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I literally cannot read this book for longer than a minute or two in bursts. Anyone have any tips or trick for better learning the rules to a game besides reading them?

I don't game, I just paint, so I'm trying to learn rules to play 4th ed, but reading specifically a big book of rules feels like a fucking joke. Should I take notes like it's a textbook?

Need your help folks because I have to learn how to play this from memory in literally just a few days time. How can I actually sit down and take an IGo-YouGo game seriously when it's basically a big coin flip? Asking in earnest because I need to be positive about playing this.
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Any recommendations? There are not many dry, barebones videos about rules. They always spice them up with jokes and skits and commentary.
Realize that a good amount of the text is in many ways superfluous to basic game play. If the Movement section is eight pages, one of those at most is the essentials and the rest is detailing edge cases and covering loopholes. You can usually get everything you need to understand what you're supposed to be doing and how by skimming the first page or the first paragraph of a subsection.
Start by holding it the right way around and opening it? I mean what actual problem have you encountered when you (presumably) tried the obvious step of staring at the words in sequence?
GW rule books are autistically dense writing because the retards who write then have to spell out to the letter how a rule should play out. Largely this is because they take their insight from compfags who will abuse any possible ambiguity in a rule to its maximum.
Either cut your Adderall dosage in half or double it.
Play them. If you don't have an opponent then play by yourself
>Get the barebones idea of how a turn works
>Set down a unit, that's a target
>take a model or unit that you like
>move them, have them attack the target in different ways, use any special rules they might have
>any time you don't know the rule for what you wanna do, check the rulebook
Lmao fuck off your faggot influencer. If AoS is too complicated for you there is a good chance you are mentally retarded
> just use drugs
Damn zoom zooms are pathetic. Truly a failed generation
I'm not sure you have a lot of room to call people pathetic
>How can I actually sit down and take an IGo-YouGo game seriously when it's basically a big coin flip?
It's only possible to take IGOUGO shlock seriously if you're intellectually impaired. The best way to have a positive attitude towards it is by coming to terms with the fact that the gameplay itself is of secondary importance to the spectacle of seeing two fully-painted forces battling it out on the table.
This. Put down models or proxies, try to play a turn, look it up as you go.
The joke is that since zoomers have trouble focusing on reading, it is assumed they're taking too many drugs or not enough.
I know I didn't make that very clear, though, so I'm not surprised it got turned around on me.
AoS barely even has any rules. You can read the whole core rules in 15 minutes max.

No idea how you'd have coped with WFB or pre-8th 40k editions.
>It's only possible to take IGOUGO shlock seriously if you're intellectually impaired
OP seems to be illiterate so I think we can safely assume he's intellectually impaired.
lmao. retard.
try turning it the right side up, it's sideways right now
GW books are a fucking nightmare. They're laid out in a shit way, the text is needlessly autistic and there's always bits missing or put away in a retarded corner that makes no sense.
Just make the rules up as you go along, and if there's ever a chance something is ambiguous, just roll a dice. On a 4+ it goes your way, one 1-3 it doesn't. I guarantee just by doing that, you're somewhere close
I have ADHD, so reading is like a real struggle for me. Nethertheless, I have read a large amount of different rulebooks (somewhere in the 30 to 40 range) and ran most of them for my players in at least a oneshot too.
The trick is to filter information.
Find out what is necessary to read and what is optional.
Character creation is important to read, but you don't need to reall all the character options.
Game rules are important, but most importantly read the core rules (as in, how to make rolls and when to make them), as well as combat rules.
Lore is optional if you know the setting, if not read the lore bit by bit. There is no need to read all the lore most of the time, only the basics will surfice most of the time.
with that, you have broken most 400+ Page tomes into like chunks of about 40 to 100 pages. That is much more manageable.
Read in short bursts of like 10 to 20 pages, and it will be fine.
Read it out loud. Record it on your phone. Listen to the recording.

You should digital detox and try to get your attention span/mind back to human levels. Its also worth trying to read old editions because the rulebooks are way more straight forward and without bloat. The basic rules haven’t changed much.

Most people can’t learn from rules like this so you’re in good company. Almost everyone learns by playing and the rulebook is for reference. Just be honest with the other player and let them teach you.

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