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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

Gladmoon edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question: How bad is the greytide in your local area? Do you reckon it will be worse with the new edition?
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Not too bad.
Hopefully Spearhead means it won't
Has any other endless spell had its identity swapped around as much as the burning meme
malevolent moon changed from a sniper rifle wizard hunter into a buff piece
Re-reposting leaks

>>93230200 (Cross-thread)
>>93230585 (Cross-thread)
>>93230591 (Cross-thread)
>>93231292 (Cross-thread)

>>93230793 (Cross-thread)
>>93231260 (Cross-thread)

>>93231211 (Cross-thread)
>>93232557 (Cross-thread)

>>93232537 (You) (Cross-thread)
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I fucked up. Oh well.
wow, i can see why gitz went down like 30% in points. these guys are fucking made of glass now and their attack profiles fucking suck
Goblins bad at fighting. In other news, realms flat.
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Wheres the Gitz info?
...are the realms actually flat?
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It’s too hot to prime and I’m not keen on working on Slickblades. Blissbarbs are made to bully fat-fingered oafs like myself.
Yes, the realms are flat discs. They're more stable at the center and wild at the edges.
its one thing to say they are bad at fighting.

its another when you read through it and every unit has lost 1 point off of its save, hit rolls and wound rolls of all of their profiles


also boingrot mortal wounds giga nerfed down to 2+ on a D3 for the whole squad
Some are, Shyish was flat, but is now conical. Chamon is a bunch of spheres hanging in a void, but the land of those spheres are flat.
so shrimple
stop trying to force this
It objectively does more shit than its previous incarnation
>previous version was an endless spell that wasn't endless
>this new version, which is endless, is somehow bad
Suck my cock you moron.
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Wow, this IS rubbish
Cast the spell and then pass a 2+ and then roll a 4+ and THEN you inflict D3 morties
The damage output is similar enough for 10 in the squig subfaction. I think I'd take 3" and no battleshock tradeoff. The save fucking hurts though.
hmmmm because endless spells are now free, are magic centric factions just going to be blatantly better than nonmajik??
how many armies are there in teh game without a wizard and/or a priest?

only one i can think of is kharadron. thats the only army i can see that wont get access to some kind of manifestation, and i havent seen any sign of spell in a bottle
khorne but they can interact with it if they want to.
nvm im tarded
Why do you think they are free?
battletome troggs.
Anyone have a pdf of the box set Arcane Cataclysm? I've been looking everywhere for it, but unfortunately Ive had no luck in finding it for my monk minotaur elves unfortunately?
As a heavy FS player, I'm happy with the warscrolls assuming points and regiments are appropriate, but that's every faction.
The loss of fight on death is the worst thing, but gaining a good bit of damage and some interesting rune changes makes up for that a little bit. If the grimwrath and doomseeker are appropriately pointed theyll be in a fine place to use flamekeepers in an infantry list. Magmadroths are wholly dependent on points.
its a falseflag
dont forget with a shitload of priests, including 2 chant foot priests, and free invocations, fyreslayers can actually kinda do casting well now
sbgl leks...
Does anyone have the warscroll for the zombie dragon?
Presumably, he means free as in no points in army construction, which is correct. You get 1 and only 1 spell lore, manifestation lore, and prayer lore and all of them are free.
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Where dat Nurgle shit?
Alright after looking at them I agree with you. This looks like the worst army in the game outside of trolls by a wide margin. Mangler Squigs are one of the worst warscrolls I've ever seen.
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the disconnect between art and model is maka me mad
Im pretty sure I’ve seen the Karazai scroll for 4th somewhere, but cant find him now. Anyone got it?
Yeah the artist should try harder to imitate the models he's illustrating for.
what's the difference?
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One is pointing forward and other is patting the snake
Its boring anyway
looks fine to me, whats the problem?
>vengeance burns blinding and everlasting in Kazarais soul
I always love how much these descriptions suck them off and then my kruleboyz bash some pans together and they’ve got strikes last
Rules, mechanics and warscrolls.
Uninspired, bland and boring.
At least the things I seen so far dont make me wanna play my army.
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oh look, non specific buzzwork salad. making some real good points there
Spiderfang look garbage:(
I think that´s all. I think the most disappointing to me are the manglers.
Yes they're so bad, 14w 5+ with 5 avg damage output. I wouldn't even pay 140 points for one currently.

