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Crazy Cadians Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What's the most absurd piece of 40k lore you know that is better off made non-canon?
>What's the most absurd piece of 40k lore you know that is better off made non-canon?
Erda. She has achieved nothing but enshittening the fluff.
Everything about the CTan being embodiments of fundamental physical forces and being supernatural entities that has nothing to do with warp
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The nets have cured completely rigid, I'd say this experiment was a success.
Post WIPs
Slaanesh rejecting the souls of Eldar druggies
The Emperor is simultaneously the greatest human ever but also such a knuckle dragging turbo autist that he can't comprehend how his sons feel even after being around for literally the entirety of civilization.
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>Guilliman decrees that Librarian armor must be the same color as his Legion's color

WHY did he do this?
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Can anyone give me a rundown on how IG is supposed to play nowadays and how to build lists for them? I've seen you can do a 20 man infantry squad with two heavy weapon teams + platoon coommand with heavy weapon teams + auxiliaries + creed which sounds ridiculous and rad as hell. Would one of those and the new field artillery batteries (isn't it a bit strange that they made a different unit instead of just making a plastic kit of the FW artillery?) be a good start for a Krieg themed army?
Librarian armour is a darker navy blue, not ultramarine blue.
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Some Boyz.
Being a craftworlder must be comfy.
The eldar and Necrons teamed up to fight slaanesh before the birth of slaanesh.

20 guardsmen + 5 command squad + commander
20 guardsmen + 5 command squad + commander
20 guardsmen + 5 command squad + commander
3 3-model units of Scout Sentinels
3 3-model units of Armored Sentinels
3 Demolisher Tank commanders
3 Rogal Dorn Main Battle Tanks
and then fill the rest with 10 man infantry squads
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Not a WIP since I finished him but I need to paint the rest of the squad.
>Deathwatch is hitting 50+% WR due to pariah nexus update
Something bad is about to happen isn't it? I can definitely see why after seeing the interactions with some of the units. The watch master is fucking great as a CP penalty, and he's not limited to one per. The captain being able to give a free strat is fucking great for Special Ammos.
The good thing is that our player base is almost none existent
I forgot that bullshit. I choose to believe all the Ynnari books are non-canon since GW cancelled that series
To be fair it takes multiple attempts for an Eldar pregnancy to go to term. They could just do batch cloning like the Deldar do but it fucks up the social dynamic
It's a wip because you didn't do the base, but looks nice so far
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That stuff all looks super cool. No WiPs for me this week. Started a dude and my predator but now I have to wait till Saturday to paint more.
Oh I do the bases all together to make it quicker. Will do them once I finishe the other 9 lads. Thanks!
They need soulstones and those can only be found on crone worlds. Getting to those is hard, as they are very fucking close to Slaanesh's domain, and getting out with the stones intact is even harder.
The most powerful eldar tech, like their Wraithknights are not mainly used to fight various lesser races, but for crone world expeditions.
Deathwatch are what I like to call a fake army. Like votann. Nobody actually plays them unless they’re meta
Would you bring a life into the universe when its soul is destined to be consumed by a daemon in an eternity of suffering?
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WIP war dog.. attempting to freehand the banner into looking like stitched together flesh.
I started a DW army... didn't get very far when they canned it all with primaris that look a million times worse and couldn't use any of the cool unique units you'd play deathwatch for.
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Last knight's progress on an armiger
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>evens I paint up some orks
>odds I sleep
The entire War of the Beast
Gender swappers are unlikely to produce children even if they were biologically able to - they are selfish degenerated and loathe the idea of caring for anyone but themselves.
Make fun of Sally anon, but you never see anyone out that much effort into any other legion like blood angels or ultra marines. Shark anon doesn't count because you are by default needed to put some work into that army to not make it look retarded.
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I primed the terminators. The arms are elsewhere for now. Hopefully get this army done soon ish.
I can't be the only one in this general?
If I'm not allowed to say Gathering Storm onward, it'd have to be the Grey Knights blood ritual thing if it wasn't already.
I mean, he paints his shit and plays games. I definitely think he could put more effort into the painting part, but otherwise I can't really complain about him posting.
That sounds very degenerate and I'd probably never finish painting a hundred guardsmen.
he's not a salamander though he's a successor
>Ask about the horde army
>Get horde army recs
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To continue the chaos eldar discussion, I think there are
>Crone world Eldar, chaos corrupted degenerated once eldar beasts
>Eldar Daemon Princes
>Whatever the fuck Mandrakes are
I think they could be true Chaos Eldar but are sworn/worship a minor chaos god/ Warp power. Its hinted to be Be'lakor since there are shadow daemons in their realm and hes the master of shadows and a chaos demi-god but theres no concerete connection between the two.
There is a few marine player anons here who put in the effort tho like frozen flames anon and purple anon to name few
I mean there's got to be something more than just spamming indantry squad blobs.
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Thanks for remembering. It helps to make them /yourdudes/ right away.

