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how do you like your orcs?

for me it's gothic style orcs

not really an evil race but a strong rival
I remove Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves from my settings.
based same
Yeah, Gothic orcs are a good fit. They are similar to The Dark Eye orcs, I think. They are not inherently evil, but they have a war-focused culture and they will generally be antagonists whenever PCs encounter them.
>savage and barbaric people
>little to no civilization to call their own, focus on raiding
>low impulse control, prone to violence
>difficult to assimilate into more civilized cultures
>innately leans into chaotic or evil alignment
>frequently enslaved by a more civilized race or evil overlord
You were fine until the last two lines. Alignments and evil overlords are shit.
You probably think you're very clever.
Careful anon, you're treading dangerous ground.
We have an entire thread about Skaven = Jews, High Elves = Germans running on page 1 with nasty comments at whoever calls them out for blatant stealth /pol/.
Dumb threads deserve mockery
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If you want an evil not-orc race you can take inspiration from Qunari, they're the best in that regard imo
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Warhammer orks/orcs/orruks are my favorite, I will always have a soft spot for classic, simplistic goons in early tolkien inspired fantasy.
>evil overlords are shit.
brainlet take
Personally i like the old DSA orcs












You must be the kind of person that thinks Marvel movies are good cinema, right?
That leaves the main part of OP's question unanswered though.
No I'm not. In fact my taste in films is superb.
My favorite directors are Pasolini, Bergman and Tarkovsky. Nice strawman anon but evil overlords are kino
Sure buddy, keep enjoying your tendies and googling how to stop looking like an idiot
not an argument
And you don't have taste, so where does that leave us?
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Sure buddy
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weak catchphrase
I like a simple Tolkien orc for other settings.
For my own setting:
>Orcs are bioengineered war machines of the past
>strong, coordinated, and incredibly fast learners with an innate talent for physics and using the full potential of their bodies (i.e. an orc can intuit the most effective way to swing a sword or throw a punch)
>come out of buried vats/jars knowing very little - they aren't dumb, they just don't understand the world at first
>not inherently evil, but since they seem to be best at violence it's easy for them to become evil or manipulated to be so
>we don't have the magitechnology to make orcs anymore. the art has been lost. even one orc that can be dug up is a rare and valuable find.
>instead a talented evil lord can make shitty knockoff orcs (hobgoblins) and really shitty knockoff orcs (goblins). some endemic populations of these in various spots.
>an army of true orcs would be a nuclear bomb level threat
Orcs are German?!
Big news everybody
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With proper snouts.
That's how I always imagined them.
>how do you like your orcs?
Imagine thinking this is cool.
Moria orcs are best orcs
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If I use orcs in my setting, I like them to be Ian Miller style, like in A Tolkien Bestiary.
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Visually, Angus McBride gets them where I like em. I also like the classic AD&D 2E porcs painting.
Culturally, either inherently aligned/created by objective metaphysical evil or (if we're playing with no fun nuance nerds) their evolutionary genesis is so far removed from humans/demihumans that their neurobiological traits and the culture its spawned are so intensely motivated in opposition with human/demihuman interests that you can never coexist with them. You might be able to form a brief alliance of convenience with gold or a show of sheer brute strength, but they'd always be eyeing ways to screw you or kill you.
Like if a completely separate species had evolved in the bowels of the Earth from us, arrived at some of the same biological and technological conclusions, but survived on much more pronounced predatory impulses that (when polished by millions of years) produce a race for whom killing and eating their adversaries is still a very central part of their pleasure drive (among other unscrupulous and destructive things)

But that's if we're just playing with fags who want an explanation, otherwise they're aligned with the universal force of evil or created by it.
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Orcs from Blizzard's Golden Age one of the coolest depiction of them in fiction
Good takes.

Bad take.
>slop orcs good
>orcs with wide range of unique aesthetic bad
>le misunderstood noble savage green bodybuilder
>>le misunderstood noble savage
You've completely missed the whole point. "Le morally grey noble savage" is just surface-level.
Both are actually pretty great point
>noble savage
Always nice to have additional/unexpected protagonist. It's also makes then better antagonists than noname goons without aesthetic or charm.
>green bodybuilder
Unless your setting is Antiquity/Dark Age inspired makes much more sense to make barbarians into separate race rather than having them around societies with Renaissance/Victorian industry.
Literally nothing wrong with pre-WC3 orcs, you fucking mongoloid.
Interesting that you'll never get banned for these comments, huh.
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What is the story behind Gothic Orcs? Didn't they start a war with the humans in that story?
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pig nosed
Normally I use humans-only. But if I really need orcs, I make them pale-skinned, fair, blue eyes, and barbaric.
Degenerated albinos.
Genocidal Pillaging Warthog/Boar Beastmen with a vaguely visigoth aesthetic.
Nobody should be wondering if it's bad to fight them or thinking they shouldn't be kill on sight.

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