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Previously: >>93213333

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.
http://www.tappedout.net (Dated but functional)
https://www.archidekt.com (Feature rich but poor optimization)
https://www.moxfield.com (Good balance of features + performance)


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Did you pay the ONE?
How do I build this goober?
Unironically you don't.
Maybe some weird thing where you use the salamanders for your advantage. Don't take the dumb normie way to make it a tribal.
>Mull down to 5
>No ramp
>Draw engine gets stolen so I only break even
>Winota player decides to OTK me while Beledros player has dumped his life total down to 10 and shitting a bunch of stuff on board
>Baladros player swaps life total with Winota player, and someone doesn't kill him despite him having 1 flying blocker
>4th guys shoves two flyers at him and taps him for the remaining 1 life, killing him
>Winota player claims he Kingmade the Beledros player
>Beledros has a 39/39 Horror token and Mask of Gristlebrand; for some reason doesn't slap that shit on his token and swing for +39 life
>4th player just mass swings into him for the win
This has got to be the worst example of threat assessment and play sequencing I have seen in a long time...
One of the shopkeepers built him. Find ways for others to attack each other. Also, interesting to note is playing Omo in the 99 to turn any problematic creatures into Salamanders.

But did you pay the one?
I always do.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
This story isn't anything special but I find it weirdly amusing for some reason. It's like some weird episode of a sitcom, I could imagine a Seinfeld episode about this. Not a laugh out loud funny, but something that causes a mild chuckle occasionally.
Something that really feels like that it's sort of writer's pet episode where there's love in there and attention to detail, but it's more funny on paper than actually played out.
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>draw from the bottom of your deck
that sounds so fucking annoying
Gay Bolas
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>magic con las vegas 2024
>mark rosewater comes to stage to announce the 2025 sets
>talks about the death race set coming in Q1
>"we know you guys are excited for the death race set but wait till you hear about a universe beyond collab!"
>lights shut off
>you feel the ground shake as a loud roar screams through the auditorium
>the stage lights focus to the right
>Don Omar's -Bandoleros plays in the speakers
>suddenly a 1970s charger slowly drives on stage
>everyone erupts in cheers at its presence
>dom parks and hops out
>mark: "we are now announcing universes beyond Fast and Furious!"
>everyone shits themselves in disbelief
>Wizards profit skyrocket 10000%

Would you buy it?
>That friend that builds nothing but cEDH

Honestly just thinking of selling my cards at this point. Like, it's one thing to lose constantly, it's another to lose constantly slowly every fucking time because he jerks himself off with his solitare nonsense.
If the whole group feels the same, tell him to build some random meme comp or on a budget.
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>My deck only has 3 tutors, one for each color
>Demonic Tutor
>Summoner's Pact
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>he uses tutors
>he has three tutors and has the audacity to say he "only" has three
He's definitely ADD. I have a friend like this transition from a casual player to a complete cedh sweat-tard. He gets pissed off that people are taking too long outside of playing a land for 3 seconds. And this fucker keeps shuffling his hand
I should have put the first statement in quotes because seeing this guy hold the game hostage with intuition by searching 2 reanimate targets and a boardwipe filled me with despair.
>he doesn't use tutors
Are you upset someone tutored a wrath to kill your board of 12/12 dinos, Timmy?
Baby numbers, I use 5 on a deck that doesn't even want to win. Pic related, its the commander.
>Insatable Avarice
>Wishclaw Talisman
>Diabolic Tutor
>Scheming Symmetry
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I'm looking to get into mtg, there's an lgs nearby that has weekly commander events so I'll pop in there and ask them if their power level is remotely near precon-level. If that's the case (which I doubt), are there precons, or precon archetypes I should avoid? I've played some brawl on arena with pic related and while the cabaretti precon doesn't have him as the commander, I guess the play style is similar.
casual crybabbies are the first to shit on literally everyone elses choices about gameplay despite pretending they're the ones who truly understand the format and its the nasty tryhards who ruin it
when its literal casual crawfags crying about muhh tutors, muh politics, muh focus, muh spirit of the format shut the fuck up holy shit
You can't avoid archetypes you don't want to fight anon, but avoid people who run Mass Land Destruction after encountering them. Targeted is fine.
Second, there should be go wide precons. Hazezon, Shaper of Sand should be okay for the same colors and Jetmir is recommended in the 99. The OTJ Desert precon would be welcome for you.
I run 8-14 tutors so I always have it to shit on crawbabs fun
I run a single tutor and that's only because it flips over into a sick-ass dinosaur.
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based and Timmy brained
I meant avoiding buying archetypes of precons. For example, avoiding "go wide" precons because they'll always lose to "go tall" precons, or something like that.
Thanks for the precon recommendation, looks good
If tutors didn't exist, Green/Blue players would quite literally be unbeatable, you stupid faggot.
Stop being a slow retard and play your fucking turn. Goldfish your deck after you build it so you don't waste everybody's time with your bullshit.
yeah obviously. i got assassins creeds one
>MFW thinking about Hokori Land destruction.
please elaborate
Dilate somewhere else cedh troon
>casual format for casually janking off
>the pubstomping tryhard sees this as an opportunity to get an easy win for their gratification
many such cases. just man up and go play cEDH instead of trying to optimize the fun out of the casual table, its that easy.
or sit down with other tryhards - which of course would never happen, because then the tryhard wouldnt have an easy time winning.
I pay if I can

Q: I had a token aristocrat Marchesa deck that I've pulled apart. I'm thinking of remaking it as breya. Anyone got anything good or bad to say about her?
I've never made 4 colour deck and All the mh3 landscapes seem like a non try hard way to fix colours.
Which art is better bump nose or 2016m
None of the selesnya commanders interest me remotely and it's the only color pairing I don't have
Maybe try get some pussy
i didnt use them for the most part, but ive come around to 1 per deck, and only if it fits thematically or hase some based drawback like Gamble or Schmening Symmetry
>He doesn't want to build Gaddock Teeg
I'm afraid the news is not good. You are a homosexual.
>selesnya commanders
because white fucking sucks
but you already know this
just build kudo like everyone else
if your pod isn't running bear, be the bear you were meant to be
2/2 bears are the point where I start to take issue with the power scale. Wolves are 2/2. Many humans are 2/2. Bears are usually bigger and definitely stronger than that, but then we're supposed to believe that elephants are 3/3 and dragons are 4/4, it's just not very well thought out.
Lads, I'm thinking of buying New Capenna precons. Am I retarded?
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i didnt know why he was broken but i was explained why and yeah i get it now.
you shouldn't be able to do it more than twice per turn using other card shenanigans.
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>he buys cards
Getting rare cards for free kinda kills the purpose of rare cards existing in play.
no modern rare is actually rare, they're just expensive but they're never "sold out" or "hard to find". We get "rares" guaranteed in each pack, and the cards are often more closely tied to power. Lots of sets with broken uncommons turn out to have so few of those that they're harder to get than 99% of the rares. How strange, that.
If he's winning slowly it's not cedh and you just need to get better
it's more about him going infinite and winning but getting off on making sure to do every single step even if it's provably repeatable
Seems pretty... retarded?
>shut off your opponents lands
>decide to waste cards on also destroying the lands they already can't use
Yeah, you're retarded
>immediately jump to prove the post right
Then cut him off and say "cool you win lets go next" are you a ficking pantywaist? I mean I know you are aince you came here to bitch instead of talking to your friend but this sounds like an opportunity to change that
Retarded or you have disposable income.
If you're buying, Henzie or Anhelo. Perrie is dogshit. Kamiz is only good for Tivit.
I was gonna get Kitt Kanto and then maybe the Kros alternative commander that comes with the Rhino guy.

