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The admech love soup, right?
I imagine once you can get them to admit they don't eat only onions veridians, they have some great recipes.
spaghetti code!
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I know where you're coming from but in this particular instance, I have to warn you that if you're seeking a "genuinely human moment"... you won't find it among the majority of the TTRPG crowd. Most of them are basically manchildren (and womenchildren) trying to live out fantasies of being the biggest badasses alive. None of those players (which constitute 90% of the player base) are interested in little moments like these where people who are expected to kill other people on a daily basis will want to just experience what they are having for dinner. It's just basically glorified Professional Wrestling to them. Anything outside of fighting is just "lame and gay".
Sense of taste and smell are probably one of the first things you give up living on forge world. Or hive world. Or prison world.
You have been supplied with single celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals.
Slightly related.
I have increasingly come across people disparaging soup in general, saying meaningless shit as "its the worst", that is bland, or not a meal (duh you fucking dunce its an entrée)
I do not understand.
My father's consommé is one of the best thing I have ever tasted in my life. A good soup is like medecine, it invigorates more than the meal proper, which often weighs you down.
Soup is fundamentally just watered down gruel.
If you're gonna get snippy about definitions you have to be correct. Gruel is specifically a thin liquid made from cooking grains. Chicken and vegetable cannot be considered gruel even if it's mostly broth.
Soup is just a holdover from the days of poor food availability (literally just using water to make you feel full) and lack of good cooking facilities - its was easy for a medieval peasant to keep a pot boiling over a fire, while other cooking methods are a lot more of a pain when you have to rely on burning wood and limited tools for cooking. With modern food availability and kitchens soup is just a waste of ingredients that could almost always be prepared in better ways. That said, for any gaming setting that has limited food and kitchens, soup should be a staple.
>Soup is fundamentally just watered down gruel.
It is not. Also, gruel can be either a porridge (good as quick breakfast with brown sugar or maple syrup) or a broth, useful in cooking other meals. One should not disparage it.
> Once again treating soup as the full meal rather than the first part of it.
Kek. Next you'll tell me digestives are bland because they don't fill you up.
Soups are often eaten as the main course, though, and they can be fill you up just fine.
>with brown sugar or maple syrup
I'm sure you have active life and burn all that extra sugar through the day.
I must be weird because I actually like soup and sometimes I'll opt for a bowl or two of soup over, say, a plate of meat and vegetables.
NTA but you are aware those are the considerably older forms of sugar in common use, right? That's a historical recipe.
>I'm sure you have active life and burn all that extra sugar through the day.
I do. Skiing and swimming, mostly. But honestly my entire family has been blessed/cursed with weird genes. Can't get tall, but can't get fat. I could eat twice as much or twice as little and it wouldn't change my weight. I've tried.
No anon is just ass backwards wrong
Me too. There are plenty of soups that simply just taste good.
I dunno, smell and taste are super useful in general. How else do you tell if there's something wrong with your veridians?
I don't know what assholes you're playing with but every single one of my groups for the past 8 years have all had at least 1 player who wanted to be the party chef and so long as the DM gives them time, they'll gladly sit the party down and force them to have a good meal.

Hell, in Nechronica of all games I basically ended each arc of a campaign with the party sitting down to "real food" even though they don't need to eat since they're zombie children animated by slime mold. They fought tooth and nail and took a shit load of extra damage just to protect a fictional package of bacon.
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>come into the thread expecting to make a lame pun about how their machines are souped up
>it's all zoomers who were raised wrong and think healthy food is bad for you
Zoomers are cursed, their parents must have pissed off a very powerful witch/gypsy for that entire generation to have turned out like they did.
I appreciate the admech's souped up soup machines, anon.
If every culture on planet earth has some form of a food, in this case soup, that's how you know it's a good fucking meal.
My favorite is the anon who says soup is a waste of ingredients you could prepare in other ways. No idea what other meal I'd get from bones and scraps other than soup stock.
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AdMech would probably know exactly one kind of canned soup that comes in a can from some archeotech STC machine.
what is gruel-like about tomato basil soup? if anything oatmeal is more "gruel-like" but it's also perfectly tasty especially if you add in fruit and granola. it's not like fucking bread is automatically better, either way you're eating grain
you got a point, that's not guel-like at all, that's watered down ketchup
Isn't granola mostly made of oats? Why would you put it in oatmeal? That's like putting tomatoes in tomato soup. Put apples in oatmeal, put granola in yogurt.
I'm just imaginging some cogboy enjoying soup but not wanting to admit it's soup
>"Gormet. Nutrient. Slurry."
It's mostly because soup is a very easy to make food. Fill a pot with water, add foodstuffs, bring to a boil and keep it there for a while. It reliably kills germs and paracytes, captures nutrients, and avoids burning unless you're braindead and leave the pot on the fire for WAY too long. It's the go-to food for the poor and disaster survivors.

