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Why do humans find it easier to get along with dwarves than elves?
Cuz elves are cunts
Wishful thinking from spergs who think that even worse versions of them would be cool bros with them instead of being completely insufferable .
Because hack writers make elves insufferable.
Did they finally start to delete your shit on /v/ or why are you here?
Because Peter Jackson only got the rights to adapt the third age and not the first.
I'll fuck an elf in her cunt, if you know what I mean.
Who's easier to hang out with
>drinking buddy who makes funny swords and crafts
>stuck up elitist who will let you know you are drinking their 100 year old wine wrong
Dwarves talk shop

Elves talk history.

Everyone's going to find one of those insufferable.
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It depends on culture and geographical location.
For example, in Lord of the Rings the men of Dale(and Dunland) were great friends of the dwarves, while the Edain were friends and vassals of the Eldar.
Even the orcs, the Dunlendings always seemed to have very close ties with them being the one group that actually supported them in their struggles with Gondorians and later Rohirrim stealing their land. Other men, like the Numenoreans that settled in Middle-Earth, had closer ties with the middle men they lived with such as the Haradrim or men of Rhovanion.
It's kinds reductive to apply blanket statements to whole groups.
Dwarves nor elves are real, anon.
Elves are fags.
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I've seen this 5000 times this week already, shut the fuck up
Because humans also like to dig holes
I would like to insert my "penis" into her "vagina" and do a thrusting motion with my pelvis until we achieve "orgasm".
Because the media you choose to take in does it this way.
If only there was a form of entertainment that you could customize completely to your preference, with a very low barrier to entry in terms of interactive media, then you could have humans get along better with elves in that thing you made for yourself.
Alas, such a thing doesn't seem to exist, though.
Why do I get the feeling that you're somehow upset?
to the contrary, elves are usually portrayed as mankind's best allies. They are, after all, humans but better.

Meanwhile dwarves were Tolkien's hat-tip to jews, except he gave them positive traits to redeem them. Most fiction, like Warcraft's, has instead portrayed dwarves as scottish-accented hard-drinking tough guys. Very not jewish.
The current state of /tg/ bothers me quite a bit, actually.
We went from having a board full of people who could create and think for themselves, and now we have a bunch of shitheads who just spam inane questions why this or that media does or doesn't do this or that thing, instead of just doing the thing they want, in the hobby built on a foundation of doing what you want.
It fucking sucks, and ironically enough, making the threads I want to see and participating in the rare thread where OP isn't either intellectually-bankrupt or an outright posting bot doesn't actually fix the issue.
>until we achieve "orgasm"
>Implying Dwarves aren't going to be doing the same thing as your strawman elf option
Hack writers make both Dwarves and Elves insufferable in ways that mirror one another. No one wants to hang out with a loud ass drunk with anger issues that will proclaim themselves your entire lineage's mortal enemy if you piss them off even once. While at the same time, the elves are being written as prissy, stuck up vegans because that's all the writer has ever read in their lives
>hey, I heard there's a hole
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>live underground
>love drinking
>love celebrating
>love making really good weapons and armor
>love to trade
>live above ground
>love drinking
>love celebrations
>love really good weapons and armor
>Can be traders
gee I fucking wonder why humans would get along with a race with everything to gain...
humans even have saying that "every hole is a goal"
Since when?
Industry standards don't count. Mythologically speaking, dwarfs and elves were both fairies.
Aren't Dwarves incredibly petty and prone to fits of megalomania?
is this a bumpfag thread or an edna thread
In what areas or subject matter would elves and dwarves get along but humans would not get along with either?
Humans want to expand in old races' lands, the others tell them to fuck off, as a generic casus belli to bring tension between them. But apart from that, most (if not all) of the things >>93230852 mentions can be also applied to elves.
No, but skeletons are incredibly punny and prone to fits of Megalovania.
Let me guess, you never posted this on the subject of combat wheelchairs
The subject of combat wheelchairs is a mere branch from the roots of a deeper problem with media as a whole.
The lack of combat wheelchairs was important enough for a set of houserules to be made into official content and to have both pre-emptive and reactionary damage control to call any critics villains and heartless bastards.
It is spineless, fatherless behavior that should never be defended, and should never be rewarded.
Dwarves not liking elves not liking humans not liking dwarves not liking orcs not liking elves isn't exactly comparable.
NTA but I'm sitting in a wheelchair as we speak and the last fucking thing I want is for it to be "represented" in my fantasy.
People tend to sympathize with one or the other depending on what they value. It's not as simple as it seems, though, because the races represent something different to each person.

I.E. I see Dwarves as obsessive busybodies who cannot bare to sit still or see others sit still, and Elves simply do not care about anything that isn't Elvish. The idea of an elf seething over anything the other races do short of killing or robbing Elves simply doesn't click for me. It'd be like if I cared what a bunch of Bantus from Sierra Leone think about Genshin Impact.
Yes, this is such a common sentiment too, but the people who need unanimous support of the combat wheelchair expansion ignore this and pretend they're supreme paragons of diverse representation.
GURPS Wheelchairs
It's not. None of that shit connects to each other, you just desperately wish it did.

