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>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

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Ayo, can I come in?
You can probably see that the thread number is wrong. Sorry about that. I'm sure the next thread will be properly numbered as #24.
You drink blood to reproduce and die. I drink blood to live forever and further the arcane arts.
We are not the same.
I am setting the topic for discussion!
TOPIC: What are the chances of this industrialized globalized, 24/7 connected society making it to the end of this century? What should we do to prepare if something does cause it to collapse?
>What are the chances of this industrialized globalized, 24/7 connected society making it to the end of this century?
>What should we do to prepare if something does cause it to collapse?
Well, where would you like to go into torpor and prepare for it? You won't know how long you might spend asleep and there could be quite a few kine or cainites looking for hidden things. What would you recommend for security measures if you're going to wait it out for that long??
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>Well, where would you like to go into torpor and prepare for it?
I bet you'd love to know, wouldn't you?
I wonder if one could use animalism to trick many mosquitoes into collecting blood for them.
Trying to put exact odds on how the next century will play out is a fool's game, especially with how fast history moves these nights. However, I think it is likely enough to merit preparations and backup plans.

The most important thing is to not presume that you know how it will end, even if it does end. Maybe it ends in a bomb. Maybe it ends in a total economic collapse setting infrastructural technology back two centuries, but personal technology untouched. Maybe the world returns to form with petty wars with petty motives, lacking any super powers to check them. Prepare too much for a specific outcome and you will waste you time if it does not come to fruition. Gambling is for losers.

You want to future-proof your unlife? First off, get a bunker under your haven, so if something goes wrong during the day you don't need to go far. Make sure it is rated for nuclear fallout, with enough space and resources for an entire herd or more. Bunkers can double as panic rooms for more mundane threats to your unlife. Secondly, make sure you have a little nest egg of resources with absolute value, stored somewhere you can personally access it, with no free-willed stewards, if any stewards at all. Precious metals have always had value, but don't put it all into gold like an idiot. Copper will be very useful if electricity is still on the table, and if it isn't, it's half of bronze. Silver is also universally valued, but has other practical uses. Maybe even have some rare earth elements on the off chance there's still a market for microchips but the old mines aren't accessible. Wealth is only one factor, of course. Make sure you have many weapons, and people you can trust to wield them. Lastly, and bear in mind this is a short overview, can't share too many clan secrets for how to outlast empires, do not spurn Kindred allies immediately. You never know who may survive and hold a grudge. Or who will rise from the ashes and be useful to you.
Dying was the best thing that ever happened to me I tell you what. I feel like a new man! I can stand up straight again and even touch my toes, can't remember the last time I could do that. Not afraid of being stuck to a walker, or shitting myself, or if making new friends is just racing to see who dies first. And I feel needed again for the first time since they shut the car plant, one of these hooligans was asking me to teach him welding. Sure I look like I hit ever branch on the ugly tree, but the liver spots and wrinkles aren't anything new and I didn't have much of my hair left anyway. The future's looking mighty bright and sunny for me. Oh, I guess I can't say that anymore hehe
New to this? Don't get carried away having too much fun. Enjoy your jumping jacks, old man, but don't go looking for trouble, or you won't get to enjoy them for much longer.
I'm only looking for ideas. Having more ways of dealing with what may come are useful.
That's a difficult one, ghouling insects. I tend to be more suspicious of those that claim to do it, since often they aren't really who they claim to be. Some of them are Baali who use the powers of that bloodline to commune with swarming insects.
I would be worried for the risk of bringing new bloodborne pathogens if ghouling blood-drinking insects.
The bunker is good, though I don't know if trying to provide for an entire herd of kine will be practical. The means to make food might be worthwhile, if other means of generating electricity are still available for hydroponics and aquaponics (they fear the indoor shrimp farmer)
Keeping weapons is wise, but the ability to make more ammunition for them is going to be a crap-shoot with smokeless powder if the industrial capacity to make it goes out.
With the wealth, diversification sounds like the right move.
Enjoy the honeymoon.
You planning on taking a bit of a nap, Inquisitor? Personally, I don't think the whole thing is going to come crashing down short of the Antediluvians waking up and eating everyone; humans might be dumb but they know how to keep a system, however harmful; going for a relative good long time, even relative to immortality.
>or if making new friends is just racing to see who dies first
Nobody say a thing.
>Kindred as a rule need to stop embracing sexual deviants.
Hey, I'm nice! What did I ever do to you?
>I would be worried for the risk of bringing new bloodborne pathogens if ghouling blood-drinking insects.
I'd have similar worries about Vampire bats.
A herd may add difficulty, but depending on how bad the disaster is, leaving your bunker to hunt may not be viable. Or there may be no healthy mortals to feed on.