how else?
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>He hasn't gone full proxypilled
I occasionally print tokens and that's like it man
Inks expensive and I don't wanna use a site like MPC cause it feels dodgy? i've never tried it honestly.
So goad theme? You're better off with pic related and get singles man. Also he has a starter commander deck as well.
>Inks expensive
what kind of retard uses ink printers unironically?
>inks expensive
Your own ink is objectively the cheapest way to get cards anon... a thing of ink should net you a hundred proxies minimum. I got about 75 sheets, 4 to a sheet before the ink started getting low. 12 dollar cartridge
Fuck off Paupertard
Sounds cool I was just looking at Kitt yesterday go for it!
Well here's the thing - Kitt isn't actually a goad deck. She just goads her OWN creatures to get them bigger, or uses Goad to prevent damage on a 4-man table. Really, it's about stacking token creatures then playing through Champion of Lambholt and Thunderfoot Baloth.
>Green gets card draw from doing basic game actions, like playing creatures
>Greens creatures are tuned higher than other colors, and come in various flavors of go big or go wide (sometimes both)
>On top of this, green gers to not only tutor for lands, but put them directly into play in the same stroke, allowing them to easily get ahead. On too of that, some of their ramp allows them to develop the board as well, while still triggering the aforementioned draw through their basic game actions
>So green gets to just flood the board with shit that snowballs into more shit
The only solution here is to board wipe and mass reset everything. The issue is, your deck can't reliably have enough wipes to have the out when you need it while also being able to actually close the game themselves, so tutors are extremely helpful for being able to find the couple pieces you need to reset the board so that people can actually continue to play the goddamn game instead of watching the UG player just spin their wheels into an unwinnable position on t5/6 and wipe the entire table out.
ok but how do you get em looking nice? What do you put them on? Are you using sticker sheets? Cutting them out nice is tricky too. are you using printer paper or photo paper, 'cause they never look quite as nice as regular cards.
WG has the exact same issue as mono W, where people think the color as a whole is bad, when in reality there are barely any functional Commander's that are actually any good. WG has a ton of absolutely fucked up cards without a single good Commander to home them.
Humans are 1/1. Highly trained humans strapped with weapons and armor are 2/2. You should be questioning why rodents aren't 0/1's by default.
I might be inclined to devote hundreds then soon thousands of dollars into playing cards of a game I like and play often, if the cards weren't full of terrible art, faggot shit, or woke shit someone is going to lecture me about at the LGS beacuse I ask why is aragorn black and arwen isn't
I love loot boxes as much as the next guy but i could give less of a fuck about the artificial difficulty of money spent if it can be helped
If you want dirt cheap, PDFs on shipping labels that you cut and paste on bulk. If you dont mind laying some $, MPC with MPCfill.
It's magic
Actual, literal magic
I used mtg-print
you can drop in your list of cards from any site which is convenient, and choose which printing of the ones available, but you have to zoom in on them just before the checkout because they have some cards with terrible resolution/compression artifacts
>Humans are 1/1
They can be 3/3 or 4/4, sometimes bigger, because wuxia shit. 4/4 or bigger is usually a knight on a mount (but not always). I have an open mind as far as humans go, it's the big animals that bother me, if a wolf is 2/2 then an elephant should be at least 6/6.
I grant you that 1/1 squirrels are silly and have always been silly. But a 1/1 rat is just a big monstrous rat.
I personally just use thicker card stock. I have experimented with some fancier and glossier paper, and the result is obviously much better but the drying process is also longer and more easily messed with. Just normal card stock, I won't sit here and tell fibs and say the image quality and sharpness is up to professional quality, but you're doing it yourself with a cheap printer. If a wotc card was 1080p my printed ones are 720p. They are more than good enough, and if you use a fancier paper it's essentially the same. For cutting I have a paper cutter it's a couple minutes a sheet
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Rare cards being rares in play stopped being a thing when they stopped including stuff in the Reserved List. Now they are only rare if you are into collecting.
Since a single card can represent a group of creatures, I would assume that a 1/1 rat or squirrel actually represents a whole swarm of rats or squirrels. Similarly how DnD stats a rat swarm as a single creature or how in Warhammer a nurgling or ripper swarm is one model.
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But Kudo does nothing to my Voltron deck.
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>and the cards are often more closely tied to power
As someone who comes from other TCGs first, this is the most jarring part of Magic to me. Having cards just be flat out better for no reason other than "this set symbol is orange instead of black" fucks with me on a spiritual level.
It's like Wurmcoil Larva being so much worse than Wurmcoil Engine despite being a direct reference to it just because instead of an orange set symbol, its silver.
>requires 2 colored pips now
>costs 5 instead of 6, which is cheaper
>loses 3/3 worth of stats compared to Engine
>loses 2/1 and 1/2 worth of stats in the tokens
So because it went from Mythic to Uncommon, it suddenly developed a color identity and lost 6/6 worth of value making it total dogshit
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Thoughts? I kind of want to play a big dumb battlecruiser deck
There's better commanders for big dumb battlecruiser, but there's also worse.
>total dogshit
It's still good, but it's not as good as the best version of the card. This gives a lot more ability for magic to 'reuse' design space by making it slower, shittier, or more expensive. At the same time, even if it's not as good, it's another similar effect which brings better consistency. I see so many decks craving multiples of the same kind of effects and players ignore them because they're less than a dollar and not the top card on a suggested page.
Board wipes will make you said, run things like flicker or bounce to put her back in your hand/reset the hexproof. She's fun, but has surprising trouble against other voltron/beatdown because creatures have gotten so cheap and fast in comparison.
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When would be the most ideal time to play mana short?
Do you only play EDH
nigga I play so much magic I que up for arena games while playing edh
Any examples of better ones?
Upkeep of someone you want to fuck over or on end step of person before you if you want to do a game winning play
Make it a power and attack triggers matters deck but include as many ways to remove him from combat as you can after he's gotten his attack triggers. Lots of flickers reconnaissance etc, flickers will double to reset the effect too which is nice
Anything that concerns with +1/+1 counters that isn't named Atraxa. Don't forget Hardened Scales.
5 mana for 6/6 and 4 keywords is good regardless if rarity
>It's still good
No it isn't. It is incredibly overcosted for the value you get for it when for a single extra mana and removing the color identity (benefit) you end up with over double the value from the card.
Decks that want Wurmcoil Engine aren't going to want Wurmcoil Larva because it lacks so much value. Every time I try to play Wurmcoil Larva it feels like ass because it has been arbitrarily made that way because of the rarity=power system.
I can see the benefit in making a smaller, worse version of Wurmcoil Engine but Larva swings it too hard in the worse section.
Triplicate Titan for example is a good way of doing a different Wurmcoil. It still retains similar value (6 mana 6/6 -> 9 mana 9/9) that also splits its keywords and stats evenly.
Why is simple Land Destruction frowned upon, but infinite loops are just accepted as a matter of course?
Mayael is a classic, As is uril if you wanna go the tron route. Basically if you want to go big dumb beaters. Basically any better commander is something that can act as or help you get out a big beater, but has some added utility beyond that. Uril comes in with hexproof and can make himself absolutely massive with auras, and Mayael lets you cheat out fatties. You can also use an actual "Strong" commander for battlecruiser if you specifically build your deck to play that way.
It's not good when it has a direct analogue for 6 mana 12/12 and 4 keywords.
Land destruction makes games take longer, combos make games end so you can play more games.
Because you don't play it and if you do you do it sheepishly, or with no followup
>better thing exists so it's not good
Not really how value works sorry!
It is. Time Warp wasn't played for decades because of Time Walk
Magic sets are designed for limited, especially at the common and uncommon rarity. You should try it sometime, it's quite fun.
based limited enjoyer
Have you guys ever had to "breakup" with a playgroup? I have this regular playgroup, and I just don't have fun when I attend. I am not sure if I am not enjoying the playgroup itself, or if I don't like Magic anymore, or if I am just a depressed jerk.