>letting rules influence what army you play
>not just playing for fun
The new abilities for each arachnarok type are neat but they really should buff the riders, just in the volume of attacks they get. The arachnarok crew should really have 20+ bow attacks if riders get 2 each, and the war party variant should have more
You realise that if you own the army the rules impact the level of fun you have?

Skill issue.
>no title
If you're gonna be bad at baking then just don't do it.
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this guy has a track record for rumors, so the cogfort is coming
>neart, I'll take a loonboss to D6 regen my shoot-
Why does GW hate shootas so much? Editions of melee weapon buffs of now this too
It's true but the thread does show when you search for aosg so I guess it's alright
Last time I put effort to make some points some competitive retard came out screaming Im wrong because they have 5++ now and it makes them great. I dont ficking care if they are strong or not I want engaging rules that reflect fluff of my army.
Will generic endless spells be a mandatory purchase if I want to get into the 4th edition?
endless spells will be but if you have your faction ones you're probably good
Whitefang back me up and Whitefang are not the same person though just fyi
back me up is credible though, bloodbowl gnomes and some other stuff iirc
Was backmeup the guy playing riddler with the blurry Vermintide photos?
Somewhat but not quite the same track record as whitefang.

Nah. No idea who that was.
How about you scratch the cheese off of my encrusted birthright?
Fat lizards, Teclis and other shit will still prevent you from casting anything so no.
Haven't dispell bonuses been removed across the game?
yes but now dispelling is separate, you can cast up to your power level and dispell up to your power level in the same turn so there's nothing stopping them attempting to dispell every cast you try
You can rubber band off of an enemy's endless spell?
Goonhammer will post their Soulblight overview in about two and a half hours. I look forward to reading about Black Knights having better teleportation than Sylvaneth.
>yes but now dispelling is separate, you can cast up to your power level and dispell up to your power level in the same turn so there's nothing stopping them attempting to dispell every cast you try

That's how it worked in 3e, and explicitly NOT how it works in 4e.
I know, but he's got shit right too
They have always had a 5+ fnp

>engaging rules that reflect the fluff of the army

Like what exactly? They have a pretty thematic disease rule, the classic nurgle feel no pain, unlimited healing spells. I'm struggling to find what part of the nurgle fantasy They are failing to fulfill, they practically tick a perfect wishlist of nurgle gameplay features
>I want engaging rules that reflect fluff of my army.

I mean, disease went from being just automatic extra mortal wounds assigned passively to a mechanic that require you to actually think what to infect, when to spread your contagion and so on.
The new version looks a lot more engaging than the other to me.
What previous anon is saying is that you can cast spells up to your wizard level and then dispell endless spells and even unbind a spell cast during your own hero phase. Which you couldn't do in 3rd because you had to pull either action from your level pool
NTA but I kinda wish there were different disease keywords that shifted between 3 levels of encroachment (would probably be too slow for it to ever matter tho), also idk if its still a thing but endless spells spreading corruption seemed kinda fun.
wrong, unbinds were restricted on warscrolls in 3e. In 4e you can dispell X AND cast X
Read the rules

But Nurglites should fight like a BJJ practicioner who has 20 kilos on you and doesn't even try to hold in his farts.
Rumor (big pinch of salt here) is that they're gonna start making endless spells again for the armies that don't have them, so fingers crossed we may get a set of nurgle endless spells
Well, they've got one guy who grapples (one of the maggot lords) and a shitload of countercharging with beasts and the glottkin...so actually they do kinda do that
are points coming with faction packs?

