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ITT: Suppose you're tasked with the creation of the origin of different races in a sci-fi setting. You can make it as fantastical or grounded as you want, but you'll need to provide the context that makes it believable.
How would you go about it?
What are some examples of a race in this setting?

I'll start:

>Humanity found very few truly sentient extraterrestrial lifeforms out in the stars when they started colonizing the galaxy.
>This was great for them, but they soon realized that many planets were not meant for baseline human habitation.
>Genetic modification became a necessity for humans who wished to colonize hazardous but resource-rich worlds. Because of this, Gene-modding is an accepted, but heavily regulated practice.
>After these newly genetically modified bred with each other for generations, they became classified as a stable genetic offshoot of humanity known as a Xenotype (or race, as some people call it)
>Xenotypes can crossbreed with other Xenotypes or Baseline humans, since they're still mostly standard human DNA.
>While most Xenotypes were created out of a need, some high-tech worlds experiment with the creation of specialized Xenotypes that filled out niche roles across the galaxy.

Some example Xenotypes are:
>Stoneborn, basically Space-Dwarves
>Ursons, Giants with bear-like appearances, has thick skin and tufts of fur in specific areas. Very strong, not too bright.
>Vulpons, Kitsune-humans who are psychically hypersensitive, known to manipulate and drain the life out of their targets using psionics.
>Imps (AKA: Demonspawn): Humans with devil-like appearances. Known to live on extremely hot planets. Contains glands that spit out a highly flammable chemical that sets targets on fire.
>Sentient robots; the Machinemen, they were invented by Humans thousands of years ago. Humans have gone missing, potentially extinct, so Machinemen are scouring the stars in search of their progenitors. Their name is homage to Humans.
>Annunaki; they are ancient chimera extraterrestrials from far off in the universe. Humans used to have legends of them visiting earth in their early days, gifting incredible knowledge and technology, which would not be found by later archaeologists of their society. They are in possession of a culture of Humans, presumably the only remaining non-extinct ones there are, and in complete subservience to the Annunaki.
So... generic kitchen sink sci-fantasy with a little bitta fap-bait?

Here is the origin of non-human species: They evolved on a planet. There you go.
Every sapient species is either descended from wildly divergent far-future transhumans, uplifted intelligent Earth animals like dolphins and apes, or human-designed AI-equipped machines. Or some combination of the three.
Take an idea an find a reason behind it.
> The Vau - a race with the strange ability to essentially have super speed for 5 seconds.
>They have this ability because their world has erratic weather, requiring them to to have a instant reaction to their surroundings
>A sudden hurricane shows up you need to have a good six seconds to get a hold of what you need to do.
go fuck yourself
Gay sex for all of them.
Never understood the compulsion to make a no-effort angry reply instead of just sailing past a thread you're not interested in.

Bumping a fun thread.
Atlantis was real and a center for ancient knowledge of alchemy and magic with a touch of early technology with complex mechanisms. Rather than being destroyed in a divine cataclysm, a mass ritual to establish a series of teleportation rings went awry and ripped the entire continent out of the Earth, scattering ruins and survivors across a narrow arc of planets across the Milky Way. These groups were forced to quickly adapt themselves to their new worlds, and the struggles of survival meant that memories of Earth and hope of return were quickly lost to mere legend.
The turning of the galaxy has spread these civilizations about, several of them managing to establish magitech empires spanning several systems. Most bear traits of local fauna or even flora that were used in early alchemical experiments to better adapt their peoples to survival.
Humanity, having lost such a concentration of magically adept minds and even a large chunk of the planets mana, have been set upon a purely technological path, unable to find the Lost Continent. Now they too take to the stars, assumed at first to be just one more intelligent species until further research begins to reveal these Earthlings as the common ancestors of all the galaxy.
>Rimworld fluf
>Warframe pic
>Homunculi, a race of biological constructs made when colonies needed warm bodies for whatever reason, like meeting population requirements, that eventually gained their freedom and became a recognized race. Outwardly they look more or less like normal human or Xenotype, but they’re capable of altering their biology, swapping out different genetic and physical modifications, relatively easily.
>which would not be found by later archaeologists of their society
Why wouldn’t they find said technology?

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