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Previous Thread: >>93147147

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia

>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

>Make your maps look just like FFGs

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>Rogue Trader Shipbuilder
Share your experiences on investigations/intrigue for Dark Heresy. Doing something a bit experimental for just one player and would like to hear of people's games of social infiltration.
For the record, my game is for just one person, it's a Dark Heresy game where he'll be undercover in a cult.
I'm looking for the latest Liber Imperium stuff, anyone got it?
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>Dark Heresy, investigation-type setting
>Cleric guy became GM
>GM became techpriest made of TUBES
>Bard became talkative Scum
>Had a new player who was an Arbites

>Go to Hive Sibellus
>Sent to investigate merchant cartel that was transporting prisoner on a cargo ship, ship went missing with convoy
>Find out cartel has "lost" a lot of ships lately, yet is getting richer and richer
>Reach cartel's stronghold, GM emphasizes need for respirators due to heavy industrial pollution
>Scum ignores respirator, takes damage

>Get to merchant cartel's HQ, talk our way in using Inquisitorial Rosette
>Ask to see manifests and shipping records
>Led to conference roomer, heavy lift Servitor brings in 300 ton books
>Examine obviously falsified records, find out that they're being observed by a crude camera
>Decide that surely there must be more observation devices
>Find one hidden in a chandelier and one hidden in a nearby table
>Decide to steal the one in the chandelier, Techpriest commands the servitor to smash the table WITH the 300 ton book, while discussing their suspicions about the cartel
>Pretend nothing unusual happened
>Servitor is secretly recording everything

>Go to minor Administratum functionary that is known to be corrupt
>Goes okay, Scum sits around throwing balled up paper at things while Techpriest talks
>Techpriest tries to diplomacy check and get his assistance, fails
>Scum intimidates him magnificently with a speech about how they can bring down the Inquisition at any time
>Decide to sneak into cartel's archives as a surprise Administratum audit team, still need a way out
>Decide to ask Adeptus Mechanicus for help in getting blueprints
>This time Techpriest does well, finds a disgruntled magos willing to deal
>Magos is basically a giant pillar of metal tubes and a single glowing eye, with tubes snaking out to the rest of his little tech-enclave
>Magos gets promised "favorable references"
>Find a servitor disposal pit they can use to escape into the underhive
>Go into archives as audit team
>Fail disguise check
>Forced to intimidate clerks with inquisitorial seal
>Discover that missing ships came from Hive Volg on Fenksworld
>Break several locks and seals in the process, secretly alerting guards
>Run away to the servitor pit, discover it's active and on fire with a small waste chute in the bottom
>Never play DH again because people graduate
>Never play DH again because people graduate
You can find new people, yknow?
Why wrath and glory is better than the other 40k rpgs:

primaris marines
I have primaris marines in deathwatch.
Wrath and glory is significantly worse than Deathwatch at portraying marines.
Don't forget to thin your paints!
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>Don't thin my paints
>Don't use a wet palette
>Don't use a primer
>Don't remove mold lines (nobody can see these)
>Don't go beyond a base coat
>Don't varnish
>Don't add basing
>Only use citadel paint / glue

It's really that simple.
So does Black Crusade balance the regular heretics and marine PCs or should your party stick to just one?
Well I mean specifically that group
WANG is better at portraying marines as they are on the tabletop :^)

Balance in BC is a suggestion, but you should ideally keep it either marine only or heretic only.
>Balance in BC is a suggestion
BC balances out when you get to rocket tag and daemon grenades.
No. Astartes boltguns are the same as "human boltguns," an IG heavy bolter is NOT the equivalent of a SM bolter. The difference is that a SM can use a heavy bolter like a GPMG while the IG treat the heavy bolter like a tripod mounted HMG. Wrath and Glory portrays this well. Deathwatch buffs marine ranged weapons to stupid degrees
Marines in wrath and glory can punch orks to death and rip humans in half with their power armored hands, while also shrugging off lasgun rounds like they're spitballs. That's accurate enough for me.
For a one-note gag in Dark Heresy I’m considering having the team do a job for an Inquisitor based on Ron Swanson.

