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Previous Thread: >>93201984

>TQ: Do long blocks of text bother you? If yes, what's the minimum that you consider a bother?
Total... author... DEATH
>And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.
Acts 24:15

At the end of time, all authors shall be resurrected, and there will be a big party.
maybe suicide reall is the only way onut...
I want that update.
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He promised some bloodborn thing, not a planeswalker update iirc.
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I'm actually excited for new CYOAs coming from Tankista, Italics, Tok (He keeps his ego in-check), and other new and returning authors. I may not play them all because I don't want to be a girl or something, but I will enjoy the new content. Feels like we're right around the corner for a new era.
>long blocks of text
Not if I can complete the CYOA with a superficial reading. Re-reading something to better understand a power/companion/setting is comfy.
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that would be nice
will they forgive me
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I forgive you
Cyoa for this feel?
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legalize domestic violence
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>He promised some bloodborn thing, not a planeswalker update iirc.
Actually, AHS promised both. First he was going to write Bloodborne 2: the Longest Night, then he was going to do a new version of Planeswalker Rising. He was even talking possible changes, like buffing the "go home" option for players who don't want to be a planeswalker.

Then came the skubwar, and people (metaphorically) poured burning gasoline all over AHS and told him to go to hell. Last we heard, he was still pretty pissed about it.

(Seriously, it got pretty ugly for a while.)
For those who want to play for the "bad guys".
It was a long running argument that lasted almost a year (roughly summer of 2020 to spring of 2021). It initially started as a complaint over a lack of a be-the-girl option in Planeswalker Rising, morphed into an argument on whether it was reasonable for the Scholars to have a (more or less) modern Western worldview . . . and then some idiot trolled Tok with Planeswalker Rising, after his latest cyoa (at the time) bombed. After which, all hell broke loose.

Long story short, AHS stopped posting here or on Reddit (at least using that name), and a lot of people got very pissed at each other. It ended . . . I want to say March of 2021, when one weekend the mods handed down week-long bans to anyone who even obliquely mentioned Planeswalker Rising, loli, or the skubwar.
Good. AHS was a massive faggot and this general is better with him gone. Same with Entropiss. We don't need them.
>and then some idiot trolled Tok with Planeswalker Rising
I was under the impression that was you
Why would I want to do that? I enjoyed AHS's work, and Tok has done some nice cyoas over the years. Starting a fight doesn't benefit me.
And people wonder why there isn't more OC . . .
For the anon last thread who wanted Dead King's Offer
>Age: Fresh Graduate

>Size Ratio: Equal Height

>Physical Build: Scrawny

>Breast Size: Average Breasts

>Butt & Hips: Child Bearing

>Facial Features: Cute

>Hairstyle: Long and Straight

>Skin Tone: Pale

>Sex Drive: Sexual Predator

>Romantic Attitude: Erratically Dom

>Personality Traits:
Heavy Drinker

>Fetishes & Desires:
Lewd Roleplay
Being On Top

>Hobbies & Interests:

>Extra Features:
Inhuman Traits [Small Horns, Demonic Tail, Razor Teeth, Long Tongue]
After tok would post under his trip, PR would get posted with a random low quality conversation prompt. This happened every thread for a while. The posting style was very similar to yours. Or at least it seemed so to me.
Fresh Graduate
Regular weight
Average breasts
Average Behind
Sex Hair
Mostly Equal


Bondage x3
Lewd Roleplay
Oral x3

>No exercise option so she can get lean
Fuck you, I'm making general exercise a option.
Ugly whores not even worth raping
Well, I did post Planeswalker Rising during the skubwar . . .but I'm not sure that I'm the person you are remembering. If I was me, I wasn't trying to troll anyone at the time. I had enjoyed the cyoa, and thought other people would, too.

(And I certainly wasn't the idiot who crapped all over Super Sluts.)
>maybe suicide reall is the only way onut...
Just in case, here's the Suicide Prevention Hotline's number:


Apparently dialing 988 works, too.
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Have I the cyoa for you!
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Has anyone heard from Liminal? He hasn't posted in ages.
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Utu - the Masonic Stone
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Inu - the Seer Stone
Cope, anons are just tired of westoid shit fantasy. Italics just made a highly successful Wuxia inspired cyoa. That's the future of cyoas. AHS and Entropiss just couldn't compete.
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Anbar - the Smith Stone
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Amelatu - the Wandering Stone
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Itima - the Solitary Stone
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Libbu - the Dark Stone
>Age: High School
I'd go lower but the CYOA doesn't offer it.
I like smalldom.
>Build: Athletic
Muscular is fine too, but I like them slim.
>Breasts: Average
Anything bigger would look weird on her.
>Butt: Child-Bearing
>Facial Features: Cute
It's the most reasonable way a girl who's less than half my age and a third my weight could overpower me.
>Hairstyle: Ponytail
Hey, it's cute. I like Sex Hair and Long and Straight too, but Ponytail works best here.
>Skin Tone: Fair
Light and healthy.
>Sex Drive: Regular
I'm old enough that my sex drive has cooled down considerably and I'm more into snuggling.
>Romantic Attitude: Erratically Dom
Sure, she can boss me around.
>Personality Traits