I beg your patience. It’s been a long slow learning curve. I’m sure to long time painters it’s all the same but I really enjoy seeing how my painting quality changes as I go and slowly try new things.
Drookianon makes me look like a daydreaming failure.
orange and teal anon should post more, he brings the schizos out of the woodwork like no one else
I don’t see the difference.
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Reminder that Orkz is best.
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I will always say, at least your shit is painted.
I hope actual Salamanders anon is okay.
Him and the Ultramarines anon.
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Actually, with enough Sentinels, you don't need Infantry
And Sentinels get Lethal Hits against Everything now
Fine faggot get like 3-4 baneblades and a tank commander wow there's your fucking army just a bunch of fucking tanks wow they don't even benefit from the army rule con fucking grats dipshit! Fuck you! If you don't want a horde of infantry don't play the fucking horde of infantry army asswipe.
I've been running a bit of a more mechanized force, still a good chunk of infantry, but not in massive hordes. (This is for ~1500 points so add/remove stuff as needed)
In brief:
>Platoon Command, Lord Solar, 10 man infantry squad
>Leman Russ Exterminator/Whatever other variant
>Tank Commander
>2 10 Man Scion Squads, one with command squad. (Optional; Run the 10 man with a Psyker and some other char and throw them in a Taurox prime because they're cool)
>1 Squad of 3 Armored Sentinels
>Bullgryn (for the chimera)
>Ratling Snipers
>Regimental Enginseer

Reasonable things to add would probably more tanks, or more Chimeras with your preferred flavor of infantry. Maybe some arty thrown in if you feel spicy.
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I love collecting army shots.
I hope to someday have one of my armies done so I can have cool big ass shots of them
I want to have one soon but my table isn’t big enough anymore.
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Anon, I finally got around to working on the Leviathan terminator squad. What needs to be done to finish them?
basing them and then varnish. Probably not in that order.
Post some of the army shots you've collected
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Badging, iconography, transfers or freehand, campaign markings. Company or squad number. Cringey Latin on the knuckles of their powerfists. Heraldry of some kind on tilt shields.
Highlights, transfers, scribbles on the purity seals, and at least a tiny bit of chipping on the power fists, then basing.
40k endtimes when?
The setting's getting bloated
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*The Wolftime
finish painting chest aquilas
>‘You really believe that, don’t you? That deep down you’re just like us.’ Zephon said nothing. He’d made his case; it stood for itself.
>‘Let me tell you, my Baalian friend, exactly how wrong you are.’ Land gestured to the both of them. ‘The difference between you and me – the difference between my kind and your kind – is that we live, and you exist.
>When we die, the galaxy loses all our dreams and hopes and ambitions. All we might have achieved is sucked out of existence, never to come to pass. Children aren’t born. Discoveries aren’t made.
>Inventions aren’t invented. When someone dies, even one of the puling masses destined for extraordinarily little achievement in their lives, it’s an immense loss of potential.
>And that is tragic, because tragedy is defined by loss. But you? ‘You are a weapon. You were made for battle, and have neither a fate nor a future outside of war. Will you die tomorrow? Probably. You’ll die doing exactly what you were made to do, dying in exactly the way you were made to die.
>What are your dreams, Zephon? What life do you live off the battlefield? What do you contribute to the species except the furtherance of its territory with your ability to shed enemy blood?
>‘When your kind dies, Astartes – and let’s not forget that it’s the fault of your kind that half the galaxy is aflame – but when your kind dies, it’s no different from the shattering of a sword.
>No dreams are lost. No fates are altered. Just a weapon breaking while doing what it was made to do. ‘And that’s why you have no right to your fear, Blood Angel. Death means so little to you. Compared to us, you have nothing to lose.’
>t. Arkhan Land of the Mechanicum in Echoes of Eternity
is he ever coming back bros
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I gotta take a new army picture at some point this one is real out dated now.
Nice cultists.
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Army shots are great. I need to update mine because I have like double the mods I had in this one.
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anyone read this yet?
>when your kind dies, it’s no different from the shattering of a sword. No dreams are lost. No fates are altered. Just a weapon breaking
Having your weapon break at an inopportune moment can absolutely alter your fate. And the more powerful and important that weapon is - the larger effect it has on the fates of people who rely on it. This reasoning doesn't really track.
I've only read dead men walking, are the DKoK as bland personality wise as they are in there or are they still basically extremely autistic automatons in their other books?
That book specifically makes them more robotic to thematically contrast the fact they are fighting literal robots
Also, blood angels are one of the few legions that actually do have lives outside of war and practice fine arts. If he said that to an iron hand the argument would have been more persuasive.
All of that is talking about individuals. He's saying astartes aren't really human. They lack humanity. They are just tools. A tool breaking isn't a tragedy, you have more and you can make more. Anything that tool could do can be done by another one. Tools don't matter. The humans using them do. You don't care about a tool breaking. You care about the artisan dying.
Sure, but those same tools frequently decide when and where to sacrifice millions of “artisans”. By his logic anyone who isn’t a super scientist or beauracratic is a useless tool as well.
They republished the seige of Vraks?
never read it but listened to a lot of summaries of it, Death corps of kreig rout and shoot their commissars for ordering suicide charges in it. Pity they've been flanderised
>even one of the puling masses destined for extraordinarily little achievement in their lives, it’s an immense loss of potential.
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why are there so many 40K memes where it's just a shitty traced over version of another meme using 40K characters?

it's like how TF2 fans remake every meme in SFM but with TF2 character models
He literally mentions that, though. He talks about potential. A tool can't ever do more than what it was created to do. You can find new ways to use a tool, but it's not the tool that finds those.
Except astartes can be artisans as well or even have "normal" lives outside of being tools for combat. Salamanders live alongside mortals and maintain family ties. Ultras are governors that directly affect the lives of their subjects.
The argument is really not thought out at all.
It's a novelized version of the campaign.
Skaven when
The SoV Forgeworld books are more lie a historical database of the events, like if you read a history book of an event from 500 years ago