Would that be funny?
Mate. You need to consider whether you're funny.
If you make sure to shoehorn some Current Things they like into the game and your players are a bunch of basedfacing reddit browsing faggot troons, I'm sure it'll be a big hit.
Too on the nose. Never just outright use the name in the reference. Scrub the serial numbers a bit. Call him Ronald Gooseson or something.
But so far your gag sucks.
>Astartes boltguns are the same as "human boltguns,"
Because if you measure the diameter of the casing, they're all the same.
>"Like other Space Marine weaponry, Astartes boltguns are designed around their superhuman physique. The weight of each weapon would require most humans to use a supporting brace, with hand-grips larger than any normal human could manage. However, even if a normal human were to fire the boltgun, the resulting recoil would rip their arm from its socket." - Dark Heresy: The Inquisitor's Handbook p.173
Maybe it's tabletop brainrot but how do you resolve combat without use of a map?
It obviously lowers prep time and allows for more spontaneous encounters but how do you organise it?
The fact that a heavy bolter on a leman russ battle tank somehow does less raw damage than an astartes boltgun is bullshit and purely some kind of retarded ffg-ism. No official GW fluff states that IG heavy bolter > standard astartes boltgun. In fact, astartes are known to grab IG heavy bolters and use them..like astartes heavy bolters, not standard astartes boltguns.

Oh yeah, and the fact that ogryns in OW are weaker than space marines is also bullshit considering that we have multiple examples of ogryns being stronger than power armored marines in fluff
Just play ogryn with pre-BC unnatural characteristics.
This. Human scale bolters are, in official GW lore and not FFG lore, essentially the equivalent of astartes bolt pistols. And yeah, heavy bolters are giant HMGs to humans and mere GPMGs to marines. Marines would have to be 10 to 12 feet tall for IG heavy bolters to be the equivalent of their regular astartes boltguns.
Human bolters are .50 cal.
Spess muhreen bolters are .75 cal.
Heavy bolters are .998 cal for both. Muhreens can two-hand those fuckers, mortals either use power armor or mount it on a tripod.
Also not sure what the fuck you're smoking in that a heavy bolter deals less damage than a marine bolter. Regular bolters are 1d10+5, Deathwatch marine bolters are 1d10+9, Deathwatch heavy bolters are 1d10+12. In the other systems, heavy bolters hover around 2d10+2, which I'll admit has a lower damage floor but has an identical damage ceiling to the SM heavy bolter, and if that breaks your immersion or some shit just imagine it's due to ammunition quality.
Heavy bolters in black crusade and only war are 1d10+8, Pen 5, while standard astartes boltguns are 1d10+9, Pen 4. They should not be equivalent to one another - in fact, the heavy bolter shoots slightly less powerful rounds than a regular astartes boltgun when presented this way. It's fucking retarded and it's the reason I stopped taking the "astartes bolters are UBER POWERFUL compared to puny human boltguns" seriously.

Especially considering there are zero GW sources that state human boltguns fire .50 caliber rounds, only FFG. According to GW codices, both human and astartes boltguns fire .75 caliber rounds.
How do you know it's not that astartes bolt shells are exactly the same size, and human bolt shells are just shit quality explosive charges and rocket propellant?
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Here's a picture from one of the Horus Heresy books (don't know which one) separating calibres by different Marks on the bolters. One could argue that regular human bolters have a smaller diameter on the "bolts" but the explosive yield is almost the same (albeit lower) as the astartes' weapon of choice.

