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Cobalt Company took part in a 4 way battle last night.
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Painted my first mech, for the Republic!
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The four sides were
>A Cobalt Company battle lance consisting of a Zeus, Axman, Nightsky, and Uziel
>A Capellan lance consisting of a Wraith, Firebee. Lao He(spelling?) and a gauss rifle Patton
>A lance of well funded but inexperienced mercenaries with a Man O War, Longbow, Jenner, and Dasher
>A medium lance of more experienced mercenaries with a Shadow Hawk, Blackjack, Rifleman, and Dervish.

The overall objective was killing each other, but controlling the three Mobile Field Bases in the center of the board at the end of the game was a secondary objective.
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The game began with your standard early game maneuvers, all four players feeling their way into the field and jockeying for position.
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Then Cobalt Company's Nightsky moved up on its own, apparently out of position, and the Jenner and Dasher(H) model from the inexperienced mercenaries leapt on it in a pincer maneuver.
Sounds good, I'll pick up a few 35 and 40mm bases and see what fits nicest. Need to get a mat too at some point.
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Unfortunately for them, the Nightsky had covering fire - a lucky gauss slug from the Zeus took the Jenner's leg clean off in one shot, essentially mission-killing the poor thing with the first shot of the game. The Nightsky managed to shrug off the shots from both the Zeus and the Dasher, and in return its pulse laser shot off the Dasher's right arm, taking most of its lasers with it.

Good boxes to look at are A Game Of Armored Combat, the Beginner Box, and the Essentials Box(exclusive to the US retailer Target but basically an alternate Beginner Box). They each have mapsheets along with plastic mechs. And 35mm hex bases should fit better than 40.
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After that, the Dasher Pilot, unwilling to risk activating MASC twice in a row, ran for Cobalt Company's backline, but the Nightsky was able to chase him down. Pulse lasers opened up the Dasher's rear armor, inflicting a crit on its left engine, and then the Dasher fell directly on its right rear armor, which had already been opened by a laser hit, and destroyed its RT structure, disabling its engine entirely.

Not a good day to be pilot a light mech.
is it an autism if i'm checking where each regiments were stationed in the district and what the jump routes look like in order to set the stage for mydudes #1 and #2 to meet on a pirate raiding planet?
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The inexperienced mercenaries apparently gave up fighting Cobalt Company as a bad job, and switched focus to the Veteran mercenaries, who had decided they wanted to add a Longbow and a Man O War to their company and they'd be putting the whole lance into the acquisition effort. They'd traded a few shots with the Capellans and even immobilized their Rommel via a thrown track, but the Capellans were more worried about the Lyrans.

It's an autism if you care about battletech. Everything else falls under that umbrella.
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The fight between Cobalt Company and the Capellans was heavy on angles and maneuver, and the Capellans ended up with the advantage - their Firebee put enough infernos into the Uziel to force the pilot to retreat to cool off.
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But the real problem was when the Capellan wraith managed to get behind Cobalt Company's Uziel and, with some concentrated pulse fire, detonate its gauss rifle. Then the mech fell over, and the pilot, already hurting from the ammo explosion and a head hit earlier, blacked out on the fall.
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Meanwhile, the veteran mercenaries were dogpiling the longbow, and despite two separate Ultra ACs jamming, they managed to tear off its right arm and left leg, essentially mission killing the thing before they moved on to the Man o war.
Cheers for the recommendations.

I wish manufacturers would use the same measuring standard, seen them use the top of the base corner to corner, the bottom corner to corner, top and bottom side to side etc, so they're all different base sizes despite being '30mm'. Currently looking at some 40mm that are corner to corner on the bottom, so I think 37mm flat surface on top.

Also gorgeous game, love the hills.
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At this point, the store was about to close, so we decided this turn would be the last. The inexperienced mercs were almost down, the veterans were almost untouched and happily claiming salvage. The Capellans took advantage of the Zeus blacking out and focused Aimed Shots on one torso section, punching through and destroying its XL engine shielding, but it was Cobalt Company's Uziel that moved into the center of the board, securing control of the Mobile Field bases.

>Final tally
The inexperienced mercenaries secured no kills.
The Capellans killed Cobalt Company's Zeus.
The veteran mercenaries killed the inexperienced Longbow and mission-killed the man o war, and immobilized the Capellan Patton for good measure.
Cobalt Company killed the inexperienced mercs' Jenner and Dasher as well as securing the MFBs.

Was a fun game.
Last note: I would like to publicly shame my Axman for missing all but one LBX-AC20 shot the entire game and never getting an enemy into hatcheting range. Come on.
That's the axman for ya
alpha strike box also has standees for buildings to modify any maps you use. mech scale. so super large for hexmaps.
At least the LRM version isn't bad.
classic light mech overconfidence
>''hmm that mech is by itself, i shall git 'im''
>ohnoes he haz an axe!
Definitly my favourite variant, the cartoon knew what was up.
The one with RAC5 is pretty fun, but that's purely because the armament is fun, not the chassis.
you DO play with 'ac's can unjam' rule right?
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>catch someone with your axe

pick one
LRM version got it right. you're a LRM boat first, the axe just discourages people from engaging you in brawling, so you get to LRM a lot longer
We do not use house rules.
melee mechs suck due to initiative and kicking being better than melee weapons
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Some Comstar fellas.
Uac's can unjam is an optional rule.
I am going to impregnate every female elemental I see!
It's not. It's a common house rule, but it's never been official.
Impossible, all female warrior-caste get their ovaries harvested in their teens.
why are trueborn clanners even capable of natural reproduction
I would assume they would all want to go through permanent processes that render them incapable of pregnancy and impregnation
Because most of them either never become warriors or test out of the warrior caste as they get injured and age, and then it's back to state-regulated conventional reproduction.
are those procedures prohibited by the state while they are warriors then?
We do, yes, but the Experienced Merc player weighed his options and decided losing a turn of shooting with the other guns wasn't getting an Ultra back online for later.
Females get their eggs harvested when they enter the warrior-caste, males provide regular sperms samples.
It is now the 2nd of July. I, and every other UK backer I have spoken with, am yet to receive any notice from cgl otmr backerkit regarding our kickstarter. No posting, nothing has been received, nothing. By their own timeline cgl are 2 days overdue, and counting.
Same speed mechs (though bruin has jump jets)
Templar is IS technology
Both have

1 gauss rifle, 1 LPL, 1 streak srm 4, 2er mediums.

Templar has a MPL and bruin has a lrm 10 and an extra streak 4.

Templar has slightly more armor, a targeting computer and is 600 less BV. Are the jump jets and clan weapons worth it here?
lolwut? lose A turn to get your UAC's back is best move
templar is an IS omnimech so it is the best.
I've yet to read anything in the books which explicitly supports this. Peri does something in Way of The Clans in order to allow herself to get pregnant so obviously female trueborns are on some kind of birth control but everyone seems to retain the compacity for natural reproduction. It just makes practical sense, getting knocked up would get in the way of doing your duty but sterilizing people tends to have lots of negative consequences for the human endocrine system. Also sex is fun.

That being said, the process of actually making a trueborn appears to have very little to do with sex gametes based on the way the giftakes are described.

Not necessarily actively prohibited, but basically taboo between trueborn warriors. Male trueborns at least have bastards with freebirths relatively frequently and give absolutely 0 fucks about them for the most part. Diana is special because she is a freebirth product of 2 trueborns.
Clan weapons are flat better than their IS counterparts most of the worth the cost. Clan LPL especially is just one of the best weapons in the game
What's your favorite 4/6 3025 medium?
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Grim Reaper or Ursus

Enforcer4R or Centurion AL though
Were you going for a polished marble look?
I don't think so, not sure what that means exactly, does it look good?
hunchie. duh. is there any other?
just found out you can use targeting computers to hit a non head location if you accept a +3, seems useful
>I don't think so, not sure what that means exactly,
Y’know, like how marble has those striations from the impurities that create the nice patterns
>does it look good?
Indeed. Fantastic colour scheming (can never go wrong with white and gold), good paint thinning, and a nice weathering effect that gives it that aforementioned marble look
>if you accept a +3
+3 to hit the target at all, and then you have to make another roll to see if you actually hit the location you were aiming for.
I am sure you have better things to do than bitch and moan on a Marik myomer weaving forum
Can't deflect with the old "tHeY said By jUNe" anymore so your going in for the old uno reverse trick, I see.
No, it's just that if you have time to bitch about it then you obviously have time to do literally anything else. Plus it's CGL. It's like being surprised that water is wet.
It’s only useful on high skill pilots, and situationally at that. If you and the enemy are both standing still shooting at each other go for it, but it’s going to be a long shot in most other circumstances.
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I had a couple of lances worth of odds and ends so I decided to paint them as Ryuken Roku. I think I will make this the scheme for the stuff I get from the KS.
>UK backer
No one cares. You aren't people who matter anyway. Americans are getting theirs first, and maybe once we've all been taken care of, you lot can have our scraps.
It's handy as the same paint scheme works for Wolf's Dragoons and Clan Wolf (in Exile) so you can paint pretty much any extra mechs you have laying around with the scheme and have them fit somebody using those colors. Pretty sure there's other dark gray/black with red highlights color schemes as well.
Yew DARE refuse my batchawl?
On camospecs lots of mechs have numbers, would this be regimental markings or what, typically.
The original Jags also had a galaxy with gunmetal gray and red color scheme.
As a beginner myself I'd recommend going lighter on the washes.
How the hell do you make a mech look muddy? At the moment I'm just considering drybrushing over the mech's camo with brown and giving it a brown wash (something like Agrax Earthshade but not shit and not made by GW).
Check that your order wasn't canceled
Green stuff clods of mud around the feet
I don't remember if it's AK interactive or Vallejo that has lines of very decent texture pastes you could look into
That's a good idea. I'll try it when I've moved on to basing.
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What do you guys reckon for the size of the tank? About right?
Enforcer, it's just a good, solid mech.
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Nearly done, just figuring out the last of the mercs - NWH and WD.

