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What are your solutions to getting enough space to play big games?

Do you use an extendable table?
A gaming table topper?
Something that folds away?
Any clever space saving solutions?
Do you have a FLGS that rents table space out?
Or do you live in a big american house and space isn't an issue?
>Or do you live in a big american house and space isn't an issue?
Pretty much.

If I host then we use the dining room table, if the GM hosts then we use the extendable table in his gaming room.

Even when I was a poorfag uni student in a sharehouse we still had space to game though.
How can you not have a table? Don't you need somewhere to eat?
Am I the only one who thinks that gaming table looks horrible to use?
You'll barely be able to reach anything on the orange.
I have a small dining room table 4ft x 2.5ft because british housing stock is small (and damp and expensive) and space is at a premium.
I'm looking at extenders, or maybe even toppers that can be taken off and stored upright against a wall.
The main issue remains having enough space for chairs and movement around the table though.

>gaming room
A whole room? For gaming? How the other half live ey

Agreed tbf
No, you aren't. I hate those things.
clearly it's designed for basketballers, hence the colour scheme
I'm trying to come up with something for my new apartment. Right now I'm leaning toward either a pair of folding tables, or one folding table with a large topper.
It's kind of a bizarre thing innit, what kind of games do you think they play on that?
You mean you don't live in a five bedroom bastard house with a Buck Rogers toilet?

Literally just a big normal table

No need to make things complicated

Any normal apartment anywhere outside of east asia should have at least one big table in it
Big ol' wood dining room table, but we're lucky enough to have one of those converted garages in the back yard that are common in California. A/C, kitchenette, carpet, plenty of space.
You use these long grabbers to move pieces around, you don't lean over the entire table. I don't know what they're called, but they're standard in any wargame that uses a lot space.
I want a gaming table myself, but most of these things seem retardedly overdesigned and overpriced.
I don't want to have to stand up and lean over tons of shit to move my little token on the map. May as well not have a central portion at all if it's that irritating to access.
And besides the overdesigned aspect, these retarded things sell at like 600 dollars minimum for even a basic one that's just a piece of fabric installed in a regular cheap table.
I would like one at some point, don't get me wrong, because when I finally do get my own house I'd really like a dedicated game room that's nice and well-furnished. I'm just saying most of these offerings seem to be total scams.
>one layer of plywood or 3 layers of cardboard
>one layer of cloth
Large old wooden dining table with leaf

Thin sheet of plywood on top, 4x7'

v. thin piece of white melamine (budget whiteboard) on that

topped with a custom made small table sized to fit a large battle mat

I made sure the little table was just high enough to slide a can of Foster's under it.

plenty of room for 8 people

Ended up donating it to my gaming club, very popular.

Really, really worked well.

Current set up is the same concept, a smaller folding table with a plywood top with risers sized to fit the same large battle mat.

Most of the custom tables like in OP seem terrible to use
>What are your solutions to getting enough space to play big games?
Not being poor, mainly. If you don't have enough money to buy a house with a space suitable for gaming, you shouldn't be gaming at all. Either work more or work harder until you get enough money to get that house. Hobbies are for people who have earned their leisure time, and you clearly haven't.
Is slapping a piece of MDF on top of a table a good idea? I guess you can't go too wide for fear of someone leaning on one and levering it up. But I wonder if it's even viable.

Does it stay flat without warping?
What would be a good cover for it, felt, neoprene, vinyl?
Will it be solid enough to stay in place without needing something to affix it to the table?
How thick is required?
Leave it to burgers to invent the shittiest version of anything...
Yep, that goes in into the cringe folder.
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Grab pic related and some folding chairs.
All these gaming tables are stupid and overpriced horseshit.
Guy, I've played a game where someone put a sheet of particle board on two sawhorses in his backyard.
Do whatever you want.
FYI MDF is heavy, and if it gets wet, it will swell and crumble, otherwise, go for it.
Can play at:
>Library rooms
>University study/activity rooms
>Outside/park (weather permitting)
>Board game/gaming shop
>Local restaurants on slow days
>Community centers
>Coffee shops
>Comic shops
>Bring foldable tables and chairs to someone’s place
>Food courts
I even know an IHOP that lets people play midnight games on weekdays since it's dead.
I know your post was just being a dumbass troll on purpose but thanks for letting me list all the options a person could use.
Is that a pizza tattoo?
The felt is useful for picking up cards at least.
I admit it is a ghetto solution, but it is cheap and can be stored in small space when not used.
Assblasted bonglander jealous of a shitty table cause it won't fit in his hobbit hole.
lol. U mad.
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I've got a table from https://firmerterra.com/

I'm a homeowner, lol, with no place I'd like to put a permanent 6x4 table. The table in the link folds nicely to a size I can store under a piece of furniture or in a closet.

Eventually, I'd like to be able to play massive games or games across two tables; a table that's portable let's me play in a few spaces in my home and even in the garage or outside.

It's been more than good enough, and the gameboard easily survives some reasonable bumps.

If youre into the citadel realm of battle tiles, just be aware they don't quite sit flat: I'm going to get a big gaming mat that should solve that, though
This is actually based. This way if you're playing a smaller game you don't have to set them all up. I'm gonna do this or something like it
Get 3 of these and have 2 horizontal with 1 vertical and it makes a 9'x6' table
You got a warhammer board with border space, you got space for dnd and all your personal stuff on the edge

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