Cuddling x3
Sweaty Sex x3
Being On Top
Milking Dry


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Kunibu - the Gardening Stone
Very important question regarding this cyoa...
Can I be a speshul furry type Beastfolk if I pick JNPL as my mommy?
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Narum - the Speaking Stone
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Zumru - the Beast Stone
I want to reduce 0^0 to a slavering toilet hungry for my leavings.
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Reject the Nine
eww anon gross >>93225198
>Italics just made a highly successful Wuxia inspired cyoa
He did? I grabbed copies of Lego and Psi Magic, but somehow missed that one. Could someone post it?
It's just that the author clearly thinks he's being sassy with 0^0 when she's just a hypercunt. I'd Sartre her into something degrading.
What do you consider worth raping anon?
A little rude don't you think?
She got psyop'd into thinking she overthrew the gods, but she's actually just a tool to reset the world yet again >>93225216
She doesn't deserve politeness.

Would still be nice to make her tongue my shithole.
>the author clearly thinks he's being sassy with 0^0
nah, tankista knew exactly what he was doing
Well, if he wanted me to hate her he succeeded.
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World mappa
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Timeline mappa
my dude, everybody does
Did Tankista release the timeline? Or did some fan compile it?
tankista, it's from his excel file that also had an excel world map (lol).
Magic Item Shop
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>Italics just made a highly successful Wuxia inspired cyoa
lmao, by italix standards cyoa is a success if it ever leaves wip state
Have a cat cyoa!
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>Best Friend Mode
>Spooky Kitty
I'll call him Nigger-Man :)
Fairy King (unfinished but playable)
Best Friend Mode: Eevee, so I can go to pokeland and get Bea to press her lips around the base of my cock while fingering my prostate.
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I really like the idea for this one. I know author is planning a p2 but honestly this concept could also work well as a Blood Mage/OR-length CYOA
Thanks anon.

Age: New Year Noodle (38)
When I was younger I would have gone with Christmas Cake. But now that I'm 30, they're too young.

Size Ratio: Amazonian
Physical Build: Muscular
I wish I were a Short King, then every woman would be Mommy sized.

Breast Size: Busty
Butt and Hips: Badonkadonk
I like the silhouette.

Facial Features: Gloomy
Hairstyle: Buns
Skin Tone: Pale
Being Ghostlike in her countenance will just make it more endearing when she laughs.

Sex Drive: Sexual Predator
Romantic Attitude: Fulltime Dom
I want to be used and I want her to enjoy using me.

Personality Traits:
- Feminine
- Heavy Drinker
- Bant-Master
- Motherly
- Aggressive
Mommy. . .

Fetishes and Desires:
- Cuddling
- Sweaty Sex
- Frottage
- Rapeplay
- Momdom
Sorry, I mean, Mommy. . .

Hobbies and Interests:
- Running
- Lifting
- Hiking
- Reading
- Cooking
A balanced list.

Extra Features:
- Amputee
- Scarred
- Incest (Auntie)
no you're supposed to fall in love with her you fucking idiot
>Cope, anons are just tired of westoid shit fantasy.
Weebs so defensive about their mass produced animes.
West shit isn't mass produced in good faith anymore, basically only smol little communities can consistently produce stuff that isn't absolutely vile slop now.
The west is the heart and soul of humanity, if it falls, what else is there? A tiny little little island that has been proven to submit under pressure? lol.
ravager of my asshole more like
Isn't "0^0"s real name Charlie?
wrong thread
the homosexual containment general is in /trash/
He actually did post. But no one responded to him.

I hope you all get nothing from him. Our most alien author was ignored.

And no I'm not finding the post in the archives.
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Italics you coward. Where is my promised OC? Goddesses? Echoes, the space sci-fi with multiple sexy aliens? Where is the Lamentations update?
You stupid retard Japan is even shittier than westoid garbage. People all over the world are waking up to Chinese stuff over japanese trash. The number one gacha game? Genshin Impact. The biggest shows? Chinese. Westoids can't get enough of Chinese fantasy. It's over for you weebs and westoid shitters. Even here we have more discussion about Chinese settings than any other. Even your most venerated author is a fan of chinese novels.
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>You stupid retard Japan is even shittier than westoid garbage. People all over the world are waking up to Chinese stuff over japanese trash. The number one gacha game? Genshin Impact. The biggest shows? Chinese. Westoids can't get enough of Chinese fantasy. It's over for you weebs and westoid shitters. Even here we have more discussion about Chinese settings than any other. Even your most venerated author is a fan of chinese novels.
i can't believe the birbs got cut out for no reason
>being racist
You will never learn
the chinaman cries out in pain as he strikes you
AHS guy sounds bitchmade if he can't ignore online posts from anonymous users.
Genshin cyoa when?
So if 0^0 isn't the true villain, who is the mastermind then?
Was this all a plot to kill JNPL, or was she the one behind it all?
>So if 0^0 isn't the true villain