The new Seiges of Vraks novel is apparently from the perspective of the combatants within it, more personable, told from the perspective of characters in the battle instead of a "in 40.010 this happened" type of way. I haven't read it yet though so trying to see if it is liked or not
He's talking to a specific dude. He's telling him to stop being a tool and become a human. I swear it's not really subtle. Also this is from the HH, Astartes were nothing but soldiers back then. Some primarchs had predicted this and tried to make their marines useful in something beyond fighting but that was for after the crusade.
its kinda funny how this sperg-out comes after Zephon spends several chapters trying to be nice and friendly with Land
I wonder how it will handle the POV considering the survivors at the end of the war were reinforcements that didn't see the beginning of it. And only the grey knights saw all the mega daemons within the fortress in the hours of it being taken, and even they took heavy casulities.
Still less casulities for Vraks than WW1 so a big war for us a tiny one for the imperium despite all the important factions that show up and loss a lot of men
AoS steals resources from 40k
not sure, I'll probably get the audiobook soon and find out
Because I hate actually reading
better question, what the fuck do curze fanboys actually see in curze that makes them fanboy all over him
It's fujos, anon. Not that hard to guess.
That's how memes work, my dude. Literally.
Thanks, newfag. You’ve been dying this for seven years.
>He's telling him to stop being a tool and become a human.
No Land is actually telling him he'll never be human after zephon confessed that he both felt fear and knew he very much mortal, that's why land starts with
>‘You really believe that, don’t you? That deep down you’re just like us.’
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ty, I've got 60 of them
Doesn't include my russes, unfortunately. Ran out of steam to get them all finished.
Did you have a stroke or are you just retarded?
Oh my god it’s so accurate!
Yeah, that's the point. He isn't right now. If he wasn't trying to make him realize that, he wouldn't say anything.
The fujos think they can fix him
very fucking nice anon, love it
*cries in Iron Hands*
>Do we know canonically if Eldar ever sleep? Or do they only trance like fantasy elves?
The latter. The more recent Xenology book states one in captivity would stay crouched in the exact same position for weeks on end unless eating.
I'm not disagreeing on that part, I'm disagreeing with you on the part where you think Land has any actual interest in seeing the disposable tool become anything more than a disposable tool
I'd pick up iron hands if the 30k stuff was in 40k.
most people just put labels on the pic instead of redrawing the entire meme
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You might be the only one. I have a handful of models I painted up for fun, but they are a rare breed.
This is my old metal librarian I use with my salamanders from time to time. Good luck on the army, they look good so far.
How isolated are you that you don't see redrawn meme templates all the time?
should I use gloves when working with enamel paints? sometimes my hands get a little tingly afterwards if some gets on me.

in other news my knight got a nice all over enamel wash so it'll be ready for next steps soonTM
The lava raider, coming to melt your xenos ass.
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These were my MVP units from early tenth. I need to get one of all my Crons, maybe facing off vs my Sallies. It's like 11k points of mostly infantry though so ....
I think it and the pod are LotD
Ironhands was badass in 9th they had some genuinely fun rules like taking relics with dreadnoughts and making them characters
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So you're gonna find all those different fandoms who redrew over something like this Malcolm in the Middle meme with their fandom's characters?

Cause again 90% of memes I've seen are just them putting text over the top or putting a label somewhere. I'm not sure what meme fart chamber you're in but most memes are not remade in SFM or traced over like this
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Characternaughts were fun. 3 repulsors with an iron father were not.
Find better communities.
So can a leader be attached to a leader unit, and then said leader unit be attached to a normal unit? And have a matrioshka deal with leaders inside of leaders?
I think I'd rather not be in a community where every meme has to be painted over with a coat of the fandom's favourite characters
Has to? No, but if you have artists that can and are willing, why would you want lazy labels over custom made memes relevant to the community?
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I'm making 40K Death Metal slop if anyone is interested. I think it's neat.




If you want me to make one based on a 40K topic I probably will do it. There's more than what's here but I'm only gonna spam a little bit.

it's not advertising because it's not monetized :^)
Then how the fuck do IG leaders work, then? Commissars have a rule that can't work unless you can attach them to a command squad and then you attach the command squad to another unit.
Most of them are just tracing over the original meme, it feels like how Avatar was an alien version of Pocahontas. I'd rather they make their own original memes.