Okay, but that's clearly not a universal opinion, or the market wouldn't exist. Don't use it. Use that vaunted free will and creativity that ITA pretends he believes in.

Both of you are such tiresome whiners. Speaking of chatbots, it wouldn't even take a whole hour to script up one that perfectly replicates your entire posting history because it's all just that boilerplate. Virtue signalling if the virtue was being a defeated bitch.
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>troll sexual dimorphism
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Because the dust monkeys are naturally attracted to other subelven creatures. Humans just being around an elf minding their business feel inferior and jealous.
>or the market wouldn't exist.
Just because a company is pushing a product doesn't mean there is a market for it. It's not a politics thing it's just how marketing doesn't reflect reality, it's a bluff.
The tv channel The CW was literally never profitable and we could have easily never found out.
When Bionicle came out, it and Star Wars were the only product lines from Lego that were actually profitable, they carried the company on their back.
Never assume companies are behaving rationally.
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I mean, when you're a demigods, people, especially humans, tend to feel lesser.
Hey, I just want to see what other people's thoughts are about things.

I do what I want regardless of whether I asked the question and I feel the vast majority of what I do wouldn't be able to generate any discussion but there's always a few things I want to talk about. That's what the board is for, talking about things. If I wanted to talk about a specific game or a specific part of said game I'd go to the general or make a thread if there isn't one. Anything else gets a more open ended thread.
>I just want to see what other people's thoughts are about things.
I don't.
then you are an aberration
I don't get it
You are just shilling some shitty comic.
Most elf threads are dishonest garbage.
Too much sexual tension with the elves, same reason why I have no trouble talking to old ladies but women my age are difficult
I saw him shilling this comic in /v/. It's a weird kind of cancer, and so obvious because the comic is so low in quality or even just meme potential.
what did this anon mean by that?
You have missed the point entirely; the point of the post you responded to, and of the board itself.
"duh board iz 4 talking abot tings" isn't a reason to put up the most inane shit on a daily basis, sorry.
You're an attention whore, and you can't see the problem with that, and you're also unable to see the problem with your idea that a broad question addressed to fantasy can apply to all works of fantasy.
But then, the other retards I've brought this sort of thing up to could never see the issue either, so maybe it isn't all that easy to understand.
>screeching about ablism in tabletop games doesn't come from the same kind of brain damage as screeching about ablism in movies
If you can't bother to know how to spell the thing you think is a vast conspiracy against you, you're not going to find many people taking you seriously. Just like when you put up a pretense about how the only thing that matters is what the players decide at their table and then sperg about pictures you don't like in gamebooks.
Your point relies on combat wheelchairs not having their damage control campaign that treats all dissenters like heartless villains.
News flash: there was damage control when it came out, and even to this day, there's damage control for it.
Whether your orcs like elves or your humans like dwarves or whatever, is not a comparable issue whatsoever, but keep ignoring that.
Sucks to be you LMAO
And you're being gangstalked by facebook activists, right?
elvish hands typed this post.
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quit using your fancy words to dodge the question! we want answers! AND WE WANT THEM NOW!
DnD-like games rely strongly on the archetypes shared throughout our cultural space. Hell, classes are attempts to formalize these archetypes.

And while you may intentionally choose to play them straight, ignore them or try to subvert them, you aren't going to be able to avoid those cultural preconceptions. (And poorly done subversions of classical archetypes are rightly mocked.)

Unless you come up with the entirely new setting, where our cultural memes are not applicable. But that requires way too much work for average person - GM and players both, with questionable payoff.

Or in the other words: We live in society.
Depends on whether I want to have sex with the elitist.
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>easier to get along with dwarves than elves?

