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>A little girl approaches the party
>She wants to become an adventurer and to seek revenge on the raiders that destroyed her village
How your party reacts ?
Why is she hidding a sword behind her back with blood stains?
Detect Magic. Does it ping?
Detect Evil. Does it ping?
Zone of Truth: ask if the being has any ability currently affecting them that would prevent either of the above two spells from working
If the answer to any of the above is “yes”, kill or force the shapeshifter out of its form.
If the answer is no, spend the next year’s worth of sessions training the child, long after the rest of the party has lost interest. Any DM worth their salt is gonna have this child save us in our hour of greatest need
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4chan post, that means we were the raiders who destroyed her village.
That sounds like it'd take a long time. Mind if we kill the raiders and you could get the executing blow on their defeated leader?

I mean, I don't want any raiders running loose while you train and there's the possibility they'll get destroyed by other adventurers, monsters, etc so it'd be best for everyone to just take them down now.

Unless the raiders were, like, a foreign invading army with a high up commander, maybe even a king. Then, yeah, could take some time.
Check the map again, clearly we're walking in circles
I tell the DM to stop inserting his shitty fetishes into the game.
Give her a chain mail vest to match her rapier.
This is the correct answer.
Teach her necromancy so she and the dead villagers can seek their revenge.
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Welcome aboard!
Rolled 4 (1d20)

I roll insight
You seem to notice her form flicker in front of your eyes. Doubt creeps into your thoughts: when was the last time you slept well?
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Probably slaughter all the raiders
The last time I brought on a young NPC party member I trained them as my squire until they were 20, just a year from being knighted themselves, and they decided to corner me in my tent and spill the beans that they were actually a girl and don't really care that I'm married. No thank you.
There's at least a 50 % chance she's actually a demon, asshole fae, or the dreaded voreloli. I'm not taking any chances.
Remember: when you see a loli, back away slowly! It might one day save you from a TPK.
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She probably has low bases and high growths. If we're on a time limit, we leave her. If we can afford to train her, we take her and invest in our future hard carry
I play an evil schizo with a hypersexualized depravity, so she would be raped and murdered
eh, trainee units usually have marginal utility at best, especially in games where you have plenty of units with high enough bases to carry them through the endgame anyway
I kind of want to do a d20 "you encounter a little girl" table where there's a 1 in 20 chance for it to be a completely ordinary little girl, and every other entry is stuff like she's a shapeshifter or an ancient vampire or a voreloli.
Seek help and/or prison.
I'm not sure who's a bigger faggot. You or the DM that allowed you to play such a character.
Not a PC? Fuck off, I hate tag-along NPCs.
lets go

1 - ?
2 - A powerfull spellcaster
3 - A doppleganger
4 - ?
5 - ?
6 - A Succubus
7 - ?
8 - ?
9 - An anciet vampire
10 - ?
11 - ?
12 - A shapeshifted silly fey
13 - A shapeshifted unsilly fey
14 - ?
15 - ?
16 - ?
17 - ?
18 - ?
19 - ?
20 - An actual little girl
>He doesn't have a retinue of followers and hirelings
there's a mundane test for similar purpose - give her some sweet liquor, if she drinks it and gets tipsy, there's good chance she is a normal person, if she's unable or unwillingnto drink or if she can down it without getting under influence, there's something more going on
Add the following:
>an adult human with dwarfism (not to be confused with a dwarf)
>an illusion created by a distant wizard
>a little girl (male)
>1 - god or demi-god in human form

