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So I have a magic user character in this canpaing set in my DM's homebrew system.

The system is a work in progress, very freeformish and focused on roleplay. He and another player posted in here a few times

Everyone has a set of 20 generic skills, a class with special abilities and 4 hit points.

It's fun, at least in my opinion not balanced but very lethal and action heavy.

Magic in this system is broken, but intentionally.

You create your own spells, with no restrictions but can only cast a number of times equal to your level (I'm level 4 so 4 casts) before resting unless you want to deal with a chance of miscast and very big consequences from corruption to unintended side effects in the spell.

My magic user is focused on matter so I gave hom the following spells.

-Moving things and people with my mind, typical tk stuff.
-Changing the density of things and people so they become less dense to the point of floating and even intangible, or super dense to the point of indestructible or black holes.
-Last one is adding an "emotional resonance" to a thing, person or area as to make them fall in love, be afraid, obssed with etc... Just by looking at it.
At first I pictured my mage as going full Jean Grey and just flinging people with his mind but turns out my last spell the emotion one was the one I used the most.

Anyway, as powerful as magic may seem it has one limitation, no spell can be permanent, sure the effects don't disappear after the spell ends but you can't keep the effect forever it requires concentration.

So things burned with magical fire stay burned but the magical flames themselve stay up as long as the magic user can focus.

Fastfoward the group just defeated an warlord and we took over his castle, issue is that we are adventures we can't just stay there...

So the warrior suggested that I used my emotional magic to "curse" the castle making everyone stay away and not approach it, and the noble was even more bold, suggesting that I used my magic to make the castle float in the air so we could use it as a mobile base.

The thing about permanent magic tho is that it's not impossible, it's just not a class feature, there is precedent for permanent magic it just demands a ritual.

A power source according to the DM, you need a power souce to fuel the spell, the will of one magic user is not enough, and he said anything with "simbolic weight" could be used in the ritual.

In retrospect most antagonistic magic users we fought were trying to do just that, find a power souce.

Death is a powerful symbol so there is a lot of death rituals, a sacrifice can make a spell permanent but the dm said a spell such as keping a castle in the sky would demand a mass sacrifice.

Souls are a powerful source too, but again a spell of that magnitude would require a lot of souls or a massive one.

War, kind of like a mass sacrifice but ongoing, every conflict and hatred powering the ritual, much harder to be stoppes too once on going.

A demon or powerful being, either willing via pact or sealed and bound to the structure.

The issue is that as can see... Most of those things are quite evil and my magic user is a good guy.

So I need help coming up with a non evil but powerful magic energy source for my ritual spell.

Do you guys have any simbolic ideals of what my character could use?

I'm considering using the ideia of "lay lines" this network of points where "magical energy flows" maybe I could use the ample fuel of magic energy in a node of the lines to power the spell and levitate the fortress and maybe even "connect the castle tk the grind" as in the castle doesn't jjst float it fallows the way of the lines as ina rail, since the lines go everywhere it would be kind of the same as it just floating.

What you guys think? Any novel ideias?
>thread about magic
>typos everywhere
>compulsory double-enter-key disorder
This is why people don't like you
While your post is formatted awfully, I'll try to pitch in. The castle has riches, yes? Presumably something of value inside, like sculptures, paintings, architecture, gold, et cetera. Gist is, use the castle's own worth to propel it, like some kind of Adam Smith perpetual motion machine.

I'm dyslexic.
English is not my native lenguage...
I tried my best but I'm kind of nervous :v
I feel bad about how I wrote it, but I felt I had to give details of the system itherwisebI would be called a no system fag and the context otherwise the question would be no sense.

But how to summarize all that? I feel like I failed LOL.

Anyway, about your ideia, it sounds nice, wealth indeed has symbolic power, nkt sure on the mechanics of how to do that, can you elaborate a little more, maybe melt all the gold of the castle in the ritual? Can you give details of what came to your mind?

