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There's a print button on Fallout 1 & Fallout 2's character sheet screen. What's the utility in that?
Exactly what you think, lets you print out your shit so you can have a physical copy. Lots of older RPG's still have physical roots and expected you to use irl booklets and paper notes
>>>/vrpg/ is over there
It connects to the nearest printer and prints out a little note that says "good boy who's a clever boy you are you are"
>you are you are
stop patronizing meeee
Video game RPG's used to be made by people who played actual RPG's, but then everyone became a weeb and started playing JRPG's, which are just facsimiles of facsimiles of tabletops.
Also IIRC there were plans at the time to have a pen&paper companion RPG that would use the same exact stats and systems as the video game.
D&D 4E literally required a character sheet printer. What a dark time.
Tactics actually included a ruleset for a tabletop wargame called Fallout: Warfare on a bonus disc.
I thought the original plan was to make it a GURPS game, but it fell through for some reason or another, and Interplay drew up SPECIAL in response.
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Have fun. Or call it total shit, whatever.
>it fell through for some reason or another
I don't know the reasons. IIRC Tim Cain has said it wasn't up to him, but having the licensed GURPS IP would have been all kinds of issues.
Fallout was made in GURPS.
Imagine a world where GURPS is assumed to come with digital software and games because it seems the nature conclusion to such a fiddly system.
meanwhile gurps cucks won't even allow the fans to make their own proper wikia, or something like 5etools. and the official "character designer" program is a piece of trash from the 1980s and they want you to pay $20 for it
I remember watching a Youtube doc with an interview with one of the creators (might have been Cain); he said Steve Jackson was shown a demo and balked at the gore, pulled the GURPS license after that.
Honestly I'm surprised games don't try to use gurps, it would be a good system for computers
Or maybe they really don't want the gurps name tied to video games after what happened with fallout

Though if a game just used the rules for gurps could they be sued for it? Can you copyright rules?
In the US, I think it's game mechanics (such as rolling a d20 and adding a bonus to arrive at a result) are legally immune. Lifting an entire rules system would probably be the equivalent to copying segments of computer code (illegal).
Functional elements are a matter of patent and not copyright, and the patent for basically all game elements is either long expired or was denied for being too universal in the first place and would be expired even if they had gone through at the time.
You can make a game that functions exactly like GURPS, but you cannot say that it is GURPS or is compatible with GURPS and you have to rewrite it in your own words without using any creative element from GURPS. Using the same basic normal words for things like stats and skills is a grey area that hasn't really been legally tested. They may be able to say that the exact words chosen and the order they're arranged in was a creative choice. Or they may not if the words are common for those concepts (Strength for the stat that applies to lifting heavy things isn't really a creative choice, for example). It's not clear because you have to actually go to court and force a resolution for any of that to clear up, and nobody's been confident enough in their arguments to do that yet.

Definitely can't say that it's just GURPS though. That's well established and they could sue you and win over it, because you admitted to it.
>JRPG's, which are just facsimiles of facsimiles of tabletops
It's almost as if different cultures have different takes on similar topics. Maybe if we think really really hard, we can figure out why, mr bait?
I played a short campaign last year and I used regular char sheets.
It's a fact that tabletop RPG's are less popular in Japan than the west, and so they have way less of an influence on vidya there in comparison. This isn't to say that the influence doesn't exist at all, early Final Fantasy had D&D and the Megaten developers had RPG nights in the 80's and 90's, but there are way more that made by guys who only played DQ and maybe Ultima and Wizardry before
Sword World is pretty popular. It's hard to judge these things since a lot of Japan's top RPGs now are homegrown and barely ever get translations. And then if they do get translations, it's often fan done and there's still zero sales or dev interaction of any kind outside of the country, which just makes it harder to track.
Apparently Call of Cthulhu is weirdly huge over there, to the point where it easily outstrips D&D as the most-played western TRPG.
TTRPGs are big enough in Japan that Replays, aka fucking Critical Role actual play bullshit, has been getting animes, mangas and specially novels since forever. Half what people call "/tg/ recommended anime" (Slayers, Lodoss) is literally just campaigns turned into fucking shows.
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Fallout 1 also included recipes. (Later these were in FNV as food items).
Will we ever see such SOVL again?
>unseasoned ground beef with iceberg lettuce
Truly this is the kind of recipe one would find in a barren, post-apocalyptic landscape.
I find that hard to believe, with the kind of gore-y results one can get from various GURPS supplements, but perhaps this was before some kind of shift in what was considered acceptable.

it's soul retard....then again nice buzzwords
Sword World came out after Dragon Quest already had a huge boom in popularity. It was made so Lodoss could have RPG supplements but be attached to D&D, and Lodoss itself was made in order to introduce Japanese people to tabletops
Seething zoomie
have you played it?
Not really.
You can print it and show it to your friends and see if you picked smart agile gun guy, smart agile melee guy or retard.
>There's a print button on Fallout 1 & Fallout 2's character sheet screen. What's the utility in that?
Why don't you press it? TO find out?

AI opponent faxes you in Dungeon Keeper 1!!!!
>There's a print button on Fallout 1 & Fallout 2's character sheet screen. What's the utility in that?
gamma world ripoff and probably started out as an actual computerization of it, oblivion/skyrim are ad&d ripoffs down to the ravenloft

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well, the reason is because OG Fallout was meant to be using GURPS and yada yada yada, go watch Timothy Cain's video on that.
point is originally you were meant to be able to print the character sheet from the GURPS fallout so you could use it for your Table top GURPS games.
But no real people play GURPS, so thank god that was made a moot point

Can you imagine a world where GURPS was mainstream?
it certainly be one with a lot more railroads and dinosaur documentaries that's for sure.
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>AI opponent faxes you in Dungeon Keeper 1!!!!
they fucking what?
What's the purpose in that?
>Unclear when a question is a speech check
>Unclear how the % system works
>The Dodgge/DR/DT system is incomprehensible without a computer doing the calculations for you
>Fallout 1 is a 10-hour game to 100%. Are you going to print your character sheet every hour?
>>Unclear how the % system works
>>The Dodgge/DR/DT system is incomprehensible without a computer doing the calculations for you

It's really not, but it IS impractical for tabletop.
>Skill % = Your Chance to Succeed, like CoC's D100
>If you have 85 Melee, you succeed on your attack if you roll lower than 86 on D100.
>If you roll 86-100, you miss.
>However, a hit can become a dodge.
>Your hit roll is then reduced by the target's AC as well as special conditions (darkness)
>If your melee skill is 85% subtract the target's 10 AC, and now you are melee 75%.
>So a 76-85 on the D100 is a dodge against the AC 10 target.
>Now roll damage
>Damage is checked against the target's armor's damage threshold (DT). If the damage rolled is less than the armor's DT, the attack hits for 0 damage.
>Now damage is checked against the armor's resistances.
>If you do 10 damage and the armor has 20% resistance against physical damage, your attack does 8 damage.

But wait! There's more:
>Aimed shots allow you to target a specific area in exchange for an attack penalty.
>Eyes are -60% and also have to roll against target's AC and other circumstances
>Aimed shots also allow special bonuses, like blinding or instant death... but only on a critical hit.
>But only on a critical hit
There are people who don't take Slayer or Sniper?

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