I can see it now.
Every faction gets endless spells in 4th, then in 5th Malign Sorcery, Forbidden Power and the Krondspine get squatted in the name of "balance"
>that you can cast spells up to your wizard level and then dispell endless spells and even unbind a spell cast during your own hero phase. Which you couldn't do in 3rd because you had to pull either action from your level pool

You still have to pull banishments from the same action pool.

>unbinds were restricted on warscrolls in 3e. In 4e you can dispell X AND cast X
In 3e you could also dispell X and Cast Y, the only difference is that sometimes in 3rd edition X and Y were the same and sometimes they were different. Now they are always the same.
I think points are the battle profiles, so on monday
>and the Krondspine get squatted in the name of "balance"
Based. Maybe 4th ed won't be so bad after all
Krondspine is probably the only endless spell that doesn't reuse assets and look like shit
5++ is ward save
5+++ was disgustingly resilient
I would like to see more abilities on scrolls and units that do shit other than rely on a dice roll to do dmg with abilitythat can be couter by all death armies and propably many more. I liked the cycle and garden of nurgle rules.
Keeping track of shitload of couters in 3rd and now in 4th isnt my kind of fun.
But Ill wait and see before final judgement, right now I dont feel excited for them.
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Spearhead ability
Did Fire & Jade get scanned?
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>Graveguard cost $60 now
>5++ is ward save
>5+++ was disgustingly resilient
Those are the exact same thing in AoS, there aren't invulnerable saves here
Do we have any points yet?
Does anyone have the Daemon prince warscroll? and is the warscroll good this edition?
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It's pretty good
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I love fyreslayers
haters can eat magmadick
And mortek guard and kavalos deathrider leaks?
but all magmadroths are female
you think the trophy rack is worth considering now?
Can we expect the new skaven stormvermin and weapon teams soon?
before Christmas probably.
They're getting the grave guard treatment
revealed at the end of the helcrown campaign, I'd imagine

On paper it's way , but in practice I think the extra mobility could potentially be big.
Will there actually be a point in taking stormvermin now that bravery and battleshock is gone?
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What have you been working on /aosg/?

I've been getting endless spells ready for 4th, finished the Aetherwrought Machineries, and making my way through Primal Energies.

Ignore the AoS unrelated mini in the picture.
A unit of Khainite Shadowstalkers that have been on my table for ages. They're cool models, but they're so fiddly to paint and my DoK is lighting up my hobby neurons right now. But they're slowly getting progress.
Idoneth Faction Pack review on Goonhammer is up. Sounds pretty meh. Same as before but just a little bit worse at everything and no way to take advantage of the new endless spells.
Soulblight too. Sounds like Blood Knights are gonna be just as scary as ever.
Ugh...they made the vampire lord on dragon so boring. Death march and bad blood are probably the only subtractions I'll ever play under.
That seems to be the main theme for the indexes.
i wish fyreslayers models looked as good as their art and lore
Would the noisy Kruleboyz and the ghosts that doot in the Craven King's ear be friends?
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they do to me
I posted my KB project yesterday, not a lot of work done since then but it's going steady. I also need to work on my Machineries, but I'm kitbashing them up so that's a bigger project for another time, and I think after I get the KB together I'm going to finish up a spearhead of my Skaven. I've got plans to up the AoS scene at my LGS.
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for reference and that's with a 20% discount
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Fyreslayers are perfect aside from their two original infantry kits imo
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Friendly PSA to read the faction focus articles every day until faction packs drop.