I'm not even sure jf that castle was particually wealthy tho. It was more like a simple fortress, sturdy but not fancy, not a palace but we haven't fully explored yet so maube it has a secret vault, we know it has secret rooms.
>like some kind of Adam Smith perpetual motion machine
>compulsory double-enter-key disorder
What's worst.

Small blocks of text or one huge text wall?
Looking at the specifics: If blood has some spiritual value, I can't see why gold and wealth in general wouldn't hold similar value. Typical Western hemisphere stuff attaches mystical value to a whole bunch of things, and artwork is typically known to have incredible value, at least in that particularly subjective way. Use the 'symbolic weight' of the value of the goods as a focus to draw in the emotions of viewers as fuel for your telekinetic ritual to keep the place flying. Literally suspend the fucking thing by the ego of owning the goddamn place, creating a perpetual emotion machine of smug. The nicer you make the place, with recruited artisans or your own handiwork, the more you can channel the jealousy of others into fueling the magic keeping the thing above their heads. Also maybe supplement the flying ritual with fear, if for nothing else but to slow the descent if shit hits the fan.
Eh I don't think the castle is fancy enought or beautiful enough to generate these feeling of jealousy. It's a actually a very crude castle, warlike.

But fear? That's actually good, the warlod was very powerful and we could summon people from around to witness the creation of a new warband that was able to depose the last warlord and how mighty and powerful we are, that sure is to create awe and inspire fear in their minds, as our new banners fall the ritual could conclude and the whole thing starts floating.

Not use magic to cause fear but channel the fear to cause magic. Good ideia.
The inability to distinguish "worse" from "worst".
Sacrifice the Castle's Eternity. It will fly, but its life is now bound to that of your party, and should you fall, the castle's existence ceases as well.

You're basically sacrificing its potential as a heritage and legacy. A castle could last for generations, for hundreds of thousands of years.

All of that is now gone, in the name of your fleeting quest.

In other words, make your party the load bearing boss that keeps your personal castlevania afloat.
>In other words, make your party the load bearing boss that keeps your personal castlevania afloat.

Thats also cool, we actuay meet a court wizard whose spells and enchantments were bound to the blooine of the family he advised. As long as they had heirs and were in power the snares and enchantments would remain active and prosperity aplenty.
>In other words, make your party the load bearing boss that keeps your personal castlevania afloat.
That's a cool ideia until some player has to leave the group for irl reasons and they lose their cool castle because of outside of game reasons.
Just have them be an NPC that hangs out in the background then? Not that big of a deal.
I’d love to get the specifics of this homebrew system, especially elemental magic since you mentioned magical fire. Speaking of, for fire spells how about using things like volcanoes for a power source, or at least a massive, massive bonfire as a source of power, the power of a storm for wind magic, etc.?
He posted about it here: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/92974963

Elemental magic works like any other magic, you create a spell and it does what you say it does, there is no spell types or spell schools, there is just magic. All the differences are "men made" and arbitrary.

Lore wise all magic comes from a chaotic everchanging energy but the details are left ambiguous on purpose.

About your volcano ideia, that's cool but my mage has no connection to fire nor the castle is located in a volcanic region, and... Wouldn't that be more earth related? Since lava is melted rock?
I was thinking more about the heat angle than pure flame. Thanks for the link BTW, I’ll keep thinking about your issue specifically, but the bonfire might work if you squint, since fire is the release of energy stored in flammable matter, after all. Just a thought off the top of my head.
Is that a reference? It sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it.
Maybe you can drop something from high enough that it reaches terminal velocity and bleed off the momentum for a boost?
Just make a big weak spot.

Ask to go on a significant side adventure to aqquire a (non-combat) relic

Or link the castle to like a Tree or garden that grows in the center. So long as the garden is alive the castle floats or fears

Or sine you're a physically matter kinda guy, find a big glowing rock or crystal you can supercharge like a magic magnet.

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