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>glorifyed 5e hack
>funded in one minute
>2.2 million dollars
>endorsed by every single D&D slop youtuber
is it fucking over for this hobby?
>new game released
>new game
>is it fucking over for this hobby?
You seem to not know what 'over' means. Please leave.
Kickstarter games exist more or less entirely to feed on hype. Typically, the people who back these games will be very excited when they get their books, but decide to finish up the game that they’re currently playing first. By the time that happens, the novelty has worn off and they forget that they ever backed something at all.
Tell me why I should be mad about this
pretty dumb thing to get mad about that kind of shows how new to the hobby you are. do you seethe at all the "basically a 3rd edition hack!" D20 systems from the 2000s? Where's all the shit flinging and vitriol over Mutants & Masterminds?
Looks like dogshit, I won't be playing
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>new evolution
>action points economy
They need a better name, people remember
>Dungeons and Dragons
Instantly iconic name that gets the reader interested, if I saw
I thought it would be an industrial part or the name of a defunk aircraft. Embarassing
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>glorifyed 3.5e hack
>funded in one minute
>3000 USD (2.2 million 2024 dollars)
>endorsed by every single D&D slop forumposter
is it fucking over for this hobby?
Why would that mean the hobby is over?
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This is a very apt description. I personally know a Kickstarter addict. He's funded hundreds of ttrpg things over the years frome dice, playmats and books to miniatures, custom tables and music. He's probably been ripped off alot due to failed Kickstarters and extremely poor finished projects but he keeps doing it. He also hasn't played dnd in 8 years.
It's actually a 5efag who responded to a post I made, you insipid faggot.
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I give WOTC a lot of crap for their art but that is fookin slop m8
Jesus, that garbage face is just awful. Who watches this crap?

For many people consumption has replaced actual roleplaying, as with many other hobbies and activities. You can't change human nature.
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>literally mfw I play the world's greatest roleplaying game
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Ya’ll want to play this and you know it.

>I-It’s not like I want to play your fantasyslop game Dungeon Coach-kun! I-It’s just another heartbreaker that won’t sell! B-Baka…
5efags in other threads constantly cry about how people should just talk about the games they play and that they want to play, and here they're crying about this system getting acknowledgement, so they must secretly want to play it.
Unless, of course, there's an ulterior motive for telling people not to say bad things about D&D 5e specifically, and they just want to hide how disingenuous they are.
>endorsed by every single D&D slop youtuber
well, you pay them to talk about your product, so... what do you expect?
Okay, but what’s wrong with it?
I think people on this board don't like 5E. Or any of it's variants and homebrews. Or D&D. or TTRPGs. Or anything on this board.
Not OP but yes I did that quite often from 2003 to 2008, and I slagged off M&M to a friend four days ago. There's timestamps.
I will despise d20 Modern until the day I die.
People playing and enjoy tabletop games and not throwing a retarded hissy fit hurts his nogames feelings.
I'm not interested in DC20 but what I don't understand is how this particular project has generated that much money. That guy is fucking insufferable.
>regain when your turn ends
shouldn't you regain them when the turn begins? That way you're encouraged to save a little something for just in case

or would that be a little too much like how MtG used to work? (only allowed to tap land on your turn, forcing you to prepare in advance for any instants to be played on your opponent's turn and mana burn punishing you for overdrawing)
>is it fucking over for this hobby?
Unless you are actively shilling games you enjoy, teaching players how to play games you like, and overall being an active member of the hobby in your community of choice (offline or online), then you have no right to bitch about the state of the hobby. If the chucklefuck in >>93227891 can muster the time and energy to shill a game he enjoys while your ass passively bitches, then by all rights he gets to dictate the state of the hobby.

>They need a better name
both this one and that one other gay 5e hack (some mdmm rpg or whatever that was just based on the name of the author) have such soulless names that it feels not even their creators care about them all that much
I think the idea is that refreshing on turn end encourages players to use their reactions when they feel, and then perform actions during their turn.
>Jesus, that garbage face is just awful. Who watches this crap?
It's youtube meta, its retarded but it actually works in bringing in views because of how youtube's algorithm functions
Any shilling for anything that isn't D&D is dismissed and outspoken, though.
How are people not instantly put off by such an ugly and punchable person?
It doesn't help that our resident 5efags will also brigade against any fantasy TTRPG that isn't D&D 5e, and shit up any conversation about it.
You know, because 5e players only ever talk about what they play and enjoy.
>teaching players how to play games you like , and overall being an active member of the hobby in your community of choice
I'd do this but people don't want to learn
They are
The dead game thread made me wonder what proportion of kickstarter miniature games are dead. Given how hard it is to find games of even large series, the only answer I can think of is "all of them".
As a mini painter, I can certainly understand buying minis just for the hell of it, but there's something strange about needing a game attached so you can imagine you'll play it some day.
FPBP, OP confirmed a nogames faggot.
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No one will remember this game after a year once nu-D&D drops.
It's basically a guarantee.
Pathfinder had a strong start because of the 4e outrage so they re-sold an improved version of D&D 3.5e, but a lot of normies are actually excited for nu-D&D so the outrage is mostly grogs (like me) who already don't play D&D.
I'm not going to be too surprised if support for DC 20 withers out way quicker than expected, very few to almost no splat books get produced, and the post Kickstarter hype dies down once people actually receive copies of the book.
This game really tries hard to frame itself as the D&D Killer but I'm not going to be surprised if it's hardly remembered after about two years once the hype completely burns out.
>he thinks anyone is going to play money d&d
Lol, I can't wait until troons are spamming us saying it's the most popular version ever even though nobody's playing it just like 4
I'm definitely grabbing the core booksfor 5.5 when they drop. love me some D&D
I can't get that mad at a guy trying to make something "new and improved" even if I think he's done a pretty generically bad job at it. But also the marketting seems to strange to me with what they focus on - every single thing I see on it mentions "Four Action Points!!!!" as like the first thing that makes it special - why is that the thing they thought was the most engaging?
From what I could gather. Taking a reaction costs a point, and you can build yourself in a way where you mostly do reaction stuff. So it's more you get 4 action points per round, rather than per turn.
Your mind is infected. It's over for you.
It's taking the PF2e thing, and adding a little bit more. But I think he sorta missed the point of why stuff like drawing weapons, opening/closing doors and interacting with stuff cost actions in that system. In this one, there's also a 'free action' you can use to do all that stuff once, and then use a point to do more of.

