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the twist is players can only play evil characters
the bbeg fills the niche of the obligatory good king
How would a fully evil society work? Like, it's easy to picture a society where the elite are evil, ruling over a neutral populace, but what about a society where even the normies are evil?

Like, what does an evil gardener look like? How about an evil miller or tailor or candle-maker?
>How would a fully evil society work?
Imagine any nation or region where more or less organized crime is rampant, and the normal people just perpetuate the status quo either due to inaction or because they actively benefit from it.
That's just the USA in real life.
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We could take some inspiration from DungeonKeeper and Overlord.
Mexico is the thieves guild country.
Russia is the military dictator country.
India is the NE pretending to be LG inefficient bureaucracy.
Brimstone Cartel is largest trade organization in the world. Drugs, stolen goods, artefacts, slaves and more. It all can belong to you, as long as you have money. If you cant afford normal traders you can always trade with more exotic ones, as long as you are willing to sell something of yours like some blood or a limb, family member or a memory. If all else fails you can sell piece of your soul...
Much like orc and goblin tribal society's i would think. Violence and brutality are normal to everyone. But the ones in charge are the most powerful and the most willing to kill to keep control of there unruly subjects. So beatings, rapes, and stealing are a everyday thing. But only the rulers such as the nobles or law men kill vary often and most of the time they are killing those that are tearing apart there community thru out of control killings or even mass murder. They do not care about the petty shit. Just the stuff that can grow out of control and lose them there power over there community. Fist fights and bar brawls or pick pockets or rapist mean nothing to them. And if you have such a problem with that kind of stuff and care enough to stop it your self than the ones in charge will not stop you and may even give you a pat on the back for being a good boy. But will not lift a finger to help you. As that is work they do not care for and see it as pointless to keeping control of there society.
Society like this would most likely quickly normalize generational revenge, like italian vendetta. Blood feuds would go on for centuries, and since people in power can always exploit this kind of animosity, they would support it, but they themselves would fall for it too.
As consequence society would be a state of war of every clan against every family. Uneasy peace would be best people can hope for and when something escalates the conflict you have civil war at every level.
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It wouldn't
But its fiction so handwaving
Its not like history doesnt give us examples.
You can have carthage kind of evil, goverment is run 100% on cope and corruption, and child sacrefice in normal practice
You can have Aztec kind of evil. Every, even smallest crime us punished with most brutal shit imaginable, and state has yearly wars just so they can sacrefice more humans to gods.
You can have ussr kind of evil. Where the state comes, takes everything from you, and your friend snitches that you kept one bread to yourself, and now you go to the camp.
Its always about exploiting greed, hate and fear.
Evilmaxxed fantasy society would be meritocracy, but only way to get into power is by cheating and stealing, so the people already in power almost always stay in power untill killed by a rival of equal power. If you personally kill someone you inherit their wealth, so the richest never trust anyone, and the poor always are ready to take their chances at murder, more often than not fighting over scraps. And since everyone is in the rat race they always imagine themselves at top, afraid to start anew.
Long term standing on its own? Probably not, but a few generations could keep it together for some time. But as part of a bigger, more stable society? It can persist for hundreds of years.
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Player character races and classes:

- Archer
- Warrior
- Necromancer

- Rascal
- Sorcerer
- Jester
- Pyromancer

- Thief
- Rogue
- Spy
- Warlock

- Warrior
- Berserker
- Barbarian
- Rogue

- Brute
- Barbarian
- Juggernaut

- Bandit
- Rogue
- Thief
- Mercenary
- Charlatan
- Berserker
- Barbarian
- Black Knight
- Cultist
- Warlock
- Witch
- Dark Wizard
- Necromancer
A genocide pact is the ultimate realisation of these vendettas, by offering an equal number of souls to beings of pure evil.
OP has it figured out in his pic. Just make a setting in Mordor or in any of Mordor’s tributary kingdoms in Harad and the East. Black Numenorian successor kingdoms in the south. The main religion is Melkor worship and they have a fabricated mythos about how the Valar and Elves and men of the West are their evil servants etc.
Antirapists are everywhere in settings.
My idea would be a setting which is long overdue for purging, either in a Sodom and Gomorrah divine justice sense, or a more hinduistic sense of a cycle being long overdue for destruction. Perhaps even have the setting's world outright be a lesser imitation of the 'true' world, created by a demiurge esque figure, in which they can rule like a god.
The bbeg would destroy it all to make way for good to dominate once more/allow creation to flourish anew once the fires die down/force everyone's souls to return to the real world.
The 'good king' bbeg wouldn't really fit for a fully evil setting, I'd say, because it'd allow both opportunistic evil pcs and proper righteous good pcs to realistically align themselves with the bbeg's promised kingdom (assuming 'good king' was meant as a sort of destined monarch who'd take over and just somehow make everything alright), as opposed to realistically allowing only those selfless enough to be willing to sacrifice themselves for the new world to align themselves with the bbeg, which few, if any, evil characters are going to be.
Make it ideological.