Some do make their own original stuff though and that's pretty cool.
Does the god emperor actually consciously respond to prayers? I cant tell if hes fully cognizant and semi-omnicient or its just placebo that sometimes does draw his eye.
The moment the guardsmen are dead they split. You can't martyoshka them and they only "stack" once.
>You can't martyoshka them and they only "stack" once
That's what I meant, I can attach the commissar to the command squad, then attach the command squad (with the commisar already part of it) to the infantry squad, right?
Good to see Sam Jackson kicking ass in the year 40,000 :)
A bunch of the guard infantry units have a special rule that lets them have 2 leader units attached, but only one command squad. So you can have for instance a 20 man infantry unit with a matching command squad and another leader attached. Or you could have 2 Leaders attached to that same unit
No technically the commissar and command squad are both attached to the infantry squad. When that squad dies each of the leader units becomes their own unit.
No, you attach them individually. The rule you're talking about kicks in when there's another officer in the blobunit and deactivates when the troops die because heand the command squad are no longer sharing a unit.
>A bunch of the guard infantry units have a special rule that lets them have 2 leader units attached
Where? I can't see any. The only similar rules I can find are for ogryn bodyguards and regimental attaches but those just say at the start of the battle they become part of a command squad, they aren't leaders.
But how can you attach them individually? Neither command squads or commisars have a rule like lieutenants that say you can attach both.
Guards can have 2 leaders attached as long as one is a Command Squad type, either basic CS or the Cadian one
It actually seems to be the reverse, it can have 2 leaders but only a max of one command squad
Where's that rule? Their army rules only have the orders.
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it's on the individual datasheet things for each of the units that can do it. Notably, space marines get a similar thing.
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what's everyone's favorite starter set?
Ah fuck me sideways I kept looking for it in the leader section and never found it. I thought I was going crazy. Thanks.
Assault on Black Reach gives me the nostalgia for when I was a youth playing MtG and admiring the 40k bros stuff, but I gotta give it to Dark Imperium because the plague marine sculpts are amazing.
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My Tau self, just started Crusade with it. Gonna work on my own Steel Legion next.
Yeah it's just in a different area than a bunch of similar rules for no good reason. It's also in a more faded grey that makes it seem less important which is also bizarre
The one I started with
Dark Imperium has some banger DG sculpts. It's honestly a crime that the lord from that set isn't available as a separate model yet.
Honestly, 10th includes 3 big models and 2-3 medium sized ones?
Was it priced that much more than other starters sets of the past? Adjusting for inflation?
Feels like 10th gives a lot
I can't believe Primaris are as old as fucking 8th edition
I hope that instead of diving to 11th we get a 10.95 edition, some sort of salvage mission where it's pretty much 11e but enough of 10e is salvaged that whoever gets the last codex doesn't feel like a retard when their codex is turned into a shelf decoration in 6 months.
I mean we pretty much just got 10.5
probably assault on black reach as it has orks in it and it was the only one i got, my friends managed to get the two before it

also is there a fucking chance that they will make one without space marines? sick of seeing it, i know why they do it but fuck, make an edition with guard or even sisters at least
Hardly an "army" at this point, but I've got about 1000 pts of Votann painted up and ready to go now. Honestly waiting on the second wave of minis before I grab more.
Adjusted for inflation and accounting for the huge increase in numbers of models Leviathan and Indomitus boxes are actually pretty comparable to older starter boxes by price point.
>s there a fucking chance that they will make one without space marines
haha no

The only non-space marine thing I could envision is maybe Tau x Orks ?
What is the second most popular army after Space Marines, and if the answer is just Chaos Space Marines (because they also look like Marines) then what is the most popular "doesn't look like a marine" facrtion
We're 1 year in and slightly less than halfway through the codex releases. So who's next? Who's FUCKED?
Dude's literally just a coffin. So fucking stupid.
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Painting a haruspex/exocrene body. Not sure if Im a fan of the big guys. Better than the toxicrene though.
people are willing to pay for something other than space marines, if the next starter box was chaos demons versus Imperial agents people would go insane over it.
not a starter but I'd like one of them duel boxes with Votann and Tyranids
rawk n stoan
Very torn between 6th and 8th. Probably lean more towards 8th.

he literally never will be honestly. its a shame but if you want him drop the $100 on ebay at this point.
Blood Angels
one of the knife ears around winter
The carapace style looks really cool, but you should really vary the lengths of the little lines.
Dark vegence had the best chaos stuff, couldn't care for everything else desu.Leviathan looks like a fucking stinker compared to everything else.
>What is the second most popular army after Space Marines,
I'm like 90% sure it's CSM. Barring them for obvious reasons, Nids and Necrons are probably pretty high up there with how easy it's been to start an army of them with their edition starter sets.
CSM isnt that popular, trim is a hell of a gatekeeper. its going to be orks.
CSM is still more popular than the xenos races as per that goon poll
>auspex tactics audience is the entire 40k audience
tau would be interesting, although that box would be a bit retarded, the ranged army against the melee one. maybe chaos vs orks?

is that what filters people out from the army? it looks like a pain to paint but fucking hell, really?
dark vengeance looks pretty awesome honestly
way better indicator of trends than you going HURR PEOPLE NO LIEK TRIM
>people are willing to pay for something other than space marines
Something something Eldar vs Dark Eldar box set.
>is that what filters people out from the army? it looks like a pain to paint but fucking hell, really?
yes. I will never get into tau because of that
Still better than you talking out of your ass.
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WIP Charnel Guard before vacation really excited to finish him when I come back
It's a large enough sample size to give a somewhat accurate data range.
Burning of prospero
Thats because dark eldar dont function as an army and most of the eldar sculpts are still fucking garbage.
Let just say it didn't sell because xenos box.
Man space marines get all the good Christmas boxes
>Blood of the phoenix
>only 6 new models with useless trash by both side
Sure, why?
You know how people kept simping after Makima from Chainsaw Man despite her being objectively evil? It’s like that, except for women.
not comparable, makima isnt in the wrong and has a fat ass. Kurze is probably not in the wrong but hes kind of the least interesting figure in his company.
>Watch Captain Sl’Amuel Ja’kson of the Salamanders
Kek, it’s the little things
>T'au and Orks are fighting on Arthas Moloch when daemons pop up
>T'au detect that the Daemons are speaking in an ancient form of the human language
Justify this. Why do daemons speak in an archaic form of Gothic when there is no humans around?
daemons are manifestations of humanity
Slaanesh is literally the manifestation of Eldar sins
could be.

