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What's the deal with Evokers and Conjurers in Krynn? The White Robes have dominion over Abjuration and Divination, the Red Robes are the masters of Illusion and Transmutation, and the Black Robes teach the arts of Enchantment and Necromancy, but none of the three towers have exclusive command over Evocation or Conjuration. So, what, are all Evokers and Conjurers renegades on Krynn? Also, Dragonlance thread, I guess.
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Stop that.
I like dragons.
That is all.
So, we can all agree that Tanis was an idiot for actually wanting to be with Kit, right?
Tg should only be generals.
Dragonlance is the best D&D property there ever was or will be, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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Eh, we've all had our bad lays before.
>Dragonlance is the best D&D property there ever was or will be, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
It's probably the purest in any regard. the books seem like they got a lot of harsh criticism as they went on. Maybe some of it was justified, they made a lot of these and I don't think I read all of them. But I recently reread the original trilogy not that long ago and it made me smile. I won't say it wasn't partly nostalgia but it was still something that made me happy.
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It's a real shame we never got a decent adaptation though. I don't think everything NEEDS to be a movie but I think we still deserved better than..... this.
pity bump
>It's probably the purest in any regard.
That's probably why it is forgotten. It doesn't match the spirit of the age. Compare it to Planescape which slid into the modern era well.
It would be a disaster if it was warped to fit because that just isn't Dragonlance.
>the books seem like they got a lot of harsh criticism as they went on.
There's so many of them! This thread inspired me to start reading them but I opened a list of them and woah.
>Eh, we've all had our bad lays before.
We really haven't, and the romance in Dragonlance is probably also something that alienates moderns, even if we won't admit it.
If I remember right evocation and conjuring magic isn't restricted, so any wizard can use them regardless of what order they belong to. Also I think those schools of magic are just less common on Kyrnn in general than in other settings. So running into a typical blaster wizard or a summoner is much rarer than in Faerun or Eberron.
>so many of them
Most of them are mediocre, unsurprisingly, and some of them just bad, very very bad. Stick with Weis and Hickman in the three, and I do mean three original books, Dragons of Autumn/Winter/Spring trilogy. Read the three Time/Test/War of the Twins too.

Years later the authors came back to fill in the gaps between those "Dragons of" books with the Lost Chronicles whose titles creatively start "Dragons of the". The motivation can only have been money for the publishers or authors were bored because they are not stories that needed to be told and they are not well written.

Don't be confused by the Lost Legends. Lost Chronicles were set around the Chronicles stories, Lost Legends has next to nothing to do with Legends, just some one offs.

The Tales trilogy of short stories and maybe Tales II trilogy are okay. Those got renamed to be a Tales sextet iirc. You want them for the Weis and Hickman novellas, some of the other short stories are okay.

Stories by the other authors are very hit and miss, mostly miss, just trading on the Dragonlance name.

You'll hate yourself if you waste time or money on the so called fourth Dragons book by Weis and Hickman. Not only are there a lot of pages and very little story but what story there is screws with the setting. The War of Souls trilogy, again main authors and trading off the original series by being called "Dragons of a", takes everything you love about the setting and throws it out the window.

This setting destruction is a special kind of an achievement as other writers had already done their best to destroy the setting earlier by writing about Giant Amnesiac Space Dragons. One of the dragons from the original trilogy forgot he was a Giant Space Dragon not native to Krynn and grows to enormous size to become a literal Big Boss while his Giant Space Dragon Friends do the same. It's even worse than it sounds. This is a direct consequence of that so called fourth book.


There are some one off, or sometimes a one off that got a sequel, books that are okay, but nothing I have read would I call good.

As a rule, the earlier stuff is better, and stuff set in the distant past or around the War of the Lance, the time of the original trilogy, is better.

Dragons of Summer Flame, again, don't bother, it breaks the setting, is from 1995. If it's written after 1994 it better be set in the past.

I don't care for most of the writers TSR and then WOTC pulled in to write Dragonlance, like Don Perrin who wrote a couple of draconian novels, but others do like those writers so that's a matter of taste.
It's Mormonite fanfiction anon. The Silver Discs are the same thing as the Golden Plates.

>Dragons of Summer Flame, again, don't bother, it breaks the setting, is from 1995. If it's written after 1994 it better be set in the past.

They fucked their setting so hard with that one. It just went to incredible shit. That novel alone should've been reason to dismiss their attempts to get rights over Dragonlance handed to them.
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>That's probably why it is forgotten. It doesn't match the spirit of the age.
I'm not sure I can even make out what the spirit of the current age is. It's not as dry and dark as some other fantasy literature. Hell compared to many of it's more "grown up" contemporaries you could really say it was more on the whimsical side of things. It very much just felt like how a table of players might take things if they were being just serious enough to maintain a sense of momentum. And that was enough. It wasn't boring no fun but it wasn't everyone is a goofball meme factory. And this even applies to the annoying kender.
>There's so many of them! This thread inspired me to start reading them but I opened a list of them and woah.
Wikipedia says there are almost 200 as of 2008. Which is just.... Christ. I didn't even know they were still putting them out that long first off but all the same holy fuck. There's like a million Forgotten Realms books too. You could fill a not small library with these.
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I just really like the old art
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There's just something about that feels fantastical but also real.
There's nothing wrong with that
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>They fucked their setting so hard
Was that a TSR driven decision or a Weis and Hickman one? Both of them left TSR in 1986 or 1987 under a very dark cloud and stopped writing for TSR. The SAGA rules were already a done deal and that changed the setting for Dragonlance. The pair might have done the novel writing, and it's a bad novel, but I thought they were earning a pay cheque and dealing with someone else's mess. This was TSR just before the WOTC take over and things weren't exactly going well at the time.
I very much imagine it was TSR's fault. A lot of the problems reek of executive meddling.

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