The Necromantic Empire leads a war with all its neighbours and is winning, as every fallen enemy soon joins the rank of the imperial infantry. The nobles of Empire aren't in any way better or worse than the nobles of other nations, but they don't hesitate to use even the darkest magic to achieve their goals. Ordinary citizens of the conquered towns won't notice any change, maybe even feel the life is better, as they get unconditional basic income and can pursue delicate crafts and intellectual activities, as mundane work is done by zombie and skeleton peasants summoned by the town necromancer. The only thing that the imperium enforces in the conquared lands are changes the burial rites. The body belongs to the immortal emperor on the throne. The souls of the citizens too, but why not lie about the afterlife?

The unfair advantage leads other nations to experiment with other forms of dark powers too. One kingdom turns towards summoning demons and binding them into human bodies. When the paladin orders got a whiff of what the magical academy is doing and tried to stop it, they were labelled a traitors trying to start a civil war and got captured and used as demonhosts.

Confederation of free cities in the south hates that the necroimperium is effectively manipulating the market with cheap labor and feels threatened, they started breeding orc monstrosities and the best alchemist pump them full of the finest drugs.

The only hopes are the ecofasist elves living in dark woods in the north, as they see danger in overpopulated humanlands and don't like the way imperial necromancers use their powers to accelerate agricultural revolution with their undead farming machines. This needs to be stopped and elves don't hesitate to destroy dams to flood the fields, decimate the human population with plagues or summon wild beasts in the middle of populated areas.
We run an evil campaign for now.
good races (most elves, dwarves and humans) live in the outskirts of society, in tiny communities, not allowed to raise civilisations
evil/monster races are the main civilisation
world government with an army. duels and such give quick promotion
suppression of "good" races is constant law
but individuals of good races if stronk enough can join the baddies
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I always wanted to play as one of these fuckers
Calm down, Mel Gibson
Slaves, anon. Slaves slaves slaves
Jesus Christ have mercy on you, did you devour every bit of propaganda on planet Earth?
I did this for a troll society. Since it's very hard to permanently maim each other without specific intent, the slightest squabble becomes a bloody brawl. Since personal property (read:slaves) doesn't regenerate as easily, violence is specifically pointed towards their countrymen, but of course angry people don't always remember this.
Since trolls are dull and impatient, slaves do all the paper-pushing, much of the craftsmanship, and other such tasks. The trolls themselves prefer manual labor, and extol the virtues thereof.
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Somebody awakens an ancient and primordial [spoiler/]Good.
So are we doing fantasy or scifi?
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Our major factions just arrived
>the bbeg fills the niche of the obligatory good king
Bullshit, he's the final boss and you should hate him all the while, you might try to appease him in the early game but if you aren't ultimately working to replace him then you aren't really evil.
Jesus Christ have mercy on you, what could you possibly say to criticize such a correct and on-topic post?
I didn't know that the Aztecs were hard on crime, I don't know where that idea comes from, but besides that he's completely right. >>93240458 is a stupid question because everyone knows the answers.
Carthago delenda est.
It's amazing what oppressed people will do just to have a little bit of power over their peers. During the Antebellum period, slaves were infamous for fucking over their fellows just to get into massa's good graces. Even earlier during the conquest of the New World, black slaves would gladly rape native women. Even today in modernity, hobo camps are notorious for the amounts of murders, rapes, human trafficking, that happen there regularly.

I have a friend whose a PI that saw a kid get sold in one of those things. A fucking kid and the homeless do not care. An evil society will play this up, particularly among the slaves, as the favored concubines of Kergash the Headcrusher would jealously protect their own societal position by spying on and snitching on the lesser slaves- particularly servant girls that massa's spending too much time with.
fair enough
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Definitely not the worst ressource to draw inspiration from! HoMM was a tremendous benchmark for fantasy as a genre whose long-term influence can't be overestimated. Had a surprisingly good magic system aswell. It's a shame what happened to the IP.
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I don't think that the Dark Lord would be a 'good king.' He's like Sauron: you fear him but that fear pushes you to serve him as he can kill you in an instance. Plus Orcs hate everything good and beautiful because they themselves are hideous and ugly.

