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How would he fare in your setting? Bear in mind he's 6'6", 87 years old, and white.
He was a Monk, obvs.
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Chances are he’d be in the same position he was before Fellowship, striding through the wilds, guarding civilization from the dangers which lurk in the dark jungles.
He is technically a half elf so he still lives several hundred years.
ehhhhhh more like 1/5000 elf at this point
>How would he fare in your setting?
Based on his stats he would be as strong as your average dragon
>Bear in mind he's 6'6", 87 years old, and white.
>instead of doing this with Harad, the realm that mirrors Gondor except it has even more Numenorean blood, don't fucking bother at all with the ip
I still maintain the biggest sin wad not making Sauron white. The maia was driven by his need to enact a perfect order for fuck's sake.
Making Sauron any kind of recognizable human race would've been missing the point.
Everyone in my setting is really gay.
They'd immediately offer their boipussies and mouths to his cock.
>Harad, the realm that mirrors Gondor except it has even more Numenorean blood
huh? did you mean Umbar?
Umbar was only one such Numenorean settlement, alongside Pelargir. It was also really big and important thus its continued relevance.
Most were in what is now Harad and Far Harad, as the majority of the surviving Numenoreans were of the king's men faction and wanted to live far away from the elves of Lindon. Which means Gondor and Arnor can only claim a few ships worth of people to the land of Atalante while the southrons had actual habitations and for a longer period of time.
But that card is white. It’s right there upper right.
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He's my character
My setting isn't Middle Earth, so he doesn't exist. If you want a real answer, you're going to have to tell me what he's bringing to the table and what he's trying to achieve with it.
Probably ends up snatched away by the Fair.
I'll forever be amused by the fact that Rhys-Davies was taller than everyone else in the cast.
I meant magic colors, ass.
>Necromancer of Dol Guldur
>Master of nine Ring Wraiths

Well, he was disguised as elf when he and the elves forged the rings of power, but in the third age he is just a shadow with barely a physical form - until he regains his ring.
LOTR Half-Elves get to choose whether they want to be human or elf, if they choose elf they aren't half-anything they're just elves.

Elrond chose elf, his sons chose elf, but at some point Aragorn's line chose human, so they are higher than regular men, but not elves.

It's weird, Tolkien did not think in the mechanistic genetic terms we do today, but rather a more heuristic folk understanding of blood and lineage that was popular at the time.
He is technically a human.
He is neither lower case "half" elf or upper case "Half Elven"

Elrond's brother is the one that chose man's fate.

Elrond's "Half Elven" nature isn't simply someone with mixed human and elf ancestry, it's a specific divine blessing of the family bestowed on Earandil and Elwing's descendants.

There are other cases of men and elves having children, and it's ambiguous in some instances but in other instances it can be assumed the children are just men. In those cases it might work sort of genetically, with the caveat that immortality isn't a physical thing that is passed on biologically, it's either/or.
Right? Dude's like 6 something. Really shows how well they managed the effect. Though I think Christopher Lee is taller if slightly.
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>It's weird, Tolkien did not think in the mechanistic genetic terms we do today, but rather a more heuristic folk understanding of blood and lineage that was popular at the time.

I miss when people were just able to accept things rather than need to over analyze everything to such a degree that they miss the actual point being made.
>I miss when people were just able to accept things rather than need to over analyze everything to such a degree that they miss the actual point being made.
That time never existed. You miss being ignorant of it.
The Kang of the Rang!
Lawd of them Rangs
What do you mean? Fare at what?
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>and white
Putting aside that this is obvious b8, movie Aragorn would look fairly different from most of the men in the Empire; given the latitude and all most tend towards olive skin that bronzes easily and skin in the lighter shades of brown is fairly common as well (picrel). But his looks wouldn’t be unheard of: the Empire’s big and used to rule the world, so there’s a lot of variance. But combined with his customs, his looks would mark him as a foreigner/barbarian.
He is very strong, experienced and talented, but he is still fundamentally a man. He would probably keep doing his ranger thing as Strider and quickly be known as a hero in the region he is in, but he would have to adapt to a world with more overt magic and different monsters. He probably would be weirded out by the fact that goblins and hobgoblins are a civilized race.
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Well my setting is a sci-fi space opera, so probably not great, or at least not markedly better than any other long-lived but primitive person plucked from his primitive home planet and thrust into a world bigger than he ever conceived of.
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There was never a time without the overthinker embalmer type.
Before this, they were shitting up literature circles and academia.
Well, they still are, but you know, they're here too now.

What really sucks is if you try to lock them out you instead get surrounded by their opposite: the meaningless rulebreaking whimsical "fun tyrant" type.
People are going to be very confused why a doppelganger of Viggo Mortensen in renfaire garb showed up in the middle of a military base. Sadly, no amount of Aryan ubermenschness can stand up to automatic fire.
In the lower floors, the pencil pushers are going to have a fun time debating why the Lotus Engine created a copy of a living person when usually all it does is spawn nightmare monsters and wonder potential applications.
Rolled 6 (1d12)

Actually hang on, let’s see if I can’t have a little fun with this. Roll a die.

Aragorn appears…
1. On the lead ship of a chalak clan fleet
2. In a protected city on Caeros within cybran space.
3. On the surface of Moraal, near a dethek underground city
4. In the forests of Edova Prima, near an edovan city
5. In an outworlder sanctuary post on Kroll, capital world of the hokh
6. In the savannas of Kass, near a kyn freehold city
7. On a world in the process of being consumed by the nyarans
8. On the glaciers of Tar’haravan, near a tor’qua city
9. In an outworlder sanctuary post on Varjra Prime, throne world of the varjrens
10. On an elai world (roll on table 2 to determine nation)
11. On a random primitive world (roll on table 3 to determine tech level)
12. On Earth (current year: 1950 AD).
Neat, the kyn! My favorite of the races I’ve made. Okay I’ll whip something up for this. Might take a few hours.

Short version of the kyn is that they’re felinoids who are aesthetically Arabic but have a culture based on a mix of actual house cats and WWII-era fighter pilots.
Rolled 4 (1d5)

Oh, I suppose we should also roll to determine at what point Aragorn ends up on Kass.

1. Strider, just before heading to Bree to meet with the Hobbits
2. Member of the Fellowship, journeying through Moria.
3. Following the sundering of the Fellowship, on the road to Helm’s Deep
4. Entering Dwimorberg, looking to recruit a ghost army
5. King Elessar, shortly following the conclusion of the War of the Ring.
Fare at what?
Stop replying to yourself.
White being key, with that powerful Human bloodline he'll pull 150 easy
He said, nearly four hours after the last of a chain of only three posts, which were even on-topic *and* involved dice rolls and thereby made a game out of OP’s premise.

I think you’re the problem, Anonz
humans and elves are separate species and can't interbreed, therefore he and his people can't exist. so assuming he's just human, he's probably pretty old and frail
So like you'd think that was true but I see mulattos all over. Granted they are mules and sterile, which is why making them is pushed so hard by the population reduction crew, but still. Did Elrond have kids?
Do not talk back to me.
Not all seperate species can interbreed dumbass. This ain't ligers and mules it's like Cats and Dogs.

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