Why do you even think so?
Birds got cut so superior space cat girls can spread their genes.
But she is?
Killing JNPL was her plot.
[Blessing of SRTR]
[JNPL] (Actual)
"One" (Adoption)
Empire of Light and Dark
>Inborn Gifts
Ethereal Beauty
Bestial Strength
Boiling Blood
Bulletproof Skin
Cognitive Speed
Spiritual Feel
Martial Instinct
Caster Intuition
The Keter
Kalliopa Aureole
Me (Buki)
Keter (Kako)
Xet (Zelo)
Omega (Khier)
Zenia (Izhe)
Kalliopa (Dobro)
Martial Training
Magical Training
Journey of Self
E Nomine

I am preparing to watch 0^0 seethe when she finds out that I ignored pesky things like "destiny points" and picked whatever options I found cool and shiny. Then we go onto an epic adventure where everybody dies, some drivel about philosophy and the meaning of choice happens, and I beat 0^0 into mud with my bare fists and rape her. Then I hope that [JNPL] resurrects and takes me back to Earth so I can get my nuggets and stop hearing this Satre niggerbabbling blowing my ears out.
The tactic of "picking god script at the end to get infinite amount of points" doesn't seem to work mathematically, so I am straight up ignoring everything just to fuck with this cocky bitch.
Wait, I was meant to pick Adoption twice for JNPL and "One". Fuck. Whatever, I won anyway. Where's my Mage Convention, Tankista?
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Italics is a Martialfag. It's over.
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Poison = Priestess > Heroine > Fairy

Objectively speaking.
Why do people like this Gojo guy? He's ugly.
If you wanna be the strongest, you gotta look the part. And I took All-Glimpse, so it felt fitting.
hollow purple funny
I was making a build like this earlier today (fuck 0^0) but I lost interest at the end. Thank you for puttign Charlotte in her place.
I personally like the star-crossed lovers angle of being the next Heavenly Demon and having the Heroine as a love interest. Cue Lone Star.

I was going to play/read the lamentation cyoa by italics but then I learned there are two versions and one of which is better than the other, and one leaves out a lot of stuff


Not going to go through each page just to determine which version is superior
Retard or shitposting. Everyone knows updated versions of a CYOA are always better than the previous and never leave out content.
It's italics ''Content Cutter'' we are talking about.
The bastard made the weapon customization unusable by cutting the bestiary because one anon said to hurry up and post the cyoa already.
Sounds familiar? It sure does for me.
Then next version he cut out the weapon customization system because he couldn't be arsed to make it work again.
It left out the food
It was shit
Italics is like From’s Miyazaki. Great and even awesome ideas, but rushed in the development process, and shat out as an unfinished, messy turd. Does he actually care about his settings? Probably not.
>Italics is like Miyazaki
So he likes feet, incest and poison swamps?
He likes to rush things so he can move on to other things. More so lolis than feet.
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loli feet...
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>Great and even awesome ideas
Like what? Isn't it all "copy X, make it edgy, and add furries and lolibabas"?
Bro your lore pdf.
>Does he actually care about his settings?
Autistically, yes. He cares.
I wonder if I'll be able to revolutionize magic and stop with whole casting times, make it instant and assault Charlie that way. My saving grace is immunity to direct divine intervention, and it seems that the development of both martialfagging and casterfagging will help me win, combined. I wouldn't bet on All-Glimpse making me win instantly with God-Script, it's implied that Charlie can read your choices so she can prepare. Gotta go balls in on this.
No he doesn’t. Had he actually cared, he would proof read, proof check, etc, and not resort to horrible fucking logic.

It’s the same with Miyazaki, and all of his games are incomplete and quite fucking contradictory and inconsistent in regards to lore:gameplay.

Miyazaki even said gameplay comes first while story comes second, or even third.
The new DLC is particularly bad in all the ways you put it… =\
Proofreading doesn't mean he doesn't care about the setting shitposter kun.
>Italics is like Miyazaki
>Whole reason the Magi Case happens is because blonde aryan couldn't have their disinterested consort like Miquella