>read the faction focus articles every day until faction packs drop.
Why? What more do I have to gain from them?
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You can't make an army without those two kits though, can you?
As a result army is ugly, the worst thing to fuck up is basic infantry, ugly heroes can easily be proxied or whatever but you are stuck with ugly troops.
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>Chaos Daemons - Slaanesh, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne
>Order Daemons - Stormcast and Seraphon (some)
>Death Daemons - Nighthaunt

Who would make for good Destruction daemons?
In 3e you can, 4e has fewer restrictions on regiments presumably
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you posted one of the ugliest heroes
Khorne in AoS is funny, because it sure sounds like they've kept their rube goldberg machine army design where you gotta fit all the units into venn diagrams to get them to do shit and utilitze esoteric setups to generate blood tithe.
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Press F to pay respects for Forathi.
that's a very hamfisted categorisation
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I'm honestly surprised Settra poster didn't move on to TOW.
why did they use the warcry model for ogres
the others belong to TOW
Newest models of highest quality for the faction. Probably trying to sell them.
why wouldnt you use the best model in the range
Spearhead uses a card system, how will GW put that down in the pre-release rules? Will you have to make your own or will there be a diceroll thing?
I am very disappointed they didn't use "Brutal - Cunning" for Ironjawz and "Cunning - Brutal" for Kruleboyz.
BLOOD, SKULLS, MURD....oh... nvm
You're supposed to buy fire and jade
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I know two ogre players, both hate the lanky warcry dudes.

To them Ogres are pic related: the army
Every faction gets a Live Laugh Love
gorgers have always been lanky though
gorgers? naw, ogres look like this to me
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hordes my ass, what army are they playing.
I see.

So, what'll be the best workaround for that? I ain't gonna do that.
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These spearheads are depressing
Though it's fun to see a Karl without his helmet. Always knew that was possible with the kit but you never see it
That nigga is BALD
wait for someone to scan the cards and give precise indications for the placement of objectives
it's the patrician's choice. 100% of your attention can be devoted to your beard
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they have high model count
what army are YOU playing?
I like to think that Settra Poster is a bot that continues to run out of a forgotten computer in an abandoned warehouse, and will continue to post forever.
How are they not a horde army?
Fair enough.

There leaks on the full Spearhead faction rules yet?
Looks like Gitz are getting confined to the Spearhead ghetto
because they've always had one of highest points to wounds ratios in the game.
>The year is 2121
>AoSG is now just a collection of people reminiscing about the game before the great crash of 2080
>GW is gone.
>A new thread hasn't been made in 10 months.
>Finally, it is archived, and a new one is made.
>There is a post:
>kruleboyz and stormcast is just selling more dominion
>not SSS
You had one job, James
you fuckers lied to me, a majority of the ogre range is in plastic. Only thing I noticed thats resin is the slaughter master (why the fuck is that thing $80).
Do we have Kryleboyz warscrolls?
All of their wizards are resin. Maneaters are too.
just the points
>wizards are
>maneaters are
>sabretooths are
>yetis are
All wizards and maneaters can be kitbashed from the baseline gluttons.

Objectively speaking, kitbashed maneaters are the most lore-friendly.
Why does everyone forget about the Kinnerai?
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>friendship ended with Stalkers now Morghast are my best friends
Why is it so hard for GW to come up with a good narrative game system?

Just have a metagame that informs/is informed by the battles but has no mechanical baring on them, and is largely a separate downtime activity between matches.

Narrative is in the hands of the player tbhon but I'll admit I miss the old GHB optional rules suggestions
It's offset by basically the entire army being infantry. In terms of model count they are still a horde army.
Fellas, Avengorri characters seem to have somehow become even more shit in their niches somehow.
if it's easy why don't you write it and use it with your gaming group?
Nothing new there
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That's not realy new information
OBR rules are looking nice.
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You're saying that GW is selling models that were exclusive to a discontinued box in a new box instead of making 4 heroes complealty unobtainable without buying them 2nd hand.
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Last Soulblight battleforce really is quite bad, LGS has like 6 of these on sale for $130 each and they still aren't moving.
So, what's the realistic end goal of Fyreslayers ?
>add sideshave woman
>box won't sell
They could release them separately for a decent price if they didn’t tool them together on the sprues