Of course feel free to make change suggestions for any of the merc groups since that's the part I'm contributing.

I did some placeholders as examples.
Bt miniatures are not to scale. The mechs are supposed to be 14m tall, and the hexes are 30m across.
Don't worry about it.
>4/6/0 medium
there's a ton of 4/6/4 mediums from that era that are good, but no jjs? icky
I don't think the Atlas can lift it so it's too big
Seems roughly in scale with the official tank models.
In theory mechs the models should be in scale with each other, just not it scale with the terrain (as otherwise you'd need either maps with huge hexes, or very tiny miniature). However, the scale between models is pretty loose at the best of times.
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the wyvern 6n is a personal favorite even if it's the worst wyvern, decent introtech trooper, nasty introtech city brawler, also looks distinct, even if it does look a little gay
>also holy shit the wyvern IIC2 is a fucking cracked city brawler, I really hope we get an inner sphere equivalent at some point, either a C config like the goliath and ostsol or something like the other Illkhan variants that gives it VSpulses or Xpulses and an MML.
4/6/4 is still 4/6
Would non TSM melee weapons be fixed if you added +1 to the hit table?
There's nothing wrong with melee weapons.
no jump jets?
Nah. Hatchetman used to be good, because you had a 9 point hit on the punch table. That was the appeal of a melee weapon - kick damage with punch table hit locations, at the cost of lower hit probability. Once they changed it to use the regular hit table, it's a strictly worse kick.
So, TACs are impossible?
What happens if your result is a 13?
Except it isn't, because you don't PSR if you miss.
There are a few schemes like that. Tan+red works for CC, Kurita, CBS. A bunch of units in red (sol, liao red lancers, dmm, lexington)
Anyone do tournament organization? Looking for advice, good scenarios, and suggestions for prizes

Trying to get more players going in my area
Would life as a Dropship crew ferrying cargo be something to aspire too?
I've only just learned of the Hussar, and I love it. He is a most wonderful little boy and I will not hear a negative word about him.
It reminds me of a pangolin.

For scottish women I only really know Kelly Macdonald and Naomi Scott
It wouldn't be too different from a modern merchant sailor, except more dangerous. An officer would probably have a pretty good life, a rating not so much.
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A fresh and dusty addition to my touman, some 'Mechs from an SLDF cache.
That's a head hit.
I'd imagine it's like being a clerk at a big financial firm: you live a generally quiet, comfortable life, but there are risk factors you have to deal with that no one else does. In that example it's compliance, in your scenario it's all the wonderful 0g, piracy/hijacking, and warp core malfunctions you get to deal with.

>aspire to
from what starting position?
I imagine there's more glamor in being on a jump ship instead of a drop ship. You don't have to deal with loading/unloading whatever cargo was picked up from the planet. imagine if you're moving cattle.
Depends on the dropship. Leopards are like being on a submarine. You'll go fucking nuts if you aren't one of the few people with the right temperament and sometimes they make you fly right into enemy fire while you're at lawndart altitudes. Something like a Behemoth would be boring, but nice and safe.
>imagine if you're moving cattle.
That's the easiest task in the world, you just walk behind them and talk to them and they walk in the opposite direction. 4 guys can move a couple hundred head of cattle many miles without ever having to run or touch them.
Hes a good boy. I always pictured him as riding with infantry firing with that laser. Some mechs just scream Infantry support.
This is the dropship crew, not the cowboys. They have to deal with cows in 0g for at least a week, and then clean up the mess.
Imagine the smell, recycled air for weeks at a time.
But not mechs that move many times faster than infantry, that's a waste of a hussar.
What's wrong with the smell of cowpies?
I imagine that if you could raise cows in 0g, it'd be a lot like veal/wagyu.
Dropships only deal with 0g for a brief period while attaching or detaching from jumpships. Otherwise they have a solid 1 or more gs worth of down in the opposite direction of travel.
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You're going to be sitting docked to the jumpship while the KF drive recharges if you're going more than 1 jump.
You don't need to stay attached for that entire week. You can just run laps nearby.
That's adding additional expenses to your bottom line.
>clean up the mess.
Open the hangar and pressure wash everything out the door, very easy.
And for just a week you only need to put out 210 pounds of hay per cow in the middle of the hangar bay, no work required in transit.
So you just walk the cattle in, drop a few bales of hay, do nothing during transit then walk the cows out and spend a few hours in a raincoat using a pressure washer.
Might even be able to skip that last if it's an empty hangar and you just open the door in space, let vacuum do the work, or most of it anyway.
You're just going to let the cows wander around, unsecured?
It's not, actually. You're paying your crew regardless of what they're doing and the reaction mass is just water. Unless you're running comically low on it, there's no problem flying around to maintain gravity.
>An average dairy cow (around 1,400 pounds or 635 kilograms) produces about 120 pounds (54 kilograms) of manure per day.
>120 lbs of poop per day
This cannot be correct.
It's shitting out an entire twink every 24 hours. No way.
Yeah, you ain't strapping them down individually, if that's the case it'd be some kind of drugged cryopod situation and then you're just looking at standard crated cargo.
That's extra hours on the engines.
Actually that sounds rather close to correct, a single cow plop can be 10-20 pounds and they plop frequently. They also easily piss a couple litres at a time.
You shouldn't be in space if that breaks the bank. You're gonna die the first time you arrive at a system with a distant jump point.
>Be you.
>Be 3155.
>Working in Clan Space because they got the jobs.
>Working as an Atmospheric Technician on a Dropship transporting cargo.
>Cramped two-person rooms.
>Gotta share the computer, saved up and got a Noteputer.
>Captain tells us we're gonna be transporting some cattle.
>We're not equip'd for cattle, how many are we gonna carry?
>None too much, about 10 tons of 'em.
>Head to the cargo bay.
>Cacophany of moos deafen the cargobay to the point hear self think.
>Head back to room.
>Good lord can still hear them.
>Because you're the atmospheric technician, you're required to get the ventiliation up for them and make sure all their toxic farts are vented into space.
>You're in the bay all day, every day, with hundreds of mooing judgemental cows, for a week.
Reaction mass for dropships is not water, it's cryogenically cooled liquid hydrogen.
You can use water or pretty much anything with hydrogen in it.
>about 10 tons
That's like, 10-12 cows, that's nothing.
Alright lets bump it up to like, 100 tons*.
That's a reasonable cargo haul, but for just a week that's no burden on anyone, you just make sure they have a trough of flowing water and pack enough hay bales to cover their needs, you don't actually do anything with the cattle once you have them corralled in the cargo area they'll be spending the trip in.
>judgemental cows
IME cattle are friendly and comical, they all have personalities and it can be quite amusing to just watch them, they're also fun to interact with if they're used to people handling them, my cows will eat out of my hand and let me pet them.
There used to be cows where I lived, before Covid and the farmer had to sell. Walked by there every day on my way to school. One cow really liked my tomatoes.
Electrolysis is a standard function of fusion engines and turns H2O into H2 and O.
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>with hundreds of mooing judgemental cows, for a week.
The horror, the horror!
Source? Sarna explicitly says liquid hydrogen, numerous novels mention liquid hydrogen storage for refueling dropships at drop ports.
There's a neighbour I've helped with moving cows occassonally and he only interacts with his cows in person about a dozen days in a year, when moving them between pastures and when separating them from their calves, they are as close to wild as domestic cattle can be, skittish and prone to kicking.
I walk through my herd and pet cows, play with calves and feed treats by hand at least every 2 or 3 days, none of them so much as raise a leg at me, one of the bulls loudly and constantly moos at me unless I give him a treat, but is otherwise akin to a 2000 pound puppy.
H2O is liquid hydrogen, dumbdumb.
When H2O is split into H2 and O, that first thing is H2. H2 is, maybe unsurprisingly, H2. There is no difference between H2 and H2, as the names should have hinted at.
Man I miss those cows. I miss my old small town.

At least I can write stories about living in the future and living on a dropship.
Liquid hydrogen tanks exploding has been a key dramatic moment in many a novel. There are definitely dropships using it as fuel.

