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File: RIFTS-ChaosEarth-93.png (35 KB, 456x264)
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RIFTS Chaos Earth goes pretty hard.
Really feels like they were channeling CDDA when writing some of this stuff up.
How well can Dead Reign fit into a RIFTS game? Like maybe a Shifter misshap or a layline conjuction to a pre-Cataclysm Earth.
File: RIFTS Erin Tarn.jpg (2.97 MB, 2593x3288)
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Erin Tarn is never wrong! Except when she is. After the face reveal, I decided she wasn't even real and just a bunch of dudes grifting, printing up books based purely on rumors and supposition.
Dead Reign is pretty good. We usually rifted into the world
The OCC thing that is just a bunch of civilian professions is great for character generation for chaos earth
That's probably the best way to handle her.
>Raised by D-Bees
>Adopted into the CS, fast tracked through the burbs and into the cities
>Got access to the major library/book repository right before the CS conveniently destroyed it
>Believes the CS are misguided and need help
>Then goes on adventures into England/Europe and comes back only to... give perfect information about how to avoid Atlantean patrols to the CS so that they can partner with Germany
>Then tells magic people to fuck off so the CS can take their land, since defending themselves would be the greater evil
>Then all sorts of inconsequential shit where she allegedly helps random adventurers
It makes most sense if she was a real person ages ago, perhaps even she was an early thorn in the CS' side.
But then she died at some point during the Europe adventure, and all the stories we hear are basically propaganda about how "this legendary figure? she's really on our side. buy more books."
It's one of the better things they ported over from Systems Failure & the earlier Rifters.
AFMBE's DeadWorlds also seem pretty good for that.

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