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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by Gwendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like
- Read the last 3 threads before posting



>Guides (Install 4ChanX script for better experience)
FDM Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/H1en2ghM
Resin Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/SbYWdMnC
Resin Safety: https://radtech.org/safe-handling-of-3d-printing-resins/
Printer Buying: https://pastebin.com/raw/1Kfib5YK


>Last Thread: >>93148509
I would've thought that /tg/ was more into 3d printing, but everytime I come around here there's no one discussing it, nor painting, nor playing or creating stuff. Is this a GW owned place or something?

Anyways something i've been printing nonstop in the last months. For what purpose? I don't know I can't fit them on my home anymore
My faithful Phrozen Mini 4k died on me last friday. It was a sad day, but it had 3 years of service already. I already bought a Saturn 3 12k. I can't imagine something with more detail than 4k, which was already impressive to me. Hyped to see what can I sculpt and print for myself.
Everything on this tiny diorama was sculpted and printed by me. Doesn't seem like much but i'm in love with this hobby. Never in my wildest young years would've I imagined to be able to draw, sculpt, and print something out of my imagination. Sometimes I feel strange, that people didn't seem as hyped as me when I discovered and bought my first 3D printer and the possibilites it could have for creativity.
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>oi m8 u got a loicense fer dat stl
Fells pretty Based, if CGL doesn't want my money, that's just more dosh for paints & goo
I've owned my printer for a little over a year now, but due to a mix of moving/life and procrastination I've yet to even use it aside from powering it up to make sure it works. I just want to print, holy fuck. Sorry for blogposting.
Anyone dabbled in selling proxies? I live in a small country where warhammer is pretty popular and there are very few proxies on our version of ebay. It seems ripe for the picking with a properly organised listing section and my own website, but I have heard some proxy sellers get lawfared by GW vultures. Am I likely to be OK if I avoid all their trademarked terms and such? Official GW minis are retarded expensive here and getting proxies from overseas means expensive shipping and maybe customs niggers taking your shit as fakes. Pretty much everyone plays in local clubs so I don't think anyone gives a shit about using official models.
This guy is out here, sharing what he's done and how much he enjoys the hobby and all you can do is tell him to fuck off? How about you fuck off instead? Better yet, how about you post your 3d prints so we can discuss them? But you won't, so here's your (you), cunt.
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>demands prints
>shows none of his own
not worthy of a (You)
>Sometimes I feel strange, that people didn't seem as hyped as me when I discovered and bought my first 3D printer and the possibilites it could have for creativity.

Have you missed the fact that there are thousands of STL creators out there on any given plattform?
Some people are just better at it than others.
> ebay
Easy way to say goodbye to your ebay account