>H2O as fuel
Maybe if you have the right systems to capture and compress the H2, but you're still looking at <50% efficiency. So about as useful as refueling your E85 Silverado with 40% corn vodka.
Which is fine if you're just station keeping for gravity purposes. Not exactly combat speeds.
>station keeping
You should be doing that with ion thrusters. Are you talking about the thrusters you use to get into orbit or does your dropship have a third propulsion system?
I'm talking about hanging around jump point after jump point for weeks on end using thrust to generate false gravity so your bones don't fall apart.
Okay. You'd probably need more than ion thrusters for that. So you're using the same propulsion system that you use to get to orbit then?

Does this system happen to have a separate fuel tank and fuel lines, or are you planning to do take-off and landing with nothing but H2O?
H2O is not liquid hydrogen, it's hydrogen dioxide. Hydrogen can only be liquid at like -200 degrees Celsius.
Liquid hydrogen is H2. H2 is a byproduct of electrolysis, which is a necessary step in the fusion engine process and also a common element of atmosphere controls since it also generates O for people to breath. Compression is easy when you have unlimited power. Fusion generates as much power as you need. 1+1. This isn't even speculative, these are all systems already on dropships that already function this way.
Why are you bothering to take this mass of H2O into orbit?
Even with free power, you're carrying at least twice the mass that you'd need with H2. Not only is your ship weighing more for fuel, but you also need more support structure to accommodate that weight.

You're saving money on fuel up front, but you're paying for it on the backend in the loss of efficiency.
Gentlemen gentlemen.
What makes a good infantry mech?
Machine guns, flamers, low speed, lots of armor.
like supporting infantry? easy to maintain, low logistics train to keep it armed or deep ammo bins, have it fill gaps the infantry can't fill themselves, maybe long range anti air or anti armor. the Gun mech is cheap and light and has decent endurance for a plasma rifle that is an amazing combined arms weapon.
Tracked suspension.
>infantry mech
Failed concept. Next you'll ask what makes a good cruiser mech. Nothing.

What you really want is a mech fast enough to outmaneuver most (not all) of what is on the field, while packing enough firepower to eliminate targets before they can meaningfully engage you. Armor is secondary to firepower.

>but what if you get jumped by infantry?
Combined arms doctrine states that you'll be screening your mechs with infantry of your own, and you won't commit them into cities except with such speed of violence that infantry cannot effectively reposition to engage them.
People need to drink and breath. Also these aren't conventional rockets, you don't have to worry about cargo to fuel ratios. Your fusion engine generates enougu thrust for any weight of cargo you can carry. It can bring that heavy ass mass of air you've filled your cavernous cargo bays with, for instance. In atmo you're using the dirty air around you as the reaction mass just fine. Basically anything that can be ejected out the back can be used as reaction mass in space. Liquid hydrogen is just very efficient since it can be extracted from water. It's not mandatory or exclusive.
I kind of want to give him a plasma rifle, Make him just a funny little version of the Gun.
So the ideal infantry mech is a LCT-1V/LCT-3V with a flamer?
Are there any sources that say dropships in battletech make their own liquid hydrogen?
Do you really think that's enough firepower?
A MuckRaker, probably.
It digs holes and hauls a lot of tonnage and the mods required to arm it are standardized to a high degree.
>Dearest Commander, its time for you to retire.
>You've done a lot these last ten years.
>You have made so much money.
>You have killed so many people.
>The fate of the Inner Sphere, however small, was changed ever so slightly because of you.
>Its time for you to settle down. You must choose.
>Your trusted Navigator whom believed in you from the beginning?
>The Periphery Princess you just saved?
>The Clanner you took as a Bondswoman five years ago?
>Handsome Harry, the beloved Engineer and Technician?
>Your Battlemech, who thanks to Star League tech has become self-aware with a hot AI voice?
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So how do you feel about the PPC-X the new MW5 DLC added. Context for those who haven't seen it it's literally just a PPC shotgun, so shorter range but devastating at close range.
That's what the recreation deck is for. Station keeping in Battletech is just making sure you don't fall into anything/anyone. Otherwise you get by with magboots.
My battlemech is a Panther so I'm definitely gonna fuck it.

Where's that rule listed? only thing I can find is in the expanded critical hits tables if you get a jam on that, not for normal ultras.

And the rule to rapid-fire normal autocannons has them explode on snake eyes, not jam normally.
It's a bit too good for what it is desu. I popped two LB-Xs and a PPC-X onto my Banshee and was pretty much never challenged by anything ever again.
Does it leave useful design space for LBXs or are we just going to replace every weapon with PPCs and PPC variants?
>Does it leave useful design space for LBXs
Ironically range. At least in my experience so far it falls off and the spread is far higher, while LBX's can snipe like no ones business. Biggest issue with the PPC-X is that is seems to generate far less heat and cycles faster so even with the decreased range it is a direct upgrade on the PPC that you can get pretty early.
So its like the Snub-Nose PPC from the Battletech(PC) DLC?
>round bases
Absoutely dezgra.
You forgot the Plasma PPC.
I'm open to the idea of a lightning gun designed for anti-infantry work. Think force lightning where it's a bunch of small coiling tendrils of electricity that seek out and shock whatever attracts it. But from what you're telling me about the PPC-X, it doesn't sound like it.

You think you could adapt swarm missile rules but at close range to make this electric gun work?
"Cluster rounds but heat instead of ammo" isn't healthy for the game so I veto it.
Ssssh. We don't talk about that.
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Yeah the PPC is good and all but I like this instead.
But you're less likely to miss with a kick.
LBs spread way less, and also come in the solid slug variant if you just want AC/10+ (or if you have YAML you can swap ammo). Also still way less heat load.
I think the gun makes sense with the idea of the expansion being Solaris so having a PPC shotgun makes sense for arena fights, it's just that the wider implication of the weapon on the battlefield is the problem. Since it seems to out perform a lot of things.
Yeah. You can justify anything with fluff so I disregard it when we're talking about gameplay additions. This one would not be a good addition to CBT.
PGI has never really been one for balancing shit. Heavy rifles are still basically 'gauss rifles but lighter and kinda hot.' The rapid fire ACs that game with the PPC-X are downright bonkers. I loaded a Mauler with RF-AC/2s and that thing is a core machine.
>Rotary Auto PPC Extended Range
Rotary Long-Tom.
>PPC-tipped LRMs
>Re-engineered PPCs
>Clan Snub-Nosed Rotary Auto Pulse PPC-X Extended Range
Wouldn't all Flamers inherently be Plasmers?
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Any mods worth playing for this? I mostly enjoyed my first run but have no desire to keep playing after the final mission.
she cute
that's just Gundam
Nah, there are two main mods and each of them is a horrific mess.
I’m going to retire from command and sign on with some one else as a regular mechwarrior so I might earn an honorable death worthy of remembrance by clanner GF
If lasers are to be believed, the untapped potential for PPCs is Large and Small. We have Light and Heavy, but lasers have Heavy too, and it's on a separate axis. Get ready for Heavy Medium PPCs. And of course Light Large PPCs.
Meanwhile your clanner waifu is fucking IS Chad Dezgra Mercs like Phelan. Stay mad faggot bird. Don't you have an honorable suicide charge to go to?
We also need light lasers and snub-nosed lasers.
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Suppose I want to travel from the system A to the system B, 50 light years apart. As far as I know, you can only jump 30 light years per one jump.
Do you have to go through A->C->D->B then, or Can you jump to the point E, 30 light years from A which is middle of nowhere (not even a star system, just an empty space) then jump from there to B?
You can shortcut through empty space. If you have the correct path and confidence in your drive, your reactors, and your spare parts. If something goes wrong though, you're dead.
>empty space
No, you need a star's gravity well.
The shortest possible distance from A to B is not necessarily a straight line.
You don't. Going to Clan space requires empty space jumps.
You don't. In fact, you explicitly need the opposite. You can jump to any point that's sufficiently outside of a gravity well, including empty space between systems. Jump points are just the most efficient places near systems to land, and the only places where people will find you if your drive dies or something. Pirate points are even closer to a star, but only exist temporarily by quirks of gravitational fields overlapping weirdly.
The problem with jumping into empty space is that it would take regular light speed transmissions for someone in a solar system to get an SOS from you. That's bad when you're light-years away.
Theoretically you can jump into empty space, but if something goes wrong then you just die, so no one likes doing it unless their coordinates are completely bomb proof and they have five spares for everything.

It's like jumping to a pirate point, except the time to die is way longer and no one will ever find you.
>Pirate points are even closer to a star, but only exist temporarily by quirks of gravitational fields overlapping weirdly.
Technically can't they be any Lagrange point?
They can be anywhere the gravity drops for whatever reason causes reduced gravity. What makes them pirate points is that they're temporary, so it's a risk to jump to them, you might not be able to jump back out of them, and many defenders don't bother patrolling them because they don't even exist most of the time.
how the fuck did they pull the exodus and the serpent/bulldog then?
Exodus was blind jumping into the darkness and doing astrology as they went, and they lost a lot of jumpships along the way. Serpent/bulldog and all clan trips had a map.
Astronomy rather. Although hey, Kerensky wasn't quite right by then, maybe he was doing a little astrology.
Lots of Star League era skill, blind luck, and a lot of casualties.