she was in the previous box as well and that one was great and disappeared everywhere fast.
That box was the same except for 40 zombies instead of the wolves and bats, so clearly that's the problem.
you can build it also as bald man
yo where at? Ill snap one up, but yeah the fucking bats and wolves aren't a great sell and the skeletons are a pain to assemble.
I'm guessing
>lodges finally get every bit of ur-gold
>now need to pool it to resurrect Grimnir
>they start fighting over who gets to actually do it
>other factions prey on them during their civil war
>ritual goes off but some ur-gold is lost
>Grimnir becomes a horrid centerpiece model, possibly linked to Gotrek like snake lady
its not bad at all.
litter catbox moe 5isj3d pdf

Reykjavik, so they are forced to lower the price until the local scene can't ignore the savings.

If it goes below $100 I'll seriously consider it.
yeah but booba
its not a good sell, its missing a wight king or a necromancer. The bats and wolves are very clearly overpriced garbage that GW was just sticking in there to get rid of.
They were bundled together separately and the price sucked. The spearhead is fine, its nearly worth it for the chariot and vanquishers alone.
damn, was hoping it was in the states oh well.
bats are wolves are staples they're also highly integral to the armies aesthetic.
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Restoration of Griminir seams like an attainable goal.
Only porblem is that restoration of Grimnir would mean simultanious restoration of Vulcatrix and as far as we know that's an apocalyptic event
yeah I dont care about the made up meta, 3 models for $60 is always a meme and bats are just offensive at that level. Dire wolves are not the best kit to assemble as well.
None of the units go together. You've got a hero that is meant to buff monsters with no monsters, skeletons with no wight king, blood knights, and two summonables with no necromancer or regular vampire lord.
no the fyreslayers worship vulcatrix as well as grimnir, theyve accepted the absolute chad godbeast that was even able to kill their god
That in no way changes the fact Vulcatrix might signlehandedly make whatever Realm she respawns it uninhabitable like she did to Aqshy before Grimnir killed her
They may like Vulcatrix, but that doesn't mean she would like them.
you aren't paying $60 for them in a battleforce.
>I dont care about the made up meta
you obviously do since there a large number of 3 model kits for that price in every army. They just have better scrolls so you don't complain about them.
They're gonna end this edition by summoning Grimnir/Vulcatrix in Blight City, ending the Rataclysm.
I take that back after actually reading it, why is the monster hitting with rend - and 1?
That would actually be based as hell.
We know nothing about Vulcatrix save that Sigmar ordered her death and the attitudes of her offspring aligning with Order/Fyreslayers
>you aren't paying $60 for them in a battleforce.
No but they attribute to the value of the battleforce, or rather in this case it diminishes the value of it.
>you obviously do since there a large number of 3 model kits for that price in every army. They just have better scrolls so you don't complain about them.
I dont complain about others because I dont care for other armies, and again I dont give a fuck about warscrolls. bits and customization options are what I like to see in these kits, and bats literally only have 2-3 parts on their sprue from what I remember, you cant even remove the terrain from them because the bats are attached to it by default.
>diminishes the value of it.
don't buy it then, I don't give a fuck about your opinion.
many fyreslayers believe grimnir and vulcatrix merged together, and urgold is the body of their new god
ill be sure to 3d print your models James.
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>Order Daemons - Stormcast
Yeeeeah NO.
>the box is bad
>I don't like it
good job moron.
Well explain why the box was a massive flop if its so great
What's the verdict on Flesh eater courts?
Link don't work anon. Thanks anyway.
nothing changed but they are more ""fair""
>You can't make an army without those two kits though, can you?
Yes you can. Runson on Magmadroth is Battleline in Lofnir
I have never seen a campaign system in any game that doesn't affect the game itself as it's being played. There's always some form of progression or regression, with units/characters/models getting stronger and weaker.
>litter catbox moe 5isj3d pdf
it works just fine
needs ushoran to do anything
monsters suck again
SBGL Battle formations

Battle Formations

>Legion of Shyish

You get to pick four targets for Deathly Invocation rather than three. This feels a bit too specific for a whole battle formation, as you’re trying to cram a fourth unit into a wholly within 12” bubble. There are some big bases out there for Soulblight, so perhaps a Nagash or Vampire Lord on Zombie dragon surrounded by minions could make use of this. That being said, it also requires you to have four units that are damaged to be worth healing in the first place, and most players prefer to focus fire, especially against Soulblight.