Italics kino
DLC failed when they turned it into an asset swap and regurgitated the same concepts without giving us a new ending—difficulty for the sake of it, and giving you shit that breaks the base game beyond belief.
Compare Italics to Dark Souls games. He follows a certain theme in his works (loli, feet, a ton of waifus), while having the same mechanics at the core (he has none lel).
DLC failed the moment they decided to throw in retarded and obnoxious bosses like Rellana which serve no purpose in it.
Yeah, that's it.
…I was really hoping for a new big ass cosmic primeval spell, but instead we got two floating testicle- I mean moons…
Ameno is only doable if you have something to get rid of your destined death?
Because picking Buki means dying to 0^0, or can you circumvent it by picking JNPL as your mother?
George made it, so pedophilia and pederasty were going to be big themes used to point out that women in charge are incompetent and ruin everything.
Buki only states that your confrontation with her is destined, but death is not. She speaks like that because she assumes that her victory is certain, so it's up to you to prove her wrong or be a victim of the winds of fate.
you find azur and lusat though, clearly being above all that carian shit no?
>Liminal posted
Really? Do you know roughly when? The last I remember was when he released a preliminary version of the Circle, which was 2-3 years ago
Shitposting and being a hater
Based george uoh
>gameplay comes first
If that's true he really isn't trying
You know they really gave up on the difficulty when they brought the sekiro system to it
Yeah and the woman that tried to do better than them immediatly fucked up and became a ball. It's funny.
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The moon sorceries requirements sort of make a bit of sense, if you can somehow wrap your head around the mythologic.

But, no, women are not better than men at magic in this universe. You even meet the teacher of Rellana and her sister this expansion, despite the letdown of a fight.

>George made it
He wrote it, Mike Zaki interpreted it. He likely wasn’t envisioning what we got. He likely just wrote the names of royal family members, their histories, etc.

Azur + Lusat are both the bigger, or more evolved wizards; the Carian women have the more special spell(s). Star purists are on a path of trans-humanism; the Carians want everyone to stick closer to home, as the moon is closer to home. Rennala was like a mother to the academy, who would keep her students and faculty away from staring too deep into space. Bad kids!

Rennala is proof you don’t need to go so deep into space. You can become strong without ruinous ego-death. Lusat’s staff is more powerful than the queen’s, despite costing 8 less intelligence, but is it worth it? Was it worth the price? Lusat’s brain is now an Astel-esque *thing*.

But more importantly…

Why does gazing at the moon take more brainpower than staring into deep space, you ask? The logic is surreal; you’re left implications that the moons are intelligences in their own right that are “met”, to justify it.

Comet Azur is a beam of pure nebula. A nebula is the birthplace for stars. Moons in this universe appear to be sentient, or players in the grand scheme of things.

That is why Comet Azur takes up a total of three spell/memory slots, while moon sorceries only take up two, but are a bit higher in intellect.

It’s still silly, since the DLC even tells us that the moon is “merely the closest of the celestial bodies, nothing more”, and yet we are still shoved two more of them down our throats, sigh.

We should have been given a Lingering Microcosm spell, yeah…
this should tell you everything about shitposters if their behaviour can be easily distilled into an cyoa
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Nope. Girl goss game. Men suck and have zero relevance to the plot. Women are better warriors AND wizards. A fujo 1/10 the size of Radahn outplayed and even BEAT him, in one fell swoop, with a big orange flower.

…Even the female variants of enemies are bigger and stronger…
Dark souls/elden ring cyoa?
wow they're so popular you can't even name them
Women get +magic and +combat bonuses right
>without giving us a new ending
I just wanted an ending where I get to carry out Miquella's will and kiss his feet bros. . .
It's not even good bait
yeah, i don't get what they're trying to say
It’s bait because it’s 100% true. Elden Ring is one of the most feminist games of all time, and you’d have to be willfully blind or just truly stupid to miss it.
Well you get a pederast Radahn and a rapist shota Miquella. You also get an oc donut steel in the form of Rellana.
run-of-the-mill shitposters <<< catposters
>a rapist shota Miquella
God I need this in my life.

I would let him manipulate me so bad bros. . .

I just want my evil little qt twink to carry around and pamper. . .
Too busy releasing one pagers of a cyoa he NEVER spoke about. Just goes to show all of his work goes to random shit and not what he actually says he is working on.
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Of all the games that have come out in the past 40 years, Elden Rings is the most feminist? Have I been misled by literally everyone outside of 4chan who has spoken about the game since release?

Should I pick it up?
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Nah, italics is just a failed novelist that has managed to convince retards here to read his micro-fiction by disguising it as a cyoa.
Jianghu was Wuxia kino tho.
yes, elden ring doesn't have a single iota of gender politics, even the tranny goddess-god and the gay men couple feel completely incidental

I forgot to mention, I added like two things to Space Land Rush. I'll work on reformatting it so it doesn't look like an absolute mess.