A Smoke Jag defector took astrological readings of the Exodus Road and built the Second Star League a map.
I've found that Battletech Extended 3025 is a pretty good balance in terms of adding new stuff and keeping a more vanilla feel when compared to RogueTech and Battletech Advanced. It also lets you play through the campaign and choose your Era when you start if you don't want to stay stuck in 3025.
Trent wasnt making a fucking birth chart report...
If they're taking this many casualties, how do something like the Explorer Corps work? You're working with far fewer ships so casualties would quickly become unsustainable.
I'm sleepy and phone posting from work. You know what I meant.
The explorer corps aren't usually going that far and can just tell people where they're going. "Hey, we see an unlisted system 25 light-years thataway, based on its size, we see that the jump points should be X distance away, so we're going to jump to X(1.5) directly above it and get a closer reading. If we don't come back within two weeks, send help".
The Explorer Corps is good at it and likely aren't using ships that have been needing a total overhaul for two years before they go kaput. They also aren't blind jumping into random deep space pockets but actually have a methodological search pattern and a plan. The Exodus Fleet was yoloing into deep space trying to find any habitable planet they could get their hands on and no source of repairs or spare parts was a huge issue.

You can do this stuff safely, but nothing about the Exodus Fleet was safe and they had no one who would come after them if they went quiet.

Modern captains don't like doing it because jumpships were very nearly LosTech at the time of the 4th Succession War so if you were fucked there was probably no one coming to get you, and none of the Houses wanted to spend their irreplaceable strategic assets blind jumping into unknown space.
Now i have the mental picture of Trent chekcing if Huntress was in the House of Aquarius, influenced by Uranus...
Finn from Adventure Time is now in Battletech.
What happens?
He's a clanner freeborn and dies in the mud like Aiden should have.
Clearly not familiar with "live export". Take a cattle truck and multiply by 100. You can smell these ships coming at sea. The following sharks live well.
>The following sharks live well.
They have that much die off in transit?
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Gonna add to that mental image.

To be fair, most ships aren't this bad.
They probably plan their jumps better.
Dang, Trent is a lot weedier than I expected. Granted, I sort of default to thinking of Clanners as Elementals and then thinking of Elementals as comically big so probably on me.
The SLDF Exodus fucking sucked.
>Your international fleet, pride of the world, is sailing to uncharted waters while the old world gives war a chance (again)
>Formation and headings are erratic, and pickets are sent off to dump waste off the trail so that none can follow
>Everything's fine at first; it's slow going, but the admiral is a decorated war hero, and you trust him implicitly
>Week by week, the venerable fleet begins to show its age
>Foul weather and hidden reefs force repairs, and no good sleep comes from groaning of steel in the night
>A few ships sink outright due to misadventure, lost with all hands
>There are a few islands, but little resupply, and you can't stay for long
>Months pass, and the lights of the fleet dim as its numbers thin
>There are no more supplies for repair, and all the good food has run out; ships begin being scuttled and crews consolidated as they're no longer fit for service
>The admiral's sons, rear admirals and nepotism hires both, are fucking about, and it's starting to look like a death march to nowhere
>A mutiny breaks out on one of the remaining battleships, when they discover that the admiral went into this folly with no plan whatsoever
>Special forces are dispatched; defectors are slaughtered, and summary executions start at the flag officers and run down the chain of command until order is restored
>An old but misguided man just trying his best, the admiral gives a rousing speech and declares his intent to colonize the next good island fit for habitation, reigniting the spark of hope
>Land is found, barely, and three-quarters of the remaining crew are discharged in order to work as colonists
>The admiral and one of his sons dies, and the psycho bastard son takes the reigns
>You suddenly remember you took Capellans with you as the knives come out
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That are is just weird. Trent got his injury at 30, that pic looks like a 20 year old kid. Albeit, one who is abnormally gaunt or just sucking his cheeks in for the school photos
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Why modern CGL art have to be so fucking shitty?!

Coleman, stop spending all the money at your house and pay your freelancers!
And no, CGL knows their audience. They'll gladly turn everyone into emo femboys if it makes them a quick dollar.
His right side looks like Scroggins.
They turned Minobu Tetsuhara into a... something. I guess he's middle eastern here, idk. He doesn't look anything like the rest of his art though.
It's the same poster, they're exactly a minute apart.
Different filenames tho.
....why would you spam Trent portraits?
That is a nipponese man, sir.
What are the odds two people would post the exact same one so close together?
Considering it's the only picture of Trent on the wiki and it's better than the current CGL abortion?
NTA but basically yeah, it's like how they added in the AC-RF, and when you're using one you think to yourself it's basically a rotary.
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Holy yumola
legend 2 came out or something?
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Surely you guys don't let reddit play more battletech than you, right?
Hey look a swordsman. I think that may be the same stl I have actually.
Still black, just a looot of cream in the coffee.
New bake
Yeah, it's in the BackerKit rewards section now if you ordered it, along with the Art of War, the cookbook and some other stuff.
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Kinda fucked up that they just took away his melanin like that, Ironman Tetsuhara doesn't deserve this disrespect
Ahah, Vegan Rangers sound great.
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Mostly, I put a small laser on the head myself.
So it's probably going to be a $40-50 book that just has a bunch of existing recipes but they changed the names and added a paragraph of fluff?
>burger with american cheese on the cover
Would you expect anything good out of it?
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Batrep, 2nd NAIS vs Mercs, 3066, 5K BV
Game was a simple one because of time issues. 3 objectives, take them by getting a mech adjacent, each gives you 1VP per turn held.



The first few turns saw little save positioning. The Jagermech moved into a patch of woods to the South where it could cover the central objective, whilst the remaining NAIS mechs moved up the centre to face the slower Mercs. The Valk got overconfident, moving ahead to take the central objective only to take 2 Gauss hits (needing 10's no less) and 3 ML hits (8's) that destroyed its Right Arm and Hip.

Shes a cunt. See:
>The last three missions on Dragons Gambit where your tiny fucking lance that you have to break tonnage restrictions on, fuck those BTW, in order to have a hope in hells chance, save the last one where its straight up impossible as you have to take on an Irregulars Battalion, complete with an Assault Company, pretty much by yourself.

You troll, but im starting to think this might be the case. Its a fucking joke, we payed as much as anyone else did, we should be getting our stuff as well.

Havnt seen anything, besides its the same for every single UK backer I know. The Invasion KS was synchronised, so why isnt this one?
>jump blind into an unexplored star
>make sure it's good
>head back to main fleet
>report back it's safe
>if it isn't safe the scout is lost
>don't forget they were also dumping trash multiple drops away in other directions as well to throw off followers

Explorer Corps
>jump into uncharted star
>note the area
>go back to civilization
>report and repeat
A bit different in amount of jumps going on.

His descendant still looks black, so its extra weird.
I can't tell if the barrel fist being on the wrong arm was intentional or not, either way it looks cool so whatever.
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Who are you hiring for your lance?
Clearly I was too clever. New KS stuff
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The Valk got up, ran 3 hexes, and fell, where it would spend the rest of the game trying and failing to get up.
Leaving the Jagermech to cover them, the Victor and Enforcer moved to tackle the Thunderbolt as the Cyclops tried to flank them. Clever positioning and the Mercs focussing mostly on the Enforcer saw the NAIS come off with no damage whilst the Thunderbolt was hurt and the Cyclops took heavy damage from a Gauss slug to its arm
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Page 16.
Looks like they flipped your photo to make it fit the page layout.
NASA man, because he keeps it old school.
No worries, I already used the link the first time. Thanks though
Clearly he fucked someone with less cream, or no cream, in their coffee. Resulting in this child who, though they still have some cream in their coffee, is more clearly black.
I love this guy: he just oozes attitude.
1-4, 2-7, 3-3, 4-3
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Next turn the NAIS forces moved out of sight of the Gunslinger and its deadly dual Gauss. The Victor moved to engage the Cyclops and the Enforcer to tackle the Thunderbolt, which itself chose to go after the Victor. The Gunslinger sighted on the Jagermech, landing a solid hit the threw the pilots aim, causing it to miss, but it wasnt needed anyway. The Victor landed a telling hit on the Cyclops with its AC-20, breaching some already weakened armour and lighting off a full AC-20 magazine, killing the mech, whilst the Enforcer played with the Thunderbolt. The Victor itself stood up to the ravages of both mechs firing on it and survived.
Old school neuro-helmet and "merc-lyfe" for sure

OS guy is either going to be extremely cheap to hire on or knows what he's doing. I call it a win in either case

"Merc-Lyfe" won't give a shit when we commit warcrimes.
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Same as always.
Overdesigned gobbledygook needs to go. And don't trust a merc who won't show you his face.

