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Do any clerics worship OC gods? My cleric worships a sleeping god and believes that all reality is his god's dream. He also believes that when his god wakes up all life will ascend to a higher plane of existence. It's basically Cthulhu without the tentacles.
That sounds more like Dagoth Ur and other enlightened beings from Elder Scrolls. I don't remember the levels off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure that's just one level above CHIM.
I never played Morrowind.
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>worship thyself
My artificer worships a outer god simply know as Gold guy, hes based on this studio logo
Neat. Are there any good resources for creating such gods and/or the religions their clerics would follow, or at least pieces of advice for that same topic that you might have?
Nearly every religion has an afterlife, so think about what kind of afterlife your character would like to go to and work your way from there.
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>Nearly every religion has an afterlife
There are religions that don't? Unless you aren't counting reincarnation like in Hinduism. Thanks, any other advice?
>There are religions that don't?
Some Jewish sects (such as the Sadducees) do not believe in an afterlife. Some Hindu sects are the same.

>any other advice?
Give your religion small tabboos that will come up on a regular basis. Stuff like "don't eat meat" or "don't wear brightly-colored clothes". Just don't make it anything that will annoy your party, like a vow of pacifism or a violent hatred of magic.
>Unless you aren't counting reincarnation like in Hinduism
Most forms of Hinduism have an afterlife. While they do generally promote a belief in reincarnation these lives are stepping stones towards the afterlife of merging with the godhead or living in their god's paradise.
>Some Jewish sects (such as the Sadducees) do not believe in an afterlife
Did not believe. Sadducees have died out as a branch of Judaism nearly 2000 years ago.

>As for the persistence of the soul after death, penalties in the underworld, and rewards, they [the Sadducees] will have none of that.
>The Pharisees are affectionate to each other and cultivate harmonious relations with the community. The Sadducees, on the contrary, are even amongst themselves, rather boorish in their behaviour, and in their intercourse with their peers are as rude as to aliens
>The Jewish War, Flavius Josephus

But Josephus got a few things wrong and that was one of them. They did believe in souls going to Sheol, but not in the resurrection.

In fact, Josephus was a Pharisee, read what he wrote above, and recognise it for the hateboner it is.
There are still plenty of Jews who do not believe in the afterlife. In fact, it is pretty common.
Do you mean "cultural Jews"? Because they wouldn't count this discussion is clearly about religious Judaism not just people whose mothers are Jewesses. If there is an organised group of Jews who believe in G-d but deny there being an afterlife I'd like to know about it and how they interpret the Tanakh, like where it says in Daniel
>And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken-these for eternal life, and those for disgrace, for eternal abhorrence.
I'm not sure how they'd believe in G-d but deny the Tanakh. Are they like, G-d is real but the afterlife is a sham? Do they have any scripture?
If we're on a "life is forever with a bit of a pause for sleeping" line, that life after the sleep is the afterlife being discussed.
Cultural Judaism is still a form of the Jewish religion. A religion is a set of habits you practice regularly. If you celebrate Hanukkah, practice circumcision, etc, you are still Jewish, even if you don't believe in God.
Okay, so they don't believe in an afterlife, but you're still identifying them as part of a religion which believes in an afterlife. Irreverent jews don't count as a separate sect of jews.
You don't have to believe in the afterlife to be Jewish, you don't even have to believe in the Biblical God to be Jewish. The same is true for any religion.
And you're taking that to mean that no religion believes in anything. This is silly. You can describe irreverent jews as part of the jewish religion but at that point your definition of 'religion' is now irrelevant to the conversation.
I celebrate Christmas, I am not Christian. I brush my teeth twice a day, I am not a Toothbrusharian. I celebrate Divali, I am not Hindu. Your definition of religion does not hold up to any level of scrutiny.

I already rejected cultural Judaism as not accepted as a religion and you did nothing to convince anyone that it should be. You're trying to turn this into a definitional debate and I'm not interested in that especially as your attempt at a definition is both inept and unreasonable.

