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ever played as a dragon before? like an actual one and not some gay ass half dragon or some "dragon" that isn't the type you wanted?

i last played a dragon a year ago in an eberron campaign (red dragon) overall was fun and wasn't even broken since I made the homebrew myself
>drizzt dourden clone #726 in my campaign, wat do?
>homebrewed it
So you didn't actually play a dragon?
>Not some gay ass half dragon
>Goes for gay homebrew dragon

OP reinvents the wheel
I did
balance and I still flied and fire breath
What's the point of playing a dragon if you're going to balance it?
Just play 3.5
Share this homebrew please?
its boring

dragons only have basic attacks and breath weapon

very boring

In DnD you get spells and everything else. They're incredibly powerful, however.
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Never wanted to.
I always wanted to have dragon riding character however, and I might just be able to do that with my current 3.5e character thanks to a feat called Dragon Cohort, if my character's trajectory doesn't change drastically between now (level 13) and then when he gets the feat (level 18). There's a lot of story to happen until then.
Depending on how things go, it might even happen before that, at level 15.
I'll make her weird as fuck.
Pherenic template, levels of Monk and Totemist.
Real snowflake shit, to contrast my character being just a guy that works for the church of the setting's main religion, one of many.
I did this when I was 10 and I firmly believe desiring to do so requires being mentally that age.
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Yes, for exactly one session of freeform ERP.
I've been reading up on dragons more lately and it seems like a few kinds would be good PCs. Either one of the metallic ones who spends a lot of time as a human, or a younger chromatic from one of the scheming varieties who's trying to work his way up the food chain.
>instead of cutting through swaths of enemies until you find a worthy opponent
You could just start out with a young dragon if you really worry about balance. Dragons probably get OP slower than casters do anyway, lol.
There's all kinds of D&D dragons, you don't have to "rawr" and burn the castle and steal the princess. I doubt you were doing >>93232161 when you were ten.
>still no sauce
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the particular story starts at pg.146
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Yeah because I play systems where dragons aren't even the strongest creatures around.
So are there games that let you play as a dragon w/o homebrew? I know that Rifts lets you, but I heard that system is.....interesting to say the least.
I mean yes, but from what I understand of the sytem the dragon is functionally the GM?
Yeah, it is "technically correct" troll answer.
I can think of several games where turning into a dragon is a thing, but none where you start as one. Maybe GURPS can handle it? Or some version of Exalted?
>dragons only have basic attacks and breath weapon
Maybe in shit versions of the game
>GURPS can handle it?
You know it. GURPS Dragons is quite a good read whether or not you're going to be playing as the dragon, but it does have dragon PC campaigns.
We're also discussing playable dragons in /WoDg/ but the state of dragons there is... less good. >>93233561
>We're also discussing playable dragons in /WoDg/
Protean 8 - Mythic Form should allow becoming dragon
Fireborn is an RPG based all around playing a reincarnted Dragon. Or maybe it's called Flameborn, it's been a minute since I played it.
>didn't play according to the rules
No you didn't play a dragon.
Pathfinder 1e has at least two 3pp splats for playing as a dragon
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Currently doing it (picrel is the character). The system is a very freefrom one made by the GM, so I can't really post it. Is fun, albeit due to how light the system is there isn't much distintion to other characters (like the spider, satyr, slime and snake we have in the party).
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Soulbound has rules for it but I don't recall them being very comprehensive.
Rifts has a number of options for playing different dragons if you're okay with a more old school system. Royal frilled dragons, flame winds, forest runners, snow lizards, whip tails, great horned, chiang-ku even full conversion cyborg bodies for humans wishing to become dragons and more.
Played dragons twice in the system, once as a Zaayr Crystal Dragon who ran around as something of a gloryhound superhero laser-blasting bad guys and once as a Cat's Eye Dragon who ended up with a harem of girls that had a kink for his mind control gaze.
Shame. The cover looks cool if nothing else.
Are there any non D&D systems that work well for playing as an elemental dragon?
No but I would like to play a Council of Wyrms campaign someday, it seems fun.
I know we had this thread a few weeks ago with the question phrased differently. It had the same image. Fuck off OP and get new material.
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Pathfinder. Badum tss.
The modularity of GURPS can naturally do it but it's not split into elemental subspecies like it is in D&D. It's more mythological, by default you are dealing with a fire breathing reptile. There is a section about converting a western (fire) dragon to an ice dragon, and water dragons are a different species. In the magic section dragons can take fire, storm, or water lenses, among other non-elemental schools of magic. You can also assign personality lenses separately, so each element isn't straightjacketed to one personality like in D&D.
>you like ice? Congrats you're dumb now.
Ran a 5e oneshot where I had one player play as a red dragon wyrmling trying to escape from bandits with his unborn "siblings", one for each chromatic type. He got shot down and broke a wing leaving him unable to fly and had to defend himself, with the others hatching to come to his aid.

They hid in a cave and the idiot white dragon nearly trapped them all, the green dragon bamboozled the black dragon with voice mimicry and the blue dragon just wanted to get some damn sleep. Then they stumbled onto a human lady picking berries who turned out to be a doctor, they followed her to her village and then that was about as far as the oneshot went.

Went alright, had me jotting down ideas to restart that and make it a proper entire campaign at some point.
Thanks for the suggestion. Happy 4th!
>Council of Wyrms FINALLY mentioned.
>post # 34
it took that long for an anon to bring it up?
utter proof this board is filled with infants who have zero clue about game history
so much content exists and these toddlers just waddle around cluelessly.
...i bet the oldest ones came on with 3.5
>Easley kino
I love the old dragon stuff but I wasn't born when a lot of it was released. I'm learning.
>that's Elmore
I'm learning...
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What about playing as a Dragonborn or a similar race, has anyone here done that?

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