Of course, this doesn't prevent soup from being good. You've got all the flexibility in the world for building flavors and all that water provides a lot of thermal mass for warming or cooling. Yes, cold soups are a thing.

Forge world, yes. Hive world, no. Forge worlds are so covered in polution you basically need bionic respiration to survive. Hive worlders need to know if the food their eating will kill them or not.
Nah, not enough sugar and vinegar.
You're supposed to cook some food in the pan and then add water and more food. So that you get the burned food flavors from the first step and then you deglaze the pan (put all the burnt stuff into the broth) with the second step. I know this isn't important to the technical definition of a soup but I think it's really fuckin important and I'm sad that some people don't know.
>Live on Potatoes, Carrots, and onion world
>Work massive machinery to process potatoes, carrots, and onions into soups
>One day our world got raided by a small pirate band.
>It wasn't anything of note
>Admech came out in full force and hunted the pirates down
>They won't leave, and this admech woman keeps scolding me about the soup I make.
Well yes, searing and deglazing is important for making GOOD soup but it's actually not essential to making soup in general.

...dang, now I want to try making fried chicken, deglazing with butter, and turning the deglaze into a roux for some kind of side dish.
For those that don't know Linux, that's "using elevated privlages, recursively remove all files and directories of You. "
That's mostly my point. Unless you are making one of the many variety of asian meal soup, you usually use remains of other cooking steps as the main ingredients. It doesn't waste food it optimize its use.
I swear, removing home ed classes was the biggest educational blunder ever made.
I guess the ones that still have tastebuds.
>Can make a bionic eye with zoom, wide angle, IR, UV, flash resistance, targetter, enabled, and even digi-weapon armed.
>Can't make bionic tastebuds?
Why bother? Besides identifying poisonous / spoiled food (which is non-concern when all your food is artificially made anyway) taste serves no practical purpose.
>taste serves no practical purpose
Depending on the task and situation I dont think this is true, but its 100% correct for admech logic
>That's like putting tomatoes in tomato soup
there's plenty of dishes with a red sauce that also have tomato on them though. margherita pizza is my favorite kind
a Magos Biologis with Dune-tier poison sniffer abilities who's immune to every conceivable toxin and able to taste the air to determine what enemies are armed with is entirely fitting for 40k though.
As is what they meant, as well as the overlap where they don't contradict.
I love the *idea* of Admech so much. Shame about the tabletop faction.
Remember anon, you can do whatever you want with them in (you)r games.
>There's no room for soup in a modern diet of tendies, pizza, and cheetos.
No wonder there are so many fat fucks, when people are so clueless about food and cooking
man I would fight for potato, carrot, and onion world too, damn.
bad smells aren't going to kill you anon. smelly animals who sniff each other's shit to check their healt and eat half rotten carrion have very good sense of smell. i imagine an hiver to actually have very good smell, it might be as useful as hearing, maybe even more
Admech would likely boost their sense of smell and taste to "shark sensing a drop of blood in thousands of litters of water" levels and beyond, it would be insanely useful to them.
We use taste and smell for few tasks because we can't really push them that far. Polar bears can smell objects up to 30km away.
At any moment if you lived in an urban area you could be smelling multiple women's farts.
I see no reason to remove, or particularly enhance, taste.
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considering that 40k is written by brits the canned soup will more likely look like this
>inb4: what's this
>the magos' secret stash of boullion cubes
smell and taste are the same sense
>this idiot has never had a delicious bowl of Florentine
What a sad loser
I'd like more soup thread, so have a bump.

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