>get lawfared by GW

>if I avoid all their trademarked terms and such?
How will people find your stuff then?
Are 3d printers good enough yet to print things like this? Yes, I am aware that an STL of Il Disinganno does not exist
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There was a guy I had some email correspondence years ago with who's entire job was scanning statues and artifacts from museums to have them stored digitally. I don't think they would be allowed to share them though, so it just makes it more annoying that there is likely a perfect scan of Il Disinganno out there that you don't have access to.
Detail wise, sure. But you'd spend as much time removing and fixing the supports as sculpting the statue
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use a 3D printing marketplace and find someone who can print it on a HP MJF with PA12 at balanced settings on the highest resolution and the smallest level height. Multi-Jet Fusion doesn't require scaffolding and you can print dynamic parts without having to do subassemblies. The downside is that the nylon material has a bit of a textured feel to it like sandstone so you'd have to have it printed at a decent size. You also don't want to use some yahoo who reuses yellowed nylon powder and doesn't maintain their equipment correctly.
I'm not talking about pirated GW models, I'm talking about the various legally distinct proxy models out there. Is it really that fucked? I see this shit all over etsy straight up marketed as warhammer.
Anons I need some help with the supports when printing a mini using FDM. My minis look great from above but terrible from where all of the supports connect to the model. What support settings do you use?
FDM will always look like ass at the support level
Resin or bust
Yeah but there has to be some way to increase the quality somewhat. I wish I could do resin but I don't want those fumes in my bedroom.
It's because this isn't a thread for 3d printing enthusiasts the vast majority of the time. Usually you get some ratio of
>newbie looking for a starter 3d printer and will fuck off unless they come back for point two
>3d printing tech support
>piratefag begging for Space Marine STLs
None of these particularly encourage consistent conversations let alone a community worth revisiting.
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Did this as a stress print of then new neptune 4 max. The arm is fucked and then got power outage on his neck
Want to do this again sometime, but it prints for like 38 hours.
Oof that mouth is fucking huge. Otherwise cool print.
You have to understand, this is a thread for 3D printing, not for conversations. We don't want the thread to turn into /soc/ so we'd prefer if you didn't try to form a community here
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Anyone happens to have Duncan Shadow's Gargants?
Those are cool.
>marketed as warhammer.
They do this because they want people to find it. GW might ignore Etsy sellers for now, but if they wanted, anything mentioning Warhammer would be removed there instantly.
You sure could try to sell stuff on ebay or your own website if you think there is a market.
There is absolutely a market for proxy stuff in decent quality. But its difficult to make potential buyers aware of your stuff if you want to avoid actually using "warhammer" (or other GW terms) to advertise it.
Do you guys have any recommendations for larger pieces of terrain that are cut and supported for resin printers? I got a lot of resin for cheap and wanted to make some nicer pieces for my home table. Right now I'm working on some One Page Rules terrain.
Is that the dude from the Forbidden Psalm cover? If so, where to cop?
Do you do everything with zbrush? I like how nice these are compared to your average homemade greenstuff mini from 20 years ago.
Slice and slot if your ok with a bit of foam
Give it time, maybe?
I got carried away and printed a medium size death guard army not scans, proxies). I haven't played 40k since 4th or 5th and don’t have a very good idea of what players are like, is the general consensus in pickup play "eff u, official models only" or are folks welcoming to printed stuff?
At a normal LGS, most people don't really care. A GW store might ask you to leave. The bigger thing I've dealt with is that a lot of people that show up with an army that's mostly printed are assholes that can't stop complaining about the cost of the game.
Ideally the model is optimized for fdm and doesn't need supports. outside if that a machine that can change filaments can print the supports in a different materia that doesn't bond to the other easily. Outside of that, good luck
Cool, thanks. Yeah, I wouldn't go to a GW shop or a tournament, just want to have a quiet beer and play with my toy soldiers.
Can the regular Saturn 4 do anti aliasing? I'm reading conflicting reports on whether it can or not.
Yeah it's pretty nice nowadays
What do you guys use for modeling if you make your own stls?
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Finished making a TI4 organiser. Bought the STLs and instructions for a fiver, worth it imo. Designed to use less than a kilo of filament so you can do it in one spool, and so you can take the boxes out and put them on the table and it's ready to play. Hoping it cuts down on setup time.
Taken me a week between downtime overnight and levelling the bed a million fucking times. Fucking Ender 3s man.
Gonna keep printing the pieces for the expansion even though I don't own it (yet). Gotta capitalise on the printer playing nice.

Fusion 360
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Funny coincidence, I finished working on a TI4 organizer too. Even though I don't have Prophecy of Kings yet I went and printed one designed to fit both the base game and it in a single box for future proofing. I also printed a outer border for the game board and a holder for the score tracker and objective cards (not pictured), though those two don't fit in the box. I'm not a fan of the hex pattern for the faction components or how thin the walls look on the boxes personally, but yours looks like it probably took way less time/plastic to print.
Oh nice job man!
How idiot proof are the elegoo printers in general?
I have no place to put my resin printer with ventilation and I fear the fumes and problem they may cause down the line.

Will an air purifier remedy this problem?
No. Those don't handle VOCs. Try using a grow tent and venting fumes out a window with an inline fan.
If I submerge Elegoo 8k Resin into simple green will it be safe to store in my closet until the paint wears off?
Or am I going to make mustard gas and kill myself whit a chemical reaction?
You gonna gas yourself. At least puy it in a bathtub and leave the fan on.
I was going to put it in a plastic container with a lid.
I had no ill affects when I did it with plastic GW models, but resin is different obv

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