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Titan Riot edition

>previous thread

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn

Thread Question:
What was your first White Dwarf? Was it a good one?
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I'm all grog'd out. I'll never get to play with anyone unless it's over TTS. I wonder how many primaris marines I'll have to buy before I'm allowed to post in /40kg/ again.
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It’s easier if you just stop pretending to have ever played at all.
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Anyone know Cheap Proxies for Snotlings you can get in bulk? Any STLS maybe?
Your first Edition?
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226, the dark eldar warrior was my first model too. I was 5 years old at the time. Asked my dad to assemble it for me. I still have that model. Next christmas I got 3rd edition starter box. To me, 40k is always that late 2nd ed/early 3rd ed.
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1:72 or 20mm Goblins, like Dark Alliance? Maybe even 15mm
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I noticed something about the oldhammer 'movement'. It started out largely with the oldest grogs going back to RT and 3rd edition WHFB, but what solidified in actual coverage in blogs and youtube content and such was around 2nd edition 40k and the other middlehammer games.

I suspect there's a bunch of good reasons for that, not least that being where 40k and Fantasy really took off thanks to easy access starter sets, but also said systems just being massively easier to get into than the older ones. But even that brief wider release of the Rogue Trader book itself, or having that/WHFB 3rd and the realms of chaos books available at warhammer world doesn't seem to have done much of anything. Seems to be a collectors item at best, and 40k 2nd is where its at.
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Yeah that tracks, as you say it's the systems and the availability too, but mostly because that period is what a lot of people have nostalgia for.

90s corporate buyout GW were making millions of miniatures and had a shop in every town in the UK. There's clear advertisements, a corporate brand language etc.

In the grimier 80s GW had like a dozen shops, selling all kinds of stuff not just Citadel or wargames, advertisements in black and white and often with drawings instead of pictures, same vibe as like a 1920s medicine advert. It was weird and syncretic.
Personally I love that older aesthetic of the RT era. But if I had to choose a system to play, it'd be 2nd over RT because it's essentially 'fixed' RT. Or at least tidied up to a decent degree.
well ok it'd be Renegade Scout and blending in bits of both RT and 2nd and writing a lot of my own stuff.
In case the anon who asked for those 2nd ed wargear cards missed my post on last thread
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If you ever find yourself with a pile of those starter set Orks...
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Yes, it was great, it had the cover artwork as a large poster, I still have that.
It had Space Wolf Minis. It had a few great artworks by Mark Gibbons, still probably my favorite GW artist.
It had Space Hulk missions and a battle report with Orcs vs Space Wolfs.
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Like this?
oh wow, all the same photos of other people's minis and white dwarf issues.
Fuck off back to fourk
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Image also related, though more extreme alterations. And there's a heavy flamer one somewhere I just can't find.
I've been thinking about how to try and do conversions to make the plastic gretchin a bit less monotonous but fucking hell they're so lacking in any bits sticking out that can be worked with. You can change that gun end, and top side a bit, you can do things to the head/face/shoulders, and maybe tweak the face and stick stuff on the back. But the way the gun's held means there's a significant chunk of model you can't really do much about, and no means to re-pose it at all.
Reposting this from last thread. Can anyone help me find it?
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A morbus bombard is very modern, if it was in this thread maybe it was a griffon mortar?
I caught it although once the threat was over. Many thanks good Sir.
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Talking about White Dwarf

Look what I got today. Issues 250-290ish, kindly for free.

3rd edition 40k, Warmaster, Inquisitor 54mm, Mordheim. I'm gonna love reading these.

My first issue was 279, the Daemonhunters release issue you can see here. Another kid brought it into school because he thought the cover looked cool, and seeing all those metal Inquisitors, Daemonhosts and other weird dudes really set something off in me.
Nice haul. The side games around that era were really something given they all still have decent attention paid to them even now. Probably fair to call that era the last hurrah before it all went to (or perhaps even as it was going to) shit.
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Somebody mentioned KarnageKing's Imperial Stormtroopers in a thread before previous one. I searched for them, and I think they are quite awesome, so I'll post some pics here.
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Fuck man I need to get a 3D printer. These are awesome.
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Anyone have the summary page for the 3e Ork Codex? Better yet a pdf with it?
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There was an interview with Adrian Wood on Filmdeg recently. Highly recommend that channel, despite his audio issues he gets really good rambles out of the old crew. He brought up how the battle reports in white dwarf had to change how they were done after a person he chose not to name came up from retail to do one with him, and the workload was just way too much, plus the guy was just playing in a way completely different to how the usual crew did, pulling off all sorts of cheeky cheesy shit like wangling angles on line of sight so heavy weapons could basically pick their target rather than shoot the closest.

