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>Dawn of War saved warhammer 40k from obscurity back in the day
>Total War saved warhammer fb and forced GW to make the old world
>Now, dungeon and dragons are being fixed thanks to baldurs gate
If this is true, why does "5.5e" look like such a dumpster fire so far?
Where are the weapon ability properties that were do damn prevalent in the game?
I don't really think dawn of War had much of an effect on 40k, it sold well enough but its sales were dwarfed by other RTS games of the time and 40k had about the same level of success it always had until the 8th edition boom
40k has a noticeable increase in popularity around 4th/5th and then steady drop off until 8th rebooted everything and coincided with a mass shilling campaign on youtube.
I would like to know where you're seeing the noticeable increase, but by all accounts GW as a whole was stagnant for the most part, only seeing incremental growth until 8th edition
Next coming up
>Bloodlines 2 saves VtM (not actually going to happen)
>ESL secondary thinks dawn of war is what made 40k popular
How many of these threads do we need?
Completely anecdotal, every LGS I visited was packed full of 40k players from 5th-6th, then were dead by the end of 7th. They had some life return to them with 8th, but then die again with 9th. Most of the sales numbers come from tournament players now.
>40k spergs too triggered to realize the thread is about D&D
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not going to happen because entire idea behind vampire setting changed.
Old material, not canon anymore
Another revolutionary advancement to the tabletop scene, no wonder dnd 5e is the world's greatest roleplaying game, 5.5e must be the worlds greatestest roleplaying game. They have innovated so much already! such as drinking potions as a special action, and fighting against harmful stereotypes.
It'll be debatable if it "saves" the World of Darkness or not, but VtM Bloodlines 2 - if it's actually good - would be a major windfall for the IP. Like the OP implies, one of the best things you can do for your tabletop IP is a kickass video game adaptation. Even if it doesn't necessarily immediately translate to more tabletop players, it still makes the IP stronger and can lead to more material down the line. It worked for Battletech.
>if it's actually good
Calling it now - we already have a solid line on that one. It ain't.
Beheading niggers like its 2024 Qatar.
WOTC thought they were a nice idea, but expressed concerns that weapon properties might make martials good.
So they've added something similar, except completely dogshit.
>Now, dungeon and dragons are being fixed thanks to baldurs gate
No, it'll still be complete shit.

Also, go back to your containment thread, tranny.
>implying those were good things
The only good thing about this news is that they stopped saying that stupid thing about one and called it what it really is.
Mate might be on to something, mechwarrior online is what kept battletech holding on by the skin of its dead teeth through the dark age, modernized the art, and banished harmony gold all before HBS battletech sparked the real renaissance.

I'm not holding out hope for D&D though.
No one gives a fuck about any of your gay imagination """"games"""", nigger.
Take your meds
>noooo you’re supposed to be talking about le thing I’m shilling

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