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Back to work on Monday. AKA, Shit Shoveler Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93196641

▶ Thread Task: Post workers doing the simple jobs and other backstories for characters before they became adventurers.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
The artificer had to start out learning his artifice somewhere
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Alright, OP, here is my elf being a food critic!
I'll gen some stuff up tonight, I'm getting called in to work early because someone is sick
Hiding bodies in pig slop for the local mob. Questionable if it's more or less dangerous than taking on dungeons and liches.
Coco Frizzle drives the short bus, bringing the special ed kids to school so they can moderate 4chan
>nails long enough to impede her job
Yeah she works for a public school all right.
>"Adventure? Oy vey, I did my share of dat adventurin in de past.
Now I'm retired. Nowadays I just enjoy makin bagels for de goy- er..I mean de mon-keighs."
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Started making a spellbook two days ago, as no sane person would be able to afford art of every D&D spell, I will be working through them over some months, a handful per day. The first selection is random, as in our campaign we can learn a multitude of out-of-class spells provided enough money and time.
Here rabbit, rest your head in this wood pillow here
She works at a resort.
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Did any of you ever wonder what futuristic horse barding would look like?
This is what I get from AI.
Six pieces
Sixteen pigs
Mild kek
Been trying to come up with a backstory for plague, it's harder than I thought, I have thrown around so many ideas of what she is or was, she doesn't even have a proper name.
Sheriff Nathan Black, before the Skyfall
>She works at a resort.
As an "escort"?
>The same setting
Lieutenant Volkov
Well, what would push someone to become a plague doctor? Obviously a plague. So you have one major event to use right there.
Did the plague kill her family, prompting her to adventure to save others?
Or is she a villain who utilizes plague?
Why does she wear the mask? If you pulled it off, would she die? Would it be extremely painful? She's a big girl
Is she even a doctor? What sort of formal education does she have?
As a bartender.
That she does for free
Rude. Why do you disrespect women?
I think i have done most of these ideas but disconnected from one another.
>A Plague kills her family
I made a gen where she finds a pile of corpses and gave it the context that the whole plague doctor squad had died being her the last one
>Villain who utilizes the plague
I have made various gens of her being evil or part of a hive mind but this one specifically i have only done once in where she is vaporizing into green mist
>she is a big girl
>Is she even a doctor.
I made a gen in which she and other plague doctors were transported to the modern age and were working on a regular hospital.
If that were a story I guess she would have been a regular plague doctor and she was isekia'd into modern day first where she became an actual doctor and then somehow she and all the other plague doctors were sent back home and then everybody died but her and in the end she becomes the plague.
Still doesn't have a name, lmao.
Why does the janny only delete live action slop in this specific thread, yet allows live action slop in every other thread?
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She is a bourgeoisie, sadly
"Come. Sit. I've been expecting you. I know why you've come, and what it is you seek to learn. Before we begin...you are parched. Here is your tea.
Different jannies is my guess
Only human women. Because it is easy.
How slop has fallen
Obnoxious filters on Bing plus the mercurial whims of the janitor here make it hard to enjoy these threads anymore.
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Leechy worked for exactly 37 minutes at the Frozen Yoghurt Palace before being fired for threatening to eat a child that wouldn't stop asking for sprinkles.
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What about after the adventure? Surely there's room for those who retire to teach the next generation?
Been noticing a lot of /tg/ stuff on other boards
People are leaving and taking their stuff with them
By "stuff" you mean gens?
Because I remember wannabe /slop/ sheriffs typically tell posters they don't like to move to other board.
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While her boyfriend/melee-fighter-guy still moonlights as "El Terrible Monstruo del Pantano" and is technically using that job to pay for the entire party's healing potions and lost gear.
After spending too much time in /tg/, going to other boards gives me culture shock. It's like "wait, this really is 4chan, I thought it was a reddit reskin".
This here place is a little insular, and stays safe from most of the insanity from the other boards, but it also becomes boring and close minded sometimes.
Perhaps it is better than having waves of cringe people fighting over discord servers and loads of futa spam but it also makes people less likely to post in fear of being banned for posting "low quality" or being "not /tg/".
I wish people would post more stuff from their games, old characters they played, villains and NPCs they remember, things they wish they could use in games, funky creatures, you know, share ideas by using slop art as a means to bring them to life in a new way.

