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For me, TTRPG's are an escape from the ubiquitous digital world. On my table, the character sheets are made from paper, notes are kept in notebooks, Scrap paper is present for keeping track of things during combat. If a rules question appears, the necessary books are at the table. I create little character sheets for enemies on index cards. A magic using player might have a notebook as a "grimoire" and it gets filled with new spells and descriptions of their effects during play.

Phones, tablets, laptops, are not used during play.

Does anyone else have this analog, almost fetishistic, approach to tabletop gaming? Do you have some cool paraphernalia to post pictures of? Do you have some favourite tools like notebooks, pencils etc.?

Pic related, shows MUJI notebooks, which are high quality and have a cool aesthetic.
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Hell yes. Every faggatron who inevitably waddles into this thread to tell you they enjoy using a laptop at the table for
>muh convenience
Is a worthless sack of shit with bad hygiene, no real friends, and zero connection to reality. It’s impossible to explain the concept of paper being better than screens to them because they’re too far gone.
Calm down Ned Ludd
I do. Not to that point since I do use PDFs to plan stuff in advance/refer rules, use printed army lists and the like, but it's my respite from the digital into the tactile and if forced, I'd rather write lists by hand (and did) than use an app. If I *have* to use a companion app/army builder, I'd rather just skip the facade and play vidya.
i am not autistic about it but i prefer pen and paper in general. although i've experienced losing lots of notes and resources as a player, and my dm losing it all, which is very frustrating.
Also, since for me it's wargaming and not RPG, I vastly prefer old-style hand-sculpted minis to CAD-modeled ones, even when the latter do look better. They just feel a lot nicer to paint, I think it's because they'd been "vetted" by a sculptor's tool and any place a tool can reach, a brush can too.
Yeah. Dice roll combat is no fun digitally but rolling an actual dice is great.
CAD just has no sense of when something is over- or under-detailed because the model didn't exist in the real world. That and all the little irregularities of hand sculpt give it more character.
There are good CAD sculpters but it's much easier to make soulless sculpts.
Here's one for ya...
Coloured envelopes (random events, good and bad)
Index cards
Journalling is rad
Esp for solo gamers
I make extensive use of physical reference accessories like spell cards, not because I hate digital, but because physical media is faster and more reliable for multitasking, establishing broad overviews of multiple pages of information at once, and keeping players engaged. Even the largest tablet can only display one page at a time, and I find this, ironically, too slow to retain the attention of zoomer players. Slinging cards and sheets around is like dangling keys to keep their minds locked in.
>Does anyone else have this analog, almost fetishistic, approach to tabletop gaming?
No, because I usually play with people on the other side of the world and having to send pictures just feels like a cheap way to cheat records and fudge rolls.
>TTRPG's are an escape from the ubiquitous digital world.
If that were true on the board called /t/g you'd call them rpg not ttrpg, and the others you'd call crpg not rpg.
Ok, boomer
My GM forces us to use an app for character sheets fucking kill me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>feels like a cheap way to cheat records and fudge rolls
I'm sorry you have to play with shitters you can't trust.
No, you deserve it for not leaving.
>Thing, digital
>Thing, paper
Although I am not as hard-assed about it as OP I absolutely understand where he is coming from.
"Online resources" look great in theory, but I found out (through bitter experience) that they are slow and unreliable in practice.

>Phones, tablets, laptops, are not used during play
I agree. They are too distracting for most people. If my GM-ing is not good enough to keep you focused/interested, please say so. Don't play Sphincter Crush Nightmare (or whatever those faggy little moble games are called), and look puzzled when it's your turn to do something, anything at all.
And, no, I don't want to "listen to this cool song" or coo over some adorable kitten or the other, while I GM.
Take your ritalin and/or have the courtesy to say "I'm sorry, this isn't working out. I'll find another game."
>I usually play with people on the other side of the world

y r u gae?
Not in a fetishitic way, largely practical.
Having a notebook I make dungeons and write area keys in helps me use it as a reference and remember things more easily in general through having written them down.
Having a gameplay notebook for names, events, time keeping, combats, little maps, etc. helps keep records to refer to later when doing prep and organized at the table.
I got a thing of sketch paper for players to make maps on, I draw maps on for combats when needed, etc.
I tried the index cards for everything approach when it was the new hotness over a decade ago. It works for some things like character sheets in the right kind of games but having a lot of index cards to shuffle through even with an organizer is not something I found more useful than just having a decent index and notation system in your own notebooks.
More than specific pencils, I've found having a good quality sharpener makes a notable quality of writing difference.
Writing in my own rulebooks and printing out combined zines of various bits, writing in them as well, has been useful. There's usually an entire section at the back of most books of a blank page or two for making your own quick references, indexes, etc.
Yep, this is how I run. Granted, I'll use digital tools for prep, and the character ability references are often printed out rather than handwritten, but that's largely because I'm the only one in the group with decent handwriting. Anything that actually happens at the table happens in analog, though.