He's a symbol of the fun days of Battletech - cruising through the Draconis March with his bro, doing good deeds and being a baller.
Nice, appreciated!
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Both the Victor and Enforcer jumped to close with the Gunslinger, landing a few solid hits though the Victor suffered more damage in return, whilst the Thunderbolt reached the central objective, taking Gauss hits for its trouble. The Gunslinger, having fired its weapons, lashed out with its foot, punting the Enforcers cockpit assembly across the field.
Pretty sure the when is actually quite important to MercLyfe. If you try to interrupt his drinking or his whoring to go burn some civilians, he's probably going to demand a bonus and that you keep his beer cold and his whore warm while he's doing the job.
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At this point the fighting broke into two separate duels. The Thunderbolt vs the Jagermech and the Gunslinger vs the Victor. The Victor tries to jump into the Gunslingers rear arc, but I forgot, stupidly, that it had jumpjets too, and it was the Victor who got the backdoor surprise, whilst the Jagermech continued to pour Gauss fire onto the Thunderbolt, though it started to take worrying damage in return.
The Victor missed with its AC20 and the Gunslinger put a world of hurt onto the NAIS mech, causing a considerable amount of damage but failing to kill it or knock it over.
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Forgot, but the Thunderbolt also finished off the Valk, kicking its leg off and destroying its LRM10, causing the pilot to bail.
Things came to a head. Uno-reversing the Gunslinger the Victor got the drop on it, dropping in behind it as the merc pilot frantically twisted and let loose with both Medium Pulses and a Gauss Rifle. The Pulse did nothing, but the Gauss Rifle took off the damaged leg, blowing it off, causing the Victor to crash to the ground, the pilot being concussed by the impact. But it was not for nothing, as she came down she let loose with a burst from her Autocannon that blew the Gunslingers cockpit to shrapnel.
On the other side of the map another exchange of fire saw the Jagermech hurting bad, but the Thunderbolt lose its Left Side, and take a TAC Engine hit. With the Mercs unable to win at this point, the Thunderbolt withdrew.

All in all it was a fun game, though I made some rookie errors, most notably getting my Enforcer into kicking range, and that the Gunslinger was a fellow jumper. My opponent was a good sport, though he was displeased with my use of blocking terrain to deny him much needed Gauss shots. The Valk was also a victim of my foolishness, though its capturing of the central point did win me the game in the end.
Notably, the Victor was a champ, drawing tons of fire and taking it all, all the while downing no less than two opposing Assault mechs, both of which outmassed it. I dont want to hear any more bad mouthing of Victors, lads. They be good.
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It's not a hard choice.
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How OP is Nova CEWS?
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I did my besht anons! Hold the line mission vs 2 people at my local, won via bv damage
If it costs the same sort of BV tax as C3, kinda trash.
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Here's your star mates bro.
Its a C3 system that can't be ECMed and can be used with Stealth.

Its actually pretty descent.
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Yes... ha ha ha... Yes!
>none of them are black
>no enhanced imaging tattoos
>no crazy clan hairstyles
What were they thinking?
What's the book? That was an eerie feeling I didn't think Battletech could pull off.
hell yeah
>All those fancy cooling suits
>My ass is stuck with a neurohelmet the size of my torso and my underwear
>I can't even turn my head when I'm wearing it
Clanners are bullshit, fuck clanners
Any suggestions for some Davion medium mechs to pair with a crusader 3d?
>What's the book?
Battletech: Recognition Guide, Vol 1: Classics
Dervish and Centurion.
Post your face
>Technically can't they be any Lagrange point?
Yes and no. Stable Lagrange points tend to collect moonlets. Overlapping with any mass whatsoever on jump transition will (in ascending order of severity) get caught by the safety systems and abort the jump, backlash your core during an abort, phase-in and severely damage your hull/reactor, or crack and blow your core. Pirate points are transient Lagrange areas that don't last long enough to collect space trash.
The secondary problem is that once you use a Pirate point you have to charge the core again without shredding the sails and get the jumper back into a gravitationally-neutral point. Since they don't have transit drives and they're not built for <.25G acceleration that means either months slowly burning out with a tugboat while you trickle-charge, getting towed to a stable Lagrange point and having your fighters sweep anything that might fuck with the drive, or deploying a fraction of the sail and trying to drift the jumper into another pirate point when you're done charging. Back in the days of Lithium-fusion batteries you could just PP in, keep the core resonating, pop off the droppers, and rejump back out. Which is exactly what they were designed for.
>Any suggestions for some Davion medium mechs to pair with a crusader 3d?
A BJ-2 to go be face-kicking homies together, Centurion, a couple Valkyries. Maybe borrow a Hatchetman from across the river.
Pirate points are a function of planetary and moon rotation and alignment, they don't usually disappear so fast you can't recharge.
I think I need new paint brushes. The ones I have i've been using for my regular paintings for years and I think they're just not small enough. Anyone got suggestions?
I just buy cheap size 0 and 1 brushes for most things.
Would you prefer Horsehair or Plastic?
Most of mine are synthetic. Like a lot of things, better brushes don't really help you until you're at the point where the attributes of the cheap stuff start to get in the way. I'm not that good, so cheap brushes work just fine for me.
The army painter premium brush set is great value for money imo, the regiment brush is a real workhorse
I second the regiment brush. If you take care of it, it keeps a pretty good point and holds a lot of paint. I use it for 90% of my painting. I only really use something like a 000 for very small detail because they dry out frustratingly fast.
I'm not that good but I still find myself using the natural brushes more because I like the way the paint flows easier. They're really just different tools for different things.
I buy packs of blue-handle brushes that are like, 10 for a few bucks. Hella cheap.

They last a project or 2, then get turned into terrain/basing brushes.
>don't trust a merc who won't show you his face.

Accurate. I don't have a problem with this artwork being used in a combat sense, but as character portraits go, they're garbage. The eyes are the window to the soil and all that. I'm increasingly convinced that this was asked for by the art director so they wouldn't have to draw faces and commit to races and genders of pilots. If you're just looking a (poorly drawn and not in keeping with setting aesthetics) helmet, then the audience can't say whether they've got too many white guys or minorities or whatever. Because there's a portion of the audience who *is* looking for that they have something to complain about.
Post your face
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One more space for the Goons and I'm sure there's something horribly obvious we all forgot.
damn nice paintwork there.I would have gone with spaceman gold metallic cockpits, works REALLY great with red or black. the greens nice too though.
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Nuln Oil wash. makes it look like it's filthy from the battlefield.

>yes, my painting sucks, but the underlying colour theory works. here we have pristine 'white' mechs, only, they LOOK like they've seen shots fired in anger,burns, smoke and dirt all over them from near misses and such upon the battlefield.

PEOPLE get muddy, small TANKS get muddy, something as huge and as HOT running as a mech gets covered in stuff that BURNS black from contact. and the kind of dirt and muck artillery throws up ( and therefore anything big) is dark, almost black dirt and earth etc.
the trooperest of troopers. got a big fat autocannon on one arm, and a big fat laser on the other. simple as.
Winsor & Newton Series 7 miniature Size 1 and a little tub of brush cleaner. I've used the same brush for three years and it handles detail just fine, but it's important to not let paint get into the ferrule and clean it after use.
"water cracking" is a fundemental technology that makes fission and fusion possible. its the waste products they make IRL.

which is why IRL the BIG barrier to us colonising at least the solar system, is the To Orbit barrier. ONCE we can make that cheap enough, BANG humans become a post scarcity race free of earth.

and the nuclear reactors on our ships will create hydrogen to use as reaction mass, and o2 to breathe. the limit will be the water itself. which is why mining the inner belt becomes our major occupation, infinite free water there.

then arable land on earth becomes the premium, because the human race will THEN only be limited by how much food we can grow.

mining the asteroid belt makes us post scarcity so hard its fucking laughable.

but it all starts with that to-orbit barrier.

we already have water cracking, or we wouldn't have nuclear bombs or fusion bombs or fission reactors.
>here we have pristine 'white' mechs, only, they LOOK like they've seen shots fired in anger,burns, smoke and dirt all over them from near misses and such upon the battlefield.

Not really. They look 'grimy' in the sense that the miniatures look dirty, not like they represent mechs that look dirty. The problem is that there's no gradient.
yournuclear reactor spaceship's almost entire weight is going to be the reactor, and a MASSIVE supply of water and food. because AS your nuclear reactor runs, it turns the water into hydrogen for reaction mass, and o2 to breathe. as EXHAUST. as a WASTE product of its operation. which saves you from having to pack so much drinking water and breathing air, since the engines MAKE that for you and NEED that anyway. 'teakettle' nuclear reactotrs are the cheapest and easiest way we WILL see colonisation of the solar system.
the overwhelmingly overlooked virtue of 'being good ENOUGH'
just enough armour, just enough gun, just enough speed. that is it.
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It appears Maxy boy got enHANSEd
they have nuclear reactors or fusion reactors. ergo they make it.
People aren't allowed to have bad hairlines now?
Ok, can you point to a sourcebook that says dropships convert the hydrogen gas to liquid hydrogen to fuel their engines?
Jeez no wonder he's always frowning in the old art, I would be too if I was losing that hair. Slowly balding like that must suck to go through.
its how a reactor works. dude.
We're not talking about the real world, we're talking about battletech.
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Don't really take selfies, but here's one for /btg/ from back last August.