One of the players the worst slow-player you have ever seen. He will take forever, and when he finally passes his turn, the next player starts their turn, they are in their main-phase, and then slow-player is like "Oh wait I forgot this thing on my upkeep, can we go back". It drives me absolutely mental. And it seems to happen every session.

One player plays the same deck with the same cards everytime, and it is grave-pact control. Same guy doesn't run enough land in his deck, and he gets land-screwed the majority of games.

The last player is pretty chill as far as gameplay and decks. Unfortunately, he has body odor, and he expects me to give him a drive there-and-back. And he lives just far-enough away that it is an inconvenience.

I feel bad, but I would honestly rather just chill at home.
I skimmed your essay and they sound like shit people to play games with, don't feel bad you did the right thing.
>want to build Omo Tribal-Tribal
>Timber Protector is inexplicably almost $20
Fuck off.
They sound awful but the solution is quite simple. Make a GW token spam deck so grave pact both doesn't effect you and you have lots or cards to remove it and similar effects. I would suggest Gluntch or whoever that GW jellyfish thing is. He allows you to help the shitty deck builder with either giving him draw or treasures. As for the slow player simply explain to him he's a grown man and you will no longer he allowing egregious takebacks
2016 art is best and Breya is still solid today, just use the many combos she fuels
Only Mass Land Destruction. Targeted is not really frowned, especially when stuff like Nyx, Urborg + Coffers, Field of the Dead, Glacial Chasm is a thing.
Making my GF a Jetmir deck. Post some cute cards please ^.^ I figure jetmir will actually be decent cause she can just throw down creature cards she likes and they will eventually be scary if she reaches a critical mass. No inappropriate cards please she is young
yeah that fits
tell your 16 year old to buy a precon
>End the Festivities
>Say nothing and leave the table

Do it.
Unless you have flash you can't do that unless you have can play End the Festivities from exile.
armada wurm
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>You know, I want to make a sultai deck, let's see what my options are
>Rapid oscillation between generic value printer that doesn't give the deck any focus and unplayable garbage
I just do it the old fashioned way with Chandra Awakened Inferno and Worldfire. It's always satisfying to do.

Hmmm thinking of adding blightsteel or another fuckhuge beater, I feel like I don’t have a finisher outside of green’s sun zenith or the archer w/ aggressive biomancy
>play dudes
>Get lands
>play bigger dudes
oh yeah
I really want to make a Sultai deck, but somehow I can't keep them built. Only one I have been relatively content with is the mothman precon and only because I agreed to have an unmodified precon for my friend group.
Maybe I should make a Mimeoplasm even though I know it will be basically a worse og Lazav.
I know it's just a meme, but still, whenever someone talks about reliably casting a ping spell after Worldfire it just sounds dumb. You gotta topdeck a mountain and then topdeck the spell that you want, unless you're using some other spell that you set up before the Worldfire (like Staggershock or Rift Bolt), in which case you should be talking about Staggershock or Rift Bolt. End the Festivities has nothing to do with it.
go forth and steal
>making thematic proxies for my decks
>now wondering if I should future proof by using announced text changes and frame changes
So instead of something like
>When Gruff Triplets enters the battlefield
it becomes
>When this creature enters
and using Nyx borders for any and all Enchantments.
Am I just being autistic?
not only are you just being autistic but you are ruining my autism
nyx borders outside of theros are the worst fucking thing i could imagine
total flavor death - wotc
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I want to replace the art of every card in my wizard deck with Megumin
If you're going to proxy then you should use old hybrid-mana borders for all multicolored cards. Gold cards look like shit unless they're artifacts. Change my mind protip you can't.
That pirate who can populate or proliferate seems cool to me
Nyx borders at least give Enchantments an immediate visual tell akin to Artifacts getting their own border. Currently they just visually look like creatures
they dont need that thoughever
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I play casually IRL and use MTGarena to try and build decks and test cards out mostly, since I'm not able to spend all that much but...

What the fuck is this deck i just went against? Is it viable? Is it affordable? I wanna build it if possible just cause it was a great combo.
everyone in my pod does this too
Brawl decks are better than commander decks
More like eminenceplap amiright?
What are some good beaters that aren’t craterhoof or blightsteel?
Worldfire is a reliable wincon in Kroxa since you can float RB and cast him after Worldfire resolves.
>Nadu decks are better than Nadu decks
I believe you meant kindred typal and don't worry it'll get reprinted as soon as wizards remembers that it's only got Terese Neilsen artwork
And by laying $ this anon still means "less than 25 cents a card"
And for limited, rares and mythics should be weird, complicated or niche picks. Not just the best card in the pack guaranteed.

There's been some really shitty omitted environments based primarily on opening pack one, and whatever the rare is, that's your colour.
lol he fell for it.
Magic sets are designed to have the lowest possible ratio of playable cards, as low as they can get away with, so that people will have to buy more packs.
bump again

What's a good # for Simic land tutors/ramp?