>4 - doll automaton

>7 - crossdressing incubus
>8 - rookie vampire

>19 - regular woman recently hit by rejuvenation magic
>Shapeshifting dragon
>Alien/extradimensional being taking a human form
>A regular little girl, but has an ancient evil sealed in her body
>The lure of an anglerfish-like monster
>A voreloli
>>The lure of an anglerfish-like monster
Based SpongeBob enjoyer
>drop girl off at the local Brotherhood of Steel bunker and arrange for her induction as a Squire
>ask her for any info she might have on the raider band
>wander off in that general direction and slaughter all raider scum we come across (they probably attacked first)
>bring the girl back a trophy if we happen to find one worth keeping
I was probably going to slaughter them eventually anyway. Might as well help a kid out while doing it.
It's literally just roleplaying what a character would do, you fucking NPCs...
You're not supposed to touch that item.
My last party I GMed for probably would've taken her in and kept her safe from attack, but almost certainly would not have indulged her desire for personal revenge and instead left her with someone they at least marginally trusted. The Shallyans, for example.
Perhaps you're not familiar with the local lingo. The word "party" in the OP (original post) refers to a group of PCs (player characters) in an RPG (role-playing game).
I summon some monsters, if she can show that she knows how to fight she can join.

1 - A divine entity or divine spawn in human form
2 - A powerfull spellcaster
3 - A doppleganger
4 - A doll automation or homunculus
5 - A mad gnome apprenticed to a wizard currently searching for her
6 - A succubus or crossdressing incubus
7 - A ghost
8 - A fledgling vampire
9 - An ancient vampire
10 - A little girl (male)
11 - A geas-applying illusion created by a forgotten wizard
12 - A shapeshifted silly fey
13 - A shapeshifted unsilly fey
14 - A regular little girl with an ancient evil sealed inside
15 - The lure of an anglerfish-type monster
16 - An extraterrestrial or extradimensional being in human form
17 - A shapeshifted dragon
18 - A dread voreloli
19 - A regular woman magically rejuvenated
20 - An ordinary little girl
>young enough for training
>no personal attachments
We will train her. In ten years' time, she will either have come to realize the futility of violence, or become one of violence's finest practitioners.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Let's see which little girl we're dealing with here
>Not having hirelings, or people in your employ

>Not having tag-along followers that you drag through adventures with you.

These are different.
Uh oh. Better hope you can distract her with food long enough to run away.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

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A surprisingly common problem.
I choose to sacrifice our rations to the dread loli to run off into the forest, and then punch the GM in the shoulder because what the fuck man?
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>spill the beans that they were actually a gir
>He think followers are drags if they cant throw them into combat right away
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Initiate the cOwOmbat already, loli!
Did you mean seelie/unseelie fey?
But what do you do now that a voreloli is somewhere out there in the world, preying on careless adventurers? She could be part of the next hostage group you save. Worse yet, she could be in the next town over, biding her time until a band of heroes decides to sleep in the local inn?

You have to put a stop to this monster once and for all!
Rolled 20 (1d20)

I reach out to pat her head and tell her that everything ok will be alright and to let go of the vengeance in her heart
Using your penis, right?
>rolled 20
You lived to tell the tale. Good job, righteous anon.
>Fucking can't stop assuming.
I said nothing of the sort.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

I rape her.
My character is an ascended (demigod) solar. All his detection and divination spells are perpetually active and he has his bow that fires arrows of slaying ready to take her down if she is a threat.
The archmage to my left offers her candy and prepares to sniff her like Joe Biden would.
The ranger to my right is stroking his cock (his pet rooster...sicko).
Cool we get a new item caddy. She can hold all the Wizard's shit, so between her and him they have the encumbrance of physically-fit member.
What's a solar doing babysitting a couple of mortals
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Luckily all lolis are weak to headpats, so the risk wasn't that high. With the dangerous ones it's just the matter of how to stop headpatting and still keep your life.
They're his friends and more than twice his level (46th and 72nd respectively). When the DM gave us wishes as rewards, my cleric opted to become a solar, then later ascended. The rest of the party is so powerful, he can barely keep up. They usually face off against demon hordes and in AD&D 2E, they're actually tough to beat when they horde up like niggers.
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>She could be part of the next hostage group you save. Worse yet, she could be in the next town over, biding her time until a band of heroes decides to sleep in the local inn?