Still, Humans without aid shouldn't be able to fire burst or full auto without aid.
>separating calibres by different Marks on the bolters.
Great. Which one is used by legions, and which by humans?
>One could argue that regular human bolters have a smaller diameter on the "bolts"
Why would one, when we know the standard bolt diameter? The only way to explain it is the propellant, yield, or both.
I always figured that lorewise the astartes bolters have bigger magazines and thus can hold more rounds, plus they can fire full auto. Like, look at the boltgun in darktide. That beefy boy only holds 15 rounds and can't fire full auto, only single and *two round* bursts - essentially an astartes bolt pistol. The astartes using better rounds also makes sense, though the frankly insane +4 damage astartes bolt weapons get is a bit much. Maybe +1 instead?
What if the human-vs-marine bolter issue is the result of original DH weapon stats being complete ass?
These were both used by legions. Again: astartes and humans use the same calibers of bolter ammunition.
Exactly. So >>93235331
It is. We can still explain it in-setting.
Yes. Also this debate never existed before the black isle/ffg rpgs
Under Liber Imperium, an Astartes Boltgun acquires Reliable, has +2 Damage and +2 Pen over the standard Boltgun. Which feels pretty reasonable, even the Godwyn-Pattern bolters used by Sisters are merely Reliable over their standard-issue peers.
>He hasn't downloaded GER for DW yet.
>The fact that a heavy bolter on a leman russ battle tank somehow does less raw damage than an astartes boltgun is bullshit
Leman Russ Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter 1d10+8 X Pen 5 (OWCRB p215)
Astartes Bolter 1d10+9 X Pen 4 (DW Living Errata p10)
An Astartes bolter does one more raw damage but has one less pen
Not sure if you like reading comprehension or are just actually retarded.
>grab IG heavy bolters and use them..like astartes heavy bolters
There are these concepts called ergonomics and bulk. A marine wields an IG heavy bolter like its larger counter part because it has the same form factor. If you had the strength to wield a HMG you wouldn't shoulder it to fire like an AR because it's not built ergonomically to be wielded that way.
"The standard bolter round is .75 calibre with a super-dense metallic core and diamantine tip...The Legion boltgun, bolt pistol, combi-bolter, and heavy bolter share many design similarities with their non-Legion variations, the most sizeable difference being the more powerful rounds and more reliable mechanisms. They also count as Legion weapons, and thus follow the rules concerning non-Legionaires wielding Traitor Legion weapon." - Black Crusade Core Rulebook p156-157.
"Legion Weapons can be used by other characters but count as a Class larger than normal (Pistols count as Basic, Basic as Heavy, Heavy weapons remain Heavy). Legion melee weapons requiring one hand to use would require two hands for a non-Legion warrior to use, while two-handed weapons could not be used at all.
In addition, non-Legion characters using Legion weapons incur a -20 to all attack rolls in addition to any penalties for being untrained. This penalty is negated only if a character has Unnatural Strength (+4) or higher." - Black Crusade Core Rulebook p.166
+4 is the average starting SB from rolling a marine's unnatural strength. It is to keep up with their melee.
Which is a game balancing thing, NOT a lore-accuracy thing.

Cite one non-FFG, official GW source that says IG heavy bolters are equal to astartes bolters on a round-per-round basis. There's only one canon heavy bolter pattern that fires the same rounds as a standard bolter: the Sol Militaris, which was exclusively used by fucking space marines.
>play space marine video game
>walk up to imperial guard heavy bolter emplacement and rip that sucker off its tripod mount
>it's stronger than my regular bolter on a round-per-round basis

This is enough to convince me that you're retarded anon
>40k TTRPG thread
>Cite secondary sources outside the TTRPGs!
>Muh vidya as a source
Either cite counter evidence within the lore/mechanics of the TTRPGs or homebrew a fix and post it in this thread and stop being whiny pedantic faggots.
Otherwise you can fuck off to 40k General.
Anyone got a pdf for the Imperium Malediction: His Glorius Shield?
It's like bucks you cheap Jew
It's like 6 bucks
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So we all know that the Ecclesiarchy went through a Reformation/revolution after the Reign of Blood that, while it didn't introduce Puritan severity to the cathedrals and didn't make everyone their own preacher did introduce a more penitent and less a corrupt version of the faith.

But what about the Adeptus Mechanicus? What sort of conflicts, minor heresies, and corruptions can happen on a forgeworld if you want to set a few sessions there? It's so easy to just have a corrupt bishop or a tainted priesthood because there are so many stories about it, but how can you do that with the Adeptus Mechanicus?
And I guess I should emphasize this isn't intended to lead to a revelation that a Daemonsmith corrupted the forgeworld or anything. I'm just talking about ordinary types of corruption, or the kinds of arguments tech-magos can get into with each other without leading to daemonic incursions.

