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The Biggest Rat That Makes All Of The Rules Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT
Exiled Lands: https://imgur.com/a/p7AbcXJ

Alternate Costumes: https://imgur.com/a/xyF47FP
Nyx's Fusions: https://imgur.com/a/d6eLwXk

Fan V4 Gen:

Gats's V4+Chibi Gen:
V4 World Map:
Diety Writeups:

Booru (Fan Art Collection) - http://tower-girls.booru.org/
Backup Booru -https://towergirls.booru.org/index.php
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - http://www.mediafire.com/file/k83sgc5t5dfvv3s/Towergirls_Files.zip
Gats Wiki - https://the-official-towergirls.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Towergirls_Wiki
Folder Containing Artwork - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GCjgb8zXq2Myg8G39EockjdTTYShOQjw

Games & Tabletop Rulebooks:

https://wizdingo.proboards.com/ (Eversor)

Where do I upload to share?

If you'd like access to the discord or have anything you wish to talk about privately involving towergirls, editing, etc, please contact Brumus here:

A) Broken-Tower@hotmail.com
B) "Tired Knight" on Steam

Don't forget to check the other Tower girl threads on other boards;


Previous Thread: >>93175571
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Any feedback on this?

Monastery Guild’s
Monk Princess

+ Balanced technique and ferociousness
+ Body chiseled to perfection
+ Even when fiendishly disguised
- Hides amongst the most combative races
- On the run from Hell

Love: 2
Lust: 2
Wealth: 2
Power: 2

<3 Exhaustive Sex
<3 Race Play
</3 Contracts

Lust Bonus: Releasing Palm Technique – All the vigorous actions of sex in a single touch.

“She is attracted to pushing the limits of her martial skills, but not at the command of Hell’s forces.”
angry ghost is cute
deer is cute, would try to mug and fall and love with.
Sounds legit. But are the stats too middle ground? The pros and loves imdicate a much higher lust and power level.
Maybe the Palm Technique should address that she is hiding her power level?
>Releasing Palm Technique – Hidden power level of sex action in a single touch
But this is just a “lore“ thing. Nothing seriously wrong.
Yeah stats could be higher maybe. I was trying to go for a monk's balanced nature by setting them all to 2. Setting them all to 3 might work but would put her on the higher point side. 9 is usually the average for stats.

We could also just ditch the idea of balance. Either way, I think we should save redoing all the stats till after the princess are finished and then we can do a big balance sweep of all the stats to get a good distribution.
What kind of Princess is she?
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The Good kind.

Rats is as rats does. I still wonder why the -born suffix id affixed to all Ratkin, especially with this many new varieties.
>has a large tight-knit family
Not a good thing.

>awkwardly clingy
Not a bad thing.
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How are you anons doing?
I like the balance idea.

Fine, hope you too.
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What about mousekins?
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Looks like they're just mice.

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