Don't care about retarded background lore. I care if a game is fun. If it is fun, I play it. If not, then I ignore it. Only retards care for politics.
So the female favoritism is below the surface and not done for political points?
there is no female favoritism, the women are all completely fucked just like the men are
>there is no female favoritism
It’s everywhere retard
there is none, every single woman is useless, powerless, and doomed, even the fucking goddess of everything
She literally lost and was such a bad loser that pulled her needle out completely ruining caelid and Radahn and unleashed the rot bugs.
Goldmask is arguably the smartest and wisest guy in the setting. He is so smart and wise he just sits around contemplating life, the universe and everything so hard that he - a mortal - outright manifests a new rune out of fucking nowhere which perfects the Golden Order, creating the single best ending for the game. An ending where pointless mass-murder and manhunts aren't happening anymore because it does away with the fickle gods (i.e. Marika) while notably not reintegrating the rune of death (i.e. everyone is still immortal).
Dude makes fantasy utopia, get fucked.
the men are treated exactly the same as the women
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Oh, my bad. I thought it was actual discussion, not shitposting.

Never mind then, I guess I'll go play Hades 2.

In more on-topic news, tell me about your ideal sandwich, anon.
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>He is so smart and wise he just sits around contemplating life, the universe and everything so hard
He ain’t no rock. Rock wizards got him beat. Return to rock.
>trying to put it back together
you fucking retard. Gold mask didn't put together the golden order he perfected the golden order so it actually fucking works.
you sure he isn't rock? he looks pretty stoned
it didn't work the first time and it's not going to work the second time, it's based on completely flawed fundamentals, it didn't do anything good even when it seemed to be working, and there sure fucking isn't anything new revealed in any way that would change any of that
>Gets told that malenia caused a catastrophic disaster that ruined a massive region of land AND unleashed a plague so destructive and virulent that affects even fucking rock for no real reason
>It's shitposting
Look if you wanna fuck her that fine i don't care
>It is not going to work because flawed things
>When they got fixed
cope moonfucker
the women and men are equally powerless and both of them get similar screentime and story prominence
Last time i checked the female ancestral followers don't turn your ass into a MLG montage.
nothing got fixed, retard, the only thing that gets fixed is the elden ring gets put back together, all of the problems with the erdtree, the fingers, the greater will, and the gods and demigods persist
The female ancestor worshipers are a lot bigger than the males, lol.
Nice off topic posting, fags.
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In the beta, they blasted the player back, as a sort of ‘fuck you, go away’, and this is funny to me.

In a similar vein, Willem in Bloodborne is or was originally supposed to be a boss, and quite capable of killing the player.
And they still can't hold a candle to them.
>It isn't any different because i say so
>Willem in Bloodborne is or was originally supposed to be a boss
I always knew Miyazaki was terrified of making proper wizard bosses
I’m seeing vagina metaphors everywhere in ER bros

That dlc trailer…
What do you think about "magic"?
what the fuck do you think the word fracture in the age of fracture ending means, dumbass

also i love how you keep ignoring all of the problems with the greater will, the fingers, and the erdtree and crucible, stop responding to only one half of my posts
What does ASH stand for?
>apable of raping each other on a good day
I just want Miquella to rape me with his bussy, bros. . .

CYOA's to help me live out this dream, bros?
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just get this during his fight
cyoa status?
the mother of fingers is confirmed to be a lying fingerblob who has been making shit up, that's why you go and kill her in a very forgettable fight that i somehow oneshot without even seeing the particulars of it, the environments of that quest are very nice though
>Background: Corper Fleet
>Perks: Space Adaptations, Bank Account, Engineering
>Locations: Vepkhi
>Objectives: Resurgence
>Strategy: Conurbation
I believe in technology and supremacy of human self-interest, and these feline hordes won't deter me. I will harness the ancient Earth anti-animal defensive constructs such as the wires with spikes, excrement filled ditches, and The Scarecrow. Together we will build a new city, free of Earthcomm(unist) taint like taxation.
AHS is Attack Helicopter Skeleton.

ASH however is Autonomous Shipboard Humanoid.
>Autonomous Shipboard Humanoid (ASH) is a project at the United States Naval Research Laboratory with researchers and engineers from Virginia Tech and University of Pennsylvania to create a ship-based robot for defense purposes.[1] The robot is intended to navigate the ship and climb ladders, as well as fight fires and respond to other emergencies as well as visual commands from humans. It can currently walk, among other abilities.
Just be literally any less of a fuckwit than 0^0=1, parallel the latin~arabic fusion by adding numbers to classic script, and build a giant fuckoff railgun to shoot some shit like "paving over the world for half-remembered hives makes you a bad god, and killing a billion people makes you a bad person" into what's left of her heart.