>Nature's lore
>Three visits
>Sylvan Scrying
>Crop Rotation

>Planar Genesis
>Growth Spiral

>Archdruids charm~
>Hour of promise
>Reshape the earth

>Expedition map
I will always proxy if:
>The proxy is cheaper than the real card
>I don't like the official art
>There's no print in matching border
Everything is playable in limited anon
Which is why they don't really have to design for it. They used to care more about limiting net complexity, and that made limited a lot more fun, now they don't care as much and limited is worse, but they never really *had* to. And power levels have nothing to do with limited, they want to print a very small number of very powerful cards so that it's more like a lottery, limited is better when they don't but they do it anyway to sell more packs (and these retards think they're doing it to "design for limited").
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I have a buddy who runs Gor Muldrak. He plays a sort of pillow fort with things like Standardize and Artificial Evolution to give himself protection from other people's creatures and then he'll play Cultural Exchange to steal the best board and replace it with salamanders that can't damage him or block.
Cut the tribal stuff and add more basics unless you want to be buttraped by blood moon. With adding basics, Cultivate and Sakura-Tribe Elder is enough. Also your basics become fodder for Elvish Reclaimer.
Hey guys I need a bit of advice;

I love Magic, but there's this one guy in the pod I run with. He's 'that' kind of guy. Talks really fast not giving anyone the time to respond to his triggers. Gets snarky as fuck just because he has a little knowledge of the stack, state-based actions and constantly corrects us about the most minor shit, but will actively lie and obscure his own board info just to get a leg up.

He curbstomps with decks when the rest of us rock up with slightly edited precons. He recently built tymna and thrassios and complains loudly how we're all being unreasonable when we complain about getting teeth kicked in turn 3 or 4.

I've tried to talk to them politely about pumping the brakes a little, but he just doesn't get it, and he's actively forcing the pod to play at CEDH level. Motherfucker brings Glacial Chasm in a Landfall/recursion deck to a casual table for gods sake and just bounces it back and forth.

How the fuck do I tell them in a way they'll understand to tone it the fuck down because it's actually destroying the pod and everyone's enjoyment.
Trelasarra is pretty fun. Just stuff your deck with Soul Sister and Angel's Feather effects and watch you opponents create a monster for you.

The scry thing can get pretty sneaky since your hand size isn't increasing, but you're still digging deep for your answers and/or wincons.
When we gonna get more printed Alchemy cards?
I'm defending the relative lower power of commona and uncommons, specifically in the context of "strictly better". Making more hig splashy rares is the opposite of designing for limited, as bomb heavy limited formats usually suck.
>Cut the tribal stuff

why? It's a land/changeling deck

Blood moon has no effect on this deck, even if they dark steel mutation Omo. Unless they are removing my commander on sight, even then I have dorks. If I'm eating every removal the board has, then I can't win anyway.
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Recommend some fun spells that feature black for my white hand nigga.
Flare of Malice
>Blood moon has no effect
If you have both basics online. Can you always get those 2 basics online every game? What will you do if a red player goes Turn 3 Blood Moon without a basic? You'll end up scooping. They cut Omo off, your mana can't pop off. Add the fact Drannith Magistrate is a thing. Not every game sure, but be prepared for the guy.
Then again I don't know your table's power level.
"Go find a cedh table if you want to play that shit."
cedh and casual commander are literally different metas that happen to share the same rules. It doesn't matter if they're both "commander" by technicality, they have about as much in common as Standard and Modern do. He's being a faggot, tell him to fuck off and get his ass kicked by people who actually want to play the game competitively and are no doubt leagues better than he is so he can see what an unfun asshole he's being to everyone else. This kind of behavior is common in a tonne of games; in competitive FPS, for example, it's the classic "Gold ranked player who thinks he's a Grand Master because he pubstomps Bronze players in casual matches".
Essence Harvest is fun if you have a huge Army.
Look at Yuriko lists for big CMC spells that you don't have to pay full price for.
If someone turn 2s dranith and then t3s blood moon, then I scoop and pull out my fuck you deck
hmmm should I remove archdruids charm for force of vigor?
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>card you like has art and flavour for a plane/faction you hate
Well your decklist doesn't have any pip problems.
Suggest swapping Tamiyo's Safekeeping with Collective Resistance for dealing with Artifacts and Enchantments that's also a Tamiyo's safekeeping but only for creatures.
>adult wants to play his hobby with training wheels and is mad at the person who can actually bike
Get better.
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Good friend of mine with little money plans on building this.
How do I stop him from wasting $150 on "yet another boros equipment commander which is dog shit bad"?
the only way he will understand is if you just stop playing with him
im sorry if you think its too mean, but just straight up exclude him. make him feel unwanted
Its not dog shit bad IMO, its a decent draw engine in the command zone
If he has another equipment deck he should be taking it apart to build this one + Buy legendary equipments he doesn't have.
No copies at any of my local LGS but I’ll keep an eye for it, I only played it 1v1 with my gf and the army got to +25 easily

I like this suggestion, I will look into it, thanks king
Any other suggestions, every spellslinger deck I basically cram with high cmc spells I think are cool
>Glacial Chasm
That reminded me of an unpleasant memory of my own local "that guy".

I dealt with it by playing with a different pod. Another good measure to insist on only playing games with precon decks, and refusing to play otherwise.

This sort of rule-0 bullshit straight up destroys EDH.
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What are some other good and flavorful includes for vehicles? So far I got
>Smuggler's Copter
>The Indomitable
>The Belligerent
>Subterranean Schooner
>Nautiloud Ship
>The Omenkeel
>Magmatic Galleon
>Raiders' Karve
>Golden Argosy
>Consulate Dreadnought
>Foreboding Steamboat
>Conquerer's Galleon
Any others I should include or is this too many?
Why did he turn into a they/them halfway through your post
I'm gonna sound like an idiot but I'm running simic jank and realized I only have four pieces of card draw.
What are some budget/weird options I can use for card draw in simic? I know simic is basically THE card draw color combo but I'm retarded and looking it up online is just 50 results telling me to run henge and rhystic.
not exactly a total list of cheap card draw, but i made this large card pool for my cantrip tribal deck
its all instant speed though, there are also good viable draw in sorcery that i havent listed here
might give you some ideas to play though
Battle for Kaladesh/Aetherwing
whoops i linked the edit page
Aeon Chronicler
Hydroid Krasis
Ingenious Prodigy
Gadwick, the Wizened
Whispers of the Muse
Oona's Grace
Rush of Knowledge
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2/2s got codified because of Alpha's Grizzly Bears. That stuck for 20 years, but they pivoted to larger 4 power bears in Khans of Tarkir when they aren't specifically doing 2/2 matters.
Sythis is the top GW commander but is fun with a Sagas/tokens aggro build instead of just pillowfort like everyone builds
Lathiel is fun and no matter how many dollars I sink into it I never curbstomp table, so strong but appropriate for FNM or friends
Yasharn is incredibly based and can be built as blink or hatebears. It is the perfect deck to make cedh tryhards at your table whine and moan as you can force people to play fair magic
Saffi Eriksdotter is a fair-ish combo deck due to how hard it can be to assemble combos in GW. It has fairly unique play patterns for a combo deck and the wins feel deserved, and it is very unique for GW.
Trostani Three Whispers is quite fun as a secret commander deck with Fynn the Fangbearer. Green has enough creature tutors to reliably find Fynn, and using Trostani to give deathtouch means you can avoid running shitty deathtouch dorks and utilize much higher quality creatures, plus white gives more card options too.
Not as bad as
>>card you like has a triangle
I like Gretchen, cold eyed selkie and coiling oracle if I'm blinking or bouncing stuff
what a fucking soulless design.

