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Your character comes upon a dying goddess of death and magic. She cannot be saved, but she can pass a portion of her power on to you, thereby making you a demigod (as powerful as Rory Mercury) and a candidate for eventual godhood.
Do you accept?...and what do you do?
I dont trust women, so I probably do whatever I can to personally kill her myself.
You remain mortal and die a cursed death of rot that spreads to all you touch. Your corpse remains contagious.
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We push forward the little girl we've picked up in the other thread and let her take the deal. Somehow this feels like the right thing to do.
>The essence of worship is devotion
>The purest form of devotion is emulation
>The purest form of emulation is devourment
>The essence of worship is devourment
I accept by consuming the flesh of the divine.
You have nothing to lose by becoming a god. Consume the flesh, and hope you'll make for a fairer deity than she was.
sweet, do I end up attracting monsters to worship my corpse? Does the balance of life and death also get fucked up?
I also push forward a little girl I found. What a weird coincidence.
She accepts the child sacrifice.
Your party are all demigods now.
Fear is a form of worship.
Peasants leave offerings of dead cats on sticks to avoid being plagued.
You become a hunefer infernal.
She accepts the child sacrifice.
Your party are all demigods now.
Can I become as powerful as Freddy Mercury instead?
You become a sponge that plays shit music.
>dying goddess of death and magic
That's stupid, how can the goddess of death die?
And why is she the goddess of those two incompatible things?
>>The purest form of emulation is devourment
no, it's masturbation.
I ask her what responsibilities and difficulties are involved in becoming a diety of death and magic first
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If only anon had asked to become Freddie Mercury instead, then he would have been a rock god.
Not a Lovecraft fan are you?
>sees samefags in his oatmeal
Take your meds, boomer.
He should have been more cautious. Kek
>as powerful as Rory Mercury
Literally who. I swear you people get more retarded and ill-educated day by day.
>has no brain
Back to redtit, faggot.
It's a different thing to say that even death is going to die one day than the scene OP described.
>is ignorant of something
>doesn't know how to use google
>accuses other people of being retarded and ill-educated
It's the woman in the image, stupid.
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If becoming a god is so good, why is this bitch dying alone and passing her powers to a nobody? Something is not right here, I roll to rape.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

rolling to determine what kind of girl she was
The little girl was a ghost this whole time
What do you do now?
>The essence of worship is devotion
For the mediocre.
Also this:
I refuse, I don't want to get a -4 to strenght
I accept and become a god of love. I start by blessing everyone on 4chan with sex with a desirable partner.
But thats awful! How is one person going to have sex with all of 4chan, they'd fucking die.
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A piss poor deity of death if she's susceptible to dying. What said, what are the downsides? That there's a god just bleeding out in the middle of the street suggests someone's out there killing gods, or maybe the gods themselves are in all-out war with each other. Not like I'm gonna pass on a chance like this but I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into.
I don't think you're powerful enough for that. Best you could do is put on a wig and take miles of dick, which I'd guess is just a regular evening for you.
Can we do a Heart-Under-Blade and suck most of her power, so she almost dies but not quite, and we stay as mostly human but not quite, then take her as our travel companion?
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Maybe there is still a sliver of hope left for /tg/ after all
>If becoming a god is so good, why is this bitch dying alone and passing her powers to a nobody? Something is not right here,
I can't disagree we need to delve dee
>I roll to rape.
God damn it Eli!
Depends on setting. If this is a D&D setting then FUCK NO. D&D gods are metaphysical parasytes stuck herding retards their entire existence or they'll die. You also get boned by a mess of restriction mortals don't have to deal with, like being trapped in a single plane unless your worshippers can travel to a plane you want to see in enough numbers to establish your religion there.

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