i mean im just gonna say it, you see a lot more half elves than you do half dwarfs
You actually see more half Hobbits, but they're just human since hobbits are also human.
Grudges are the manifestation of the deathly sin of pride.
where have I been?
In a hole I suppose.
dwarves are inferior to men, therefore men do not feel threatened by dwarves.
but elves are superior to men. they feel inadequate, so must cling to their inferior partner for comfort.
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I told you before, I tell you again, the only reason the combat wheelchair got noticed or made official was because the suits saw people talking about them.
Dwarves drink wine?
Bullshit but I steal it.
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You just had to do it, didn't you?
The only settings that have half dwarves, to my knowledge, are Dark Sun (currently verbotten for being deeply problematic!), and Dragonlance. Although with Dragonlance I may be confused on the lore.
I can't wait to cut this bitch's head off in TES6. Just kidding, there won't be a TES 6.
Yes, and I'm not sorry.
I hate this dogshit meme hentai garbage with a passion. If you're an elf and lost your virginity at 20 you got fucked by a pedophile, cuz 20 is the equivalent of a toddler in elf years. Hack nips stick to the same 20 shitty tropes and just dress it up on whatever shitty generic setting is the fotm
There's no rule that says that elves have to reach mental and sexual maturity at age 100, anon
Incel detected.
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I like this guy's art
We know, you have been spamming it for weeks over on /v/.
Hell yeah, I'd dig holes with dwarves any day of the week if I could.
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Nope, don't go on /v/. I only discovered this from this thread, but nice job outing yourself I guess.
I don't normally but his elf comics are kinda genuinely funny
I don't know why but I could somehow tell he's Finnish
"Everything I don't like has to come from one single person" is my favorite form of 4chan schizophrenia
Gotta make use of all them plump helmets somehow
Elves would never have freckles
I have declared this right now
Its the difference between a person that brags about their wine while giving you a sip, and a person who brags about their wine while denying you a sip.
>Everything I don't like has to come from one single person
But I am one person
>balkan sexual dimorphism*
Male (bottom left) and Female (upper right) troll depicted in situ.
He wants to bongo, bongo, bongo, I don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no
Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to goooooooooooo
You can be even faster in proving you shouldn't be listened to. The first speed strat I can think of is putting "I'm addicted to Joe Rogan podcasts" at the start of all your posts, but you might be able to think of others.
>Why do humans in my imaginary games find it easier to get along with imaginary dwarves than imaginary elves?
Because you imagine it that way?
Elves mature at the same rate humans do, they just stay younger for longer
Imagine being twenty-one for eighty more years and now you know why we have so many half elves and no father in sight
>You don't understand I'm just 42, I can't deal with that responsibility! Maybe like with 300 but not now!
Mythologically dwarves are not much different than how we view dwarves today EXCEPT they weren't originally viewed as short. Elves vary quite a bit.
Humans and dwarves both value ingenuity and metal working. They differ in a lot of ways, but knocking back good booze and admiring a well made tool is something they share and enough of a bonding point that they get along well enough. Elves are fundamentally different in mindset that they are positively alien beings.
I like how KoW does it. It's kinda expected for young elves to have fun and start a family or two with humans in their youth, but to grow up and have a proper family with an elf back home.
It's also a pretty much a guarantee that an elf teaching magic to a human will end up being their lover.
Both of thesr things are the cause for literal hell and the strongest necromancer, but elves refuse to stop doing it.
The dwarves think they and the humans are weirdos.
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>Original comic

I am not certain I actually understand the original comic.
Is it just that elves hate humans?
Yes, that's the point. Just by existing humans anger elves.
Nope, you are a three kids in a trench coat.

>t. the actual point
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>when the dwarves and orcs like being slaves
elf-chan is cute!
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I've not seen a more cut and dry example of this in some time. It would also be twitter activists, facebook is boomertown.
He made another thread on /v/.
they're intrinsically insufferable.
and if you find the dwarf insufferable, you're insufferable. stay filtered.
having strong opinions is good and the elf in this image is insufferable.
that's not what reactionary means. you mean reactive.
No you don't.
I'll keep doing it and you will never stop me.
there is no cultural space. there is your table and your group. do whatever you want.
This is a great cartoon because much like this retarded conspiracy theory, weeds aren't real.
not if I report you to janny >;(
pedophilia is based
I'm right about everything, retard.
Dwarves, as smelly insular manlets with obnoxious personality traits, do not threaten nerds sexually. Elves do. And since nerds write most fantasy, they're a lot kinder to dwarves than they are too elves in their stories.
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does it hurt being so pseudo intellectual?

oh shit let me try
Psychological both represent the aspirations of particular psychological archetypes. the dwarf is hard working, honest reliable and masculine while the elf is feminine, learned, prone to scheming and plotting.
greed, rigid rules and ze tendency to be direct and straight forward are traits highly valued by the people whose disabilities prevent them from fully grasping social cues. in zis way ze dwarf most appeals to the autistic because they are predictable and reliable but also carries with in him a lot of admirible traits.

the elfs femininity and social acumen is by the same token unpredictable, secretive something much dislike by those of the autistic temperament. their traits creates a sense of social isolation, and condescension as these creatures are often depicted as snobbish and elitist, (for good reason see the noldor).

Now this is not universal, many autistics (see noldorfags) will project themselves upon the elves in fantasy because they are perfect, refined, skilled in all things. but like all things it is a power fantasy first and foremost.

personally i find the idea that the elf competes with humans absurd.
funny thing is, the original dialogue does say 100
And you would be wrong. Freckles are a clear sign of the fey after all.
You will never be an elf
Dwarves would probably drink brandy over wine since it's the same stuff but with a higher alcohol content.
Because in folklore humans ran into and dealt with dwarves much more often. They could bargain with them, get them to make cool magic shit sometimes, even learn how to smith from them or be taught where ore veins are in mountains.

Elfs on the other hand usually cursed people, killed them, and any human would much muuuuch rather avoid them at all costs.
I think you'd get more effective diggers if you just gave them barrels of booze and told them to dig for it.
t. Reddit
>the elfs femininity
Did you seriously get filtered by the industry like Reddit?
Elf and dwarf were synonymous.
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What does this word mean?

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