>make treasure
>also steal
Seems pretty flavorful for a pirate commander
yeah wow it uh
does all the good stuff no downsides and supports 3 tribals
very niche build around commander desu
It does all that with the caveat of having to utilize Vehicles which is a (Flavorable) downside
Time Warp WAS played you revisionist.
You fog and fort and then you copy or steal other peoples shit. It slows the game down to an absolute crawl so I don't recommend him as a commander.
>played some limited before with my group of 4
>always draw absolute ass
>the Lucklord (also cringe archetype researcher) of the group always had a gay old time
>games went still okayish but not really fun and felt more like wasted money
>time goes by, feel like drafting again
>agree on LCI prerelease, because OG ixalans were cool
>decks arrive, we want to start
>researching Lucklord tells us how fucked limited this set his
>says Izzet absolutely fucks anything
>Lucklord of course draws only Izzet Pirates, with a fucking Roaming Throne of all things to boot
>I get Selesnya Counters
>die roll to dertermine matchups
>me VS Izzet - fuck
>absolute rancid time playing against, as soon as Roaming Thrones hits the field its game over, basically curbstomps me
>just played that one round, we all agreed to play some commander instead

yea, not doing that again. i still like limited in concept, making the best out of what you have, but its just another layer of luck that i dont want to expose myself to again.
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Selesnya is my own "turn my brain off" color combo. Pic rel still holds up as an Aura-centric commander with incidental tokens made by playing enchantments.

I tried Lifegain matters with Trostani but having played Ghired a lot, I can't go back to Trostani due to how slow populating with her is unless you have Seedborn.
Is Ral going to get cheaper now ruby storm flopped
I want to build her for my little brother who likes catgirls. Do you prefer going wide or tall with her?
He didn't say niche, he said flavorful. Those are different things. And yes, it is very flavorful, it fits the idea of being a pirate almost perfectly.
>>The proxy is cheaper than the real card
>he doesn't proxy his basic lands using photographs of places he's been to maximize mana efficiency
You're missing the fact that there is Lore implication there as well, and the only reason Wurmcoil Engine is colorless is because they weren't fucking with colored artifacts at the time.

It's also important to note that Larva is just as strong as Engine in every single way that ACTUALLY matters, even if it has worse stats.
The only people who frown about MLD are the same people who's feelings I don't care about hurting. Stop worrying about what other people "feel," and start focusing on having fun and making plays that tilts the board in your favor. Can't even say MLD is cEDH territory either, because ZERO cEDH decks run it. It's the definition of a casual strategy.
>the color identity of your commander is just its mana cost and nothing else
I would do anything to see the death of "5c" decks that don't earn it by actually having a commander that costs 5 colors to play.
>Player 3 floats R and casts Fiery Temper on the discard
>brew a new budget deck
>online goldfishing has been super promising; combos work; ramp, draw and interaction all there
>print everything, cut it, sleeve it
>test it some more
>bad hand after bad hand
>start to get insecure
>feel like I overestimated the power level
>meet with group
>tell them I tried building something new, but it's probably precon powerlevel jank
>proceed to absolutely demolish the group
>this has happened so often, they start to dread my new brews
maybe I should stop building a new deck every two weeks
>madness cast after hand is exiled
Do you even know what worldfire does?
>why is people playing cards seen as more acceptable than ruining everyone's ability to play with their cards
>in a card game
MLD has zero cedh decks because wotc publicly admit MLD is an unfair strategy so they actively do not print support for it.
If they did it would be the most overpowered thing you could run it has to be a weak strategy because by definition mass land destruction is broken
It didn't ruin anything. You played your cards already. Getting mad you sandbagged some in hand and got punished for doing so isn't the fault of the MLD player, it's yours.
MLD has zero cEDH presence, because it's an explicitly bad strategy that can only hurt you if you run a terrible deck with an average CMC of 4+. You're dumbass doesn't even know why it's bad in cEDH.
>wotc publicly admit MLD is an unfair strategy
they don't admit it is unfair, they admit that market research shows it is unfun for the majority.
>It didn't ruin anything
yes it does it starves people of resources so they can't play cards
pure faggot shit, mldtards play their nigger deck because they're too shit at the game to adapt to different decks so they have to prevent people from playing cards whatsoever
It's childish and it makes me laugh that you losers act like you're so tough but then cry when everyone simply focuses you out of the game and then asks you to leave the table
there is a reason you're reviled by literally every other type of player, you are the problem
Tall, but go wide as a backup plan. Your other enchantresses/aura holders can be buffed up if you need.
You can honestly build her a lot of ways. One thought was an Anthem-based Token deck.
Put in Nacatl War-Pride no matter which direction you go.
it has zero cedh presence because support is printed against it and not for it
support is not given to it because blowing up people's lands is inherently broken. That is why the closest you will ever get to mld again is 10 mana eldrazi with annihilator
seems like a very easy to remove KOS commander
why do dogshit retards cry about 5c decks so much?
is it because you have some weird ideology that making a 5 color deck should be "hard" even though that was never actually the point of color distinctions in the first place?
I'd do this if I was rich enough to afford both games, but arena costs as much as paper. So it's one or the other
>but arena costs as much as paper.
there is no reality where this is true unless you proxy exclusively
Doesn't sound like you've ever built a single deck anon
God forbid a game take a while. I'll never get this mindset. Like, being annoyed you're still playing the game you came out to play. Also only "LULZ" land destruction use does that. You can absolutely use land destruction in ways you benefit from and give you the win. But someone once got asshurt a guy cast an armageddon for the lulz, so now you're never allowed to actually utilize that card in any way to give you a win.
There's a Chandra that gives everyone an emblem to ping them on their upkeep or whatever. A person in my pod used to do that.