It was also a huge thing for medieval deamons to speak perfect latin so it very well may be just because "deamons"
Bad writing.
First daemon prince, in whfb elves were the first race, pointy head, it all fits.
the old ones made sure humans evolved to speak their language
Necrons had more influence on human culture than old ones.
Someone hasn't read the End and the Death trilogy in which the emotional distress of the Siege of Terra and the final fight between the Emperor and Horus echoed back to the start of the universe and seeded the Chaos Gods, all four of them.
Be'lakor is confirmed to have been a human. There were humans during the fall of the Warp Gates.

The Shadow Daemons of AoS don't all obey Be'lakor. They are mostly sworn to Malerion and Morathi.
Why would the Mandrakes be anything to Be'lakor?
Reminder that mandrakes canonically serve chaos sometimes. Two of their kings were worshipping tzeentch and nurgle in the deldar path series.
There was also a succubus who got possessed by khorne after getting revived.
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Is there anything, anything at all in nulore that is actually cool and/or interesting?
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It's looking a bit iffy, boys. The agrellian earth didn't really crack much, do I need to put more or less on? Also that was thr smallest tuft I could find, will probably leave them off the smaller bases
They are creating a narrative ouroboros. You are just too philistine to get it
actually it looks much more pronounced looking at the image now, my eyes must be fucking awful because i could barely notice the cracks before
The thing with crackle pastes is - you have to absolutely fucking GLOB that shit on for the cracks to be noticeable. Instead of using overpriced GW paste I'd recommend getting transparent crackle medium from Vallejo/AK/whatever and just painting it afterwards.
Anon you forgot the model
Time travel is shit, anon. The only instance of it being good is Back to The Future movies.
Planning to transfer all of my orks to 32 mm bases so I'm just fucking around with different options atm

That makes sense, yeah you're not wrong with the pricing, gw technical shit is expensive as fuck. I was looking at the AK crackle stuff today at my lgs and they were out of the darker stuff, just had the light crackle variant. Honestly I had no idea there was a crackle medium, I'll have to look into that
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What should I get for my birthday? I already have about 1k points of IG
>Combat patrol for new army
>Two Kill Teams
>Wait for Guard Battleforce/new patrol
>What should I get for my birthday?

A 3d printer so you stop giving games workshop money
a 3d printer so you dont have to waste money on overpriced gw plastic.
Didn't ask about 3d printer recs
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Dan Abnett fucking ruined everything. I read EatD and wanted to bang my head against the wall at the sheer amount of melodrama Abnett tried inserting into every character. The first two books were atrociously bad, and it's like he didn't dare followup with any of his own plot threads in the third book.
>Unless you really hate guard, I wouldn't start a new army.
>Unless you're planning on playing kill team, don't get two kill teams.
>baneblade eh... I can think of better meta options. watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jq4ytB_LRI
>Don't wait for battleforce/patrol. GW sticks the models that don't sell in those.
why would anyone wait on a battleforce? Its just going to get scalped 20 seconds in.
>the emotional distress of the Siege of Terra and the final fight between the Emperor and Horus echoed back to the start of the universe and seeded the Chaos Gods, all four of them.
>Be Emperor
>Don't make Primarchs, carry out the Great Crusade with Thunder Warriors 2.0
>The Crusade is fucked and takes 2 or 3 times as long but there's also no chaos gods to worry about since the time loop is broken and there won't be siege of terra or an emps vs horus duel
was emperor just low iq or something?
Get a rogal dorn.
Because retards insist on keeping buying gw plastics rather than just printing shit and cutting the greedy fucks out of the loop
You should listen to people. For what you spent buying 1k point of wildly expensive guard you could have had a printer and enough resin to print like 5k+ points of shit.
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HH had some interesting stuff in their campaign books like the Siege of Cthonia and Beta Garmon. The former basically showed how inductii were being thrown into a war they knew nothing about and couldn't understand, while the veterans were battling to the death out of hatred. Beta Garmon had stuff on the regular human troops during the GC/Heresy era.

40k proper otoh has had developments, but I wouldn't really call them interesting. I guess Ad Mech versus Necrons was cool with each side casually throwing doomsday tier weapons at each other just to see what would happen. But that immediately gets tainted by turning it into a chaos plot for Vashtorr to come in.
These guys any good? They were in the old combat patrol and some other sets and now the they're impossible to find at reasonable prices.
I have faith that astra militarum will be put next to a hot ticket army and it won't get instantly sold.
I play plenty of KT and like to branch out with new teams on occasion
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Are you guys really reading 40k books? That's the male literary equivalent of the monster fucker female romance novels at the pharmacist and airport. There are maybe a dozen worth reading out of the hundreds they have shat out.
and the dozen that are worth reading are written by mike brooks.
You're on an anime image board in the plastic toy role playing section and you're surprised people read novels on
>These guys any good?
Nope. High mobility unit that has bonuses for staying still. Weapons that are too strong to shoot at hordes but too weak to shoot at anything else. Low number of shots means if you want to get any real use out of them you want multiple squads, at which point you're much better off bringing a vehicle instead.
Not particularly, there are usually better options. Inceptors for example will put out a lot more firepower if you wanted something mobile and shooty.
Makes sense, thank you. They're goofy looking so I wanted to try and snag an old combat patrol, as it also came with another impulsor and some fodder but not if they're also trash on the tabletop.
Nuce.... howd you do the bases? Theyre vibrant
They look truly awful and you should feel bad for having no aesthetic sense. But then again you play space marines so that's to be expected.
They're Primaris, they all look awful.
As I understand, as someone who doesn't play space marines, they're not particularly great. If you want primaris deepstiking junk, inceptors are much better. Inceptors get a 3" deepstrike which is much better than the suppression ability.
Whoa now, lets not disparage airport smut
I have accepted that, if the DW become part of the "Agents of the Inquisition" in 11th ed, I'll just play my DW as other marine army. It'd be a shame, though, I really like the DW.
They used to be when their suppression actually meant something.
Now they suffer from major issues like >>93233917 said and their -1 to hit on one unit just doesn't make a real appreciable difference.
I don't know, I think the regular primaris marines look alright apart from the shitty helmet, a huge upgrade from fugly squatting manlets anyway. But the other turds they release like those goofy ass flying niggers, the cuck cage dreadnaught and the golf carts and shit are abominations and the designers should be shot. It's crazy looking at the stl files that literal who indies put out on their patreon and how it brutally mogs nu-GW sculpts by an order of magnitude.
The amount of reddit-speak in this comment gave me a stroke.
Ok then get a kill team. Shoot. Still wouldn't get two though. Save the extra money for something worthwhile
Navy Breachers have enough specialists that getting 2 boxes is a good idea. I would get the agents boarding patrol since it has 20 breachers, starstriders, and an assassin BUT THEY'RE OOP