As for the armory, yes ammunition is a long-term concern. That is why I have several melee weapons. Maybe I should invest in some crossbows or even bows. However, I will say that a large stockpile of modern firearms would be of great advantage in the short term, allowing you to re-establish yourself strong and early, if the circumstances allow. Flexibility is key, of course.

You're fine as long as you keep it to yourself. The problem is those that think just because we drink blood, that means we want to hear about or engage in depravity.
>What are the chances of this industrialized globalized, 24/7 connected society making it to the end of this century?

100% if we get our shit together, so like 0.01% Even the kine philosophers have the right ideas these nights, all we need is to get somebody to implement them:


(yes I waste my precious few hour of nightly activity reading blogposts written by canadian wierdos)

>What should we do to prepare if something does cause it to collapse?

The sects will most likely collapse, they are too dependent on the modern world. Small pack in an irrelevant shithole region with contingent of ghouls/revenants and large cache of guns, seeds and farming equipment has the best chance of making it. If too many nukes fly, torpor.
>too many nukes fly
How many nukes is too many?
I dont know but my advice is as follow

Hope for the best
Expect the most middling
Prepare for the worst.
It really depends on your perspective. someone who is strictly materialist would recognize the supreme fragility of the web of civilization and that we are already at the point where the giant's upon who's shoulders we stand upon have already disappeared, leaving the kine standing on nothing at all. Already they're losing the intermediary states of progress, leaving them with no prospect but forward.

I'm sure the Thaumaturges will only see progress as the victory of the technocrats. Seemingly no one is on their side, our modus operandus, simply outdated. A pervious versions number in their endless march of higher numbers.

You could argue that even before their age there has been a telos, a guiding hand, god perhaps, a march to complexity, racing against entropy. A final solution to the question of everything, derived from an abacus as big as the universe. Perhaps everything doesn't have to 'Durrr but thaumaturgy durrr' for endless nights.

Perhaps it will just be more excuse for beauty, in which case I doubt things will get less dangerous, less developed as beauty so often seems to have a prerequisite of danger.

So many possibilities, I doubt any of us will ever know the actual answer.
Depends on where you spend your nights. If you're somewhere strategically relevant to a nuclear war, like Denver or Moscow, then you can expect that more than 1 is getting thrown your way, and your bunker-haven better be built to withstand that.
Well, I figure a Nuclear WMD is too expensive to waste on the largest cemetery in the country, so I should be ok.
Wait, does nuclear contamination do anything to us?
That's a good question. To the extent that we're material we can still become radioactive I'm presuming it doesn't do too much past that? Might make a plaguebearer sort of situation, god forbid if the thinbloods start trying to enhance uranium.
Are possums worth ghouling? On one hand, they're small, nondescript, and remarkably durable. On the other, it's crazy how dumb they are. Thoughts? (Posters from possumless countries need not reply.)
Steves. Stay away from the Thinbloods and Power plants. I don't need that headache right now.
>Steves. Stay away from the Thinbloods and Power plants. I don't need that headache right now.
I'm being good. I'm a perfectly normal Malkavian. You don't know it's a Crazzyzyz Steve, you're just Nameist.
No point. There's nothing they can do that you can't besides eat ticks and garbage.
Hey, I'm the guy that asked for slurs to call mages when they mess with my shit from last week.

Nearly got tunprned into a chair for that. It was worth it, but really cut it in close with them.
We still have cells and radiation destroys that shit. We call heal from it still but worst case scenario it takes a week for radition to go away and we need to heal against all the while.
>get word my biological parents suddenly decided to get into Catholicism for some reason
They'll never go to the night services at least
Hey are Giants real? Anyone drink the blood of one?
Gotta disagree, I see a use for possums: they're small. With animalism, you could have them sneak around places. Granted, a rat or a raccoon would be a better choice but if you're in a pinch it could do.
That's an awfully specific line of inquiry Nos. You uh, got something you want to share with the class?
Yeah I'm curious and want to eat a giant.

We got wizards, werewolves, fucking fae, yokai technically since apparently they're variations of some form of fae kinda, we even got some mutants kicking around I think.