Flowery veiling of that concept can be done in the moment, after a character arc understanding the world on a more nuanced level.
It has been since release, bro. . .
>AHS is Attack Helicopter Skeleton.
>ASH however is Autonomous Shipboard Humanoid.
Both are cool acronyms.
yeah but you can actually do it in game
The most powerful character is literally the player character. This has never not been the case. You can only argue npcs that are unkillable are above them, like that huge fucking jar man in Caelid
Lore text literally states she’s a bitter ayy who’s meddling with the world because she knows she will never get a call from her supposed boss, who may or may not even exist
Ymir’s questline was the best, and had the best lore, but had the most dogshit boss fights too. Even Ymir, who taught Rennala and her sister, is given the Gideon treatment. Fucking why?
>Even Ymir, who taught Rennala and her sister
Where is this stated?
High Priest Hat:
— The hat of Count Ymir, High Priest. The circular design at the top represents the Greater Will and its lightless abyss, imparting increased intelligence and arcane to the wearer.
— Though Count Ymir instructed Rellana in the sorcerous arts, he abandoned his allegiance to the moon.
— "It was merely the closest of the celestial bodies. Nothing more."

He is implied to be their superior.
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You will marry and have children with your Comrade wife
This is a consequence of them relegating certain characters to conversational npc type encounters, which may or may not lead to some future fight. Look at the big hat sages in ds3 who probably wouldn’t be above the likes of the actual Big Hat.
they could have just given them more hyperarmor or made them more like malenia and rennala in general
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Cyoas like this?

Uncut version: https://imgchest.com/p/ljyq3van425
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You’re all unironically better and more civil game “critics” than the ones on /v/
obviously, a general for a thing is inevitably the community toilet of that thing
>grilled chicken
>fish soup
>mutton steak
The Sword-Saint one by Hyenanon
>mutton steak
Wendigos are lambs?
...but we're in the cyoa general
yes, that's why talking about cyoas here is terrible but talking about literally anything else is actually okay
To my surprise goat meat actually doesn't count as mutton, so let's go with "roast goat".
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Wendigos are goats? It thought they were supposed to be frozen man-deer-things.
Isn't that just italics putting fancy-sounding names on them? Sylph and undine aren't elemental spirits either.
>franchise shit
But some water elementals can be fish?
Why did Italics promote unironic interspecies marriage and sex in Lamentations?
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Literally the best, most wholesome character of the dlc
How many less loops are there in the loop de loop version? How long does the last loop last?
>dude go ring this bell
>*ring bell*
>cool, do that 2 more times!
>*ring bells*
Stupid faggot
>wendigo, a mythological cannibalistic monster in the spiritual tradition of North American Algonquian-speaking tribes. It is associated with winter and described as either a fearsome beast that stalks and eats humans
>Wendigos are believed to have exceptionally sharp eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell as well as superior strength and speed in order to stalk and overpower their victims. They live in colder climates among the woodlands and lakes
>It may have sunken or glowing eyes. Its lips are chewed or entirely missing because it has eaten them. It may be have fur.

Italica wendigos are hunters, they don't talk and make eye contact only, live in winter weather. Only thing they are missing is eating humans.
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His version of it looks like it'd be delicious when roasted and served with baked potatoes.
Decent, kind of alike, worse than Blademaster. Thanks.
Pretty sure Comrades are Humans
Is Apotheosis alive and still working on some new project?
go to your shitty Chinese websites then if you hate the west
why do you need western man to make content for you?
Why do you want to eat Comrades
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They're animals, they're food (catposters can have the rat).
Humans are also made out of food.
what does TQ stand for newguy?

To fuel the bots, 3 sentences is generally your limit. If you are describing a character, country, or faction then maybe more.

But an item? It's not that complicated senpai.

The problem with the current wave of autists churning out shit is they ramble pointlessly. THey think they are good writers providing setting and mechanics details but in reality they are self-indulgent masturbtors crying for an audience.

A player should be able to look at a choice's artwork and know what it is and does. If there's a twist, like the cute catgirl's really a viscious meanie, that doesn't make you a good writer it makes your text and images contradictory poorly-chosen shit.

Text should quickly convey a sense of place, a vibe, and tell the player what the pick is for. High magic. High-risk high-reward. The utilitarian option. Don't worry about food. Etc.

Bad writers think pointless complications are elevating their pitch. It's good to have drawbacks and tradeoffs but they should all relate to the other elements int he piece cohesively.
>They'rr animals
Accoriding to RAW, they are not animals and have bodies modeled after a human.
>rabbi put his mouth on my penis when I was born
>what does TQ stand for
Thread Question
>Manufactured misunderstanding
I do this sometimes, it's fun and invigorating (for me), a kind of poetry. I don't remember doing it in cyoag in particular, but it's definitely my cup of tea, at least when drunkposting
>Detail diatribe
Details are interesting, generalities are boring. Arguing about something in a post that has nothing to do with its point is fulfilling and fun

>Bad End
The only fitting end for me

What is Assqual supposed to mean? The only thing that comes to mind is SQL which doesn't fit
Assqual? All the images in the cyoa are titled that
i have no fucking idea
can't wait to play an updated Lamentations as a cute cuddly comrade uwu!!!
What are some other CYOAs where I can go to war with other objectively good people?
all of them
>objectively good
If you're talking about Charlotte, then based.
Bro, you are either a gay who doesn't exist or a woman. Comrades literally get held down by human men.
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>tfw only need to flesh-out 54 more Abilities
>then handle Companions, Quests, et. al.
It'll be here before (You) know it.
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Here's your delicious Comrade, bro.
No one cares about quests. World building and personal power is all I need. Let me do whatever I want in the CYOA without limiting me to whatever goals YOU want me to complete, I want to do what I want
Give me some sandbox CYOAs. Mythic Lands is good but I need more freedom, more POWER.
Quests are part of worldbuilding.

