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Knife-Wielding Birds Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread: >>93217536

What homebrew or third-party monsters do you use, /5eg/?
You're correct but I still just want to punch things when I play Monk so fuck you
I am digging this homebrew.


His methodology: Frontload Agency, backload Power.
Can I get a quick rundown on what's going on with this 5.5e thing I keep hearing about and how Crawford is ruining classes or some shit?
thanks cuck
they decided they needed to make money but they didnt wanna scare away normies with some big scary new version so they decide to make it extremely annoying and confusing by release (insufficient) improvements and calling them the same version but also 2024 but also say everything is retro compatible even though they're really replacing everything
To make matters worse, the PHB comes out months before the DMG. Everything they've shared about the new PHB has seemed to be either slightly better or significantly worse than the stuff we already have. There's no way this isn't going to be a dumpster fire.
WotC proudly presents the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons
I'm realizing that it's a massive pain in the ass to have manevuers AND class features that add attack riders AND weapon masteries AND magic weapons

I think weapon masteries have to go if I want maneuvers, but then I'm worried nonmagical weapons will just be kind of boring
Are any of these Big Bad books by Hit Point Press any good?
People still defend Monks to this day? Grim.
Terribly designed class. Damage scaling based on Martial Arts die is completely indefensible by 5e design standards. Good damage output but only when you play them exactly how they aren't intended to be played. "Hit and run" and "take mobile" copium huffers don't bother replying, personal defensibility by retreat is completely non-valuable in a team setting as that strategy does nothing to mitigate potential damage to the party as a whole, and only further de-prioritizes that which is an already non-important target.
no, not at all.
alright, so my players will clear a story-significant dungeon for level 5, after that there is one more for plot reasons, before i being their second tier

im planning for a city siege, which will become their main hub, and practice for a west marches game, the issue at hand is what kind of prep/sessions come with it?
>gathering allies
>shoring up defenses
>supply runs
>point defense
they should i will tell them because of sporadic sessions have a general idea of the factions involved and have a lot of hooks they can grab and move the siege forward
i am thinking of doing the whole Dungeon World-style progression of the siege, but any advice would be welcome
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What is the point of a heavy crossbow? is it like the hand crossbow thing where you are supposed to shoot it once at the start of combat and then drop it instead of reloading it? a javelin, spear and hand ax are all 1d6. 1d10+2 is 7.5 vs 1d6+3 is 6.5 so assuming you even bothered to fill out your dex its not that much more damage with a lower hit chance
They aren't ruining classes any more than base 5e did - I think the general concensus is that most things are generally better but not nearly enough, as you get to places like reddit its "everything is improved, but not enough".

If someone thinks 5e is fine but 5.5 is dogshit I'm really not sure how, its just 5e but with some jank smoothed out now that they can put their errata/patches into the 'core' book.
Was chatting with friends today about the ranger and have a question for you all.

Outside of the concept of a Beastmaster, is there any 'ranger' concept that can't be describes as a fighter/rogue with a few druid spells tacked on? We were struggling to find anything that makes a ranger ranger.

We were chatting about this because one of my mates runs a dnd game for the school he works at and two of his students played ranger. They got to level three and did not know that there were non beastmaster subclasses - they assumed the subclass was just what kind of beast you got.
It nerfed martials into shit, how the fuck is it generally better?

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