And I wanna eat a Giant.
Also im doing some weird things on the web doing research. Some info I got was the possibility of giants being real.
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>Granted, a rat or a raccoon would be a better choice
But I don't want to ghoul a rat or a raccoon; I want to ghoul a possum.
Don’t bother. Gehenna is upon us.
All these fucking thinbloods and dhampirs running around nowadays
Just as the prophecies foretold
Holy shit mages are real?!
I thought that tremere was fucking with me when he said there were kine who could do crazy magic shit.
They are, they are also people you should beat up cause it's funny
>Gehenna is upon us.
Yeah yeah, two more weeks
I recall an eccentric elder who always had his opossum ghoul on his shoulder. The elder loved using tarot cards to fuck with people and would have the opposum pull cards out of the deck with it's tiny little hands. Kind of cute now that I think about it but it was really intimidating in person
Hey, I just got Embraced. Does anyone know what clan has three eyes like I do? I keep trying to ask other kindred and they keep giving me weird looks. Someone’s ghoul attacked me yesterday I’m so confused.
Don’t they just read a book or something to get their powers? Like it’s not in their blood. Some Tremere thin blood let me borrow a book about mages.
where on your face are the eyes located?
Well, two are in their normal place. One is on my forehead. I keep poking it when I try to do my hair, it sucks.
What caste are you brother?
I have no idea. We have castes??? What even am I bro?
Ah my bad it seems your sire did a poor job teaching you. You and i are both salubri, a clan of healers, warriors and watchers. I am of the warrior caste, you are most likely a healer caste. In the 13th century our clan's founder Saulot was diablorized (eaten) by the then nascent tremere, leading to a long decline in our fortunes. I would be willing to meet up and tell you more if you wish, im back in the united states now, just whisper me your location and we can meet up clanmate to clanmate.
Y'all getting any rain up your domains?
socal fucking sucks free state my fucking ass, i've seen more camaradarie between anarch brothers in chicago
Somebody answer my question,are there giants!
Its socal what were you expecting?
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bats are cute :)
Cannot wait to get back to Colma, myself. Berlin's a swell old town, but I just don't feel right here.
don't know, maybe somewhere i didn't have to worry about jyhad shit, instead it's the same old story except this time it's barons and gangs instead of princes and courts, each brother stabbing one another for fistful of dirt and another night at the top
maaaan wth, what do u do in colma? never been to euro myself too, hows berlin? is the cause strong there?
The anarchs in berlin were willing to side with the sabbat, should say a lot about them.
you serious? what the fuck. what were they thinking? how did they end up?
You need to rip this band-aid off quickly, Kindred. There is no "cause", there is no camaraderie or glorious utopian revolution. What little loyalty can be found comes from blood or personal bonds. You need to ask yourself if you truly want to spend any more of your unlife serving as the pawn of a hollow idealogue.
>Everyone hates the cammy where ever they go
>Oh but aren't Anarchs the real problem
It's like it's some kind of hidden message.
Current Policy, by order of the Cardinals is "Don't shit where you sleep." so the Berlin Autonomous Zone is pretty quiet, except near the borders of Cammy territory. Though that's mostly due to Totentanz doing his thing and Triclops and the Steves mixing it up.
It says they were desperate, and were driven to that desperation by the paranoid tyrant the Cammies decided should be the Prince of the place, and Ldescu and wolf themselves said the same.
Colma's a Sabbat town, not Anarch, but we're just small enough and just mean enough to not be worth the trouble to the bay area Cammies, most of the time.
I already left Berlin. Work was drying up. The steves were more of a dark comedic relief than a true threat.
thats some bull yo, i know free state aint free much for the average 'lick like myself but the alternative is either kissing ass for ivory tower or the fucking sabbat, so fuck that
Eh i can respect that as an independent myself, i just think the anarchs are too hot headed, and prone to squabling.
I thought Steve seemed a bit melancholic, lately.
Please excuse my earlier shamefur dispray

Modern society moves to quick for my taste, so I can't really make predictions. But I now understand the elders disgusted by the changes despite being embraced only 21 years ago.
>What should we do to prepare if something does cause it to collapse?
I have a large reserves of vitae in a non-perishable form and a place for going into torpor which won't be scratched even by a direct hit from a 50Mt nuke (don't ask the details, I won't elaborate further).
its fine, there is nothing shamefull in mourning a friend.

21 years ago i thought you were embraced in ww2? I might be confusing you for another person though, but i swear i saw a post saying that.
I hear there are a few hiding in the middle east. One was even spotted by a US military patrol in the Kunar province of Afghanistan.

Pretty scary shit though, they fired a depleted uranium tank shell at it and the shell just ricocheted of the dam thing's skin.
*off the damn thing's skin

I need a drink
So any of you guys leaning on the english elections? I mean I would have been hard pressed to bring in that many fighting age Muslims into Britain if I had declared a Jihad so i presume it's one of us moving to destroy someone else's powerbase?
It's all just about keeping up the cattle supply.
There are always alternatives. If you or any Kindred for that matter is truly serious about your claims of freedom and liberty, leave the demagogues and forge your own path, independent of them.
Question for discussion: What's one thing nobody told you about being a vampire that you wish you didn't have to find out on your own?