>personal ppwer
Neck yourself faggot. You are the reason why CYOAs have turned to dogshit. Better yet go to Jumpchain for your powerfaggotry.
Human women love dog men comrades that bring about of unique sensations and pleasures that human men simply are incapable of providing. And they want nothing more than to be reduced to needy bitches desperate to get their bellies filled with endless litters of pups.
define sandbox
You get inserted into the world without any particular quest in mind, but you can undertake those. Do whatever you want and have fun.
This is bait, but it's still twofold better to dripfeed lore in-between rewards-rendered for risks-reckoned-with than to just spoonfed it to the reader, I figure. There'll be plenty of personal power in the CYOA, if you're smart or brazen enough to seize it. Over the last two days I've been playing Path of Achra and that's given me a pretty plump parcel of inspiration, although it's like the dev had been retroactively reading my mind for the tone he was going for, which is surreal. This won't be the standard JapIsekai, and worldbuilding is an important part of conveying that. I think... I think I'll probably go ahead and include one of those half-page or so pieces giving the overarching hooplah of the setting and why you're being sent there, but the rest'll be a dripfeed. Might release an accompanying lore doc, that's been popular lately. It's a Work In Progress but I'm still in the note-recording phase, and don't have any progress to show yet. I also think I want to post it for the first time when the CYOA is complete. If I do post something like that, it'll be to get critique on the page-design without any actual texts or images, as I'm an amateur at CYOA authorization.
>Better yet go to Jumpchain for your powerfaggotry.
this desu
Bro, that's is most isekai cyoas. You got any more narrow requests?
Easy. Piss off this general by posting capeshit.
fuck jumpchains, literally the most brain dead hobby ever of inserting yourself to quickly gain power and steamroll every other setting you come across
you're not even playing against other people, it's just you and how favourably you're going to interpret your jumpchain's conditions to win
> True Form
> Powers
Charms 5
Catmancy 5 (Crow, Light body, Intelligence)
Consortation 4
> Affinities
> Items
Charm Charms
Potion of Witchiness

I do prefer the redux version, particularly how the magic is much stronger/more convenient and how it's less costly to be male.
I've always had a soft-spot for this CYOA. But I really want to bitch about the limitation on the number of pacts you can take.
You already need to pay points to take them anyway, so why have a limitation? Clearly the mage offering you them doesn't have one as they're the ones providing mana for those that need it at that moment.
And there's some pretty big mismatches going on. Elizabeth the Homunculus needs you to live. Stella the Unlucky wants to show off to her parents. Even if Stella ticks all your boxes, it'd be a bit of a dick move to pick her right?

I don't usually sartre CYOAs, but I'm fine with it in this case.

Eh. Power fantasy has it's place. I've never gotten into jumpchains myself primarily because I don't mesh with the premise. Why would I want to spend literal years in a universe only to bounce somewhere else? I get the appeal of taking powers from one universe to use in another, but being some multiversal hobo? Ten years is the standard, by that time fuck I'd have gotten a house and picked out my favourite restaurants. If I wanted to leave after that long it would be because I fucked up and picked a crappy universe.
I keep meaning to look into them more than I have because with so many there's got to be a few which are unambiguously good. But y'know, time. Though there is a Fallout Interactive CYOA/Jumpchain which is pretty much everything you can want from a Fallout CYOA I liked.
that's why, they're not fleshed out whatsoever and exist solely as power/perk givers
cyoa is a lot better when there's substance to your potential power trip
>an accompanying lore doc
don't get scope creeped anon, stay focused on the core thing until its at least mostly done
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>Ten years is the standard, by that time fuck I'd have gotten a house and picked out my favourite restaurants.
I see that cyoas have changed me. All I can think of is power, power, and power. While you strive for a peaceful life, I scheme to amass power. While you think you wouldn't want to leave in 10 years because you would have a nice established place, I wouldn't want to leave in 10 years because it is not enough time for me to extract all the benefits.

Are cyoas a psyop to make people power hungry?
That's my plan. Right now, my goal is to get 3-6 things done every day. Eventually, it will be complete.
Imagine if this is the next OC we get...
Meme it up, faggots. Hit me with your STRONGEST oc.
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ENTER, an actual Gary Stu.
What am I supposed to with a meta cyoa by itself?
Also TroyX should make more sfw kino.
Bread: White
Condiments: None
Cheese: Emmental
Meat: Roast Beef, Ham, Bacon
Extras: Tomatos, Lettuce, Onions, Eggs, Mushroom
Sides: Fries
Drinks: Orange and pineapple juice
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Play it with this.
Does someone have a link to that think that one anon did for entropist that showed multiplayer builds? not a build list, but it was kind of a collection in the form of a cyoa.
Anyone got that cooking cultivation cyoa?
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I shall be reborn as Liu Maoxing, the cooking master boy.

