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>Thread Question: How can we summarize the existing lore into a more manageable format?

>Thread task: Give feedback for the card game.


Map of the World Wiki



>be nice
>don't fuck up other people's lore
>don't add new landmasses
>no fetishes/coomershit
>don't sperg out if people don't accept or like your lore/additions

Project Ideas:
>Hand drawn map
>Diplomacy Map
>TL;DR for all the nations
>Extended Compass

How can I help expand the wiki?
>Upload missing images to the wiki
>Create Hyperlinks
>Add pictures
>Create missing articles
>Search the archives and expand existing articles
>Correct grammar and writing mistakes
>Create lists and sub-categories for similiar articles
>Make lists of articles that need fixing
>Make the wiki look more appealing by fixing ugly layouting
>Freshen up the front page and make it look nice
>Write up lore for articles that feel lacking (everything goes trough the thread first)

Other Things that can be done right away
>Write up lore (politics, culture, economy, characters, creatures, … )
>Figure out essential trade goods for each nation
>Figure out the popular weapons used by each nation
>Make maps
>Expand and update the Bestiary and Herbarium
>Figure out trade routes
>Create a Star map and Zodiacs
>Expand the underground lore
>Help expand the worlds history
>Write about world villains, wars or other threats
>Work on giantstep’s mythology and religions
>Think about the world’s cosmology, day/night cycle, seasons, sea currents and so on
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Stop posting wojaks.
Google Doc Link for the timeline. As updated as it can be.

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Ok, so continuing with the card game idea, we have plenty of proposed cards and abilities, so we can just start designing a small amount of them to try to figure out the more finnicky aspects of the mechanics.
Hypothetically speaking is it possible to have a stable city state of more than one species where one openly eats the other? Not in a preparation in the streets kinda way but more in a religious sacrifice my body to feed the people kinda way
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Ok, starting with the cards of Azan. Here are a couple of notes for each:

>Azanese Legionnaire
I wanted the Azanese legionnaire to be a bit of a template for the bog-standard soldier unit. 3/3/3 plus Solid formation (The unit gains +1 defense when paired with another card of the same name. This effect does not pile up. If the unit ends up alone, it loses this effect) ought to do the trick. But we have to check on the maintenance costs.

>Azanese Arquebusier
The arquebusier’s main use is the Gunpowder Volley (2) ability, but I didn’t want to make it completely vulnerable on actual combat. Not sure whether I should buff the skill, increase its stats or leave it as is.

>Azanese Skirmisher
Not sure what skill to give it, if any, really.

>Azanese Spy
The “infiltrator” ability looks kind of busted the way it’s written (A unit with this ability can attack a population in the opponent's area directly, regardless of the opponent's populations in No Man's Land.) Probably needs a bit of “that unit cannot take over the population even if it defeats its defenders in combat”. Regardless, I’m not sure what other fitting skill should be added, if any.

>Azanese Horse Gunner
I feel it’s too similar to Azanese Arquebusier, and everyone would pick it over the arquebusier. Any suggestions to differentiate them aside from cost?

>Azanese Cataphract
This is the elite unit for Azan, and also one of the most expensive. This is one of those units you can’t afford too many of them, otherwise you’ll go bankrupt, but with one leading the charge it makes a significant difference.

>Azanese Light Cavalry
Needs to be changed in order to not compete with the legionnaire
>"Dragon Breath" Cannon
Considering this is an anti-infantry artillery piece design to weaken enemy units over time, maybe its attack it’s too high.
>Azanese Priest
An unit to boost others, maybe to add a skill that protect them from intimidation-style skills?

>Orontian Knight
A more glass-cannon version of the cataphract, not sure if the low-stamina tradeoff is good enough to differentiate both of them.

>Orontian Peasant Levy
Nothing in particular.

>Orontian Peasant Archer
Nothing in particular.

>Gäutlan Dwarf Legionnaire
As dwarves, a strong attack/defens but poor stamina fits.

>Gäutlan Dwarf Boar Rider
I just realized that the Rideable Boar does not have a description. Will add it once I find a moment.
Also, not sure what skills and statline should the azanese characters have.

>Azanese Captain
>Azanese Lord Captain
>Azanese General
What power difference should there be between handgunners and archers, if any?
Could you at least come up with something new instead of dragging out this long dead corpse of a failed "setting"?
Thing is, I have thought of closing this for a long time, it has been completed to a considerable degree (the amount of depth of this was, ironically enough, one of the things that dragged it down) and the lack of activity shows there's not that much interest anymore. However, it frustrates me to no end to not have something close to a closure for this, something to show for all the work all anons have done over the two years this thing has been active. The wiki is nice, though like all wiki things it doesn't follow a concise throughline, and the compendium is exceedingly slow to work out when there's no feedback nor help with it. I imagined the card game would be useful for it, but it seems it hasn't gained that much traction either.