Not if you have a 3d printer, sucks to be you blowing your money I guess.
>Are you guys really reading 40k books? That's the male literary equivalent of the monster fucker female romance novels at the pharmacist and airport.


When will you give me such a book anon?
Commission a smut fanfic writer.
I can help with that.
>When will you give me such a book anon?

How much will you pay, I can whip something up
whats wrong with that?
the warhammer smut thread on aco has a few folks open for commission, it also routinely has better discussions than this hell hole.
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it's fun sometimes but I'd like more new jokes and original stuff instead of it always being "someone else's joke but with my favourite characters instead"
It would have to be good. Otherwise I'll just pirate it like any other good 40k fan.
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Painting those storm bolters red
That's clean af dude nice work
Get rid of those clear bases.
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Woo mama that's sick as fuck.
Do you assemble the mini first and then pain or paint and then assemble? I tried assembly first and I kept fucking up when trying to paint over things like sigils/skulls and it'd bleed over onto the armor color.
Sub assemblies and then glue those after painting.
I always assemble first except for parts like capes and stuff that are going to be absolute dogs. It's such a pain to paint every part separately and you usually have to go over all the joints anyway so just get better brush control.
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Rattle can zenithal done on a side project I hope to get into tonight.
Depends on what it is and what the pose is
>the warhammer smut thread on aco
Looked into it and their OP image is the Eldar from Rogue Trader as a limbless fuck-nugget. Not sure if based or horrifying.
>their OP image is the Eldar from Rogue Trader as a limbless fuck-nugget

Side by side or over under combi weapons?
She kinda deserves it to be fair
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Nid have been getting a bunch of neat fluff IMO.
Terminators side by side, everyone else overlander.
Is the best armor in the galaxy going to be skinning Tyranids?
That is not zenithal, that's just splattered with random flecks of paint. Use a higher pressure spray can.
Not really
It's rather amusing how much a 4+ bs triggers some army players in this game
They are supposed to adapt to every weapon right?
I dont even know what dice do.
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When they are alive and being piloted by the groupthink software. It's not some magical substance that does it on its own. And even then the process of adaptation is slower and more generational.
>emotional distress of the Siege of Terra and the final fight between the Emperor and Horus echoed back to the start of the universe and seeded the Chaos Gods, all four of them.
So, thanks to Abnett, mon'keigh will stop crying about "reeeeeeeeeee eldar create Slaanesh" because they are worse?
Bring sadness
What birthday is it?
>I think they could be true Chaos Eldar
None such shit exists.
And GW is never adding them to 40k.
buy from a local shop and you wont have that issue as long as you pre order.
>So, thanks to Abnett, mon'keigh will stop crying about "reeeeeeeeeee eldar create Slaanesh" because they are worse?
>it was humanity all along, humans are le bad
How long until GW just fully retcons the War in Heaven being because of humans as well?
I like the banner. Looks real nasty
>humans are le bad
Good, that's one of the points of the setting. HFY go and stay go.
Wow, that is garbage and really fucking boring.
>bro you just don get it
>it's actually super interesting and has philosophy and time travel and coolness and and timeloop, bro
I know it gets over used but this is actual marvel slop.
This is terrible.
Which is not surprising because this was written by Abnett, marvel comics writer.
>since there are shadow daemons in their realm
July 22
I want humans to be grey or le bad or whatever, thats chill and grimdark. What I don't want the entire fucking settings history retconned millions of years into the sawn of time because of space marine wank. That's the gayest shit ever
Who are the biggest cucks in the 40k setting of warhammer.
I love 30K white scars. One day I'll paint some(like any good consoomer I got the big box)
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Do Kommandos have use in Ork lists? They're too cool not to bring. And honestly they're still infiltrators.
Only one chaos goddes, who have influence over eldars is Slaanesh. Worhipping their daughter as the goddess of perfection, pleasure and lust seems logical for eldar. Atleast Asurmen kill some eldar slaaneshi-worshippers and Maugan Ra kill slaaneshi eldar farseers on croneworld while his Maugetar quest.
GSC. They spend generations preparing a planet for a revolution only for their "star children" to come and kill them.
gm saar
>Good, that's one of the points of the setting
No, it was humanity has to do horrific shit just so they don't go extinct.
That was the point.

Turning this into a cosmological wankfest where everything is just result of humans with everything revolving around humans and everything being connected to them is fucking boring.
Nevermind the whole "le humanity bad" shit is so over done and retarded trope that it just gets fucking old.

