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>Included pipe bombs in my low fantasy medieval setting
Pipe bombs could easily be manufactured then. Though the pipe would likely be clay, not metal.
The Byzantines had flamethrowers, just say some great scientist of the past invented these pipe bombs and it has been passed on long enough to persist. Consider it an alchemical creation to tie to the alchemists guild
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Primitive powder bombs go waaaay back to the early days of gunpowder.

Unironically the pipe bit is more of an anarchronism than the bomb bit. If your setting has metal pipes of any sort and a gunpowder analogue, pipe bombs are entirely legit and something similar *should* already exist in setting.
Why didn't saruman go with his army to helms deep? They would have cleared beaten the defenders in time before Gandalf showed up
Nice blogpost.
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>people wanting to play low fantasy medieval setting... presumably with historical accuracy.
Every grenade is a glorified pipebomb
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i like the story of the one islamic sultan or whatever, mehmed II i think his name was, decided to siege the biggest walled city in the region, if i remember right Constantinople, somewhere around 1450, roughly the same time period western europe is at the height of knights in shining armor and archers

he commissioned a master engineer and his team to design him cannons to tear down the walls. so he built the biggest cannons ever made and fired them so much they had to constantly oil them to keep them from cracking and exploding
Divination wizard.
Wouldn't be super helpful on the front lines.

Very ironic then that he failed to foresee his downfall by a bunch of walking lumber.
>muh low fantasy medieval setting
Shut the fuck up. Anybody who talks like this is a faggot.
The Ottoman siege guns were amazingly advanced for the time. Solid bronze castings with separate powder chamber and barrel segments that could be unscrewed for transport or maintenance. They were needed because of the tremendously strong walls the Byzantines built, and even then during the final siege of Constantinople the city withstood the bombardment by a battery of 60 of them for over two months.
Any medieval cannon that isn't cleaned well enough is a pipe bomb.
>implying 15th century knights in shining armor didn't both face and use both cannon and handguns
(((Hollywood))) education.
always cracks me how cannons that crushed the walls of constantinopole were founded in germany
Mhm. Also they were actually designed by a Hungarian for the Byzantine emperor, but then he sold the design to the Ottomans after Constantine XI stiffed him.
>he commissioned a master engineer and his team to design him cannons to tear down the walls.
It was the engineer's idea actually. He was a Hungarian named Orban, he attempted to sell the idea to the Eastern Romans first but they turned him down because he was too expensive. In the actual siege the gun took so long to reload and fire that the Romans were able to repair the walls before it could.
>the Romans were able to repair the walls before it could.
well one of you fucks is lying
So swords and armor don't exist in your setting as well either than right?
I don't know why people aim for a genre: just build whatever pops into your head.
Da Vinci's Demons had an episode about this.
Anon medieval-era grenades and explosives were usually made of clay/earthenware for cost reasons. Cast iron grenades would become the norm later.
>Included pipe in my low fantasy medieval setting
A metal pipe is more difficult to manufacture than a metal rod. Still, if the setting has plate armor on the level of 15th century Gothic plate, then the metalworking is also good enough to manufacture a six inch long steel pipe (and also good enough to make a matchlock, but that's neither here nor there).
He probably could have done stuff, especially in terms of talking at people to trick them, even after what he did to Theoden he could have weaseled out some advantage if he'd been there in person to do diplomancy.
But then, that's the other thing, I don't think his bitch-ass wanted to go anywhere near Theoden or Theoden's army. He thought of himself as aloof from such matters, war was only one of his grand designs and he generally underestimated how hard/complicated it was.
A surprisingly good show
I was mistaken. The canons did breach the wall however most of those breaches were too small to send troops through and the Romans repaired them in the night. The Ottomans took Constantinople when they breached the gate of St. Romanus and the Blachernae walls. It took 3 assaults on those breaches before the Ottomans were finally able to storm them. Constantine XI and Giovanni Giustiniani Longo were killed in this final assault which demoralized and routed the Roman and Genoese defenders.
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>Hungarian named Orban
A Hungarian named Orban fucks things up twice
IIRC they just kept filling the gaps with rubble.
The romans were really into minecraft irl. Every soldier was also a construction worker

There was a time when Julius Caesar was sieging a walled Gallic fort located on a hilltop so it would have been very difficult to for the Romans to siege by conventional means. Additionally, the Gauls inside the fort outnumbered Caesar's army.

In response to this situation, Caesar builds an inwards-facing circle of wall around the hill to prevent any of the Gauls from leaving the fort. Keep in mind that this involved the romans clearing the forest all around the hill.

Then, Caesar built a second set of walls. This time, facing outwards in order to repel any gallic reinforcments. All this wallbuilding was done in a few weeks. He essentially turned a siege into a counter-siege which was fucking insane. It's like those fortnite gameplay videos where a guy gets shot and builds an entire tower in response.
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Do they also magically make elf rangers miss EVERY FUCKING SHOT????
Talhoffer combat manual (perhaps better know for duelling blowjob technique) also includes instructions how to protect petard-carriers.
Included pipe bombs in my ass.
That's almost as funny as the fucking wall race between Caesar and Pompeii for the fate of Rome.
I love that story, but there's fifteen centuries and a thousand miles between these two military forces.
Archimedes, yes fucking Archimedes, allegedly made a ‘solar death ray’ for Syracuse that (apparently) could set ships ablaze from afar

Ancient history is hilarious
Yes, and?

Actual retard.
>Constantine XI
lmao who tf wrote this crap
>Germans in charge of not utterly fucking Europe over
Every single time, the eternal Kraut ruins it for the rest of us
>The romans were really into minecraft irl. Every soldier was also a construction worker
And that has absolutely nothing to do with a bunch of greek larpers.

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