I think you should be able to tell pretty easily, on the account of all the hostage-takers or townsfolk being eaten.
The way the all-devouring voreloli is typically described is not really as a malicious being, at least not more so than your average bratty child, just extremely hungry and with no sense of right and wrong. It's unlikely she'd lay in wait for adventurers to prey upon if there's something else around to eat, and more likely she'd just wander off doing normal kid things until she gets hungry and eats whatever is within reach, regardless of who or what it is.
>sealing a marital contract with one of the fae
R.I.P. anon
Not a good test, a shapeshifter could be unaffected but pretend to get drunk like a normal child would.
Drunk kids turn blushy. Shapechange can't mimic spontaneous emotional responses.
t.former drunk kid.
You really think that something that is capable of changing their physical form at will would not be able to add a little color to their face?
...and people say Casters ruin every challange
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Fellas, why do smug little girls trigger a primal instinct to love and protect?
Imagine a group deciding the fates of all the people they encounter in a campaign by putting it up to a public vote on the internet. Would turn chaotic real quick but also be really fucking funny.
Will the options be decided by the GM for the public to vote on or will people be able to write in their answers, as I can see a lot of encounters devolving into Hitler did nothing wrongs.
They wipe the raiders off the map while letting her think that she's meaningfully contributing. They then arrange for her adoption.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

ok lets see
Former would probably be more workable.
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It's in both our biological programming and deeply rooted social customs to protect the youth.
Ask the necromancer if he needs any more bodies.
If he doesn't, ask the rogue the rates for young girls at the closest slave markets
Haha you rolled a natural 20! That means you pat her head so hard her head explodes!
I don't have to imagine, I've been around before this board got its second sticky.
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>Luckily all lolis are weak to headpats
not limited to humanoids
is it more ethical to put down the all-devouring voreloli, or properly raise her to become a less-devouring voreyounglady?
They could, but not spontaeously.
The spells literally don't allow for that.
Give her a wand of fireball and tell her to have fun
We ask her about the raiders, and try to track them down. One the way we teach her how to use a weapon.

When we find the raiders we kill them all, with her along for the ride so that she can see what vengeance means.
My familiar is also a little girl. Use her to check for loli magnetism. If the field strength is below 30 kilo-Nabakovs, wait for the elf to hug her and then shank that thing with the silver knife while they're getting eaten.
I burn two spell slots. Disintegrate first, then Wish to bring the girl back. And then I tell her she should get used to that if she wants to be an adventurer as that happened three times this week already to me.
And then I long rest while giving out stories of adventures I and my party had.
You can't resurrect people if they don't want to be resurrected by you. No little girl, after having been murdered by you, will want to leave heaven to face your evil bullshit again.
A group of paladin/mages (called paramanders) now hunt you for eternity.
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We accept on condition she stops being an adventurer as soon as she gets the revenge.
What is more evil, denying information and leaving her in the dark of how fucking dangerous adventuring is and letting her find out later on the road when not having herself of someone else properly equipped to handle it, or being brutally honest about how fucking dangerous adventuring is, with someone properly equipped is able to handle it?
Rolled 8 (1d20)

All right, fine, what's my party meeting this week?
>being a sociopathic dick is somehow better than not being a sociopathic dick
My paladin would kill your character, as would any nonevil character that valued life. Your chaotic evil character is absolute shit.
children are a good source of spell components.
>hurp durp lying by omission and leading a child into a permanent early grave is somehow less evil than setting clear and concise expectations early
Quickest way to lead to a fallen paladin
Even the gods would smite your faggy edgelord.
What loser DM allowed your bullshit pc?
>Write "Emergency Rations" in Elvish on her forehead
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It's supposed to be lawful good, not lawful retarded, for paladins
Let me guess, your paladin kills drow and kobolds and goblins and duregar on sight because they're all """""""""""""evil"""""""""""""?
>spell slots
>And then I long rest
Explains all the other retardation that coalesced within this post.
>murdering kids is ever ok
How did you escape the institution?
Yeah that looks like trouble, and I'm not trusting that dagger or that smile. I'm going to need to verify some of that, but if she's speaking the truth, I can't promise to make her into an adventurer or whatever, but we'll go kill those raiders together.