>Bacchanal of Blood

There’s always a ‘disengage brain, throw vampires at problem’ build for the army and here it is: +1 to cast for vampires not in combat, +1 to wound for vampires that made a charge move. Cast bonuses are always good, Blood Knights wounding on a 2+ are good. Not a subtle one.

>Deathstench Drove

At the end of each turn you can pick 3 Deadwalker units that are in combat, they can make a pile-in move and then do d3 mortal damage if they make a 2+ on the d3. If you are doing a big blocks of zombies and dogs build this is really really good. End of turn abilities happen before determining who controls the objectives, even in your opponents turn. Free movement and free damage will flip tightly contested objectives.


Deathrattle units get +1 rend if they charge and the unit they’re attacking has fewer models. Two conditions to get the buff is annoying, but you’re in control of being able to set it up (for the most part) and if you can get it working you’re looking at rend 2 on Black Knights and Grave Guard. Regular skeletons just don’t have the stats to be great in a fight, but any rend is welcome.

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watch your fucking mouth you little cunt he knows people who know people who used to work for GW so your favourite army is getting squatted
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Epic! Does anyone happen to have a PDF of Arena of Shades? Would love to get that as well if possible.
SBGL casting seems kinda mid. Lost some cool stuff.
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>showing leaked images
>calls it a review
>video wont be relevant next week
>complains about capitalism
why does anyone watch this faggot
its no more available than any of the other 2023 boxes.
he gives his superficial thoughts which is more than man reads book usually does tbf
I thought the intention was to get away from "take this subfaction to spam this unit" rules writing.
slaves is nearly out, seraphon got nabbed up almost instantly, OBR will get picked up at some point considering morghasts have been out of stock for months on end.There are still so many boxes of the vampire count box everywhere that probably will persist as much as the DOK battleforce did.
Why would you think that
and I can't even fathom caring enough to complain, so different strokes
fuck off rob you mullet commie retard
There are a lot of people with empty lives who subsist soley on hype and news about warhammer products
Goodnight sweet prince
I refuse to install any of this slop
That app was slightly worse than the one before but it was useful for pulling up warscrolls or double checking points quickly
Please subscribe to Warhammer+
You will subscribe to Warhammer+
Get ready for the new app to not let you look at the warscrolls of the units you've purchased unless you've bought the book
>slop used unironically

Opinion ignored.

That's what you get for watching tabletop "influencers" like a dumbass.

When is the fucking Maggoth Lord going to come back in stock?! Has it been squatted or some shit?!

Looking good anon!
I haven't checked out newrecruit for AoS yet, but it works ok for 40k. However, I hope GW doesn't gut the aos app, the app being as good as it has been is a major plus for aos. It mogs other army builders for me.
>slop used unironically
I thought you were just a wfg shitposter
>Please subscribe to Warhammer+
They really are desperate to sell that shit ain't they?
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Im working on bow snakes for the DoK spearhead.
Looking pretty nice anon. I think the Melusai are some of my favourite AoS minis.
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after seeeing the season of war battlereport I have a conversion idea for cheap endless spells.
Tahlia finally got here last night so we're gonna figure out if she's gonna be a chaos manticore or the other thing I had planned

Honestly, same, but I've started to question if that's really a good idea. The weird casualties system in AoS was really bad in itself, and I think that's where the biggest issue with the bookkeeping came from, but I wonder if trying to progress characters along isn't also bad.