Anyway it's the white dwarf with the thread image on the cover, 180, where he fought Fred Reed. Fred Reed iirc has a bit of a rep from retail of being a dick, but then he did make his way up the management chain to at least area manager so...
I did meet him only once myself though, where he showed off some very nicely (he was a Golden Daemon winner after all) space marines he'd been painting. Not the Howling Griffons of fame, this was around 3rd edition era. But I just got a copy of WD 180, read it and realised it's gotta be that.

They definitely did get better at doing battle reports later on. Sure they were still stuck with the studio armies for a while and the limitations of those defined units there. I feel like they must have had more freedom with Epic Space Marine at least with more detachments and titan loadouts available to them to choose from when putting things together. Maybe that will come up in interviews with one of the old WD gang some time.
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The interview in question
Funnily enough, Fred Reed gave his version of events were he accused Adrian Wood of "cheating", in an interview with Johnny Watson Gaming


On the balance of things, Adrian is more likely to be right.

I remember when I was a GW regular back in 4th, we'd play with stuff that was basically house rules and not actually what was in the printed rulebook. For example terrain was "you can see stuff 6" in from the edge of the terrain" which was a 3rd edition rule IIRC.

So I imagine Fred's "GW Bristol version of 40k" wasn't quite what was in the rulebook.
Sick anon, glad to be of help. Now turn on antialiasing in your slicer settings :P
I dunno like, if your standard for cheesy is...using the basic mechanics of the game tactically then, yeah, I'm probably not going to take your assessment of an opponent very seriously. And both Area Terrain(what you played with) and "enemy can only remove casualties from models the enemy can shoot"(Fred's supposed "cheesy" behaviour) with rules in the 4th edition rulebook.

Sounds more like Adrian Wood got so used to playing the studio's basically-homebrew Gentlemen's Agreement 41,000 that he pissed his britches when confronted with someone playing the actual game.
*were rules in the 4th edition rulebook.
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>the main The Oldhammer Community group has banned "modern retro" sculpts being and is now purely miniatures up to 2000

Real backwards move from some really blinkered mods.

The group called simply "Oldhammer" is where it's at.
Did you know?

The German techno label Art of Perception released an official series of "The Sound of Warhammer 40,000" records in collaboration with GW?

This YouTube playlist contains some of the stuff released, apparently all inspired by 40k. Techno, Industrial, Downtempo stuff

Yeah they've long been like this. Fuck 'em.
It's only a recent change. I wouldn't mind but there's already "purist" groups out there.

Seems like the mods just want to fall prey to their own prejudices, instead of just being custodians of the main focal point of the Oldhammer movement. It's like before when you could post "retro" models that were 3D sculpted but cast in metal, but couldn't post "retro" models that were 3D sculpted and 3D printed. Figure that one out.
>What was your first White Dwarf? Was it a good one?
WD 107
The army list for Chaos Renegades was fucking awesome.
Also, the first ever battle report. For charity no less.
What were the white dwarf rules like back then then now?
Find it kind of funny, in my country for example we got 2nd way into 3rd to the point that both editions coexisted in our local store.
>Now turn on antialiasing in your slicer settings
Thanks, I guess, but those photos are not mine. I do not have a 3D-printer at all, I just loved those minis and decided to share.
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This sort of thing happens all the time these days, I remember a few years back the INQ28 group shat themselves and banned people from posting Space Marines. Well, they banned people who weren't part of their own instagram/white dwarf featured-clique, because *they* could apparently do Marines "properly" whereas us regular plebs were doing them...wrong? From what I can tell "properly" meant "convert them out of FW resin primarchs". This for one of the few Specialist Games to actually have a Space Marine in the core rules lol.

The internet only really worked when it was run by nerds, for nerds - now it's a normietopia everything will inevitably, in the end, resemble high school social dynamics because that's the most they're capable of.
Possibly. I remember that a Baneblade or Stormblade was on the same page, along with a Space Marine vehicle or two. It was four vehicles total, with each having its own corner in the image.
Welp, there goes my next few hours. Neat. Thanks anon.
Not him but my first ED was 2nd Edition but we played with loads of rules from RT just because we were young and didn't give a shit.
It was really, really fun. 90% unpainted minis, badly written rules, poor grasp of some rules but rule of cool was king and we had so much fun.
I had a goff ork army, a genestealer cult army and a chaos army. My friend was pure spesh marines. God bless the early 90s.

