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Ever set a campaign in the Soviet Union?
No, how would you go about this? Because now I am wondering how badly the world would be if you just dropped russia into forgotten realms. Just isekai the entire continent. Lets see dragpns deal with all that.
Many wargames do take place in the soviet union so yeah
Yeah, and I'm playing one right now
Explain further.

Wouldn't the climate and environment be the biggest hurdle for a wide swathe of dragon species? Even sorcery can only help you survive so far.
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I know there's a Russian TTRPG called Red Soil or something that's post-apocalypse early USSR
The guy who made Kutsuzure Sensen was hugely into /tg/ stuff and I would fucking absolutely play some games with slavic folklore figures/creatures during the USSR
White dragons would be ecstatic.
A campaign with koschei the deathless as the big bad would be solid.
Same. Well, ex-USSR, but still)
Very low potential for anything that's not an espionage-themed game unless you're setting it in the more turbulent earlier/later periods. Then again you could maaaaaybe run something with very low stakes set in some far-flung corner of the union with the players a part of some scientific expedition or coming to work on a megaproject like BAM and trying to settle in, interracting with the locals, doing some obligatory survivalism, perhaps even trying to deal somehow with some petty intrigues of some corrupt local beaureaucrat.
Twilight Struggle

>Wouldn't the climate and environment be the biggest hurdle for a wide swathe of dragon species
Make Gorbachev's reform a success while the space race never ended.
In Soviet Russia, campaign sets you
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No. But if i did, i would make it a soviet style Bioshock. Then again, my knowledge beyond "lol communism" is surface level, so i probably lack the insight to properly pull this off
Cry harder bitch
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THE Soviet Union? No. I don't play bleak historical settings, and since standing out might get you to a gulag, being a PC is either "who follows orders the best" or "who dodges the gulag the best". Possibly both if you're made to take the fall for an higher up mid-campaign.

Not saying it couldn't be done awesomely, but I am more of a fantasy/sci-fi land of the free / pink-mohawk-stick-it-to-the-man kinda guy.
I haven't.

Good talk.
The ussr is russia. Its literally the same slab of continent.
Yes? I just said it made wonder about droppung in russia. Learn to read before pitching a bitch fit.
Most of the USSR wasn't Russia. Fucking retard.
Some years ago I did a game where party was Bandera's nationalist guerillas. Because the premise of trying to reclaim your own piece of land right in the middle of one of the biggest conflicsts in the history of mankind is rad as hell. Even if their methods were somewhat unsavory.
I feel like the Soviet Union would dominate, an industrial, militaristic society very suddenly thrust into a world with infinite resources at the finger tips of every spellcasters fingertips. No more breadlines if the State Cleric can come down and Create Food and Water for everyone. Or I guess still breadlines but better stocked.

Fuck that’s such an interesting idea, throw in a blurb how they were sent to the dnd world by a Nazi occult ritual, Nazis who came through the portal too, and you’ve got a kino mesh of pulp occult action, world war 2, and fantasy.
>magic exists
>now we can make infinite food!
Does this happen in any media besides D&D?
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State would just seize the means of magical production and put the wizards into camps to conjure up the breat from there. You can't have authoritarian control if resources are freely distributed without state regulation. That leads to free market capitalism.
All the food you need, all the healing you need, and easy access to magic that can build housing trivially. Quality of life suddenly skyrockets. How will said nazi cultists magic work with the magic of the new world? How will the new peoples react to monsters and non humans?
>State Wizard College where the use of learned magic is inherently controlled
>The Party tries to assert itself as a deity so all clerics within their borders become clerics to the party. Clerics to other gods (old world or new) are hunted and killed.
The Nazi Cultists obviously become a strange collection of spellcasters as each one becomes a powerful version of each class. A collective of a Wizard, Cleric, Warlock, Sorcerer and Druid. All trying to pull the Reich through time and space into the new world to avoid losing the war. Also trying to destroy the soviets to prepare.
>Zhukov sends a recon force to Strahd's castle
i'd set her soviet union on my dick if you understand the deep geo-political meaning beyond my words
Earth is legitimately a plane that is connected to the forgotten realms in realms lore so its not impossible from the side of the forgotten realms that such a thing could happen.
I play a lot of hoi4 and it's made me want to see what a Trotskyist USSR would look like
>Thread redeemed with a red v white reference
I tried once, based on the idea of the Baikal Swimmers, and my friends were too upset we weren't enlightening the people about capitalism and that I didn't disparage the place enough so we had to call it quits.
After that I canned any plans of playing in any historical setting ever.
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I tried a simple one-shot, it went about as good as you'd expect.
ive played a campaign in the soviet union, it was call of cthulhu and we were red army soldiers. we started off collecting supplies from uncooperative farmers, found eldritch horrors and went from there. it was very funny. we occasionally played the soviet anthem and everyone at the table stood up, the first person to sit down would face a consequence.
Play in historical settings pre european global colonization and nobody will have a single political hangup.
>party derails the campaign to start a peasant revolt, abolish serfdom and legalize gay marriage
I mean, you could probably run something in the mystery/horror-genre based around the Dyatlov Pass incident.
Or just plain crime fighting.
USSR had their share of serial killers as well as criminal gangs.
What's the sauce of that webm?
Russia is a godawful shithole that will always devolve into an oligarchic mafia state no matter the circumstances. Dropping them into a fantasy/sci fi setting will not change that. Also remember that the only reason that garbage country is relevant nowadays is because of oil and gas. If these were not needed because of magic or anything else half the population would die because of the cold and the other half because of starvation