You could always check out the Moire schism if anything.
Neo-Cy Carnivorans!
>Either cite counter evidence within the lore/mechanics of the TTRPGs

Wrath and Glory boltguns. It's that simple.
Keep stroking your WanG, anon, surely someone else will appreciate it eventually, in spite of its lacking length and breadth.
What the hell is a Transmat link?
Years ago, I was in a RT group where the Explorator was on the run from the AdMech after being denounced for tech-heresy due to a disagreement over the line between a particularly complex servitor and "abominable intelligence." She'd been making servitors that preserved the memories and skills of the human victim, with a machine spirit taking the place of the portion of the brain responsible for free will. While that was deemed super heretical by the puritanical elements of the forgeworld she was from, normies saw her as indistinguishable from any normal techpriest, so she was able to just hang around on the RT's ship periodically servitorizing members of the crew in her free time until the game eventually died.

Basically, any sort of technological experimentation/advancement can be the source of a schism among the Mechanicus, without the need for any Chaos-related bullshit that would get the Inquisition involved.
There was literally an entire novel written about how terrible this is even for the Imperium.
>She'd been making servitors that preserved the memories and skills of the human victim
tbf, this is a thing that just happens sometimes. Or is considered a fault. Or comes from using a particularly venerable servitor chassis.
Its money that I would have to pay to a punch of Irish shills. I would rather let the irish die a second Potato famine them give them a single penny from my pocket.

Also, anyone got a pdf for the Imperium Malediction: His Glorius Shield?
This still isn't the place for asking about pdfs.
I can't ask on pdf thread, since the threads with them almost never allow nor host pdf's of any kind with warhammer, and those that do, die within 2-3 days from a gofile link that expires in less then 2 days. I've got no where else to look unfortunately.
Then you'll have to keep better track of their threads, or watch and wait on the links here.
I mean this thread is the only place that contains a link to a whole repsoitory of 40k rpg pdf files. Its in the OP. You won't find it in any of the sharethread docs, and 40k pdfs are a no-share there.

You're just an autistic moron. So shut the fuck up.

There is an anon who usually posts WANG/IM realeses using catbox links in this thread (like they did with Vow, Threat Assessment Xenos and Redacted 2). Just keep checking in each thread and ignore the NotTheRIghTtHrEAd autist. The sharethreads docs specifically say that game general threads are the place to find a lot of repositories of pdfs anyway (like with WFRP).
So go ahead and help the guy with some links. Or follow your own advice about acting like a moron, and shut the fuck up.
The AdMech are Jews and the Tech-Priests are rabbis. This means endless bickering on interpretations of the Talmu - I mean Quest for Knowledge. Servitors are just the Goy Sabbath Switch for robotics - it’s not *really* AI, see? It’s got a brain!

Now, take those Tech-Rabbis and give each of them an army of cybernetic zealots programmed to be utterly loyal. Now you don’t merely bicker over binary, you can kill that schmutz who thinks he’s right! Fuck him!

There you go, Tech-Priests are catty nerds who are always looking for ways to get around God’s Law without actually violating it, there’s an art to it. These are the guys that thought taking Ambull brains and putting them into kill-dozers was “novel.”
You just hate us jews. Kabbalah exists by the way. Stop the comparison or drop the pretense of not being jew-hater, or we dig the tunnel into your house and steal all your breadcrums. You will not understand how important are those till you miss em.
Also looking for this, not had any luck finding it yet if anyanon can help
Why don't Imperial people name their children after the Primarchs?
I will in that case, and thank you Anon sincerely!
They do. There are three book protagonists named roboute, and only one is a primarch.
So you're going to do what you were told before that - watch and wait? Good.
You should read Flesh and Steel, it has corrupt mechanicus leaders commiting crimes
No, no, let him talk, I started in on Gods of Mars the other day and I can feel things clicking into place as we speak.
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Are forge world symbols cool or cringe? Is it worth making one for a custom forge world?
Do you play games?
I feel like I'm fudging TOO much in my wrath and glory game. The players are space marines so that's the first problem, because I feel like they just have no challenge so I'm constantly making huge mobs or just adding g a shit ton of stuff. What bestiary entries do you anons throw at a space marine that isn't just a chaos space marine?

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