And you can split your movement up. Which if he intends to make monsters actually dangerous, is not gonna feel great using this method. Dragon spends 1 point, but has a fuck-off speed. Kills 2-3 of your party cause it can just zip between them. That's the kinda stuff I expect to see.
>why is that the thing they thought was the most engaging?
At a guess, the fact that it's what most people who praise PF2 talk about. So they're trying to snag people from both pools.
D&D will only die after it stops being the default TTRPG. Have a conversation about any non-D&D game with anyone outside the hobby it always goes like this.
>What are you doing Friday?
>I'm playing a TTRPG called Delta Green
>It's like D&D but in a modern horror setting instead of fantasy
Most people don't care about Hasbro and the SRD. Most people don't care about the different details of the different systems. For most people, "TTRPGs" don't exist, there is only D&D.
boys, I smell fresh copypasta

My wife's boyfriend bought me the new DND module!!! Is it okay with your wife's boyfriend if I come over so we can read it together? We can have a slumber party and eat some heckin' cromulent snacks with that hot sauce you found on r/SauceSwingers when your wife met Mark!
It's just slang. Get with the times grandpa.
WTF Is This Shit!?
Not really following it, but someone complained that it massively cuts down on HP and damage scaling to where it's lower than Fire Emblem. Despite, you know, everyone complaining about number inflation since 3e?
Is there some kind of requirement or algorithm boost to have the little photo of yourself in the video
Literally yes. Same with font, colors, facial expression, the words used and literally everything else I can't be arsed to list.
Personally, I don't think your product is to be trusted if it spawn out of hatred but you still want to be the thing you hate. They're trying a bit too hard to look like DnD down to the logo.
your reactions cost you points from your next turn. if you dodge or some shit you will have only 3 ap on your next turn.
i say this and i wish i looked like this
underrated post
there's some psychology whatever rule about people reacting better to ads when there's a human face, preferably a smiling one.
and having some random other person would be weird
>omg! people doing things I don't like! Better make a thread on the old teegee! It's so over...
You are under no obligation to care about that kickstarter. Just play a game.
I was literally here, on /tg/, complaining about d20 game spam when it was still a thing. It was shit.
Most people in the hobby are very used to seeing ugly persons, specially in the mirror.
Unironically yes.
It's baffling, but statistically, people are more likely to click on videos where there's a soiface in the thumbnail.
They're also more likely to like comment and subscribe if the youtuber reminds them to do so.
And while I'm not sure if there's statistics on this, I'm pretty sure they're less likely to buy a product if an ad for it plays before a video that's even remotely offensive. Because why else would advertisers be so desperate to demonetize that content?
>do you seethe at all the "basically a 3rd edition hack!" D20 systems from the 2000s
I did
they're directly responsible for the atrocity that was 4e.
Yes, unironically.
The hobby has been dead since 3.5 ended, yes.
It's not 5e, so 5e fags will shit on it on principle, and it's too much like 5e so anti-5e fags will shit on it on principle, and I don't play games so I will shit on it for fun.
>AP maximum is 4
>Proceed to say "up to the creature's max AP" instead of "4" every time to fill pages
>>endorsed by every single D&D slop youtuber

It's your choice to watch these people...I had no idea what it was
bro it's fucking obvious that spells like haste and other stuff like that will increase your max AP. Come on now.
My own system uses 3 ap per round, but you can "save" ap up to a maximum of 5.
You can also spend "stress points" which are like the non-lethal damage track to gain more ap in a round.
Also actions and maneuvers have different AP costs (2 and 1)
video game shit, they're just copying from those shitty boomer fallout games.
Can say this about most indie games/hacks/whatever

MCDM RPG? Shadowdark?