I don't know, I just feel like it'd be a shame to let just end without something at least cohesive. So much effort and discussion has been poured over this setting, at the very least I'd like some final compilation and/or cleanup to put a bow on it and move on.
Seems ok.
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Fixing the boar thing.

>Blue-Tongue Boar
The Blue-Tongue Boar is a species of warthog living in many areas of Giantstep. The species is believed to be a diminutive version of an ancient kind of boar that inhabited the land eons ago, but that now is extinct. The Blue-Tongue Boar is slightly smaller than a horse, between 1.4 and 1.5 meters of height, with the females being about 20 cm shorter. These boars have been domesticated by the dwarves for many millennia, though what drove them to their domestication is a matter of discussion, as many question why they bothered with the boar instead of trying it with other mounts like the horse or the camel. Many believe the primitive dwarves used the boars’ heightened sense of smell to find underground roots and tubers during their travels, before moving onto an underground hold. Indeed, the amount of blue-tongue boars nowadays is limited to surface dwarves, as the blue-tongue boar does not take well to an underground living, often serving either as a beast of burden or as a warmount. Generally speaking, only the males are fit for warmounts, as the females are generally more cautious and docile unless they are still weening their young. Male blue-tongue boars need to be tamed from a very early age if they want to serve as dwarven war mounts, as they are not particularly smart animals, and an untrained blue-tongue boar will never be able to be of use on the battlefield.

The blue-tongue boar is famous for the strange coloration of their tongue, having an unusual shade of aquamarine blue. It is believed that the bluer the tongue is, the healthier an individual is. It also shows smaller but tougher tusks than other species of hogs, which tend to grow quickly. Dwarves need to constantly polish and sand the tusks, otherwise they can grow so big they cannot close their mouth, making them unable to chow their food.
What would be a good idea for a new setting?
Actually, I just thought of something for the compendium. Is there a decent program to join together multiple PDFs? If we capture in PDF each of the wiki pages, we may be able to join them together into a single document. It's not the most subtle solution, but at this point better brute-force it than nothing.
One anon suggested to use this project as an inspirational goldmine of sorts. The issue this setting suffers from is that it's all over the place, "cluttered" and internally disconnected. That being said individual parts of it are quite far developed, original and honestly pretty good. We could use these parts as starting points for new settings to develop around them.
>The issue this setting suffers from is that it's all over the place, "cluttered" and internally disconnected.
I mean, it was a "fill the map with your ideas" kind of setting, it's honestly impressive it's as coherent as it is.
Stoked this is still going strong. Did anyone finish the list of the Seven Sacred Swords of Azan?
The rest of the swords were mentioned and briefly described, but nothing beyond that.
>Luminor - Alleged to be the personal sword of Azam, used as Imperial regalia for several Azanese dynasties

>Moon's Edge - Forged by an azanese monk using the fire of ancient dragons and a piece of metal said to have fallen from a moon. It was lost during the Battle of Empires and was never recovered. Some say it's still there today, but noone has ever been able to find it.

>Mudslicer (probably not original name) - The defenses (along the troll-Changrila border) are led by Royal-General Castle Troll who wields one of the Seven Sacred Swords, Mudslicer, the least powerful but still one of the seven. Castle found the sword while on a contract in Dsrvyth.

>Ocean's Spear
A very long pike, it is said that the head was once a holy blade made by Bronzar himself, but it was damaged during a fight in the heavens. The azanese priests decided to remake it as a spear instead.

>Shadowhisper (The Lying Sword)
A dark blade that absorbs all light that touches, it is said it was done out of a piece of Althazzar that was torned up by either Bronzar or Azan himself. It is also the most dangerous to use, as it generates a growing addiction to its use, feeling as if it was whispering in the user's head to spill blood. Its whereabouts are unknown.
Surprised these were the only named weapons thus far.
>hat being said individual parts of it are quite far developed, original and honestly pretty good. We could use these parts as starting points for new settings to develop around them.
I remember someone mentioning the bog witch swamps as the base for a more focused setting/game system. At this point I'm not against that idea, though I still want to finish the compendium for Giantstep in general.
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We still need to complete the list of cities.
By the way, have you checked the compendium files in the op? The only big thing in need of adding are the nation's lore, and some help adding it to the files would be nice.
I'd be down for it. It's easy my favorite part of the map.

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