Have you tried not playing D&Dogshit? Also
>Detect Evil
A level 0 girl isn't going to have a discernable alignment, you fucking drone.
Eh, if anything her appetite would only increase as she grows up.

But it would probably be a good idea to teach her not to eat people.
Looks like you guys got Vamped
Assuming she's not actually evil and that it is possible to teach her some degree of self-control, the latter. All-consuming hunger aside, she's still a little girl who just needs some love and being taught proper manners (such as that just because she's hungry she can't just eat everything with reach without asking for permission).
The path of the righteous will not be hindered!
An orc sneaks up on you an gives you surprise buttsecks.
I evade her and twirl around, unsheathing my sword to strike and
decapitate her in one blow
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Whoops forgot my roll
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> A level 0 girl isn't going to have a discernable alignment
All living things have an alignment. A real level 0 child is going to be Neutral. A malicious shapeshifter is going to ping Evil
Shut your fucking mouth
Maybe it's just a phase and when she grows up she'll just have a normal appetite. You don't really hear about all-devouring vore adults, after all, and a lot of people say they used to eat a ton as a kid without getting fat but no longer can (in case of the voreloli that's just being more literal).
Though that's assuming a voreloli can even grow up. It's never been clear what kind of being they actually are. Supernatural being that just looks like a little girl? A girl afflicted with a curse? A perfectly ordinary little girl who just happens to be so hungry her stomach turned into a black hole?
You failed to evade. HE made HIS death attack roll (no save) and your asshole is impaled on 18 inches of beer bottle thick green veiny thundercock and die from the damage to your internal organs.
Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d6)

I take her in and train her to become a one women army.
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Ask the elf.
In earlier editions at least detect alignment only worked on targets above a certain level or CR (with the exception of beings like angels and demons, which are the physical embodiments of their alignment). An average peasant or little girl isn't significant enough to show up in the alignment detector. You need to have built up enough good or bad karma to have detectable alignment.
Ok, so she doesn’t ping as evil and is thus probably a real little girl
Now for the Detect Magic and Zone of Truth.
Do you run such checks on everyone you meet?
I think that depends on how many of the people he meets are mysterious little girls with bloodstains and hiding swords behind their backs, Mysterious cloaked strangers approaching the party campfire at night and little old ladies living in dangerous wooded areas seemingly all by themselves without a village nearby for any kind of support.
Honestly it's like you people have never seen Men In Black.
right, like you just blow 4 spell slots everytime you meet a new person
>You can't resurrect people if they don't want to be resurrected by you.
Says who?
>All living things have an alignment.
Irrelevant, you slobbering mongoloid. I didn't say that she didn't have an alignment. I said that a random level 0 girl child isn't going to have a discernable alignment. If you don't understand such a simple sentence, you should unironically suicide yourself.
No, they are Fey shapeshifted for silly/unsilly reasons, with their court flavoring the silly/unsilly actions. A Seelie silly fae, for example, might do a pratfall will dodging out of the way while an Unseelie silly fae might "accidently" stab a foe in the balls while clumsily using her Rapier. Either way, the fae is trying to gain vitality through the humor of the situation. Counter, the unsilly seeks vitality through coming of age style stories, though if they be heroic or tragic depends on how much the seelie/unseelie fae likes/hates/wants you to suffer (nothing builds character, and thus vitality, than watching the little girl you took in and trained die a heroic/tragic death. This also let's the fae play dead until unseen, so they can have a good laugh and go to their next role).
Yeah, but that kinda exposes you to anyone or anything actually clever enough to not pull up a disguise in a context that exposes it as suspicious.
It's literally in the rules of every D&D or AD&D game I ever played. Not to mention most other ttrpgs.
Yeah I do, Tim, after the third fucking time you introduced a friendly NPC only for them to secretly be evil and betray us it’s getting fucking old and I don’t know if it’s your fetish or just incompetence or something but even John’s getting annoyed by it and he’s a pushover
I cast Detect Magic and Zone of Truth even though your retarded reaction to me doing this tells me everything I gotta know
>You don't really hear about all-devouring vore adults, after all
that's because they're much better at hiding than literal children
>t. professional predhunter
Yes, anon, the bloodstained little girl holding a bloodied knife who’s telling me to kill is certainly “everyone I meet”
Why would I be any more suspicious of her than the old man in the market I bought a sword from
Aquire daughterwife
How do you find them aside from catching them in the act? Who pays for that kind of service?
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But what about converting her to Christianity due to having her hear about the body of Christ?
There’s still the food issue
>buh m-muh dee&dee!
I say again, drone; says who?
I doubt she's going to be very impressed by some dry wafers. And I suspect giving her the idea of eating God could have dangerous consequences.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

