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The Cruelest Game

>Never played? Start here

>Everything you need to know relating to backgammon

>Watch the latest match from Super Grandmaster "Mochy"

>Need a board? Start here
(I highly recommend Silverman & Co, best bang for your buck)

>Upcoming U.S. Tournament Dates

>Play online
Awesome! This game is criminally underrated on this board.
Since I'm somewhat of a semi noob, does anybody have a recommendation about the order of things to learn to improve ones matchplay?
Well, the most important skill and knowledge building you can do, just like every other game, is by playing and building experience. The link above, bkgm.com, has a lot of knowledge for everything you need to know to master the game..in time. I found that watching Grandmasters play on YouTube, and seeing WHY they make specific moves, and why or why not they’re correct, to be my preferred way of learning from a beginner to a intermediate level. A YouTube channel I found extremely helpful/interesting is “Backgammon is beautiful”. Covers a lot of the bases with helpful insight on how decisions are made in tough circumstances. That’s where you should probably start, discovering the “why” certain moves are correct and discovering your gameplan and sticking to it through the chaos of the dice. This game is on the rise again in the States, but as it stands is caught between the money-maker of poker, and the prestige of chess. A shame really, with all the dice addicts out there you’d think there would be a lot more younger players, In time I suppose.
Grandmaster Marc Olsen has some good starting insight on his Backgammon Galaxy Channel. Here’s a playlist:
Happy rolling!
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Has anybody had experience with cork boards?
I stumpbled over one in the manopoulos webshop and fell in love with the optics.
I've never used a cork backgammon board, but as a material cork tends to go to crap pretty quickly if not stored just right.
it will be quieter than hardwood but wear down noticeably faster
Cork sounds and looks nice, but doesn’t feel as elegant to play on. Cork makes BG feel a bit more “gamey”, at the cost of smooth checker play. It’s a preference thing.
aggrochads reply to this post, fuck blocksissies
I'm sure this game was the hottest shit during the Roman empire or whatever but it's a solved game at this point, there are no new strategies, there aren't GOING to be new strategies, I'm sorry, I'm sure you can have fun with it casually but if you want to actually get good there is an objective 100% best strategy that you have to robotically follow and any deviation from said strategy is objective, mathematically proven to be terrible.
Your naivety is really cute. Solved game with dice lol. Can’t tell if this bait or not. If it is well done: here’s a (you) 4u
Ah nah, get 5-primed, bih
Some brothers will never know the feeling of offering an 8 cube. The power that comes from offering your opponent higher stakes with open information and a roll of the dice. It’s marvelous to experience. The cruelest game indeed.
Looking for a first tournament sized board without spending $1000. Any recommendations?
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Brother, the link at the top is your answer hah.
If you want something different like cork or leather playing surface, Crisloid or Manopaulos are nice. Tournament players don't appreciate hard wood playing surfaces since they are so loud and clacky.
If you absolutely need the board to be bigger than 19", Wycliffe Brothers is your best bet for the money.
>Have you dorks seen this shit?

Take backgammon and play a TCG on top of it. Looks fuckin wild. Got the ish in the mail.
This is some Inscryption-level bullshit. Racing around the board and rolling bad numbers to break your prime or home board state is stressful enough.
Sounds fun every now and then, but desu I'm far from a level where I'd be board by regular BG.
All the potential backgammon players are playing Castles of Burgundy instead. That's the way of the world, baby.
Great game, I have a question tho, I've played for years for fun. It's one of the go tos visting momma anon.

How does the gambling work? Any rules/youtube to suggest? I read what came with the box and I'm used to TTGs but I have no fucking clue how or what is going on with the doubling cube.

That being said, have had some great close games lately.
bkgm is your friend

The sections "Doubling" and "Gammons and Backgammons" should cover the basics. Maybe also look up the Crawford rule since it's quite common.
Thanks anon have a happy 4th be it a holiday to you or not!
TIL backgammon is a racing game, pretty cool. Always wanted to learn how to play, but I thought it was a game for old people lol.
This board looks mad sick. Probably way too much for my wallet tho hah
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