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>your party meets and albino drow

what do

Kill him immediately.
Could be the Michael Jackson of Drowland so I'd hide the kids
you become evil....
How do you know he's a Drow? Like either he's the worst spy to ever live or for some reason my party succeeded an insight check with a nat20
You would sort of think that they would be that way to begin with, given their environment.
>How do you know he's a Drow?
Because he's short, aggressive and intimidated by women.
hot, he'll be my husbando
crack his skull open, there should be gold inside
So are dwarves, what's your point?
white evil races is too much ig

you made him blush
Kill him and eat him to gain his powah, then sell the leftovers for extra dosh.
He is also sober.
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kill it like the rest
I didn't realize /tg/ was populated by drows.
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Fa/tg/uys aren't shot tho and it's usually the women intimidated by them
That would mean they're all very attractive
>Any book describing drow
>They're terrible monsters who enslave others and sacrifice them to their awful spider queen- but they're hot!
So he'll get investigated by the fantasy equivalent of the FBI multiple times, finding nothing each time but dumbasses will still think he did what some proven liars said he did because the court of public opinion already decided his fate?
You guys assume the average Drow gives two fucks about their children
They'd probably happily sell them for a handful of corn chips and I bet they hate corn chips
wow I always wanted to meet Elric of Melniboné
So do you mean albino dark elf, faggot OP? Because "Drow" is specific slang to particularly denote a bitch of an elf who should be killed on site. There is no such thing as a Szarkai who doesn't have evil intentions, they are literally bred to be spies.
Fuck his ass? What else do you do with an elf?
Suck his penis for prime elven nectar
They care only insofar as to maintain their House and sacrifices to demons in drug-fueled demon-assisted incest orgies, so yes, hide the kids
Hey chap. You look like an Elistrae worshiper. Say, you saw any Underdark Drows running around with a seemingly perpetually angry Matron with a large belly hunting unicorns for their meat?
Well known fact: Elven cum is the main ingredient of mana potions
So John Leguizamo.
It's always morally justified to kill Drow.
Kill it immediately
They believed there was a pandemic even though every country is completely filled with homeless bums and not a single bum died. They'll believe anything dude.
Subtilty but persistently offer to suck his cock
Thats just a Targaryen
Forcefully demand in no uncertain terms to let me suck his cock.
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befriend and then romance
>>They're terrible monsters who enslave others and sacrifice them to their awful spider queen- but they're hot!
Yeah, that's called moral ambiguity.
serial killer victim mindset
Breed them with a normal elf and see what happens. The sorceress is usually up for some eugenics experimentation.
Why is this board so degenerate and perverted? If it's not "suck his dick" or "fuck his bum" it's "rape". What the hell.
Given he's Drow anything less than rape would make him suspicious and wonder what we're up to.
We're just adhering to his expectations.
You're fucked in the head.
Well what would you do to make a drow feel welcome on the surface.
Keeping in mind that if their paranoia kicks in you're likely to wake up with spiders crammed down your urethra.
/tg/ has always been /d/ lite. Have you seen the kind of art used in old RPG books? Some of it we can't post on a blue board.
Reminds me of those "underdark is eastern Europe" posts.
That's what happens when you talk about getting sued and harassed by the goblin moneymen
>Harpers glow in the dark, you gotta run them over in your chariot.
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We already know what happens

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