For me, I utilize suspend
>worldfire on suspend
>10th doctor ability to take it and everything else off suspend
>cast worldfire
>now cast the creatures I had on suspend
>immediately take people out.
What decent deck can I build on arena for 50? Doesn't seem possible given how much packs cost, how much the wild cards packs cost, and how basic shit is shifted to mythic for no reason.
50 won't even get you many packs. It absolutely will not get you enough for a cohesive deck.
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A reliable way to get flash
Why stop him when I bet he’s wasted so much already?
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The lack of self awareness of this post while also accidentally shifting the subject of conversation to a therapy session for your personal unchecked grievances is both hilarious and sad. Of all formats to have an issue with MLD, EDH is the one where it's LEAST likely to lock players out of games, because 1-2cmc mana rocks as an automatic 8-10+ slot inclusion is a borderline deckbuilding requirement. Quit loading your deck with 4+cmc value engines or accept the fact there are counterstrategies that exist to punish the play pattern.
Omo tribal is a meme strategy that falls apart the second someone removes your 1/5.
>4cmc Destroy All Lands sees no play in a format where turboing put 4 mana on t1 is bad because of "lack of support" and not because the entire format is warped around artifact mana sources as accelerators
You're so fucking dumb, it hurts. MLD is 100% a casual mechanic, period.
Dark Petition
widespread brutality
Retribution of the ancients
Tainted strike

That's every black spell that was in my Saruman deck before I got bored of it. The deck seems to gravitate far more with UR due to the non-creature spell focus.
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Been building Titania as a side project for a few months now but got Jyoti cause I like the art for it and realized I could just use Jyoti and add blue to the deck but Titania seems more powerful and maybe more fun, does anybody have experience with either of them and how they play/potential for fun?
>What decent deck can I build on arena for 50
you can build RDW for like 20 and get to mythic every season for FREEE packs and gold
t. Man who loses to a maze's end deck because he carries 0 counter to them
The real problem with MLD is that it invariably creates one of two board states.
>A situation where one player has effectively won but hasn't actually closed the game out
>A situation where the board state is effectively reset and functionally everyone's time has been wasted
Both of these are undesirable as indicated by the majority of the few bans we actually have.

MLD does not have cEDH presence because it's bad in cEDH, a format where you generally try to keep as much of your play as possible in your hand, including mana, so the benefit of MLD is greatly diminished. In addition to that, even the cheapest forms of MLD are generally too expensive for cEDH, being 4 mana or more, which is a price that commands "win the game" level effects at high-level play where people are trying to consistently make plays from the first turn. For MLD that has meaningful impact, meaning it also hits artifacts, you're looking at an even higher price for what's glorified counterspell bait in the best situation.
>>A situation where one player has effectively won but hasn't actually closed the game out
Kind of the other players fault for not scooping if they know this.
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Would this be good in Ulalek? Just as another option for flash casting if you don't draw the others?
I also have pic related, is this good enough for Ulalek?
I'm thinking about buy a set of precons for our group's game nights (maybe only upgrading the land bases), the FLGS has Outlaws, Markov Manor, and New Capenna available but they're taking orders for Bloomburrow, which set do you guys think I should go for?
mutant menace
clear it with your group or you may end up with four decks you just don't get to use.
Tits wants a very aggressive playstyle and armed to the teeth with every land that can sac itself. She holds up even to this day desu.
I like Jyoji in concept but at the end of the day he's just a neutered Overrun with extra steps.
I have build nearly 40 now
Less casual, more mid power since casual tables will throw a hissy fit if you use MLD or even LD in general.
Remember, there is an area between casual and CEDH
Titania is the one green deck that i want to build. Fast, Aggressive, while very risky, very balls to wall. i think the on the edge gameplay with Titties is far more fun, at least on paper
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Not if you treat it like classic simic and dont go all in, and have other sources of type changing

Hilario plays today:

>omo gets sniped
>have fuckhuge mana
>great bow elf, drop maskwood nexus
>aggressive biomancy tree protector and fight everything
>kill all 3 opponents

>get farewelled
>prick reanimates it that betrays
>cast shapesharer, copy it
>march of velis vel, gates
>swing 8 it that betrays at all opponents

>have spelunking out
>reshape the earth
>field of dead triggers
>cast finale for 8, cultivator colossus
>draw into march of swirling mists, exile 10 cards, phase all other creatures out
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I wanna play Seismic Swans in Edh, who should my commander be?
ok we all know ulalek is the strongest eldrazi commander but what about this guy?
he just seems fun, what are the best scion/spawn generators
I did, they all casually play edh but they dont want to deal with the deck building aspects, if I bring my decks though they're always down to play and thats why I was just thinking about getting a set for the group that I dont have to worry about maintaining or upgrading.

I was also thinking about making some kind of board game elements like the old "Explorers of Ixalan" for it so it's extra thematic but thats a wholr other thing
Brallin+Shabraz is discard/draw synergy in the right colors if you can stomach partner.
4c Omnath rewards you for running lands and has G creature tutors
>Brallin+Shabraz is discard/draw synergy in the right colors if you can stomach partner
I can and they seem great for this, thanks anon
It takes one person thinking they can play it out to hold up the whole table.
Cards that are like this, but better? I've decided I don't need the land half.
storm the festival
>ok we all know ulalek is the strongest eldrazi commander
I thought Zhulodok was the preferred Eldrazi commander, at least on the highest end.
Not bad, but my mana costs are too high for it so it whiffs and and hits lands or dorks instead of my bombs.
This one seems solid too. My commander triggers ferocious so on paper it seems like it would be pretty consistent.
green ixalan god puts a creature and land if it connects
Jyoti seems more like a 99 for a manlands deck. Or maybe I'm just coping cause I've been meaning to build one for a while and a nice OP version is released so now it's lame
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Lost my mono green deck, maybe it's in my sister's car but I do not think so. Post some green leggos, I will accept things that are hybrid green if it is otherwise "mono" colour. Thanks friends I love you all very much
I want UB the Fast & the Furious unironically
Jetmir is an excellent hatebears commander
I always think about rebuilding Sythis, then I remember how boring it was each of the previous times I built it.
Does anyone have the meme image of mairsil the pretender shenanigans?
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The classic. I use her interchangeably with Miku
Playing sealed or draft? Draft is by far the most skill testing format, while sealed can be actual ass if your pool sucks.
Your friend seems based AF to me bro. It's a decent boros CA engine in the command zone.
Is pic related a fun commander or would he just be better as part of the 99 in an arcades deck?
Building belakor demon tribal