>How the hell do you make a mech look muddy

There's a couple of different ways. Purpose built modeling "mud" (say, from Tamiya) is almost universally too out of scale for use on Mechs. The *simplest* way to do it is to take a medium brown, like Vallejo Flat Earth, and do a fairly heavy drybrush along the sides of the Mech's feet and upwards towards the ankle. Then take a lighter shade of brown, like Vallejo English Uniform, and drybrush again over the top HALF of what you just drybrushed, and extend the color upwards past where you ended the first time, lighting your strokes as you move up. Notably, when drybrushing this way, go from ground level upwards with your brush strokes. Mud will splatter upwards, so your brush should travel in the same direction. You are effectively creating a brown fade, with (intentionally) poor coverage, into the actual colors of your Mech. If you feel the need to highlight the mud color, give an extremely light drybrush of a bone color - like Reaper Aged Bone - stroking from above, downwards. Your strokes should follow the fall of light.

Don't sweat a gloss coat over the mud unless you're doing a very "wet" muddy base. First, the mud should dry almost instantly when it hits the hot surface of a Mech, so it shouldn't be wet anyway. Second, the gloss coat will look wrong; there wouldn't be thick enough mud on the Mech to form a smooth surface and actually meaningfully reflect light.
I disbelieve you. THAT is a woman. or a tranny. that isn't a man.
First rule of 4Chan NEA.
Don't. Post. Your. Face.

It's obvious you should put in NEA in the last slot, duh, since he started this all, and is a Mary Sue tranny like the Goons.
no wonder he got more and more insane
>house arano's signature dish
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He makes ScarJo look like a crack whore!
Where did you get this from?
Battletech cookbook. Its in the trove under Misc.
if you look up g0file like is in this thread
she is a crack whore. how you think she got any work at all in hollywierd? with zero actual ability to act? WHORING. casting couch
Have you ever had a hormone panel done? That looks like someone who needs TRT if they aren't trying to look like that.
For Legends I I at least heard about most of the people in that book. Legends II I have no idea about like 80% of the characters

Jesus kek lol
Even Jamie can't escape its clutches.
>had a hormone panel done
I'll make that little whore moan if I can ever find him IRL. Someone needs to get pinned down and bred a few dozen times at Gencon.

>Mary Sue tranny like the Goons.
Is it really being a Mary Sue if you actually are one of the best at something though? Sues are good at things that they haven't earned. I'd argue that NEA has earned the good Battletech player accolades given her.

Yeah, like it or not, The Goons are the winningest, and so is NEA.

Feels bad not having him as Jade Falcon but they're dead now anyways, and the Goons are the only way to beat the Wolves.
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I thought that this was you.
How long has it been since you last played battletech in person?
You really do deserve the same perpetual ban manic got.
If people don't want to be sexualized, they should just be ugly. It's worked for me my entire life!
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Not entirely 100% sure why exactly I built this one, it's not a great variant, but it was kinda fun to try and figure it out. Behold, the Dire Wolf X, the most madcap grab-bag Omnimech in the history of everything ever.

I pity the warrior who has to figure out the weapon groups.
How does it compare to the one in the Total Warfare book?
Holy shit, NEA isn't even the least feminine thing on that list, and I'm not even counting the professional tranny porn actor.
>he beats Natalie Mars hands down wtf
Few weeks. I have two games lined up for this weekend though.
Didn't know there were more than one, honestly.
The city maps look kinda interesting. I hope they'll find their way here eventually.
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>hi /btg/
>date on paper matches date in the filename
>paper partially behind hair would be an incredibly difficult photoshop
Pretty strong chance your wrong anon

2019. Half my group decided to call the rest of us Nazis because we didn't appreciate Stunning and Brave women who used to be men, and we broke up in a fairly dramatic and unfortunately public fight at our LGS. We tried to get a group back together, but then Covid happened and our LGS shut down, and I haven't bothered since. Going outside and trying to play in person isn't worth it when I have to censor my political opinions to avoid being labeled.
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I still need to get a proper hex base for him since he's from that Robotech dogfight game, but nonetheless happy that I got to try some new things with this guy, even if I still need plenty more practice.

Are they just not sending out notices about this stuff? The last I heard anything was the update on the 19th, and it looks like stuff has been available on the backerkit page since yesterday. Kind of reminds me of the semi-incompetence with System Shock's kickstarter.
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What could have been...

Oh shit what did you do. Fuck it. I'm leaving it like this. You all deserve this.

I mean you could swap NEA and Kate Beckinsale, basically the same thing.
Theres a God damn cookbook...
It makes my dick a diamond pole.
>It looks too close to the Unseen form!
Shut the fuck up.
Nah, Shimmy does it better. That's why his is official and this is just some nobodies fan art.
The Triple F Burger recipe doesn't even reference whale meat.
But... but the whole point is Triple F doesn't even have cow meat. They're a sci-fi fast food place from a future where whale farming is a viable economic activity! They could have at least put up some authentic side items like their pickles.
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So, general theme: The cookbook is genuinely a functional looking cookbook, and almost every page cites a particular appearance of the dish in a novel or sourcebook. There's only a few joke recipes, such as Mackie And Cheese.
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This is a nice touch, though.
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There's a cocktail section, which includes the PPC. I figured they wouldn't to avoid giving people alcohol poisoning, but there it is. There's also a few other cocktails named after mech weapons, including a Large Laser, Gauss Rifle, and AC20, along with some that aren't weapons.
Is that even safe to drink?
>clan: 5 shots of straight 195 proof everclear, downed at one gulp
>fucking lol, that would kill an elemental, much less anyone else
>smoke jag version is 6 shots. Jag Harder, freebirth
Th ats ur e is so meker ning.
You think they'll get sued when some idiot has a go at it?
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No. And yet the next page advises you do several at once. They get points for not chickening out.
>No curved canopy
Get this MWO shit outta here
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Who screwed up more in this situation?
is white lightning a real drink? i know sake, wine ans bourbon is but never heard of that
Hatchetman. The Hunchback has an AC20 and 5-damage punches. The Hatchetman has an AC10, less armor than the hunchie, and its hatchet only does one clump of 9 damage.
Hatchetman. He's gonna get hunched hard and can only weakly swipe in return.
The PPC page says "white spirits", which is the term for straight grain alcohol.
That's not taking about doing multiple PPCs. That's doing multiple 2-shot cocktails, while a single PPC is a 5-shot.
Adding to what the others have said: look at the armor difference. The hatchetman cannot take an AC/20 anywhere and feel good. The hunchback meanwhile, can take multiple AC/10s to the torso or legs and be fine.

Quite literally the hatchetman's only hope is that he throws a kick that knocks the hunchback down, because that's a hell of a lot more reliable than praying your hatchet connects with the cockpit.
Just an American term for distilled pure grain alcohol, moonshine is exactly the same thing.
Here in Canada, White Lightning is a brand of %50 100 Proof vodka. No way on heaven or earth am I drinking a PPC.
in the UK, white lightning is the genericised brand name associated with "white cider".
White cider is made with pomace, the pulp left over after you juice apples. White Lightning was, for a decade or so, the cheapest way to get plastered. It used to be made at 7.5% ABV, because above that cider is taxed more. You'd buy it in 3 liter bottles. Maybe teens would share one, but mostly it was hobo juice. What the hobos drink varies by place and time, it's always whatever the cheapest higher-ABV stuff is. Over in 'straya it's wine. You used to get 3 liters of white lightning for £3. Even in 2000s pre-inflation money that was cheap as fuck.

I assume they don't mean UK "white lightning", since they also say [white spirits] and that shit was not a spirit. It's probably just a neat in-setting name for clear spirits.

But hey, now you know about 2000s-era UK bum juice. Trampagne.
White lightning is another term for pure grain alcohol. Purity actually varies, but it runs from 180-195 proof, so between 90 and 97% alcohol. The most well known American version is Everclear, which is usually sold at 195 proof.

Essentially, if you do the math, given standard 1.5oz shot sizes and that basically all of the mixers are about 80 proof, a PPC is equivalent to drinking about 7 ounces of pure alcohol in one go. That takes a 220-lb mans blood alcohol content to around 0.16-0.24% by itself (chugging creates a short term spike since it can't all get metabolized).

Blackout drunk starts occuring at 0.20% BAC, so draw conclusions from there.
Actually hatchet is better. Head hitting is always great.
Hatchet uses the full body table like a shot, unless you take the +3 to-hit to use the punch table.