The Aztecs were bad, had every single mesoamerican state uniting against them and I would not have sex with them.


Most slaves would be stuffed into the massive factories. Constantly producing weapons of war while the armies of darkness march, taking more slaves. Capital punishments are harsh and over the top, ranging from impalement to getting outright castrated in front of the other slaves. And just to double down on the 'corrupting' nature of Notdor, the slavers obliterate the original identity of the slaves, harshly punishing those that speak their native tongues in front of their masters, forcing them to use the degenerated tongue of the orcs.

The Dark Lord knows that language can give concepts meaning so he goes out of his way to linguistically obliterate languages not unlike Oceania. But unlike Oceania with the state promoting sexual puritanism, the Dark Lord uses sex as a weapon. He lets the Orcs run wild in occupied territory, with slaves regularly brutalized by their Orc masters. Why? It breaks the slave's spirit, especially when half-orcs are born as half-orcs live lives as a perpetual underclass in Notdor society thus making another miserable proportion of society the Dark Lord can use.

Yeah. Being an Orc wench or a buck sucks ass... WEEEALLLLLL Unless you get that kine o' peculiar buck.

*Pic related shows a rare kind of slave that kills an enemy of Notdor and gets promoted. Keep in mind, they're still not free. Despite being the captain of a warband, the looter is still the property of his master and they're strictly prohibited from handling money of any kind like all slaves.
I think what he was trying to say is that the evil overlord of this setting fills the niche of the lawful good human king cliché from an ordinary fantasy setting. Obviously he'd still be evil.
The Orcs have several preferred slaving targets:
>Academies: both magic and mundy institutes of learning have high-born students. A literate slave is needed for logistics and book keeping after all.
>Castles: highborn slaves are always highly valued. Mostly as trophies, or for the princess to warm their beds.
>Idyllic villages: peasants from idealistic lives are among the funnest to break. Plus you can get a lot of work out of them before they die.
>Cities: wide arrange of slaves with variable skill levels. You might get a guild carpenter or a ratcatcher or a good tavern wench. Plus a lot of loot.
>Monasteries: those robe-wearing rats have gold, manuscripts, and all kinds of good stuff hidden away. Otherwise, they're a pain in the ass to deal with usually.
>Convents: 50/50 chance it'll be good. You might get a young blonde initiate OR you'll have to cut your way through masses of screaming women who mutilated their faces so they wouldn't get raped.

'Meh' targets:
>Serf villages: the Easterling 'serfs' are already miserable with broken spirits. In fact, Orcs buy these wretches from boyars all the time. But they work, and keep their head down as a good slave should.
>Multigenerational slaves: slaves are slaves.

They also avoid enslaving:
>Intelligentsia: teachers, physicians, and other 'high' burghers are too well-educated to be trusted so they're killed en masse. While they'll gladly enslave the royal family, the burgher who lectured at Master John's University of Goldshire will get killed instantly which hasn't gone unnoticed.
>Gnostics, dervishes, sword saints, and other 'religious weirdos': they're just trouble. Especially hashashin.
>Southlanders: just downright peculiar.

It's be different though. While the Good King is someone to be emulated- ruling by example, the Dark Lord is feared by his underlings. For instance: Big Brother is all seeing, all knowing, but the populace only follows the law due to fear of reprisal.
I'm not upset when series die any more. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.
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After watching Punch Punch Forever I got the idea of a lighthearted JRPG setting not unlike Pokemon where a Demon Lord had successfully conquered the land and then setup a strong central government with a dense yet efficient bureaucracy centered around combat to settle disagreements and determine leadership within a given hierarchy. Human towns exist between stretches of wilderness, and demon police maintain the civil rights humans were granted by the Demon Lord. The wilderness is a wild and lawless place where most demons feel at home, leading tribes of monsters to war against others just because there's no more great armies to fight. Technology has advanced to a vague solar punk level where most people travel on foot, ride bikes, or take ferries and trains to get places. Knowing how to fight and defend yourself against monsters and anyone who challenges your position within the hierarchy is an essential skill taught to all children. The degree of corruption in a given settlement is largely dependent on the moral compasses of its strongest warriors. Any young adventurer can walk in and challenge the local magistrate, but doing so means he's obligated to assume that magistrate's job, or to nominate a better candidate. Most leaders aren't actually competent at their given job, and require a lieutenant to advice them on the nitty gritty of their profession, but there are exceptions. Every now and then you do run into an exceptionally intimidating accountant or a judge who can best every lawyer in town in single combat.

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