There's exactly one member of the group with an exemption from this rule, and that's solely to use his drawing tablet because he finds drawing to be a good way to enhance his focus and keep from getting distracted.
Here is the most important question:

2B or HB?

Also, a real pencil, or refillable?

I seriously hope you guys answer right
yes. playing off a screen is hell.
2B, refillable 0,9mm, and i don't care if it's the exact "wrong" answer.
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>2B or HB?
What a nogames question. REAL TTRPG PLAYERS would only use quills
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Clairefontaine Triomphe in a Galen Leather A5, written on w/ a Pilot Custom 823 (nib has a custom grind) using Jaques Herbin brun prevenance ink.

Yep: I understand your fetish just fine.
save a tree, kill yourself
Wait that book is LeStallion, not Clairefontaine, sorry. Have Dark Sun in my Clairefontaines.
Yeah, I’m the same except for two major exceptions:
>I get to use my laptop cuz I’m the DM. This way I can rapid search my lore if someone begins looking into something very specific, and also fire up pictures of NPCs/monsters/items quickly.
>My one retarded player can have a copy of his sheet on DnDBeyond because he can’t into leveling himself up properly after three fucking years of playing. No I’m not kicking him, he’s my friend and this solves his only issue.
As much as I love physical character sheets. They get fucked so quickly from erasing. Having to start a new sheet every few months gets tiresome. There are some solutions to this: laminated character sheets w/ erasable markers/pens, using scrap paper for temporary changes, etc. But I find that ultimately a digital character sheet on the phone is just far more convenient. As long you're not some ADHD shitter who can't keep from using their phone for other stuff, it works great. Everything else is physical. But I hardly ever get to play face to face games these days.
Architect grind? 912 custom heritage PO here.
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>try digital ttrpg systems to play with old friends
>the ALL suck ass
>all of us are too far away to meet up
>everyone Ive tried to play with are insufferable or flakes
It's cozy as fuck to write things down and keep them track on paper, put your own little flair, and without having the stress of school that you still remember 20 years later
I just wanted to say I agree with you, OP, I cannot stand using even my phone at the table to look stuff up. Meanwhile my players are all on their phones all the time. But I don't. I don't even do prep on the computer anymore. I did as a kid and would print shit out, now I almost never do. I do everything on paper that I can. Even if it's less efficient. I don't give a fuck. I also love index cards. So I just want you to know OP, you're not alone at all.
This seems more like an issue with either the sheets having too much junk on them you have to fill in or not using scrap paper or a small notebook properly to keep track of damage.
Alternatively those little whiteout strip dispensers might come in handy.
Could go the way of some wargaming and get either laminated sheets or laminated folders to put the sheets in and make notes on too.
what are the toenail clippers used for, anon?
>Phones, tablets, laptops, are not used during play.
This aversion to digital? No. We use it when it makes things easier. That said we've never had a "Everyone get off your phone" problem that some group suffer from, because cause were all older? We use it, but I am perfectly happy putting my phone down and off for days.

Yeah so apparently this is also an older mindset. Apparently people just don't use laptops anymore?

>OP question.
I don't personally care about breaking away from digital, but I do like paper and being in person. Writing in on a character sheet is better than flipping through my Tabs and looking to put it in the right text field. D&D is socializing. You can't socialize over a mic- well I mean you can, but it's limited.
I would really love returning to 2006 and backwards, i miss when being disconnected was the norm. Currently, even if i would prefer not to, i end up using a laptop for note taking, rule browsing, soundtracks, maps and stuff, at least when i GM, as a player i can still go full analog without issues no matter the complexity at hand. My, instead, friends don't give a shit, the oldest ones still use the paper character sheet, some superficial notekeeping booklet and the smartphone on the side to check stuff, the rest and youngest go straight with tablets and laptops, sometimes even without physical dice when playing between themselves (they go with vtts even offline).
Paper is so much more soulful. I have players that just can't cope without their phones though. Its very irritating. I actually stopped playing with a couple guys who were always too distracted.
Why are they called TOEnail clippers anyway? Doo people have all their toenails the same size? I can clip my fingernails with those no problem, but for feet I have to use the other kind.
Thank you for posting this
I like physical media as well, I'd rather have a little stack of cards I can go through than have to shuffle through a pdf on my phone or laptop
You won't catch me dead playing tabletop simulator or that online roll20 shit, I just wish people lived closer together.

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