Whereas the hunchback has two fists available and can double punch, for two chances at head hits. So it's even better at that.
Hunch doesn't even need to rely on his fists, one AC20 hit anywhere on that Hatchetman drastically changes the flow of things.
Every single time that AC20 connects the Hatchetman is risking crit checks. The reverse is absolutely not the case.
Yup. Hatchetman is an AA platform that can defend itself from bugs, not a melee mech.
Actually hatchet is shit. There's never a reason not to kick instead.
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Indeed, that's what the Nightsky is for.
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Yep. Said another away: drinking a PPC is chugging 9oz of liquor. 9oz is 266ml, which is about 3/4 of a pint.
>and it wasn't the good stuff

God help you if they weren't using 40%.
let's go worst case scenario, using common ingredients (no homebrews): 4 shots (6oz) wild turkey at 50.5% and 2 shots (3oz) everclear at 97.5%.
You are drinking 5.955oz of pure alcohol
I am reasonably certain that if you buttchug this and do not seek medical attention, you aren't waking up.
See >>93226111

Nightsky is the true fedcom melee medium.
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What is the correct play in this situation?
Pivot to making a freemium online game?
Nightsky is the melee mech if you want to do it. Pulse lasers out of the wazoo lets you go light on the gunner and go in on the Pilot letting you go ham.
The only people who could really successfully chug that are the sort of alcoholic who could survive it. Give that to a regular person and they'll drink a fourth of it and then retch it back up, spilling what's left in the process.
>let's go worst case scenario, using common ingredients (no homebrews): 4 shots (6oz) wild turkey at 50.5% and 2 shots (3oz) everclear at 97.5%.
Other way around. It's 4 shots (6oz) of the everclear and 2 shots (3oz) of the wild turkey.
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As a Scorp fan I have to try it but god damn, Malort really?
Scorps confirmed Chicagoans.
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>chicago mentioned
Looks like this then.

7.72 ounces of alcohol in a 9oz drink
White lightning is the old term for illegally distilled whiskey that was popular during U.S. prohibition. It's largely interchangeable with Moonshine.

It's called that because
1. It's taken directly from the still and not aged, so it doesn't have whiskey's typical caramel color from the barrel aging process. It's clear like vodka.
2. distributors smuggled it around in souped up cars and they got in a lot of chases with the cops.
'White lightning' could be higher proof than normally distributed liquor but these good old boys weren't out here selling Everclear to people. For one that isn't economical, but also that would also be complete rotgut.

You could make a PPC with any clear whiskey or neutral grain spirit. Four shots is already an assload, CGL isn't out here trying to send people to the hospital.
Oh my fucking god WHY?!
>CGL isn't out here trying to send people to the hospital.
Depends on which people we're talking about, really.
kicks can only hit legs when directed at a standing opponent at the same elevation
I like how minty it tastes.
Isn't absinthe illegal? I read something about a hallucinogen
What if I just want some Timbiqui Dark?
Just a beer on its own doesn't go in even the cocktail section of a cookbook.
It was for a while in some places, mostly because people were making it in their bathtubs and making their customers go blind (this is also why we don't make applejack the traditional way anymore).

You can buy absinthe today at most any liquor store. It's not bad desu, if you like black licorice. Usually it's higher proof than other spirits though.
Well I want a Pharoah. But that's just pisswater in a fancy can
Vidya says it's a chocolate malt, shouldn't be hard to find an equivalent.
>Isn't absinthe illegal? I read something about a hallucinogen
Had the same issue as bootleg liquor back in the day. If it wasn't made right it would essentially poison people causing them to go nuts a little. These days its regulated and the ban is lifted though some of the recipes don't use wormwood because of those past issues
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Absinthe contains wormwood. Wormwood contains thujone. Thujone was thought to function similar to THC, but this has been proven false.
Additionally, the amount of thujone in absinthe was wildly overestimated, even in period bottles, and modern technology allows us to test precisely and keep modern production at even more reduced levels.

It's a bunch of teetotaler nonsense.
>"Denigrating the French race"
Like that's even any more possible

This is how they finally weed out the weaklings from the fanbase.
Another thing: and this more related to bootleg liquor.
In any distilling run, methanol is produced. It cooks off before ethanol and you know it's cooking off because it'll start at 148.5°F
For comparison: ethanol starts cooking off at 173.07°F.
So if you're distilling right, you've got a thermometer running and you dump the methanol because it's toxic. Then you raise the temperature to start cooking off the ethanol and you capture that because it's your product.

If you're making shit booze you either
>don't dump the methanol because you care about volume more than having repeat customers
>or you didn't know and didn't have a thermometer running because you're incompetent.
Caveat too: you might also be making liquor on a still that introduces toxic metals into the product.

So "moonshine makes you blind" comes down who you're buying from. You could be Indian.
so, looking at the mechs listed, i suspect that the reason that so many of the people in the legends 2 book are literal nobodies is because they wanted to shove in as many mechs that come with merc kickstarter forcepacks in there; shoving their pilots no matter how nobody they are
Makes sense to me. Who's the rep for the Hermes II?
>get a griffin
>refit it into a ghetto catapult that can punch
haha lrm/15s go brrrrt
Generic American term for moonshine. Historically this was normally done in a pot still, which means that you're looking at maybe 60% ABV max. You could bump that up a bit more with additional equipment and multiple runs, but time (and fuel) are money and these guys didn't bother expending either of those more than they had to to produce a viable product in most cases.
>you don't need a clean distillation run to make decent whiskey
>most vodka drinkers don't know the difference

As for going blind and bullshit like that, it goes back to Prohibition when moonshine was sometimes adulterated with toxic shit. Yes, fermentation produces methanol and acetone and some other nasty shit and distillation necessarily concentrates it, but not to the degree where you'll have problems unless you're drinking the heads. More on that in a moment.

When you're distilling your alcohol, as the temperature increases different things will boil off at different points. Obviously we're after ethanol, but there are things that boil before and after. Before is mostly dangerous stuff. A scrupulous distiller will cycle these off into the next batch or reserve for industrial purposes. (I use most of my heads for degreasing parts.) Commercial distillers do so as well to varying degrees. When we've retrieved most of the ethanol, other stuff with higher boiling points starts getting introduced. They're not dangerous but they taste like wet cardboard. A lot of commercial distillers take some shortcuts here. The home distiller often won't. Those go into the next batch. Waste not, want not.

Done correctly, in a well tuned reflux still, you're looking at hearts at 94% ABV or so. You don't want to drink this. There is very little flavor, but the mouthfeel is unpleasant. Proof it down to 40% ABV and the flavor is whatever water you used plus a bit of ethanol burn. There should be nothing else. I add an ounce or two of my third head cut in for the vanilla hint. 1/2
damn, i was wondering about which charger to get between the one in the legendary mechwarriors 2 box and the on in the heavy recon lance box. and i looked at this and realized that the on in the legendary box has open lrm rack on its chest. phew dodged a bullet right there.
Feels like it'd be better to start from a Dervish. Ditching the SRM2s can let you field two LRM15s and a pair of MLs on a 5/8/5 body, so, speedy fragile catapult.
my eyes
That is THE Franken Mech and a good one to boot.
I like it, but I have a soft spot for frankenmechs so...
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Even with a bit of that nasty shit, the hangover potential is minimal. If you want to get hungover on stuff this pure, you have to work for it. Casual drinking won't do it. There's much more to hangovers than modern science has so far described, but in my experience, most of it is the stuff besides the ethanol, and there can be quite a lot of that. Try a couple of tests with whiskey vs. good vodka, or beer vs. whiskey, or cider vs. anything (adjusted for total amount of ethanol consumed) and you'll see what I mean.

Autistic sperging aside, white lightning would probably mean something around cask strength (again, 50-60% ABV), unaged, as a pot distilled neutral spirit, meaning not very neutral. 5 or 6 shots of that is no problem for an experienced drinker, but expect a hangover due to the carryover from the pot still. Hand me 5 or 6 shots of something done in a well tuned reflux still that's been proofed down to 60% and I'll down that and go to work afterwards. It's a completely different experience, and if anyone thinks that intoxication from alcoholic beverages results strictly from the ethanol and not from the other elements, I introduce tequila. (And shitty eastern European absinthe, which is not actually absinthe, but that's another thread.)
>t. been distilling for a number of years now with a dialed in reflux still
>everclear is absolute dogshit, some heads and lots of tails, do not drink, tastes like wet dog and acetone
>costco's foreign vodka (reported to be grey goose, never did a side by side so i don't know) is the cleanest vodka that i've ever tasted and what i aspire to, so if you want to know what a clean neutral spirit is supposed to taste like, taste that
>and since this is a bt thread, batrep coming thursday after tomorrow's game because drinking isn't the only thing that i do
>37th still has a batchall with the ravens
why do you guys have suspiciously deep knowledge about moonshine...
Because we also know about CGLs sense of financial responsibility. One of those things allows us to cope with the other.
CBT players are built different. It's part of why I enjoy this game so much. We talk about cars and motorcycles almost as much as we talk about the game, and in nothing else that's /tg/ related has anyone ever taken as many smoke breaks.