If your "peak" literary achievement is to potray humanity as a source every problem, then you are shit writer, and I wont call you even human.
That was last week anon
>LGS has some terrain to use
>Some of it is too fucking tall to reasonably climb unless you're a flyer
>Some of it has windows and we can never sit on a consensus on whether or not they "count"
posted too early, basically:
how do I terrain like a chad?
Word Bearers
>Emperor told them no about religion
>got turned into daemon cocksleeves for gods who truely never cared for them at all
>now hellbent on destroying an imperium who is worshipping the God Emperor
it was that faggot erebus
Based future anon
Allowing older humans like kor pharon and Luthor is the seeds of everything going wrong.
Moral of the story is to stick with child soldiers
Depends a lot on what system you are running in regards to height. Height should confer advantages on various rolls for the movement spent to get up there. As far as windows, they really should count as cover so long as they aren't giant fucking panes of glass with no bottom to duck under and the sides being far apart. Sounds a lot like standard neckbeard issues unfortunately.
I like the mantis warrior colour scheme but not a fan of the emblem and bugs.

Would it be a faux pas to steal their scheme for a homebrew?
Do what you think is cool.
You should never feel bad for theft of any idea in 40k. The entire game is sewed together stolen ideas.
Do it
I like raptors too. Just give the mantis warrior scheme a black raptor head logo?

Got any chapter name ideas?
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no, but as a mantis warriors fan you do hurt my feelings
Make your own and don’t be a retard. Measure everything to the scale of the models you’re using. Use real life examples and inspiration. Don’t just fall into the same city ruins terrain that everyone uses.
Can you tell me why you like them so much?
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they're cool underdogs in the Badab War with solid fluff and a cool color scheme
Badab War is just kino
>mfw realising every sisters list is running 3 Castigators and most are running Triumph because it all fucking stacks
>AP4 hand flamers and basic bolters
>AP8 Melta
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World Eaters
They are ridiculously overpriced and you'll rarely get good use out of them simply due to how Waagh is timed; they're gonna be getting stuck in first and you won't be calling it just for them
Doesnt matter for BFG anyway as its stem to stem.
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I love hazard stripes as an armor color.
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wtf is wrong with this marine's body? He's built like a ferret
On the other hand they weren't wrong, it was the Emperor who was lying about the nature of reality.
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How do you mean ferret?
I meant that his torso is longer than his legs
It's a 3d sculpt that got the scale of 40k minis wrong.
Buy model railway terrain, use O scale, as 40K vehicles are scaled 1:56 anyway.
>Anon wants to touch stems
I'm kind of burnt out on marine v marine honestly. Badab is so much more interesting than heresy, don't get me wrong...

I just crave fighting xenos these days for variety sake.
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>his torso is longer than his legs
even being generous with where torso starts and end this is not the case.
>Troonscale tism
>iron warrior
Every fucking time. Why?
Every army in the game benefits from bringing a unit of infiltrators, they can be extremely useful. Even if all they do is shut down an aggressive enemy scout move or set up your own aggressive move by blocking enemy infiltrators, sometimes that's enough.
What are you talking about?!
Why is there a skull inside the marine helmet?
Marines don't have bones.
Of course Marines have bones idiot.
His torso is too long.
lurk more
I think you need to go to the opticians.
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First time doing edge highlights and first deldar mini ive finished. Any tips for improving?
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Don't be lazy and go back to fix wobblyness with the base color. Hold the brush parallel to the edge when doing so.
Thank you ill try that soon
"as long" is still anatomically incorrect
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>taking dark lance in KT
no one mentioned KT
Do chaosified primaris outriders look good or should I just go for the old ass chaos bikers?
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>glues a skull on top of it
His torso is too long.
Definitely too long torso.
Unbelievable even GW art too long torso.
use steeds, not bikes
Torso obviously too long
Reduce torso with sandpaper
Did anon really upset you this much?
Your post too long too
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This better yes? This more match freak shape torso you want? Like squashed triangle yes? Like shit Space Marine minis from years past that no-one use any more because look shit?
in game or in lore?
thin your paints more

learn drybrushing before edge highlighting, focus on upturned edges rather than hitting every one

if you do edge highlight, get more paint on the brush but only run the side of the tip along the edge

try to establish at least tri-tone shading for each color (low mid high), right now you are at 2
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Why didn't the Emperor simply defeat the chaos gods by creating an image that depicts them all as soijaks and himself as the chad?
What are the weird pedal things on these type of Primaris? Other marines can jetpack fine without them, why do they need jetpack training wheels?
i think they are to absorb impacts or something
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>What are the weird pedal things on these type of Primaris
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Super Mario jump boots.
Other jump pack marines aren't wearing Gravis except suppressors, who also have them
Stabilizer Grav Plates or something. Don't think about it because it doesn't make sense regardless.
Might as well pretend they are shock absorbers for catching a 600lb juggernaut dropping from the air at terminal velocity.
They're wearing Omnis pattern armour.
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Thank you