20? Too much.
I personally want to leave her behind just ask her where the bandits are and then point her towards the nearest town. But no my party wants to take her along with us despite the fact that at some point we'll be fighting Glorbo Florbo the All Devourer and if she gets hurt then valuable healing supplies will have to get used when they should be used on me and the other up front fighter who will probably take most the damage.

But of course I'm an edgy heartless bastard for being more focused on getting shit done especially against the evil Glorbo Florbo
Sating a voreloli's hunger by offering her a communion wafer is the kind of thing you hear in medieval legends about the deeds of saints.
What if the Tarrasque was a voreloli?
Stealing this and rolling for my future companion/wife
Resurrection and Reincarnate explicitly ask for consent.
Revivify doesn't.
Huh, dice dont want to work
Rolled 18 (1d20)

You're just doing it wrong.
It would be really embarrassing if it didn't work for me either.
I like how heavily Rumia has gotten associated with being a voreloli. It does make sense since unlike most other Tuhou yokai characters she's not based on any specific mythical being, and is just a generic man-eating yokai (who is also a little girl).

Not much changes other than it being a lot cuter while going on a rampage and devouring everything in sight. Plus you're going to have a much easier time subduing it with headpats.
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Another voreloli. Be sure to keep her well-fed and teach her some table manners to avoid a calamity.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Wtf is with this thread that's two vore lolis now
Let's see what kind of girl I encounter.
>I take her hand and escort her over to the closest orphanage.
>I tell her to wait till she is grown before she walks the path of revenge. And if she still wishes to do so by then, to seek me out.
Take her back to the farm she comes from and have a talk with her parents about how she might get into trouble if they dont stop her from telling fibs to random strangers.
>A doll automaton or homunculus
Welp, sorry other kids at the orphanage, didn't mean to leave you a spooky girl-Chucky doll. Better luck next life!
>a little girl approa-
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Kid, I like your moxy but you do NOT want to join our party. The way of the Blue Mage is difficult and... very strange.
At least the homonculus is probably just your average emotionless Rei-clone loli. She might unsettle the other kids but that's a lot less bad than if it had been a vampire or a voreloli.
Depends, did they just murder a child in front of the paladin?
Torture isn't much better.
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That might lead to her eating christ.
Kinda wonder what happens when someone eats god now
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Eating a god might be enough to make even a voreloli feel slightly stuffed. Or give her a tummy ache.
Found the retarded fat chick.
Revivify doesn't exist in D&D.
In/b/4, 4E and 5E aren't D&D.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Who did I run into?
>How your party reacts ?
Detect ESL
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Lets try again then, I can never get these figured out
Rolled 16 (1d20)