D&D is what it is because of the brand.
>turn channel into kickstarter ad channel
>catch cancer
How does one become such a big NPC that these things work?
>Lots of people enjoy something I don't
>Woe is me the whole hobby is doomed!
You're such a special little snowflake, anon.
hahaha what the fuck is this shit it looks like a parody
I don't like it.
If I wanted a 5e alternative I'd go with tales of the valiant, probably.
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>catch cancer
Interestingly, the only thing that does it (AFAICT) in the currently available rules is one of the potential wild magic effects.
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>this dogshit made 2 million dollars due to networking bullshit and astroturfing
>my heartbreaker I spent 10 years working on to have an actual niche in TTRPGs that I think a lot of people would want in a game, will be lucky to see 5 sales on DriveThru
>to have an actual niche in TTRPGs that I think a lot of people would want in a game
Clearly, that niche doesn't actually exist and you know it
I think it does.
I think people would like a game that has character building options that aren't solved in 15 seconds on the internet.
And domain rules that are actually good.
And actual "tactical combat."
I know everyone says this about their homebrew but I've been working on it for years and arguing in many forums about game design.
I won't pretend to be a genius but I've looked at a LOT of anon homebrews and things I didn't like about them I avoided in my own game.
It sure is a lot more original than this 5e hack shit.
Literally cancerous clickbait
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E celebs are cancer. Becoming an e celebs is the easiest way to make money off the hobby now. Not creating anything good, because these people don't actually want to play DnD, they want to participate in a group drama and roll dice every so often. The new wave of gamers have forced so much liberal sòy shit on all of us it's unbelievable, brainwashing everyone into believing that DnD is a "collaborative storytelling game" or that you need a "session zero" or "character arcs" or other Jew bullshit pushing by SJWs and Forge-ites who got sick of no one playing their shitty indie storygames so they decided to unleash a decade-lomg mass shilling campaign to warp TTRPGs into what he wanted them to be. And if you complain about it, you get told that DnD was garbage anyway, and you have no right to complain. These two faced twats are half the problem, but the faggots on this board are the other half, for not harassing the normonigger hordes out of the hobby while they had the chance.
I haven't seen a single human being excited for d&dogshit 2024. I steered.my group away from shitty 5e a long time ago and there is a 0% chance we ever play any shitwashers of the shoreline "games" ever again.
He probably had it way longer. The kickstarter shilling is probably his attempt to scrounge up money while he's still able to.
Post it
No, because then it becomes a gamble. If you don't have anything to use your reaction on you threw away those action points for nothing.
Too bad it became an ad channel. He has the right opinions about how ttrpgs should be played and I would probably have a lot of fun playing at his table.
The hobby is alive and well with many games worth playing. Even D&D is no worse than it already was because the good thing about having hit the bottom long ago is that there really isn't any further to sink.
>"tactical" combat
Wow cool anon you remade pathfinder 2e
Because that's what we're lacking now, another slow as fuck tactical skirmish game
>the only tactical combat he can think of is pf2e
holy shit dude go play games that aren't D&D adjacent. I have nothing against D&D but if the only think that comes to your head when you think of "tactical RPG combat" is fucking pf2e you're fucked.
its the #2 game right now you sperg, of course thats the go to
nobody gives a shit about shadowrun or mythras. Theyre also in distinctly different genres
>6 minutes of a retard crying about reddit using an AI voice instead of actually reviewing the freely available preview rules.
I dunno about mad, but I'm disinterested because it's 5e-based, and 5e's design alternates between boring me and infuriating me, and I sincerely doubt he fixed *enough* for me to enjoy it. I also don't have faith in the writing quality of the guy who made it, based on his past stuff.

I like GURPS and RM4e and D&D 3e and Classic Unisystem and The Dark Eye.
I kindof like Shadowrun 4e and 5e and Dark Ages Vampire (Revised or V20).
Hârn and Ars Magica and HERO are on my bucket list.
Some of us are just picky.

M&M was a terrible game. 2/10 would not play again.

I've seen a couple of his videos. I find him highly obnoxious and his homebrew half-baked. I don't get the appeal.

100%. Can't stand "Professor Dungeon Master" either. Obnoxious Youtuber makes bank, I guess.
You need to do it on YouTube and be extra hyped. Study what gets views and then do it based on that.

I know nothing at all about OP but I hate the Fortnite artstyle used on the cover, and that by itself makes me despise this game and everything related to it.
I won't but I understand your point and I concede that I cannot prove the quality of what I created. But let's be honest, if you've browsed /tg/ homebrew threads, at least 60% of what fa/tg/uys have created on their own, is better than this DC20 slop. It's all marketing.

No, Pathfinder 2e sucks and turns stupid shit like using your shield into an action that you have to track whether your shield is raised or not. My game will not be "slow as fuck" either and I've also put huge effort into removing bookkeeping from the game as much as I can. It's almost like a mix of 3e D&D and Savage Worlds in terms of how I set up the combat, where there are lots of options, and you can have a huge battle where you don't need to track health for most of the minor combatants (but no 1 hp minions like from 4e, cause i didn't like every hit guaranteeing a kill) but you still can have a meaty battle with a damage sponge final boss if you want to.

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