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>Get into playful fight with other player
>He prones me and i fail to him with a spell
>Good times all around
>Random player, whose entire character is all about being an ignorant asshole yet has nothing to do with our little scuffle, casts inflict wounds on my character which causes me to hit 0HP
>Party is in shock and the DM abruptly ends the session

How do you respond next session without sounding mad?
>Random player, whose entire character is all about being an ignorant asshole
allowing this in the first place was your mistake
We generally thought it was funny at first but then he became throwing derogatory terms at my character especially since it's a twink. Striaght up calling me the F-word without any consequence whatsoever and whenever i step up to him the DM has an NPC interfere since he's conflict adverse in general.
You're on 4chan, you fucking retarded faggot.
I don't give a fuck about the world itself. What bothers me is that his character is specifically targetting me and even resort to attempting to kill me off while i'm in conflict with someone else.
Suck his dick to calm him down then you useless glizzy gobbler
You're retard
I would bring a new character sheet, ready to go. dude's dead
Nah our DM doesn't want my character to die yet.
Then hitting 0hp doesn't really matter, does it?
Sounds like these people don't like you and you've failed to pick up on it.
My best friend is part of the group and the DM and i are very chill. It's actually the player in question who's more of an outlier.
quit being a fag and tell the guy he's being a fuckin spaz then, you mincing little squint.
>abloobloobloo they're being mean to me :(
if literally everyone else in the group hates his guts then punt the cunt and who gives a shit. But you won't do that because you're a weak little bitch in a cauldron of simpering mongrels.
Ok here are your options
A. Confront the DM and tell him youre bothered by being called a faggot.
B. Confront the player and tell him youre bothered by being called a faggot.
C. You (and your best friend) threaten to leave the group unless the problem is either addressed or the player is removed.
D. Just leave the group since theyre clearly unwilling to defend you.
E. Bite your tongue and move on.
F. Suck his dick.
Sounds like you're being a fucking faggot and they are rightfully calling you a faggot for playing a faggot character.
Of course he's specifically targeting your faggot character if it's being a fucking faggot, you retarded fucking gaywad.
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Last one's a power move.
>role playing as a twink playing grabass with another player
You might be at least partially in the wrong here too, faggot
Have you tried not being a faggot? Or at least acting less gay? It's supposed to be role play, could you spend a few hours of the week not thinking about cock?
>roleplay as a faggot
>another character accurately describes your behaviour
how exactly is this a problem?
>Striaght up calling me the F-word without any consequence whatsoever and whenever i step up to him the DM has an NPC interfere since he's conflict adverse in general.
Jesus. Your DM is bad. It's part of the role of a DM to mitigate conflict between the players.
But it also sounds like the DM is either or is wanting to fuck him if he's going out of his way to protect him after he provokes someone else.
If you were to ERP a gay tickle fight at my table I'd kill your character too.
Just stop being a faggot, faggot.
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Kill everybody. With a gun.
I'm pretty sure this thread is bait but it's pretty funny how ass mad rightoids got because of the gays
The fact it was Inflict Wounds which did you in is fucking hilarious. This means this guy had to pray for your downfall and the Gods accepted. They Gods themselves literally said "Fuck this faggot"
Your DM sounds like shit but you also sound like a lame weenie. To be clear, if you self-censor yourself and refuse to say "fag" in an online discussion, you are absolutely a fag. It has nothing to do with you or your character being gay and everything to do with being a pussy.
>my character especially since it's a twink
The fact that you would unironically describe your character as such says everything anyone would need to know. The "random player" sounds like an obnoxious sperglord but you're clearly an insufferable faggot. You two deserve each other.
maybe try not being such a faggot?
Man, this isn't even a good troll, and you're still feeding it. What a bunch of morons.
I don’t know what I was expecting when I opened the thread but this ain’t it.
>calling me the F-word
"The F-word" is "fuck". This is commonly accepted, and there is no other word to which "the F-word" applies. If he called you a fag, and you absolutely must censor it, refer to it as "a slur", "a bundle of sticks", "a German bassoon", et cetera.
this is 4chan, around here fag isn't slur, it's a punctuation
I prefer to think of it as a term of endearment.
I think of it as a suffix denoting a given poster's trade. Drawfag, Writefag, Tripfag, etcfag.
it's the prefix that denotes the trade, you big dummy, fag is customary suffix, like japanese honorifics
Have you tried reddit? It might be more to your liking.
>It has nothing to do with you or your character being gay and everything to do with being a pussy.
Hey, pussies are designed to be able to take a pounding, which as we've seen OP clearly can't.
>paperdolling pcs results in toxic gaming environments
What a surprice!
you are a masochist with a humiliation kink, and part of the fetish is sharing all of this with us
it's just their disgust response kicking in, they can't help it
moshi moshi, faggu-san
Have the entire party hold him down so your character can American History X him.
Both feet to the back of the head mode.
Leave the table if you can’t enjoy playing with this person, better sooner than later, trust me on this.
Sad to say this, but it’s your DMs responsibility to step in and arbitrate to prevent things like this from happening. If he does not and allows it to happen even when all the other players are in agreement that this person’s behavior is unacceptable then he is failing both you and the group as a whole. Maybe he’s your friend and you really do understand that he hates conflict to the point of this whole situation being a constant source of anxiety to him, but in that case he should have known not to accept anyone into the group that would so much as think about grieffing others in return.
Maybe you and your group are just too young to be able to deal with these situations in a mature way, but that’s something you gotta work out all together. Maybe you won’t be able to fix it this time, but with time you and your friends will learn how to better manage these situations.
On the other hand if the other players and DM see nothing wrong with this player’s antagonistic behavior you should just take your leave and never look back.
If you told this person to cut it out because it makes you feel uncomfortable but they won’t, then that’s harassment. If on top of that you are indeed gay, it’s a personal attack outright, not some in character banter as they may claim. You need not tolerate that bullshit and should leave ASAP as these people aren’t your friends and there’s nothing to gain from staying. Let the table implode or die out on its own if so.
you sound gay and your shit is all retarded
why say many word when few word do trick
>kick the nigger so you faggots can roleplay grabass as much as you want
Because I’d rather be helpful than be a cringe memelord.
are you op because you're being a huge fag
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I'm not the one being a cunt just because tho.
You think a lot about gays don't you?, got anything to say to us anon?, how come you are so obsessed?
i do not understand how people have time for this bullshit, do you not have a busy life?
1. tell player it's an issue
2. ask them to modify behaviour
3. tell dm it's an issue
4. ask dm to intervene
at this point the issue is resolved or you're wasting your time in this game. when you leave because of this, and that player inevitably leaves later because everyone hates them, you'll be invited back (or gently told that they've left so you can invite yourself back).
if they continue forever, the dm and players are poor friends and you shouldn't waste more time on them.
No anon. The power move is to suck his dick then call him a faggot.
anyone got that flowchart showing how to deal with table conflict?
>>Get into playful fight with other player
>>He prones me...
I thought this story was going in a completely different direction.
>hit 0HP
So nothing happened, as there are zero consequences for hitting 0 hp in 5e?
The Weenie Hut Jr sub is next door you prancing la la homo man. You tremendous boy molesting fruit.
You specically made apoint that ypur character is a twink. Sounds like you were being a massive faggot and he did everyone a favor. Go play with other homos if you're gonna be a little bitch

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