trying again with proper sided dice.
Well this should be interesting. It could be a girl from another planet or dimension, or a Lovecraftian horror disguised as a girl and trying to use me for some horrible plan.
Well... as we might have accidentaly be the cause of a few villages destruction... let's not leave any loose ends. We agree to take her as our adventurer apprentice, unfortunately, not many children make it to adulthood in the times we live in, especially when they accidentally drink poison instead of health potion.
Well, I am apparently finding a divine loli. not sure what to make of this.
Incredibly fake and gay story. Even Old Man Henderson was more believable
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Grats on your holy daughter
We are the raiders that destroyed her village
Alright, here we go...
Rolled 18 (1d20)

It's all vorelolis
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Somebody needs to do something with all these voracious little girls
Your reaction is to ask her...?
My reaction is to disintegrate her immediately and scatter the dust into the soil.
... it doesn't.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Guys in this thread cannot roll. I am going to save the girl from a fate worse than death.
She is already (un)dead.
Be prepared to regret that choice when the soil you disintegrated her on brings forth a voreloli tree and they all want revenge against you.
That's when the GM gets stabbed in the face with whatever object is closest at hand, then their mangled corpse is dumped unceremoniously into a woodchipper as the exhaust is aimed at your face as a warning.
Be prepared to regret that choice when the soil the GM got woodchipped on brings forth a GM tree and they all want revenge
Audible Kek.
Reminds me of The Black Company.
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>A doll automaton or homunculus
'Ere you go.
>Ancient vampire loli
I dont think you're in much of a position to do anything
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pretty sure launching this game is more than -10 social credit given the little disclaimer thing
>I said that a random level 0 girl child isn't going to have a discernable alignment.
Which is irrelevant to the conversation at hand because the point of the spell is to check if she isn't what she seems, i.e. something that WOULD ping Evil. He's not trying to verify her alignment, he's using the spell to detect an Evil shapeshifter you mong.
I mean, you're exposed to that kind of person regardless, so shouldn't you take at least basic precautions?
>this level of projection
You will never be a real woman, drone.

"Social customs" i.e. culture is a function of biology, so your statement is inherently tautological.
What the fuck are you smoking? One is clearly evil. The other one is clearly good. Speak the truth, faggot.
oh c'mon, it's obviously referencing the skull on her bedside table and how Chinese culture frowns upon depiction of skulls
Oh, yes, I used to type EXPOSED BONES in all chat in dota2 to banish chinese players.
But I mean the disclaimer you're required to click to play about how Taiwan is a country
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ah yes, that is also a thing, but more importantly pettable loli maid amputee necromancer cannibal
damn right, brother
They probably call me a pedo and recoil with as much virtuous disgust at the mere mention of the words 'little girl' as if I'd pinned a toddlers ankles to her ears right there on the table.
Makes one want to double down.
I recognise her pose and ready my glowsticks.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

she should be burning in the sun
We all laugh as the brooding edgy death knight adopts another kid because the GM tosses children and young proteges his way like candy.

My shapeshifter PC considers if at this point he should get a child form too so he can join in the guy accidentally building a dynasty.
Lolimancy is a powerful form of magic
This actually happened in my last campaign. The warrior of the group had to be restrained to not kill the kid immediately.
After that they just gave him a polite "we're full, fuck off.
>her alignment pings as "bratty"
damn bratty dmpc!!!.... seduce a lawful good human fighter uwoh... needs action surge correction!!!
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Is her hair black?
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Are you a bad enough due to defeat the MESUGAKI?
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846 KB GIF
Îs this your deathknight?
File: 4xg8q0h8r3921.jpg (278 KB, 1024x1280)
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278 KB JPG
Someone said 'Lolimancy" ?
File: GPUrxaqbwAE8-ZJ.jpg_large.jpg (276 KB, 1129x1200)
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276 KB JPG
A bit more like this.

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