never states combat damage newborn. You can literally play it with pandemonium.
Cool, so now I need a combo piece whereas Screaming Nemesis does it for free.

Nemesis needs to be dealt damage it isnt free. Just exile it or use a kill spell instead of bolting or blocking it, retard.
Alright, I'm not going to sit here all night argue with an autist who keeps saying "b-but, I would play the perfect card to counter that situation"
And it should have generated some kind of permanent indicator over a decade ago.
Stigma and Nemesis are kinda the opposite of each other. You throw a blocker at stigma and it's dealt with. Nemesis is this annoying situation where a lifegain deck cant block it or attack while its untapped and if the red player has any of their own spells that can damage it you're hosed.
>but pandemonium effects with stigma
a handful of niche and usually expensive effects versus cards virtually every red deck is already running
I rember this guy, he'd make getting Nemesis to ban lifegain as easy as "be a red deck that exists on turn 3", and I doubt red as a color is exactly wanting for shit that can ping Nemesis to ban lifegain even if this lil shit isn't in the format.
shit's way easier to make happen than Stigma which has
>no haste so if you want to deal player damage by attacking it has to survive to your next untap step or get given haste
>no mechanism for dealing damage to a player without attacking so it has to be given that if you want to do it that way
>is a 2/2 so even more spells can kill it
I had a deck in 2022s standard rotation that abused lifegain to get 20/20 spirits with indestructible, flying and vigilance on the battlefield.

It dragged my ass to platinum in Arena.

Lifegain is OP if you use it as a mechanic to power something else.

That being said, just don't deal damage to this card lol.
40k isn't space opera. Or, it's only as much of a space opera as the worst one, Mass Effect.
>flesh and blood
There's no card economy or strategy. Trying to turn mono-red burn into an entire game was a mistake, fucking obviously.
Why doesn't that use their stupid emblem system?
Yea, it's because lifegain is bad but people still want to do it so they keep printing pushed cards to support lifegain. In the end, it's basically a combo-resource, and having a higher life total is just a minor side effect.
Because they abandoned their stupid emblem system.
I thought cards like this were supposed to be oracle'd into saying Hexproof, but no, you're right, this specific case at least works
The card is fantastic without even taking the "turns off life gain" into account. At a base level this is a 3/3 haste for 3 MV that will trade up for two creatures in combat.

The lifegain clause isn't even that relevant to its power level.
It wasn't erratad because it's a different effect. You can put Shielding Plax on your opponent's creature. That interaction would work very differently if granted hexproof.
>bottom right is just a Canadian
printed trash on trash, bought by retards and addicts. Why, why would anyone ever stop?
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Having just gone through the Duskmourn plane-guide introduction thing...

I am surprised that it's actually a really compelling world. - Probably not for MtG though. As I read through the first 90% of it I kept thinking to myself: "If we lost to retarded 80s theme, this would actually make a really killer D&D adventure."
The whole background for existing and how the "house" came to be? Pretty good. establishing elements of "Outside" or "Before"? Great. Villains motives and a little bit of his fault? Huh, surprisingly good.
Fucking abducts people from other planes? AND a reason why the Omen paths are making this thing a bigger threat than previous? Huh. I mean not stellar, but sure as hell makes sense.

Then we arrive randomly at:
Wickerfolk: Mentions their unfortunate fate, doesn't actually say why they are evil SoBs
Glitchghost: Look like bad 90s VHS tapes because "Corruption" OOOooooOOOOOooOOOh. No stupid. Their whole set up is great, then ruined by trying to shoehorn in 80s vibe. no.
Generically technology and video Screen: Glossed over every time. "Previously technologies advance" yeah thanks. MORE of remove this element.
Human: And most anything to do this the humans is retarded. Clinging to the 80s ascetic? Stupid. and looks bad, and (so far) looks like a totally different horror style than the rest of the setting, so they don't even fit into the world they were created for.

Anyway. Aside from those few grips, I think wizards (Accidently!) created a really cool sub-setting, that you're suppose to drop into an already existing one.


... For a RPG Table top games. It's not that great when you have to spell out snipits through cards.
Wizards will not willingly create any setting without humans. They don't even like making non-human characters that matter. They believe that audiences will NOT touch any story that doesn't have humans front and center. That's not a fault of this plane, that's just how MtG has been for years now and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.
Oh. I know that. I'm just pointing out what I thought was the weakest parts.

Truly it's weakest part was not slapping a 5e sticker on the front and selling is part of that Planescape box set, or some other adventure.
>That being said, just don't deal damage to this card lol.
You don't have to, your opponent who is playing red can shock it to trigger the effect. He can do it in response to kill or exile.
>Saying this while Bloomburrow is coming out in a month
>When Nowhere to Run enters,

When it enters... Where? Any new zone at all?
Few more years of adding text and it will be:
"Enter: t. creature -3/-3 until eot."
>needs to take damage
>effect is not on combat damage dealt
I am never blocking this thing and you can't do shit about my lifegain, you better carry bolts an this maindeck
Cards only ever enter one zone

Most decks with lifegain will remove this without damaging it
Pay 6 for 1 damage? Geez...
AI art has just started.
I like how even some of the AI art has "real names" of artists to justify it.
Yep, all shit AI art.
It's all the same dull look to it too.
Sure it might have realistic looking human features, but most has that weird color pallette and same AI lighting.
They've definitely created a language model on the art style they want to stick to.
Spitiful little loser.
Imagine hating someone for being human enough to care.
I guess caring about stuff, even the state of a silly card game is too much for someone who lost all sense of humanity, who can't think and only consume this bitter mess we live in.

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