>Entry: Reincarnate
Let's grow up normally in the world.
>Region: The Blades of Dusk
They have pangolins! Pangolins are awesome.
>Cultivation Methods Beast Usurpation Method, Dreamworld Sutra
I'm a fan of I Become Stronger By Eating and being a kung fu chef who kills powerful monsters and eats them to gain their strength sounds great. Dreamworld Sutra offers an alternative means of combat and helps refine my soul while Beast Usurpation hones my body.
>Fate: Legacy of the World's Greatest Chef
Hey, it's a cooking CYOA, I need to become the supreme chef. I SHALL COOK THE HEAVENS!
>Grand Journey
>Vanquishing The Celestial Dragon
I bet he tastes delicious.
>Crossing Knives With A Chef
Cultivation cooking duels are by far the best. I SHALL EAT THE HEAVENS!
Cyoa with psychic powers?
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>Read the minds of nearby non-human animals
>Read the minds of nearby <3-year-olds
>Read the minds of nearby >80-year-olds
>Read the minds of nearby billionaires (measured in USD)
>10 people are randomly chosen from all the people in the world, read their minds, you don't have to be nearby
Such an obvious bait from an author to post his cyoa, might as well be italics samefagging asking
>cyoa with magic in urban fantasy setting where I can be a detective?
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Either give an answer or stfu faggot
>check out unDEFINED's stuff in allsync
>1/4 is kino
>1/4 is forgettable trash
>2/4 is the most unhinged shit
what's that pic from?
He's schizo-seetheposting about Echoes.
>Where is my promised OC?
I'm still working on the CYOAs.

>Goddesses? Echoes, the space sci-fi with multiple sexy aliens?
Luminary, Echoes, and Star Runners are still being worked on.

>Where is the Lamentations update?
I have it sitting on the back catalog considering I'm sure no one wants an update to it, right now. But I'll eventually get to it.
Same. God I hope it doesn't end up forever WIP like that demon overlord battle royale one that looked cool.
i find jumpchain a lot more challenging than regular cyoas but still enjoyable precisely because i don't treat it as a garbage can you can throw whatever you want into, a chain is only good if the different jumps match with each other thematically and power-wise, this makes it so difficult that i can't string more than 4 jumps together to save my life but some chains are still pretty cool in the end
>falling for wips and hype
your own fault, you need to subconsciously accept that advertisement is irrelevant to the product or this will keep happening to you and fifty years from now you'll still fall for some stupid game trailer or something
>If you believe in advertisements, you'll be alive 50 years from now
Fuck, I'm converting to advertisementism today!
>AHS is Attack Helicopter Skeleton
I thought it was just "A Helicopter Skeleton"

Anyway, it was some meme (that I missed) that caught the author's eye, and he chose it as his pen name. He's still got a Reddit account with that name, although he hasn't used it to post in, like two years.
>Dark souls/elden ring cyoa?
There are a couple.
Dark Soul Waifu
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I thought it was based on the attack helicopter meme about extra genders (haven't seen it for years now).
Although I don't recall AHS being culturewarsy at all, so maybe not.
Personally I just use jumpchains as standalone cyoas. It feels like getting powers from multiple of them would devolve into mindless churn rather quickly.
>And there's some pretty big mismatches going on. Elizabeth the Homunculus needs you to live. Stella the Unlucky wants to show off to her parents. Even if Stella ticks all your boxes, it'd be a bit of a dick move to pick her right?
My personal head canon is that picking any of them helps the narrator, freeing up time/money/points. Some help more than others, like Joker being a wanted fugitive. Or the homunculus/alchemist, vampire, succubus, mirror twins . . . who all need a sponsor/host to feed them.

My concern with Dawn of the Strongest Mage was that it feels like it needs a quest page. (You) get all these powers, a faction, possibly a waifu/companion . . . and then it just ends. Knowing about some of the problems in the setting would help players focus their builds.
yeah i do that too, and some of them are compelling enough to work that way, but the issue you mention is just another reason creating chains is challenging, you can avoid the issue but it's hard
>Cyoa with psychic powers?
this one's better https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n5ppXMAZE6H-CyoTxC_wWC0Rfi_k5ZDv
I'd pick animals absolutely, but you could probably make a lot of money if you could read the minds of billionaires. I just don't want that job, so I'll take the animals.
I want to say it involved a necromancer creating a helicopter out of the undead . . .but again, I missed the meme. I only remember what people were saying about it, and it's been a while, so you could easily be right.
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