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What are some mounts from your setting rarely seen in conventional fantasy media?
Your mom
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That's not rare though; OP' mom gets ridden in almost any setting.

Anyhow, in my setting the Orcs that live on the central steppes are know for riding bison around. I wanted them to have something bigger and scarier than horses, while not being too over the top.
You can do better than bison. Just reheat some prehistoric megafauna.
Mech Dragons
>there is no way those wings are generating enough lift and thrust to offset drag and gravity.
Bison is perfectly fine, if you ask me
Feels more grounded and less like something a middle schooler would go for
Giant elands for not!Africa, you steer them by their horns.

Couple hobgoblin nomads use undead as beasts of burden, no one really mounts them. Both their ancestors and enemy corpses. Those are the exception though. Most hobs use dinosaurs, with some other beasts to specific tasks, like giant bats to locate iron deposites.
I see what you're getting at, But are bison really "orky"?
They're slow and don't have horns or towing capacity.
Ah yes the Megatherium, aka the prehistoric giant ground sloth
Bison can run up 35 mph/56 km/h
They have horns that they can gore with, and are incredibly strong
>don't have horns
They do, though.
Just steal from Runequest
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It's called magic bitch!

This is why I have a giant badass mech dragon and you don't!
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Go the Legend of Zelda route and just have the mount be a motor cycle.
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Based and llamapilled
In addition to the maintenance required. I'm a helicopter mechanic and we average 30 labor hours of maintenance for every hour of flight put on the helicopter.
Bumpfag thread or Edna thread. Call it.
What's the agenda here, anon? Annoy the jannies enough to vacation anyone who points those autists out? Or did you just figure them out and are overwhelmed with the urge to fit in? Cuz this shit isn't either of them, just a regular shit thread.
OP's mom is a pretty conventional mount in her home town.
Well then maybe you dummies should get dragons instead.
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He said unconvetional and you go for cow meat.
Insect mounts don't get enough love but slugs are the drip right now
Yeah you're right, my bad, I was thinking bigger like yak or water Buffalo.
Total size queen
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Mech dragon walkers. Loved these things.
Not a 'mount', per se, but in a quasi-Aztec, quasi-Venetian city, the 'roads' are water, and there are magical tiles that are propelled down them, kind of a mix of magic carpets and Venetian gondolas.
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Orcs (the brutal kind) would definitely ride Entelodontidae AKA hell pigs.
bats are underused
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Something that was sadly mostly lost in the transition to a MMO
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I wanna ride harpies.
Occasionally into battle I guess.
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Fuck off mate.
Can we, for once, talk about cool mount ideas or something without everyone advertising their yUr SeTtInG?
Take it easy “mate”
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They just gave them to someone else
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Unsounded does this.
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Which was really stupid because they already had bat-like gargoyles.

Besides, the Horde only had wyverns for mounts during the relevant expansions.

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