Before she was an Adepta Sororitas, she had to get through the Schola Progenium

>illustration realistic rotoscope over live action style with washed out colors of a teenaged slavic girl with blonde hair in a short bob cut and blue eyes, wearing a dark blue private school girl uniform jacket with gold eagle iconography over white shirt and black skirt, aiming a bulky blocky futuristic rifle at an indoor practice range

How do I get Bing to stop weebing out and making it anime for fuck's sake?
Hanaviri-no-Kishiki, the Knight of Petals, Demigod of Sacrifice and Swordsmanship

Indus Fortesque, Knight of the Holy Grail, sent to the gladiatorial pits of Dis for a while before emerging as the Skull Knight

Saint Ajora and Ninalta. To-as-one demigod of the Harvest, Liquor and Community

Galadnock mac-Kenzie, Dwarven demigod of fire, travel, skaldry, diplomacy and surface life
prompt a frenchie like moebius and druillet
the more retro you go the more it forces western
You prompt for a western style, dummy

"illustration by ivan bilibin", traditional russian woodblock print

Moebius. retro 1980s colored pencil illustration by Moebius, faded, grainy.

intaglio print by mc escher, coarse hatching. warm colors.

"1910s art nouveau magazine cover by Coles Philips"

Slightly less anime using moebius
maybe something in the description is forcing the jailbait look
They use very long pencils at the Schola Progenium...
"teenaged" and "school girl" aren't doing any favors
Wednesday Addams vibes
That would do it

Well, it is the Schola Progenium, where the orphaned children of the Imperium are trained for civil service.


She's supposed to be more Persian
>"Mornin' Miss Coco!"
Lean into the Persian more
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I was thinking I miss a lot of old-school sloppers, but it makes sense. I hope they're all busy playing games.
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40k lore question, is the training for sanctioned psykers detailed somewhere? I know astropaths are sent to Terra for the soul binding, but regular sanctioned psykers get trained somewhere I would assume.

>Ex-child of the Lathe Worlds being retrained for the SIsters Dialogous
>If we film her from the waist up, it'll look like she's actually flying the saucer!
I'm pretty sure it the same for all psykers.
They are taken to Terra to be sorted out.
I doubt jannies are baby-sitting this thread. /slop/ sheriffs are reporting the pictures, because they are fundamentally shitty people who cannot simply let people enjoy something that they don't. /tg/ in general has way more nerdy authoritarians than your average board - comes with the type of people it attracts
Black Ships take them to Terra and they are sorted by age, power, mental stability etc. Sanctioned psykers are soul bound to Emps and trsined on Terra

I'm sure nothing bad will happen to disturb her peaceful life and turn her into an adventurer
why is that lamb so damn smug?
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>This here place is a little insular, and stays safe from most of the insanity from the other boards
>I doubt jannies are baby-sitting this thread. /slop/ sheriffs are reporting the pictures
Reminds me of /x/ "I wouldn't worry about it" posting.
Gets to snuggle into cute girl's tiddies while you do not
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I'm sick to death of pseudoclassical stuff and this is still very cool, I like it.
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>I wish people would post more stuff from their games.
As ridiculous as it seems, most of my gens actually come from a 4AA game that's been going for about a year and half. The setting is loosely based on Azamezzeron from Maleghast666, but has taken on a much more absurdist comedy approach.

