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These rambunctious ruffians demand all of your possessions. How do you proceed?
theyre aussies, so i simply pull out my gun
>tell the party that we should just pay them and move on
>they demand 6 (six) copper
>immediately go into combat and lose two of our number
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Commonwealth, as lindy and todd is bri'ish.

Insult shad's reverse grip and he decapitates a random party member (of his) while swinging to correct it.
I treat that as explicit consent to demonic possession, so let's start with those.
>Commonwealth, as lindy and todd is bri'ish.
essentially the same. i pull out my gun
I give up my possessions. They seem mightily rambunctious and the Local Lord and his men will be able to get 40% of my stuff back (before tax) after dealing with these miscreants.
Shoot the genetic criminal who joined a terrorist cult and remind the others that they're gentlemen of good standing while Lindy obviously is a ruffian and boor.
They look really fierce! I promptly hand over my possessions and beg them to spare my pathetic life

nah m8
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ask them what game they play.
Tell em that AI art is shit and watch them spaz out for a couple hours
I smite infidel [the Mormon]
Swing a long-chained short-handled flail at them while wearing a horned viking helmet and studded leather armor
Can someone explain me what incel means?
Last time I checked it wasn't "married guy with two kids".
Just let Shad and Easton kill each other over some political bs.
Like most insults, it has simply devolved into "somebody I don't like". A more accurate insult for Shad would be cuck, and given the content of his tabletop game plagiarist.
>Can someone explain me what incel means?
I can't because it doesn't mean anything anymore.
I walk away from this pack of literals.
Fucking hell, you don’t often see this level of butt-puckering cringe in these threads
Tell That Guy that one of their number holds disagreeable religious views and watch as That Guy breaks the party.
>ran away
>stop after 50 meters
>watch them having heart attacks at different distances after running after me
The survivor get a chance to fight me naked.
You get a crossbow bolt lodged to your back
Left to right:
>employ grossly anachronistic slang and make him implode
>”oh man is it really you? I love the stormlight archive!” and watch his emotions wrestle in confusion
>show him my features
>fall asleep and die
I have an irrational hatred of Shad and I pray to God everyday I get an opportunity to fence him just to absolutely maul him love an animal
>1d6+4 damage
Oh no. Anyway
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Wasted opportunity to have Tod on the mobility scooter.
>anon thinks he has more that 4 hit points
Nigger you're a commoner, start acting like it
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Get fucked, peasant.
Kek. I was going to say "pay the bald one to backstab the others".
>pull out nunchucks
>Shad goes aggro and leeroy jenkins their battle line, preventing a clear crossbow shot
>”oh man is it really you? I love the stormlight archive!” and watch his emotions wrestle in confusion
I act as if I can't see or hear them and go about my business. If any of them touch me, I act confused as if something invisible had touched me. No matter what they do, I keep doing this. My character is a fallen Solar, so nothing they do will cause lasting damage, while everything I do will fuck with their heads.
I ask them if they have a loicense to wield these weapons in public. I'm feeling a little scared, and ask them to put them away.

link related:
Pretty sure they all despise shad for being a nazi chud
pull out benis and start playing with it while humming its a long way to tipperary and walking in a circle and staring at my boots if anyone physically touches me I head butt them in the face take their weapon and ram it up their ass
>anon comes up against the most dangerous foe of all
>libel laws
The ruffians gain a new member
They're not just all friends, they play D&D together, so... maybe? I know I've had GMs I've hated before.
>Yeah, you guys can come over, but my mum says we have to let Lindy and Shad play.
>It's OK, we can just ignore them most of the time.
Quick draw and shoot the guy with the crossbow, then warn the others to drop their fucking swords and empty their pockets
I give them away. Once they are gone, I cast Summon Greater Pakistani and send my minions to steal and scam my belongings back, plus a bonus paid in their daughters' virgin blood.
>"what a good work, your sword is way more realistic than that other one"
>flee during the discussion
Point behind them and say "Look it's Reddit!" then just walk past them.
I five them all the cursed gear I have and thank them profusely, mentioning I had been trying for years to try and find someone who would want to take the cursed items as that was the only way I would be rid of them
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Fuck I missed these party threads. I would pop open Wizardry 8 and make parties based on these group photos and use it as a difficulty handicap. Good times.
just the faggot on the right
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>nazi chud
He's not a "nazi" just a religious conservative who hasn't kept up with the latest firmware updates. On the other hand (You) Will Never Be A Woman.
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>"No need to pay me my good man, the updoots on Redditt are payment enough."

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