Shit looks fun
>3 new decks built for EDH night
can't wait for the first game to take the whole night
having built it, it's just another mill/loot until you get a mass reanimate to burn everybody. unfortunately, i've already built a ton of decks like that, so it wasn't that interesting to me. pretty consistent, though.
>Player's entire deck is about cheating things into play
>Somehow I'm the asshole for not letting him just steamroll the board despite getting 5 mana on t2, and hard casting RG Etali
Casuals will be the first to talk shit about tryhards and how they personally only "play for fun," yet none of them want to ever engage with MtG on any level past solitaire strategies, and always leave mad as fuck if they don't pop off.
I recommend you turn yourself in to the nearest police station and stop harassing children.
I'm convinced the salty "I just play for fun" types are actually poorly-adjusted competitives.
They want to win. They want to be a smart brewer. They just don't want to ever be challenged because that would threaten their ego. They refuse to genuinely try and so resort to shaming strategies.
I think a lot of people are just sore losers and can't handle losing at any level, casual or competitive. It's not so much that they want to be competitive and want to win so much as it is that the thought of losing at anything, for any reason, sends them into a blind rage.
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Nadu will be banned in Modern before EDH
Think about that for a moment.
Karametra is my favourite MLD commander. She recovers so quickly from an Armageddon while everyone else has to spend the next five turns rebuilding
I already know the RC are a joke, and WotC taking over the format completely would end up being a net benefit to the overall game.
I have Catastrophy in pic related as a way to close out a game with MLD once I've established the leading board, or as a means to reset the board if I'm behind. That way the card is seldom ever "dead" in hand.

People say mono W is bad, until you MLD them with an army generator, then the salt immediately boils over.
that's how it should be. nadu is nowhere near as much of an issue in commander. and the ban list should be more lax in EDH.
dunno about that, I think having a separate entity make banlists helps take a bit of the financial motive out of decision making
sometimes I think it would be better if outside entities made banlists for non-EDH formats as well
My best friend is like that and I had to stop playing EDH with him because he'd concede on turn 3 to a mana dork getting killed because "he doesn't want to play when he knows he's going to lose".
In a perfect world there would be a separation, but the current RC hasn't made any changes since Golos ban/Worldfire unban.
That's almost 3 years of nothing but "lmao rule zero I guess?" the RC serves no real purpose at this point because they don't do anything.
The issue is that the RC has been a WOTC puppet for ages at this point and with Sheldor in the ground there's not really all that much to stop them from just taking it over officially.
I honestly think both keeping the RC and replacing them are ass options though, as like you said the banlist will become (More) financially motiviated if they're replaced, but as is they have an absolutely GLACIAL decision making process. There's still zero reason for shit like primetime or Recurring nightmares to still be on the damn banlist and perennial boogeymen like thoracle to be off it.
They cram good cards into decks without interaction because they don't like removal used on them. I mean I don't use counterspells because I think they are gay but I don't cry when my stuff gets countered.
They did make one massive change to the banlist recently, that's arguably the best thing they've done to it ever.
They ripped Sheldor's journals from his cold dead hands and published the REASONS as to why shit is on the banlist, so now we don't have to speculate as to why X card is on it. I don't agree with all their logic, but it's nice that they're finally deigning to share it with us plebeians.
congrats, you're mentally stable
>Those selesnya commander cock cage pictures (there's at least TWO)
>recurring nightmare
Until it's abolished, nothing on the reserve list is ever coming off the ban list in any format.
Post them.
>Recurring nightmare
absolutely deserves to be on the banlist, are you retarded?
metalworker was taken off. it was a while ago, but it can happen.
Anyone who doesn't treat Rhystic Study like a Sphere of Resistance deserves to be kicked in the teeth.
i get mad at people who play it, if thats what you mean
Rhystic Study is the funniest card in existence, because as you said, it was already considered a bad SoR that gives your opponent the choice to shut it off in exchange for offering your opponent card, but it wasn't until EDH was filled with the most crater brained morons that it became a staple in every U deck to ever exist.
>are you retarded?
No, I run grave hate, which has both gotten incredibly more accessible and quite ubiquitous after a certain level of deckbuilding.
Do I do it? This art is so fucking cool and the effect isn't awful I guess I mean I suppose it is permanent and exile
Krond is kinda a hard card to build around, he's definitely a tron commander, but unlike the better tron commanders he doesn't have crazy power scaling, nor does he have a particularly strong body to warrant wanting to throw shit on him, he's just a simple binary yes or no to get an admittedly pretty good effect that sadly triggers on attack in colors where you can't really exploit that.
That being said, if you have a lower power table, he seems like he could be pretty fun, though you may want to try go wide enchatress instead of go tall due to the aforementioned lack of power scaling or keyword soup/power that can threaten quick commander damage kills.
It's a fucking cool art on a fucking cool card in colors that can give protection and big mana. Do Flash speed enchantments and permanent based protection and have a ball
Bitch take, guaranteed has multiple Doctor Who cards
nah, you're retarded. nightmare absolutely belongs on the banlist.
might have been fun if it didn't cost GGGWWW. if it was even 2GGWW, it would be nowhere near as bad.
>brings up doctor who out of nowhere
holy schizo.
Anyone who makes this their commander should be shamed, ridiculed, and avoided.
i do all that but it still doesnt stop them
how about I use him as flying draw protector for my timmy deck
Did we ever talk about this?
Are there any Simic commanders out there that aren't cringe besides the meme salamander man
not really, no
if they made an oko who could be your commander id venture to call it based
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Who cares? What is there to discuss?
That it's a blue card with this effect for islands? Are you fucking retarded or something you fucking idiot fuck you
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that was rude
There's one guy in my friend group like this and everyone else always needs to walk on eggshells whenever we play with him because if anyone targets him early on when his board's open, or uses removal on basically anything he has, or anything like that, he throws a hissyfit and starts bitching about how unfair and overpowered our decks are (despite running a deck that costs almost as much as everyone else's at the table combined). He's a good friend outside of being an absolute bitch to play card games with, so no one's really willing to ruin a friendship over kicking him out, but it's always so annoying to put up with him.
If I use both, can I tap nonbasic lands for my choice of red or blue? That would be pretty fun for an RU deck.
whichever one you played second will be the effect in play until removed
ie, ie fou played magus on turn 3 and harbinger on turn 5, all nonbasics would be islands and nothing else
So tell him this instead of posting your blog post here faggot
What if they enter at the same time?
>diseased fishussy
We do. He's just a fag about it, just like you're being a fag about a natural conversation happening on a messageboard.
i l;ike big fishe
The controller chooses the timestamp order. If no controller, then the owner chooses. This is done in APNAP order.

Example: All players control 2 creature cards each. Then all creatures are exiled simultaneously. All players in APNAP order would choose the timestamp order for the cards they own put into exile this way.

613.7m: If two or more objects would receive a timestamp simultaneously, such as by entering a zone simultaneously or becoming attached simultaneously, their relative timestamps are determined in APNAP order (see rule 101.4). Objects controlled by the active player (or owned by the active player, if they have no controller) have an earlier relative timestamp in the order of that player's choice, followed by each other player in turn order.
Yeah, what makes it worse is he runs aggressive Gruul decks like Xenagos or Omnath that have no resiliency but are very consistent, so he treats any disruption as a personal affront but doesn't have so much as a beast within for stopping anyone else proactive. Even after I told him to his face that it was hypocritical to play when he felt he was losing while playing a strategy that was naturally favored if I couldn't interfere with him in the first few turns, it didn't click for him.
yeah, all seamonsters
>APNAP order
why not just say priority order
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take the titania pill anon
finally threw together my budget Keranos list. Any reccomendations?