Good point anon. Not worth my time carrying on with this guy. I thought I was going to learn about a religious group that did not have a belief in an afterlife but instead I get, whatever that was.
I'm not saying no religious people believe in things, I'm saying belief is not a prerequisite to being religious. A religion is a lifestyle. Saying that cultural Jews aren't "real" Jews because they don't believe in the Biblical God is like saying Protestants aren't "real" Christians because they don't believe in the divinity of the Pope.
>I'm saying belief is not a prerequisite to being religious.
We don't care.
If you didn't care you wouldn't be arguing with me about religion this early in the morning on /tg/ of all places. Feigned apathy is passé.
>describes Azathoth as "like cthulhu"
nigga this better be bait
Cthulhu is the one who sleeps and destroys everything when he wakes up.
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Okay, thanks for clearing that up. Is there anything else I should know about whether or not to have the religions for my OC gods have reincarnation or not?
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Friendly reminder that polytheists can't choose which deities they follow. It's literally all of them. Also, pagan gods and goddesses always thought themselves to be in the right and worked tirelessly to one-up another.
tl;dr - the alignment chart cannot work in a polytheistic world
Your third sentence is correct, the others are nonsense.
Aldmer-Altmer-Chimer thought is heavily inspired by Bharat philosophy and, ironically, shows very little gnosticism. For example, Magnus is the designer, the demiurge, of the world, while Lorkhan is at best an ideas guy.
There's also the comatose pantheon of Eight which aren't really dead despite what fandom lore likes to repeat.
History and myths speak about worshippers having to consider pleasing or appeasing literally every god and goddess - the entirety of Ulysses was about one guy choosing not to worship Neptune - and this has a large number of mystery cults claiming one deity to be the over-deity over others.
Christianity has called them fallen angels, mythified ancient rulers, or a combination of both. Funnily enough the rabbinical Jews have decided to make deals with demons because G-d rejected them.
>the entirety of Ulysses was about one guy choosing not to worship Neptune
Ulysses is about a guy whose wife is cheating on him, dummy.
>Funnily enough the rabbinical Jews have decided to make deals with demons because G-d rejected them.

>make deals with demons
>G-d rejected

The alignment chart... THE... you know. The only one there is. The only one there could be.
You're gonna have a lot of fun when you discover how hilarious fucking stupid the concept of an alignment chart is... and that it doesn't even work as a game design mechanic.
in one of my more recent campaigns the players were doing a side gig for the "god of kindness", which basically entailed stealing some artefact from the "forgotten god of the dead".
in the end they found out that the god of kindness was actually the god of lies, who 'accidentally' murdered the real god of kindness and took their place.
so now the god of kindness was the first god to die, and without any other god knowing about it, they were forgotten until they found a new role as the master of the afterlife, bringing comfort to the dead and guiding them to oblivion or their gods domain.
god of lies was struggling to keep up the act and wanted the party to steal the sceptre the god of kindness used to use to bestow blessings.
party fought their way to the afterlife, found out the god of the dead was a cool guy and decided it wasn't worth the hassle, told the god of justice about the whole thing and went back to their small scale kingdom warfare.

in the current campaign the major charity communities have a very skull and bones motif, which really upsets the party since they cant just murder anyone in black robes with a skull mask anymore.
>You're gonna have a lot of fun when you discover how hilarious fucking stupid the concept of an alignment chart is... and that it doesn't even work as a game design mechanic.
There are many reasons why the 3x3 alignment chart can't work.
1. It was designed by a man of a heretical sect, making discussions about lawful and chaotic moot.
2. It was designed with inherently "good" and "evil" deities in mind.
3. Without a single arbitrator above and beyond good and evil there's no frame of reference.
This is perfect, my setting has four pantheons, each based on one of the four seasons, that alternate between temples as their seasons come and go, so each of their clerics technically follows four gods. I can come up with a few spheres of influence for each season, like War and the Sun/Day for Summer, Harvest for Fall, Death and the Moon/Night for Winter and Life and Medicine for Spring, just to give an example or two for each, but I want to have several more deities for each season, maybe one for each month of the year even, so I need more, what do you think?
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I don't play those games, what's the context here, and do they have any good ideas about gods?
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I don't have many Gods but I do have low level Deities in my setting. People who ascended via worship or fear after death

There's a half Tiefling half Assimar girl who was martyr'd after her execution for being able to see into the future and witnessing the downfall of a Kingdom
She's worshipped and gives Tieflings and Assimars and occasionally outside races who worship her small glimpses into the future

Another is an Elf/Changeling mutt girl who became a Serial Killer out of spite for being treated so poorly by both sides of the pond. She was executed but came back as a Curse spirit once the Changelings morphed into her to scare people
It's a vicious cycle. Those cursed with her shadow that brings unfortunate luck can pray to her to curse others so that their curse eases for a time. Those who were then cursed may do the same. The only cure right now is death