In the last session, the party followed signs that were written in what appeared to be blood but said "FrEE piZZa" on them. Entering into the building that they led to, the group found themselves in an Aztec temple that was populated by hairy, savage goblins that worshipped a ghoul priest. Despite a great deal of searching, most of the temple was desolate (also, there was no pizza). Eventually, the dungeon's boss was located. It was the Ghoul Priest himself. The party struggled as the priest had 4 attacks per round, and due to attacking with a cursed blade, all successful hits resulted in needing a save vs. paralysis. Tough fight, but we came out on top and got a few gear upgrades in the process and the barbarian leveled up. Plus, my little purple rogue ghoulette learned an Expert Skill which allows a free extra attack once per encounted.
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somebody tell me how to make this gnoblin cooler
by going 5 minutes without posting it somewhere
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I gotchu senpai.
"Shouldn't you be using a tape measure?"

"This is more accurate."
I'd be worried about my players finding out I was on 4chins
How would they find out unless they were on here too?
Yes, and?
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There must be more to life than ploughing this barren field.
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>I wish people would post more stuff from their games
All that stuff gets drowned out by the fetish posting. Only lust provoking images or bait get any sort of replies.
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What do you use to gen this style of face mask? All my attempts barely get me any result, I gave to waste a dozen gens to get a single good one
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This didn't go quite as expected, give her the B.
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Meeko, is that you?
There's no point to posting stuff from campaigns. It's either just another image, even if it has accompanying text, and is ignored. The thread only has, are best, 10 resident posters who only reply between themselves, and a few who ignore everyone else and don't reply at all
Gnome girl taking the legendary B?
I've posted about my game. Including long paragraphs with multiple images related to it.
No one ever responds so it just feels like no one's interested.
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>Legendary artifact, Gnomish Bread, A treat beloved by children since ancient times, the secret to making these bite-sized loaves of bread has all but been forgotten. This scroll contains the last known
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>"Come in to the store for the tournament, anon? Got your army ready?"
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Our glorious army is always ready, wench.
Anyone know how make landscape pictures on the app or on mobile in general?
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Just use https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator
What do you mean specifically?
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When I use the desktop website on my pc I can change the format, square/portrait/landscape.

The designer app just creates the old squares no option to choose or I can't find it.
Thread task
Mirror shades
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You can't. Your "gnoblin" turd will never be cool.
Top right, the oratory assassin
Gays in a nutshell.
Nice one.
Well I found a workaround now. Kill the automatic link opening of the app force desktop view in browser works
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Nice variety
1) No landscapes
2) Has to be a character you have personally played
Those seem to be their guiding stars
She was just a humble night janitor at the museum when she was struck with inspiration: she wanted to make the dinosaurs walk again. So she became a necromancer. She's not very good at it. She's only really able to reanimate small things. Like children. So far.
I don't mind landscape posting. I just wish people didn't feel the need to conflate conflict between landscape posters and character posters.
There's thread enough for both. Especially these days as the threads have slowed to a crawl.
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>You're a Paladin of Helm? Did Pauldron and Shield already have too many Paladins?
Underrated post, gave me a sensible chuckle
Remember when that one assmad charposter tried to make a bunch of "ironic" landscape posts? And his zero-effort landscape posts were still higher quality than the rest of the thread which totally crushed his central point? It's like that.
Are there even many landscape posters? I feel like there are rarely any others besides me. Oder did I miss some drama. I admit that I often don't post stuff that fits into the TT
Yours are sick dude, love them.
That fits more in /tg/ than the average /slop/, landscape whiners are deranged but that's not a surprise.
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>the tabard is giving her the side eye
Very pretty elf adventurer.
thx !
Half-Elf, Half-Dryad (love will find a way.)
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This portal is a passage to a wine cellar, I hope.
>Implying the tiny building above the portal is not an out house and that the local dont just let the turds swirl into the next dimension
While not directly an aggressive spell, controlling the other side of this portal can be hugely demoralizing to enemy forces.
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a paladin resisting the temptation to prompt more green women with red hair
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>"My son, having read through the whole book, I've not seen one mention of how green women with red hair are a sin. At least not directly."
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>"Ye, but consider this passage:
'Your breasts are like two fawns,
like twin fawns of a gazelle
that browse among the lilies.'
>"I feel like that might be important."
>implying Orcs would have any problem with shit
I give up, what is the reason why all the images were deleted?
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Cool stories.
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>backstories for characters before they became adventurers
"Well, come on then, let's see what you've got in that bag."
>You can get yourself as dirty as you want to
>You get paid for it
Isn't pottery a perfect job for the Goblin?
>that's a nice discussion you have of your game there
>oops, you posted a SFW picture of a woman. shame.
In case there's any doubt that the slop sheriff is a jannie, rule-abiding content that is contrary to their whims (literally just a female rogue who isn't ugly enough in >>93223351) goes bye-bye. The most thread-derailing nonsense is completely tolerated, but if you cross jannie's favored politics or pants-shitting fear of attractive women, down the memory hole you go, even if your content was rule-abiding OC. You know, the thing /tg/ is starving for?
I dare jannie to ban me for this, the last thing you need is the mods looking into your little fiefdom.
Damn, that one came out really good.
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It took probably 30 gens to get a decent enough pistol with the right number of fingers and the age and face to look right. Most of the time, I have to use shortcuts to get something halfway decent.