It is a night and day difference compared to the people I'd meet at Friday Night Magic.
You are a lucky bastard, the guys I've found in my local battletech scene are indistinguishable from the average magic player.
>1 LRM 20
>4 MedPLs
Meh, it's alright, basically just a stock Charger but better tech. I get there's not a lot of room what with a 400 rated engine, but I don't know, feels like it could have dropped the LRM and ammo and run weapons that better lean into its speed and brawling range. A regular LRM 20 plus ammo so minimum 11 tons?
Could have added an LL or a LPL instead, plus add on more armor. Maybe some TSM to take advantage of the heat. Otherwise as is it's still just subpar for an assault.
To give it credit, FF armor, an XL engine, and jump jets are all pretty nice upgrades.
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Not today agent
Legal to make in my state.
jvn-10n or ott-7j if i want some cheap ~600bv initiative sink, spotter and kicker? not expecting much from it. jav still a better choice because crit/inferno?
bonus points, the "Chevron Deference" was assraped to death by SCOTUS the other day. as in
>"should never have been allowed ever, jesus fuck, what the actual fuck are you doing son?"

so EVERYTHING the three letters did under it are now NULL AND VOID and if they attempt to enforce any of it, you have a federal case AGAINST them. its an even worse ass raping than the Bruen decision. (which every lefty courts has been wildly ignoring forever since until lawyers remind them and they are forced to follow)
kell you lucky bastard
That is incorrect anon. The supreme courts decision only applies going forward, it wasn't retroactive. I wish it was as broad as you are meming it to be, but sadly that is not the case.
It's very comparable to the Battlemaster 3S. The Charger is faster and has JJs, but the Battlemaster has SRM6 and better armor.
Charger does get Artemis however.

I don't hate the LRM20 because my experience with city fighting is that you'll get several turns before you want to commit your assaults and the indirect fire is helpful. Something like a Sagittaire is contributing precisely nothing until it jumps in on someone. Although we're in a city, so hidden mech rules should be in play and an ambushing Sagittaire is pretty scary.
Because I own a reflux still for distilling water and essential oils, as both of these activities are completely legal for an American citizens to do unlicensed. Producing ethanol with it legally would require a license which I do not have, but I've read a bit about it because I find it interesting. Anything that I said earlier about making hooch was strictly theoretical, or maybe a friend told me about it or something. I don't remember.
>first batch of white lightning made with sweet feed for horses was something else
>goddamned clover flavored whiskey
>aged another batch on oak for 8 months and it was objectively superior to most commercial whiskeys i've tried
>used to be a whiskey drinker, now have a hard time with it because i know how easy it is to make decent whiskey and most commercial distilleries can't be bothered
>moved to neutral spirits due to autistic drive for purest product imaginable
>turned out that i really like that sort of drunk
>verification not required
It was pretty smart of them to hire someone who knows how to draw people.
I mean, you've got a point and I don't dislike the LRM20 or anything silly like that, just feels like a missed opportunity I guess.
>We talk about cars and motorcycles almost as much as we talk about the game,
Don't make off topic posts
Where's this from?
The original Battledroids manual from 1983
Fuck. Why has the art gotten so bad since then?
The players in my area love BT because it's a reprieve from the year round tournament scene in our province, and the sophistication yet flexibility of the rule set(a lot of us are either getting back in to it, or fleeing from nuhammer, or both in the case of one guy who's father purchased the original box on the 80s and taught him to play as a kid).
We're all printing off minis and/or buying CGL minis, and some of us eagerly await our mercenary kickstarter. I'm trying to find a heroscape-like hex tile set I can print off for our games because I feel that it'll help visualize the level related rules more easily(no more counting, just look and intuitively determine), and were all eager to try out vehicles and infantry, and we're even floating the idea of a simple campaign.

We were talking about giantess fetish in here like a week ago, and it lead to some interesting discourse. Asides from the fetish bait.
>heroscape-like hex tile set
Would Hextech be close enough? >>93226058 This look. It's not a full on tileset, but they do have hills that exactly match the official maps so you can do 3d versions of normal mapsheets.
My high school chemistry teacher taught us to make moonshine (so to not blind ourselves with methanol)
Kinda related but can anyone recommend good hex terrain to 3d print? I have heroscape tiles but not enough to actually play a game on. I like the idea of having 3d terrain to play on rather than just a mapsheet. The mapsheet is ok but it just feels really weird to me having come from other games where a bare table was anathema.
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Yeah, hextech is the stuff you want. https://thunderhead-studio.com/pages/hextech

They've got the physicals you've probably seen in stores, but also a bunch of STLs you can buy. Picrel is one of my hextech setups that's a 3d version of paper maps.
I was considering it, but I figured that if I was going to go thru the trouble of printing it all off, I'd want full modularity to get the most out of all pieces. I'm autistic like that. I've legit been planning a collection of necromunda terrain for like two years primarily because I keep slowly accruing files from across the net and secondly so I can sketch out a variety of independent wall pieces that can be modular aka a bunch of walls in certain shapes that can be placed down in any way to make infinite layouts.
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And they've also got stuff that doesn't worry about the official maps and you can plop down and play on.
Battletech Legends II that just came out
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You and I have opposite autism with regards to skirmish game terrain. I found these cool buildings and immediately started printing them without a plan, am getting into Frostgrave partly to have an excuse to use them.
Yeah, worse is that no one plays necromunda in my local, but hey the terrain can be used for 40k and Kill Team(until I convince people to get into Newcromunda with me. Man those rules and tOW are probably the only good warhammer rulesets left).
An interest in Warhammer Fantasy has resources as a few people come back out of the wood work, but no one has played any games of it yet, so maybe I should dust off my plans for Mordheim/Fantasy terrain as well. Most buildings would be generic houses with a few of them being "house on top of shop/industry" thing. Decidedly less autistic since there's less modularity to worry about. You plop a few buildings down and, boom, village. But this is off topic.

Love those, should get those from thunderhead, at least. Every Garrison needs bunkers and trenches and walls.
you just reminded me of how disappointing the mordheim PC game was.
It could've been great, but it's still buggy, undercooked, missing a lot of features and customisation that you'd want out of something that, on tabletop, was very customisable - and they abandoned it to make necromunda, I think on the same engine, leaving some paid DLC extra warbands but no fixes for the shit that needed fixes.
It has a distressing number of decently-painted portraits. What the fuck happened?
Don't worry, Necromunda has the exact same problems AND it fucks up a number of new things too.
Speaking of, though, how would a game of this scale work in Battletech? Space boarding actions?
>space boarding actions
as in humans boarding ships, or full on 'mechs boarding jumpships?
Humans, since the target scale is 5-15 men. Presumably PA(L) and battle armor units would play a similar role to elites and big guys/brutes in Necromunda.
Oh fuck man don't remind me, I bought both of those games and I only managed to put at most fifteen hours into each. It's just so sad because there's good basics there but just... Wildly mishandled, I guess. Luckily I wasn't stupid enough to buy the DLCs.

Probably best as general spec-ops and subterfuge bullshit. Real James Bond Kill Team kind of stuff.
>don't remind me
too late, but at least I'm not alone in having tried them and said "wow, this just... feels bad man"

there is a fair amount you could do, especially if you went on the older style of skirmish game, instead of the modern "hero shooter but tabletop" style, but skirmish game design is not really my wheelhouse at all. I over design and add flashy shit.
>why do you guys have suspiciously deep knowledge about moonshine...
I grew up in the sticks, joined the Navy, and got into BT that way. I also happen to have brewed in the past. Matter of fact, brewing, reloading, gunsmithing, knifemaking, and BT are all strong indicators of an autism spectrum disorder.

You're off-topic. Get out.

The Heroscape patent ran out, and people have been regularly putting up tilesets on 3DP sites. You can just go get files that are straight-up directly compatible with Heroscape now. That said, it's not super efficient. I did the math a while back and for even the most basic BT maps you need something like 225 hextiles. "Battletech" itself is more like 250, and stuff like Deep Canyon is basically out of the question.
There's also a plaster-cast hextile and fortress system from Hirstarts that's pretty good looking and quite cheap. You can use celluclay to lighten up the casts.
what objectively good mechs do you not use because of how it looks, fluff, etc?
Most mediums because they don't bring sufficient glory to the coordinator.
I hate anything that doesn't look humanoid and doesn't have hands. This limits my options pretty significantly.
I honestly fucking hate the Nightstar and Thunder Hawk. I got one in a bulk trade and immediately sold it. They just aren't interesting or fun to play with. I also dislike every Turkina mini. They're too bloated and the new one loses all the low-slung "King Crab Done Right" menace of the original art because of Shimmy's objectively shitty pelvis autism.
>Pelvis Autism
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He has decided that every bipedal mech must have a pelvis and a swiveling torso atop it. All of them. Without exception. This has dramatically changed the lines on quite a few mechs.
The 'no torso twist' quirk is gone, the art must reflect that.

Unless you are a quad, fuck quads I guess.
It's something of a requirement for being able to torso twist.
No torso twist isn't a quirk of quad mechs, it's an inherent design feature.
It does raise the issue of why quads have the legs attached directly to the torso instead of having the torso be sort of like a turret placed upon a lower torso that the legs actually attach to. It's something that becomes less justifiable once tripods come into existence.
Still saying this is you, eh?
>instead of having the torso be sort of like a turret placed upon a lower torso that the legs actually attach to
Some, like the Tarantula do (and it has an Extended Torso twist quirk, which gives it a normal torso twist range despite it being a quadmech)
Nigga its concept art from one of the *other* official artists that isn't shimfag
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>fuck quads I guess
It's because the Scorpion and the Goliath, from which all quads are descended, are built like that in the anime whence they came.

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