We also played Confrontation and then Necromunda.
The bar of entry to the internet got so low that normies and corporate interests have turned it into 99% shit.
I don't completely agree with this assessment, I think you're seeing two separate movements with some tangential overlap - the Oldhammer movement started over 15 years ago and was absolutely centered around 2e/3e WHFB with a smattering of RT (the core was always fantasy-focused.) That initial movement spawned an absolutely massive amount of content largely on blogs (because that was what was popular at the time) and gradually enthusiasm petered out starting in the mid-2010s, though some of those blogs are still going strong and the Oldhammer forums and facebook groups still see activity (again, focused on 3E and to a lesser extent RT).

What has happened in the past 5 years is that a younger crowd of people who grew up with 2E 40k have picked it up again (largely as a pandemic hobby) and started creating content on more modern platforms like Youtube - case in point, prices for 2E stuff 2nd-hand was completely reasonable as recently as 2019 while the RoC/RT-era stuff has been gouged to high heaven since the early 2010s.

You can tell this is just a generational thing because the new crowd's interests are completely flipped from the earlier group - they're much more interested in 40k than FB because they started playing in a period where 40k had completely eclipsed FB.

In the end it's all just nostalgia-baiting and you can fully anticipate an explosion of 40K 3E revivalism in 5 years or so, accompanied by the skyrocketing price of the old plastic DE warriors
>sacrificing an RT-era Bad Moon boss for a hat on a starter-set ork.
not bloody likely in 2024
I think we're starting to see 40k3e revivalism begin to sprout now. Nostalgia events are cropping up and establishing themselves(at least down here in Australia), 40k3e is starting to see battle reports and hobbyist content on youtube with some frequency(though it's still in its infancy), and facebook groups are beginning to emerge as well. We're in the dawn of it, and I'm keen to see how things will take shape in these next 5 years.
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3ecels, we won...
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Dumb isn't it, it fails to appreciate that Oldhammer isn't just old miniatures. If anything, Oldhammer in the flesh is a pastiche of those old times, not a recreation of them.

If you go to BOYL the tables have plenty of random stuff on them, newer miniatures, Toyhammer, that kind of thing, that now can't be posted on the main The Oldhammer Community because of some midwits who I'm not even sure are proactive community members, and yet they have the keys for the central hub.
BOYL was the first thing I thought of as well - quite funny that they've decided to create a schism that prevents large swathes of content from the biggest oldhammer event from being posted. Even the annual BOYL mini is now verboten under their rules.
In this day and age you can scan it, print the hat and do the kitbash without sacrificing a mini
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There are lots of Oldhammer minis I simply cannot get access to in my country because 40K was first properly introduced in 2nd Edition (Rogue Trader was here, but only the rules) without shelling some big bucks into the foreign collectors market. For fuck's sake, they're adopting GW's faggotry but instead of modern, official minis it's old, official ones.
Nah, I'll keep using my prints, my conversions and the bunch of Nuhammer minis I own because that's what my playgroup does. Fuck'em, We make our own fun, that's what this hobby is about anyways.
>Dumb isn't it, it fails to appreciate that Oldhammer isn't just old miniatures.
Fucking. This. It's frustrating because yeah, Oldhammer isn't antique collecting, it's all the shit about and around the games in that era/style.
Sure it might be a bit (a lot) broad to say it's more of a mindset than anything else but really, looking at BOYL it basically is more about trying to capture the way people used to play/think about these games than anything else, with the older style figures (and creations along those lines) and such just providing a helpful canvas to enable that.
The old figures set the tone but they're not the whole composition by any means. And those idiots have gone and overly focused, missing the forest for the trees.

Oh this has been happening for more than a couple of years already.
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leddit did similar. second edition monopose marines are middlehammer for them and are not allowed
I'm pretty sure heavy weapons could select targets at will during 2nd 40k anyway, regardless of closest target
Nope, but there are target priorities and you can choose to shoot certain targets if they're presented, such as you can ignore shooting models in close combat, or in cover in favour of ones in the open, or you can shoot large targets, monstrous creatures and vehicles instead of regular or small targets. Characters can shoot at whatever they want (unless they have a heavy weapon).
Special and Heavy weapons can target a different target to the rest of the squad (which must normally attack the same target), in order to let them pick out vehicles and stuff but still obeying the usual rules; still gotta shoot that lascannon at that empty Rhino that's up close before targeting the dangerous Dreadnought further back. That's where playing with the lines of sight angles comes in, if one can wiggle it so said example Rhino isn't in line of sight of the lascannon wielder, the Dreadnought is then the closest target.
Cant you make a leadership check to fire at whatever you want? Or am I confusing the Editions?
Dunno about 2nd but that's a thing in 4th
Anyone got a hi-res image of as many canon Space Marine chapters as possible?

