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I like my harpies like I like my eggs in the morning.
Sorry, I got mixed up there. I meant I like my harpies like I like my coffee.
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...ground up and in the freezer? Or purchased at an exploitative rate from an impoverished jungle nation, roasted alive, then ground up and boiled? ...you monster.
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as girlfailures. Hi guys if you're around.
black, bitter, preferably fair trade?
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Militarized. And piloting giant mechs.
Flat and black? Sweet and milky?
Half-digested by ravenous jungle creatures?
I guess I can respect that.
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T-Shirt Hell?
Suddenly reminded of being a child, tucking my knees into my t-shirt, and running around on my hands.
The point of harpies in tabletop is to have 3 of them in a tree, watching players when they try something difficult but nonlethal.
Their job is to laugh about it when they fail.

I tell a lie, there's a second point, which is to have them snatch up the smallest party member and fly away.
I played the game for like a couple of hours, but I liked the "harpies attack a military tower fortress" part, so I have this idea of flocks of harpies migrating around the continent that attack and occupy tall buildings to nest in.
Forever remembering the time I held them captive, rendering me immortal in their hatred.
With dugs
I had a Norscan warlord NPC in a WFRP game who got one of his sons by a more comely harpy. Swam out to their rock, killed her sisters, and raped her. The resulting son looked mostly human and ended up dead (murdered by his half-sister through plotting). The aim was to riff on older school myths.
Dead, the same way I like all freakshit.
Humans are the freakshittiest of them all.
>no "tending bar"
Topless, preferably.
Limited dexterity with one thumb/claw acting as a hand mid-wing. So, 4 limbs as normal not the separate arms and angle wings.
That big ol' wing getting in the way of shirts and such.
Semi-civilized, but also kinda primitive and savage considering they're man-eaters. That awkward spot of demi-human who will never integrate into a proper civilization that raises a lot of hard questions about how we treat those are obviously lesser than us, but not quite the sort of dumb animals we can fool ourselves into thinking aren't sentient.
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They really ought to be argumentative and nitpicky. The naggy sort of classic bad wife that boomer humor so often plays to. They don't really have to be ugly and hag-like, although that fits, I'm also okay with cute ones.
From McDonald's?
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Yeah, a lot of harpy examples just don't work well with a blue board.
In fiction where they belong, shaMONE.
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Here's a good example. That sort of chest-wrap should be the limit of what they can manage for shirts. Although it has human hands instead of that bone structure being spread across the whole wing as it ought.
Here we go, almost perfect. Although I'd raise the chicken-legs up to the knee.
I'm surprised nobody posted pocketss' harpies yet.
I don't like herpies at all.
Can we change the subject?
Like this. Theory crafting with the squad before iceborne came out. Had the idea that female legiana live in the calorie dense area and migrate to the snowy region to meet the males of their species that survive there to prove themselves viable mates. After seeing this pic I realized I kinda liked the idea for harpies and ran with it.
Thirsting after the Ojama Delta Dong
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in a plastic cup?
I dunno what about you???
Stop asking for harpies, we got rid of those in 2014.
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Who did 'em best?
I'm not a fan of the Ghibli show as a whole, but these designs are great
The ones in the new show are best by far IMO, even considering my intense nostalgia for the old movie/miniseries.
Only one of these has a harpy at all
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I can hear this image
I can hear the Titan Quest ones.
Hm, sure. The blue cat girls in Greece have more distinct sounds.
There for you every morning?
Those blue catgirls were something else.
With a kiss?
None of those are harpies. They are vildvittrorna.
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innate ability to fly is great strategic asset
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>The point of harpies in tabletop is to have 3 of them in a tree, watching players when they try something difficult but nonlethal.
>Their job is to laugh about it when they fail.
Any harpy that can be posted on a blue board has already failed.
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Ilon Wikland's illustrations in the book
It's classical art.
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Arms as wings.
Silence, puritan. Your kind are the reason for the satanic panic.
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As if you remember
Harpies might be the worst monster in this regard for me; I want to include them but I just don't know what kind.
>flying female bird women hybrids
>some kind of vocal sonic mind-fuckery
I think I like the "bird with a womans head" version the most but I struggle to find a real reason to include them.

One of my big hangups with using greek mythology monsters is that many of them were one unique creature, not an entire species. In my setting there is *a* minotaur, *a* gorgon, etc, with some exceptions. Chimeras are not a species; they are created via a magic ritual by evil monster cultists.

I have medium-sized raptors (birds, not dinos), griffons, wyverns, dragons, maybe manticores (which might be like chimeras). I dont think I need another flying species.
Anon, thats a Sphinx
Sorry, sorry. Sorry. I got really mixed up again. I meant, I like my harpies like I like my women.
No really
The 5e canon for harpies says something about them being unhealthily attracted to elves, so I decided to "yes, and" that
Elven blood gets harpies high off their tits, and is also incredibly addictive
There are some harpies out there who are decent people partly because they're straightedge, but one hit and they are FUCKED and a serious danger to everyone around them, even non-elves
As the degenerate in question, the satanic panic had a grain of truth to it, they just went after the wrong targets.
Raw and bloody?
With a dick?
6 years old?
black, bitter, preferably fair trade?

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