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What is the most disgusting character you ever played?

Mine was a creature called a Splut. It was a homebrew race made by my DM. They were based on Smurfs, but absolutely wicked and perverse like Gremlins. Mine died 10 minutes into the game. He literally got dicksploded by an ogre that raped him. Apparently the ogre forgot to wrap him in duct tape.
I got kicked out of my group because I do not brush my teeth. They complained about the smell a few times, then they just denied me coming back for the next session.
That isn't what OP asked, troglodyte.
I played a smelly alcoholic murderhobo in what I think became an ERP game (at least it sure seemed like that's what my guy's presence was preventing) after I got kicked out
OMG so quirky and funny xd
Human Wizard Enchanter. Was enrolled into some wizardry academy where he enchanted and raped a schoolgirl. Packed his bags after that and started adventuring.
Up to this day, he is obsessed with hoarding spell scrolls, deems others as expendable or valuable as long as they are useful, not a minute more, is vain as fuck and has hard time restraining himself from occasional rape.

He guessess all of the above will no longer be a problem, when he reaches a level of Archmage.
I played an elf once.
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Please don't spam the same thread over and over.
why didn't you just brush your teeth?
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He didn't get enough content for his ai voice youtube channel/tik tok so he has to spam the topic. This is a content farming thread, dont give this leech anything.
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Dicks&Dikes shit detected.

Either way tell us more OP.
>Smurfs, but absolutely wicked and perverse like Gremlins.
What where the kinks of your Splut?
> Mine died 10 minutes into the game
This tells us nothing why your character was disgusting.

>What is the most disgusting character you ever played?
Ever played world of shattered darkness?

Not being a complete monsters is not an option it is literally force by the world itself.
In a world where the goddess of law literally corrupted herself and killed all the other gods magic exists however magic and corruption are linked on a fundamental level, The more you use it the more corrupt you become.

Playing the lets say SFW edition of world of shattered darkness you can start out as evil or good however the more souls you harvest the more powerful you become however every soul has corruption in it, corruption that corrupts you, coruption that can never be removed.

The typical top path is:
>Start good(or evil)
>Try to power game and start harvesting souls
Corruption increases
>Now suddenly you are very into killing and murder
Corruption increases
>Now you have a iron hard erection every time you murder someone
Corruption increases
>Now you literally jerk yourself of when thinking about slaughtering the innocent.
Corruption increases
>Literally the only way you can get a erection is by torturing and murdering children.
Corruption increases
Corruption increases
Corruption increases
>Now your only goal in life is to literally find a mother with small children. Brutally rape her and torture her until she is a fucked up version of herself and then get her to torture and eat her own children.

You are welcome.
This is the SFW version.
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Also you can end up as the 1% bottom corrupted freak when you real epic levels of corruption. Where you decide that you want to be tortured and have your soul devoured by some mage.

Because SPOILER warning eating corrupted souls corrupts the one eating them MORE. So simple plan.
>Find yourself any mage who is willing or wants to devour your soul.
>Get him to devour it
>If it takes years since he is so corrupted that he wants to torture you for a long time before killing you... that simply sexy sexy foreplay.
>He devours your soul
>He gets unbelievably corrupted
>His new goal in life it to build rape torture factories who exist to harm infants to be tortured and grinded into dog food.
>3.5ish game.
>Homebrew Character class based off of Tahm Kench.
>Sleezy Fence/"Salesman" character.
>Human w/ Grippli (frog person) ancestry somehow.
>Class included elongating tongue as a means of grappling stuff.
>Grippli racial feature to elongate tongue further for practical, non-combat purposes.
>Generally covered in a gili-suit looking bunch of natural garbage. Halfway to Groucho of Sesame Street.

>Party got into a fight with a troll.
>No fire damage to put its regeneration.
>But we'd hit a natural water spring recently.
>In keeping with the Kench inspiration, have internalized Bag of Holding that scales up with level.
>We beat the troll down to 0hp, "Helpless" but will be back up on its turn.
>Rush up, force its mouth open, vomit 200 cubic feet of fresh water into its mouth.
>Lock it into a drowning loop.
>The Day is Saved by my being a creepy little cretin with weird powers.
The most disgusting character he ever played was himself.

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