Before he was a sanctioned psyker, he had to endure the trials of the scholastia psykana
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Ooo, really? What art style works best?

Before he was infractionist scum recruited into the inquisition, he was a minor gang member and courier.

>This finishes the Dark Heresy character backstories: "the teenage years"
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Does it have to be more realistic?
If you're the slop sheriff posting your own art and then not deleting it as some sort of way to prove me wrong, that is some gaaaay shit.
I am interested in getting some posts cleaned. I want to see if the j(tr)annie has taste.
Oh wow, how many takes did that armor take?
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>Dark Heresy characters background, youth edition

Before the Ordo Famulous and the Schola, she enjoyed a life of luxury in an aristocratic family on a hive world.
Before becoming a Sister Militant of the Adepta Sororitas and the Schola, her family tended fields on an agriworld.
Before joining the Ordo Dialogous and the Schola, she was raised among the tech-priests of an explorator fleet.
Before being a sanctioned psyker and the Scholastia, he was the son of a Lictor on a Byzantine pleasure world
Before he was an infractionist and gang member, he survived as a pickpocket and petty thief in the depths of a hiveworld.
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Well, not quite a rogue per-se. The GM let us use OSE Advanced classes, so she's an acrobat. (Forward vault with a polearm is incredible when it works, and the class is really mediocre for anything else except climbing stuff or using balancing tricks.)

The character herself is a mute who uses the mime paint to play off her disability socially. Part of the fun is that in any conversation, I end up explaining how she attempts to communicate rather than using actual dialog. Also, she and the fighter have an ongoing rivalry (think Legolas and Gimli) about who is the better fighter. About 2 session ago, she used his shoulder to vault over him and kill a cultist, and then I had her "turn around, point her thumb at herself smugly, and flex her arm muscles". Super fun character to play.
Idk, but it took a lot of dog dodging.
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Also, I deleted my own post (no jannies involved) because I didn't want to be spamming up the thread with just my own games. Sorry I caused confusion there.

I run a Four Against Darkness guild game along with playing with 2 different groups. I really like using AI to generate character art or specific scenarios that take place and share those with the groups. I wish that more people would share games that they play in this manner, because it's cool to see what other people are playing. I get detailed descriptions of how other players see their characters, and try to gen those. For instance, this Conservation Wizard who is the guild's ambassador to the fae realms.
>Also, I deleted my own post (no jannies involved)
Fuck me, I finally went off on him and it wasn't even him that time. Major anon L.
I honestly feel pretty bad about it. I was just trying to create space for everyone else to share their fun stuff. As per normal, that didn't work out exactly like I had planned.
It's still him the rest of the time, this has been going on for a while and I'm far from the only one who notices. I don't just wake up super triggered that one post is missing.
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I wanna see her get captured by Dark Eldar
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Really love your historical stuff, anon.
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Gotta admire your persistence, anon.
>I didn't want to be spamming up the thread with just my own games
No need. Thread's glacially slow and there are few posts that aren't big breasted women

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