Lmao. As if oil and gas were rellevant during the Napoleonic wars or before.
friendly reminder it wasn't russia that stopped napoleon and hitler, it was the cold

Yeah, right. As if cold was this totally unexpected magical event that doesn't happen every year. Fact is, the casualties were outrageous, the supply lines were overstretched and constantly harassed, and the Russians kept regenerating forces far in excess of what the invaders were expecting.
The cold. The giant killer wolves, the food shortage, the shit logistics, sure there were unforseens but winter comes every year. Its not a surprise
No. I'm playing with two Russians right now so it would be rather awkward to try and present a setting I don't know much about compared to the players.
Doctor Who, 7th Doctor, The Curse of Fenric.
>godawful shithole that will always devolve into an oligarchic mafia state no matter the circumstances
Bit rude to describe feudalism like that but not inaccurate.
No but I guess it was a megadungeon
>the Reich

Gentle reminder to all and sundry that this is now ashes. Good day!
The only slavophile I know doesn't even like the USSR, he likes the Novgorod Republic, and alt-history scenarios where it shapes Russia, instead of the feudal lords and other autocrats. And no one else really cares about Russia enough to make setting a game there worth it.
Why the hell would I want to play as the bad guys?
Playing in a setting doesn't mean you have to play as an enforcer of the current regime. You could play as a foreign infiltrator/scout, a defector, a criminal, a saboteur, a terrorist/freedom fighter, etc.
Just the majority of population and landmass.
And get treated like the bad guy because everyone is too brainwashed or afraid to go against the Party. Really, OP should make a alt-history camp around infiltrators saving Russia from Stalin.
I had a game where the soviets invaded America.

It ended in 3 sessions because the players were literally acting like childrens
Sounds like they could hardly beria it
>Just the majority of population
Just. In the 1989 census USSR had 145 million Russians and 140 million non-Russians.
>Most of the USSR wasn't Russia
Oh it was genuinely terrible man.
Two players were constantly attempting to PVP one another over the smallest shit and one up eachother.
"The soviet guards you dropped both had an AK"
>My character says in a gravely voixe "Russian piece of crap, but better than nothing" and grabs one
>mine grabs one from the ground then snatchers [Player1]'s rifle from his hands! "Looks like it'll be nothing for you then!"
>My character punches [Player2] lights out for trying to snatch his rifle
this happened.

>My character turns to the party and says in a gravely voice "I don't usually work with civvies or ladies, but I'll have to I guess"
>"My character tells him to take back these words cause he's a staunch feminist"
>my character in a gravely voice takes out his knife and says "Make me"
>mine pulls out his gun and says "Oh I'll make you!"
Image is wrong. Katyusha is nowhere near that tall
I ran a game using Only War that was literally just The Secret War from Love Death & Robots.
The rule was shots of vodka if anyone died and you got extra Fate Points for showing up in various levels of USSR gear.
We can't know for sure how big the tables and chairs are.
>Just isekai the entire continent
Orcs are so disgusted by the conduct of the Russo-Mongol Horde they give up their own pillaging ways
Is fine, comrades will be eating good from the meat of the orc hordes.
soviet marching tune
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I mean, it could definately be worse.
>bad guys
Really shitty, because technologies sucks in fantasy. No, GATE is a single example and does not count.
>because technologies sucks in fantasy.
Not really? I mean a magic missile may be easier to target than an AK but an AK is going to kill you just as dead. And guns exist in forgotten realms. Basically any tech from the ussr or russia is going to be either extremely robust shit kickers or absolute dogshit, either way its going to be better than nothing.
So the Holodomor still happens, because russia requisitioned all of Ukraine's food-conjurers AND ALSO took all of their crops
To sell... to whom exactly?
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you sweet, innocent capitalist pigdog. We don't need to sell the grain - we just need for those pesky ukrainian independentists to die of starvation during the winter.
Comrade Boris - Conjure me some kalbassa to eat with my caviar, please.
So... you redirecting grain and food to buy a rope from capitalist, on which hel'll be handed? Are you вpaг нapoдa, citizen?
Hanged, of course. We'll by machinery and build industrial might, to turn US into Stalin's strait!
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sort of
No, because it would attract the most obnoxious players ever.
pure retarded cope

do you get all of your opinions of history from things your dad said?
>But if i did, i would make it a soviet style Bioshock.
You mean a game set in a Gulag?
They got lucky. Nobody knew it was going to dip that cold.
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We ran a dresden files game in Leningrad/St.Petersburg in 1990 as the Union was mid-meltdown, supernaturals taking adavntage of the coming chaos to push their agendas.

Didn't get many sessions in before the game kind of broke down, but was fun whilst it lasted and the city had great history and myths for that kinda game.

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