>watched like 20 different guides on thinning paints, cant figure out what im doing wrong
>i mix 1:1 water to paint
>pick up paint with my brush and tap the excess moisture on a tissue
>paint a thin coat on the mini
>wait like 5 mins for the layer to dry
>paint another thin coat
>then i do a wash
>chunky edge highlight or drybrush
>edge highlight
>corner edge highlight
Yeah we can pretend that was the point if you like
anyone have codex .pdfs other than the 4 in the gofile? specifically looking for chaos space marines and custards
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Grav plates similar to those on speeders and repulsors. Gravis is much heavier than normal marine armor so it needs some assistance to land on things without destroying them in the process.
>someone else's joke
But that's what memes are by definition.
grav plates that work for extra suspension during descent
suppressors have them too
>Boot sized grav plates
But still no jet bikes
i am SICK to DEATH of hearing that fucking word, primaris. SICK OF IT
Then perish primarisly
admech are hoarding all the small grav plate tech so they can drop the most ridiculous hover ice skating skitarii unit you've ever seen (in the same release wave as the cowboy skitarii driving a small bumper car)
it's because custodes got them, if they didn't have them then primaris would have gotten grav bikes
Is there consciousness after death in the 40k universe? There's always this talk about getting your soul eaten by xyz or having your soul saved but can you actually feel such things?
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was there really any need to just shitcan the ork codex entirely just because one unit was overtuned and one detachment was perhaps a bit too strong? like what an overreaction honestly, they went from like 53% to 40%.
1:1 is way too much, most hobby paints are formulated with the notion that some kid is applying it straight from the pot so it doesn't take much. It's also easy to scuff a wet layer with such a long dry time.

Get a sketchbook and just fuck around with applying paint various consistencies to see how they cover. You can also start mixing colors together and seeing what they make.

Also don't use metallics with the same water as your regular acrylics.
You're reading too much into the stats of half a dozen players
fair enough on nerfing the meganobz fnp but making them 10 points more per model was a bit silly. doesnt help that the average bully boyz enjoyer were running 2-3 squads of meganobz

the only green tide nerf i actually read was the army rule, didnt read what they did to wargear or stratagems. can only assume it was too much
If you were running 3 squads of meganobz you deserve it, it's no different than Inceptor spam
if you've got a strong enough soul, yes, in most cases your soul dissipates fast
but then again time isn't exactly constant and demons may hunt you down and tear you to shreds before you dissipate, or somehow capture you and keep you aware
the first 52 is the number of players
they basically double triple hit all of it. the problem with orks is that their main thing is cheap units they can throw away to win on pressure, this was nerfed significantly in the change to new missions and on top of that there's only 2,5 good detachments in the book (bully boyz, green time and war horde to a much smaller degree). bully and green tide got fucking shitcanned with double and triple tap nerfs, with meganobz going from an outrageously broken unit to much worse than regular ass terminators (which aren't even a good unit)
on top of that the basic problem of the ork codex remains: you can't fucking kill anything with T8+ and a 3+ save comfortably without commiting like 200 points of melee stuff and Rhinos cost 75 points

they are in a similar spot to admech before honestly, they really need to get some lethality, especially in their shooting
>the first 52 is the number of players
Yes, across all detachments. Which is meaningless in 10e when the right detachment is the difference between 30 or 60%wr. They're basically different factions.
GW is incapable of rational decision making, you may as well view the codexes as dead on arrival at this point, they get completely upended like 2 weeks after release.
Why did you wait to start until GW made them?
Planting the seed =/= watering it, nurturing it.
Humanity created the spark. The Eldar stoked it into an inferno.
Fuck off mike. No one likes you except for deranged trannies
I think the concepts are all there but it looks like you're using a brush with a tip that's too big for your final highlights. try a really small one and use some flow improver to prevent it from drying on the brush. I am basically in the same place as you, I understand the steps but my execution is just not that good yet.
>purchased an airbrush
>suddenly all the airbrush tutorials disappeared and get replaced with contrast paints
>you can't fucking kill anything with T8+ and a 3+ save comfortably without commiting like 200 points of melee stuff
This feels like every army? What armies reliably kill tanks without committing real anti-tank? I can think of a single one? If you want to guarantee a rhino dying, you gotta hit it with a whammy, something like 4 lascannons isn't going to cut it if you want reliability. Heavy weapon teams going for 120ish points like retributors or havocs don't reliably gun down tank chassis in a single shooting phase. Two units will, but then we're north of 200 points again. What 100 point units reliably kill tanks? Eradicators? Not really, they whiff all the time, 4 shots, even with full re-rolls, is iffy especially if the target has an invuln. Tyranids have garbage anti-tank, but they don't complain about transports.
Only reason why Chaos exists is specifically only due to humanity.
If humanity didn't exist Chaos would never have come into existance.
To the anon making the Tyranid evolution map, hows the work going
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>drilling holes in my avatar of khaine to magnetize it
Pretty sure I'm gonna die of cancer now. The bloody handed god claims another soul.
See >>93233688
>No humans > no Emperor > no Primarchs and/or marines > no Horus Heresy > no Chaos gods being born.
Ben, you don’t own any eldar models.
NTA but committing melee is different than just tasking shooting.

If you throw one melee unit in and it doesn't do the job you're fucked
If you shoot into it and you need a second unit it's usually pretty trivial to have that set up as a contingency.

Also if we're talking averages multiple of the units mentioned kill a rhino. Retributors certainly considering they're just going to force a die
it's what the other anon says. orks have to commit their limited good melee units (usually with leaders) to remove something as minor as a Rhino, while other armies can use their guns on ranged+melee chassis or their dedicated ranged antitank to do so. orks have none of that, and especially when it comes to dealing with transports it means they get tied up by whatever it's inside without charging. that's why orks get so punished by transports
>t. fighting another voice in my head
Definitely true that shooting is easier to set up than melee, but there are plenty of melee armies that have the same issue, like WE. Trouble dealing with transports is hardly unique to orks.
What armies reliably kill tanks without committing real anti-tank?
Incubi Klaives go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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