Not one with Primaris muck on it, either mkX armour examples or the nu chapters that all have pastel colours and names like the Void Queers, just actual Space Marines like the Novamarines and Black Dragons
That's because they are middlehammer - not that there's anything wrong with that!
not that it matters because they are all great, but do you guys reckon there are more RT, 2nd, or 3rd ed players in this general?
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I came in during 3e and have most of my games in it. Only in the last couple off years have I played some 2e to try it out.
I love the RT/2e bright aesthetic and the looser nature of the fluff. I seperately like 3e for being this desolate, barbaric hellscape of industrialized meatgrinder warfare. Whatever happened to make 40k be the thing it is now (HH novels I guess) doesn't interest me.
No real 3e community so I just chill here a lot.
I'd reckon on more 2e guys with 3e being a very close second. RT is the originator, but it's a different beast to wrestle with with how it spread out and developed as I am finding out.
We're so fucking back, bros.
I have a pdf of Space marine collectors guide from 2002. It has something like 80 chapters shown at the start.
I'd say 2nd but its 3rd if we want to be pedantic- everyone who knows 2nd will also know 3rd
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Let's get a closer look at those Mantis Warriors
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People actively playing right now I'd actually bet on 3rd because there's been a serious move to try and get people on it (or well, 3.5) to escape from the absolute trashfire of 9th/10th going on for a while now, and it's seen results. Not just nostalgia based results like 2nd has largely, because you can open up a copy of 3rd edition and show current era players a complete, streamlined, functioning system, with all its army lists included and blow their fucking minds.

2nd is a lot more playable than 1st but for people getting into it/getting back into it it's still a wall of un-learning of how they know things work, because it's such a different style of game from later 40k editions, since it's still very individual based in its resolution of mechanics. Hell it's probably hard to transition even from shit like Necromunda and Killteam these days despite that being a lot closer in scale. So yeah they have that against trying to get people to play them. But those first two editions just capture imagination more in other ways, partly because they're so different. Their miniatures ranges also got over-written heavily during 3rd onward which also helps make them distinct. So they maintain more of a presence outside of games, where as 3rd I think has a lot less going on in the occupying brainspace department.
2E for me

I don't doubt there's an exodus from 9th/10th to the 3-5 era, but I think people ITT are more likely to have never touched 9/10.
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As you command, my lord
I started with 3rd but it didn't catch on as hard as specialist games like necromunda and blood bowl. My first touch was actually space crusade, which still is my favorite game of all time. I always like necromundas system a lot more so when I tried 2nd edition, I never looked back.
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>the mix of armour marks and monopose marines from the different editions

Love it so much

I'm going for similar but I'm more limited to the Tactical Marines as they were in 3rd (when the box only came with a Flamer and Missile Launcher and Bolt Pistol for the Sergeant) and earlier 1st and 2nd ed stuff.

Would be nice to like pick up a couple of modern plastic Mk3 and Mk4 Marines just to add some spice, might have to beg on the FB trading groups.
> Brother Sergeant?
> What is it, brother?
> How are we going to get down from here?
>I don't doubt there's an exodus from 9th/10th to the 3-5 era
To be fair the playerbase for current 40k is so large there could be an exodus and we could just not notice it if they didn't loudly announce it at every opportunity and start drama about it.
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Years ago I used to be pleased to see a 40k exodus taking place. It meant a chance to scoop some players up for my pet games. Now I understand what a poisoned chalice that is, they're not really wargamers, they're just warhammer players and they will go running back with open arms as soon as they calm down or see the next release on pre-order. Every time I see a wave of them screeching across the airwaves I hope and pray they ignore my dead games of choice. Pic related, sad marine pointing the exodus crowd off to some other game to shit up for a month.
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>That Solohammer channel I'm subbed to that popped up a few months ago
>Bring & Battle's most recent 40k vid is 3rd Edition
>Just yesterday a new guy in the VASSAL 40k server asked which version is best for 3rd
You might be onto something
This is the correct answer.
They'll just teleport back to their teleport homer, no problem.
Where should I look?
Painted up some harlies and I am officially down to clown for some games over the weekend.

I know I suck at taking photos of minis please do not make fun of me for it
He's a retard. You can only take a dreadnought and landspeeder if you have a Techmarine character.
Also that converted landspeeder with assault cannon and multimelta seems little too much.
It's a bit hard to tell, but from the classic photo of Reed's full army it looks like he didn't own any Techmarines at all.

Which is pretty hilarious as it means NONE of those vehicles could be legally used in a game.
I also noticed that one dreadnought on bike base, damn how did it ever stay upright. Didn't this army get ruined by gw employee just swiping them into a single box for transportation?
I think that's a WFB chariot base rather than a bike base, which is 50mm wide so would probably be ok for a dread.

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