For me, it's fire (Gangrel embrace, my sire told me basically nothing). I was trying to set off some fireworks tonight and damn near jumped a fence trying to get away from them. Glad it was just me there.
>It's all just about keeping up the cattle supply.
If that was really true, you think they would just breed the locals.
Fucking Hell. Info I got said they were tough bastard but I didn't know that tough. They even said that they could sculpt the very earth itself. Maybe that true too?
>Question for discussion: What's one thing nobody told you about being a vampire that you wish you didn't have to find out on your own?
>For me, it's fire
You're a riot, FF.
I'd have figured being unaffected by Sunlight you wouldn't have to fuck with Rotschreck but I guess unlife isn't that easy.
Being that's the case, I'd watch myself around Fire in general. Shit's absolutely nasty to us. We Sabbat has a ritus to help with the fear, I'll DM it to you, but you're on your own with its cause.
Yeah, like I said I didn't have a sire who actually gave a damn to tell me what to look out for. Don't tell me garlic is also a real thing I have to worry about.
No garlic is fine (only very rarely do some vampires show negative effects think of it like an allergy) what you really need to watch out for is two things, 1. a stake through the heart which will paralyze you 2.True faith. normally a crucifix or any other religious icon has no real power but if someone is especially devout they can make manifest divine powers such as burning you with its touch or compelling you to flee.
As a Ventrue, my sire was quite thorough with my education as to the realities of our condition. Though if there is one thing that caught me off-guard, it would be the sheer amount of creeps that get embraced. I haven't seen this many leering freaks even in college.

A little advice on fireworks. If you are far enough away and get a mortal to set them off, you won't have to fear rötschreck and can enjoy the fireworks from a distance. I can't say I am terribly attached to my nation of birth, but I believe I will still be setting off fireworks every 4th of July in one thousand years.
>I can't say I am terribly attached to my nation of birth, but I believe I will still be setting off fireworks every 4th of July in one thousand years.

Hell yeah. Even if the reason isn't the same, it's nice to have a tradition. I wonder if any of the really old vamps celebrate holidays that don't exist anymore.

Man, if I wasn't afraid of fire too I'd buy some roman candles just for self defense. Just like the founding fathers intended.

Thanks again for letting me borrow your safehouse, man. I tried to clean the place up, as I'm hitting the road again.
All right I did it, I ghouled a possum. I'm gonna have it scout a rival's lair tonight. I'll report back on how useful this little guy is as a spy.
There are those of us old enough to still remember Saturnalia and other far older holidays that have been lost to history. I don't like to pry into other vampire's unlives, but I would be inclined to believe that somewhere there is a vampire celebrating a holiday from Babylon or Uruk. The 4th of July, Halloween, to say nothing of Christmas! Even when these festivities have long fallen from memory, I intend to preserve them in my own household.

On a less sentimental note, you can build up a resistance to rötschreck. Never full immunity, but resistance, and your total will also improves your level of control. The Sabbat practice a ritual called the Fire Dance, other Kindred take up smoking to get used to smaller flames.
No problem, ill swing by after you're gone and restock it. Also yes my sire celebrates a really strange local french holiday that stopped being celebrated after she had been a vampire for about a century along with all the catholic holidays and feast days.
Animals tend to dislike you.
my sire told me that we would have short temper but i didn't realize how short it was until i almost frenzied on a kine during a road rage
Where are you driving that you found traffic at night?
wasn't even in a traffic, the absolute cunt brake checked me
And you just waited for him to come get in your face.
>it would be the sheer amount of creeps that get embrace
I meant to ask earlier, how many of us were embraced in a sex club or a dungeon of some kind?
I was embraced in the on property chapel of my sire's french chateau, but then again it makes sense that there are so many pervert kindred considering vampires love strip clubs, nightclubs and brothels, as feeding/embrace locations.
>on property chapel of my sire's french chateau
That kind of sounds like a yes to being embraced in a sex dungeon....
Get your mind out of the gutter. Not everyone is a godless pervert like you.
yeah man then i just clocked him, if the dude i was riding with didn't hold me back i would have beaten the guy to a pulp too, didn't know what came over me in the moment
>Build a bunker where no one can find you
>Ward it to hell & back
>Create powerful ushabti to feed on
>Store tons & tons of blood in ritualistically preserved containers
>Wait forever if you have to
>Make occasional forays to scout while in the spirit world or shadowlands
>if you need to rebuild society & need resources just conjure them.
I'm curious about your sire. From what you say of her, she sounds like a Kindred of some influence and wealth. Given your self-professed Clan, I must wonder how she has achieved and more importantly maintained this station.
>Question for discussion: What's one thing nobody told you about being a vampire that you wish you didn't have to find out on your own?
I learned about what unlife does to bodily fluids and the process of making a ghoul in a very suboptimal order.
she has many cover identities, and prefers to keep to herself in the countryside, if she makes a move its from a concealed position, the camarilla for all its power is not all seeing. as for our visits to Elysium again the false identities help fool others into believing that we are other clans, that and the occasional friend in a high place can open many doors. It also helps that modern hunts for Salubri are more performative than anything, as the tremere are busy with other things. The last hunt i saw was more of a parade around the city that ended up empty handed.

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