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Jyoti and Titania play vastly differently.
Jyoti deckbuilding requires your landbase to lean on manlands for your landbase and finding ways to animate your lands on your turn and playing counterspells.
Titania is focused in trying to put a fetch in the field and recur it to get 5/3 Elementals.
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kino choice in basics
Giada with Angel tribals or Hakbal with merfolk tribal? Table are being binch if bitches that faldorn is too fast for their wilhert, jodah and thalias /shrugh
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Wondering if there is a way for WotC to "power up" or artificially expand cards that either couldn't traditionally be commanders, or that were underwhelming?

Something like pic related that plays similar to "Partner with" but strictly looks for cards in the deck or various other zones outside of the Command Zone that also grants that card added benefits could be a way to "patch fix" some choices that turned out underwhelming.
Cool art, too bad he's a gay dragon
Jyoti is a good example of a commander that should of had more colors. I may have been interested if it was Temur, hell even Non-Black would of been cool.
Temur Omnath Elemental Tribal, but can be too fast for them as all game you do is ramp and play Elementals
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any advice for building a deck around slimefoot the stowaway?

just getting back into commander and I wanna have a fun deck with mushrooms and frogs :D
They can just stick a different monker on the card and revamp it to make it better. Call the new commander "Nicol Bolas, the Big Gay" for example.
Call it "Nico Bolas's Gaping Gay Draco-anus"
yeah, play the jund one so you can play gruul spells like tarna and play less aristocrats
It'd be a missed oppertunity to do something more interesting. Not only that, but the card itself can provide an effect that could be useful, even in decks that aren't looking to (in this example) run Bolas as a Commander in the 99. Some Grixis decks just might want an Enchantment that reads, "Whenever you draw your second card each turn, deal 3 damage to any target." This just also helps to either add flexibility to already existing Commander's that don't carry their own weight while also providing an entirely new card to use in the color pie that commander shares.
ended up losing a game - on turn 3 I had nissa out, cast hour of promise for urza's and cloudpost, popped out cultivator colossus from nissa, dropped vesuva as cloudpost, etc etc and doppelganged for 11, etc etc finale of devastation for 100

I couldn't get unblockable or trample on my creatures, I had omo, nissa, and blightsteel w/ a +100 finale of devastation. I killed one, but blightsteel ended up getting pathed and couldn't finish off the other two. Thinking of replacing Blightsteel for kamahl, or pathbreaker. Definitely not craterhoof. Any ideas?
>friend does a turn 4 Orcish Bowmasters into Wheel of Fortune into Underworld Breach with Smothering Tithe out
>Cremate the Wheel on the third go with all the triggers on the stack
>he just does another combo and kills us all
"It's only a 7"
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how does this deal with MLD?
look man, you're just asking for something too specific, yugioh might be more your speed, they do "retrains" that enhance old cards and make new archetypes with them
Give him infect
Then what?
islands are much better than mountains
It is far far more of a problem in modern
Take the Wylie vehicle pill. You get all the good vehicle shit from white and all the untap synergy stuff like seedborn muse and quest for renewal in green. Wylie himself is right on the power sweetspot for vehicles where he can jump into most of them so he'll feed you a crap ton of cards every cycle if you can untap him.
zhulodok is useless
5 grand in artifacts and lands only to still be dogshit
high end is ulalek because he gives you blue and green the good colors
Thrun the last troll voltron
what you've described is not even a 7 it's a 4 or 5
maybe one of you dogshit retards will run some form of spot removal next time because if a non legendary 1/1 is what's ruining your free for all commander game then I have really bad news for you
>t. Man who loses to a maze's end deck
this is impossible because this deck doesn't exist outside of arena
and even there it's terrible what the hell tables are you playing at?
what the hell are you playing that you think you need MLD for...maze's end like what?
typing this wall of cope won't make people play with you
if you want friends you're just gonna have to grow up and play a real deck that doesn't suck the fun out of everyone's game
>dude it's bad n like doesn't exist
Not an actual real argument.
>Ramps to 11 lands and then reshapes the Earth or scapeshifts
Nothin' personell.
Only because in Modern it's frowned upon to punch your opponent after you see it at FNM.
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>Well you run Wasteland so therefore I can play Armageddon
yeah this never happened
maybe complain about a deck that actually exists
well yeah, you can run four copies in modern and only one in EDH
the problem is 4x worse
he will be banned in modern and see zero bans in edh despite him immediately becoming a problem card
just. like. thassas.
You can run it in the command zone in EDH
It appeared to me in a dream.
That dream also involved Ugin and Nicol Bolas kissing each other a lot for some reason.
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I see, I see
real George r.r Martin over here
No one mentioned Bolas shitting or what his tax policy was
OMG, is that a tough guy, in a vietnamese image board for cantonese cartoons, bragging that punches people after losing a children card game?
>heh no one would do that
no one would, correct because the obese retards who play this game would be out of breath just standing up to throw a punch
>children's card game
I get that you heard the funny line from Yugioh abridged 14 years ago, but, magic isn't a game aimed at kids and with a literal TV ad show and cross overs with Mcdonalds. I don't see how it is a "children's game" unless you base things on the "ages X and up" on the box, or you consider all games childish
If children can play it, it's a children card game.
The only time it wasn't was during the Ante year(s), since it was gambling, therefore non-children friendly.
>playing this mess of a game since 2002
>or you consider all games childish
Why do you think both your parents and female counterpart despite this game so much, specially how much money you spend on it
So virtually all games are children's games. Got it.
Even sports are children games, made competitive.
You only don't realize it because it moves a lot of money, since they are popular.
Genuinely just had like 40 tabs open for Wylie getting synergies and shit then I realized he has no real direction besides drawing cards and I had no wincon in mind going in. What are your wincons here? Or fun cards, maybe that'll give me inspiration to go back
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>Children can't gamble
Sac 10 saprolings and win
Not legally.
If you weren't one you'd know.
That's like saying you can distribute pornography to children, but that never stopped a child to click "I'm over 18" when entering a porn site.
You can't distribute*
So therefore children can't play Magic because getting cards requires someone to buy boosters in the process (gambling).
I don't have friends. Just the gym and lgs which I rarely attend. Keep your friends, I'll go back to my 500lbs deadlift
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Is this enough removal?
7 counterspells separately.
ID drop a counterspell or two personally and pick up another piece of targeted/board wipe. Counterspells are nice but you need them when the threat is played
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There's a reason I didn't post the counterspells since they're almost all memes.

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