A wealthy Elf family Egregored their Patriarch into a small Deity that rewards them with wealth, knowledge and points them in the right direction for suitable partners to keep the genes pure
They have a second family that originates from a White Dragon paid to protect them. White Dragon wanted a mate and their most beautiful daughter was given up as one. Now there's half dragon half elf people who protect the main branch
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I would LOVE to hear more about this Tiefling/Aasimar girl, both before her martyrdom and afterward, please.
No you wouldn’t. Shut the fuck up, literary lord.
its azathoth dummy
you can really be either polytheistic or an atheist. any other belief just doesn't make sense, it would be self-contradictory
Omg stfu, you arent a jew, you have to believe in judaism to be a jew, otherwise all palestinians are more jewish than israelis.
Why do you think all the sand people are being righteously blasted to hell? Fucking ingrate
You can be Christian.
>get called atheists by Romans
>get called polytheists by muslims and mormons
You need to make a distinction between rabbinical Judaism that has its origins in the foreign sect of Pharisees, and the original faith of the Hebrews which already had a glimpse of the Trinity in Isaiah 48:16.
yes, christians are either atheist or polytheist, as i sad. glad that you agree. they arent special or anything.
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The way that Warhammer handles gods, particularly the Chaos gods, has always bugged me, like how they’re supposed to represent positive things as well, but they’re completely overwhelmed by the negative aspects. Knorne for instance, is supposed to be the god of honorable combat, but he and his followers are murder hobos 90% of the time, if not more. I’d really like a more nuanced take on deities that derive from a cosmic force of Chaos, both on the things they represent and how they do so, what do you think about that, or deities born of the essence of Law?
>you have to believe in judaism to be a jew
You don't have to believe in God, though.
She's just a girl who could see into the future and went on a tour shortly after it became known she could do that
She's a weak Deity, Outsiders killed her and her Tiefling mom so she doesn't normally accept worshippers that aren't Tieflings and Assimars. Her followers keep her existence on the down-low so the Kingdom they reside in doesn't try to wipe her from existence, so because of her low follower count she isn't powerful. However because of her ability to see into the future she'd still be considered the biggest threat to the Kingdom
>one off
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Does she have a name, or is it secret as well? And what was the origin of her power?
Yes and what ELSE can you tell us? Feed me attention, anon
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Does she look more Tiefling or more Aasimar, or does each race make her look more like one of them in their statues and shit?
The primary religion in my setting indirectly worship Gnos, a primordial diety who stole empyrean Flame from his siblings in order to protect humanity from their predation. He imbued mankind with some of the fire, allowing the use of magic, and used the rest to create a barrier between the worlds of man and god. He's a hands-off diety, and reclaims the Flame of the dead to restore the barrier, leading to ritual cremation among his worshippers. The religion is led by the Beacons/Luminaries, who are particularly skilled at using their Flame.
Does anyone have any elemental gods or clerics in their settings? Because for the latter, my brain just keeps going to the Fire Sages in Avatar, but for some reason except for Air maybe the other elements don’t have any equivalent, let alone elemental gods/spirits besides the ocean spirit at the North Pole.
Just give it a rest, you insufferable child
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>be narsassistic self absorbed peice of of trash

No thanks
i made a holy trinity of goddess that were just actresses I liked that I had a crush on with the name Jessica.
>Jessica Alba
was a moon goddess of Darkness and Night, Patron god of The Forgotten and The Wronged.
Holds Domain over Cold, Fey, Knowledge, Magic, Ocean, Trickery,
Lawful Neutral (thats how old this is btw and how old I was)
>Jessica Simpson
was a sun goddess of Light and Days, Patron god of Lovers and The Mad.
Holds Domain over Air, Chaos, Destruction, Fire, Madness, Strength, Sun, War,
>Jessica Beil
was a earth goddess of Life and Death, Patron god of Families and Civilization.
Holds Domain over Animal, Community, Earth, Evil, Good, Healing, Luck, Plant Protection, Travel, Weather
After gods of Wealth and Justice, what kinds of gods might clerics of royal blood choose as their divine patron?
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My campaign setting takes place in the aftermath of a divine war where numerous gods have fallen and new gods arisen to take their place. One of the fallen is Tiamat, and I must now come up with a replacement(s) for her as god(s) of the dragons.
trannyish art

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