Maybe it complicates the game with weird half-baked bonuses where you could just have regular matches that everyone can understand just off of the core rules. Or maybe I'm just wrong.

Either way, I still think GW going about AoS narrative the wrong way. They keep trying to do the PTG thing. I say, move PTG to Warcry, bring back Mighty Empires for AoS.
I'll never understand why people bother painting eyes
Why wouldn't you
Can't notice 'em on the tabletop. Therefore it's a waste of time and effort.
big risk little reward
Do you not wash your ass in the shower since it will he covered with pants during the day
This, they always look cockeyed and goofy
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Miss em
That has nothing to do with what I said and you know it, spastic. I paint my figures to be used on the tabletop, and thus only stuff you can see it painted. Can't notice painted eyes so I don't paint 'em.
Look at it this way, instead of 33% of an army you just became 50%
kwik maffs
The lesson of the indexes is basically don't trust them to ever make destruction consistently good. The narrative of being slow dumb brutes, with bad magic and no armor is strong to not have spillover effect on their rules writing.
Do the two brothers on glottkin fit on a 40mm base? Thinking about using em as a rot sorcerer and a gutrot supreme. I'll probably put some nurglings on top of the glottkin itself to take up the space.
The lesson of the indexes is that they're temporary rules before the actual rules come out and retards like you need to stop obsessing over them
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A very quick google search reveals the answer anon. Maybe don't be a lazy fuck next time?
some armies will remain stuck with the index rules for years, anon
oof thats a bit of a squeeze
Alright, hand me all your IDK leaked scrolls. I need to start planning shit out.
I have the points
Are you retarded? Otto (the one on the left) clearly isn't on 40mm base.
So the google search was worthless then
Ok, you are a retard then. Good to know.
If he's on a smaller base, he will clearly fit on a 40mm. This is not a hard thing to work out. Well, it isn't hard assuming you aren't an inbred retard.
you seem very upset.
What can I say? I hate retards wasting my time.

No you don't.

I would also like a peak at the Fish Lads.
well now I wont share of the leeks for idk anymore.
I'd invest in a turtle if you don't have one already.
That's retarded for three reasons
>Some armies are going to still be using the indexes up to the end of 2026, two years and half from now and six months before the release of 5th edition
>A bunch of armies are going to receive Battletomes that are barely different from the indexes
>There is a high probability that for some armies the Battletome is going to be a Nerf.
It would be nice if we could get all the battletomes rushed out by year 2 and had a year for the game to settle, but rushed out books also have their own issues.
What would you proxy homelander as
A lot of armies will be stuck with these rules for years and there's no guarantee that the battletome rules when they come will be any better.
My guess is fyreslayers would get an "Avatar of Khaine" unit equivalent
But they are back and play how they should be, unlike 3e.
fucking gay and lame
just leave my faction alone
Agreed, I really hope GW forget about Fyreslayers and leave them in 3rd ed where they belong
you already have gortrek.
Zombies and Skeletons look overreaction overnerfed. GG still look good thankfully. At least one of the three has to be worthwhile for the faction to work. I'm not buying 4+ boxes of models on their way out though.
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People celebrating the removal of bigwaagh is the easiest brainlet take plebfilter I've ever seen.

Impressive that you can sound so retarded with so few words.
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Bought those terrains because they looked cute
They're neat but the tentacle pit is a pain to build
File deleted.
>want kit
>need to spend 35 more for free shipping
>don't want anything else
>move on
I think I'm healing
litter catbox moe 1gjhn3 pdf
Okay, newfag.
The closer fluff at the end of that one is dope.
You're a sexy bastard anon, thanks. Been looking for this one for a while.
bigwaagh has existed for the entire game's history retard.
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Soooo... we got Dawnbringers 6 scan yet?
lol no
after reading all the leaked rules for sbgl for like an hour, I have come to the conclusion that I need point values to come to an actual proper conclusion.

If I was seriously gonna do that: Yndrasta.

Got the flying and the high speed, has a ranged attack to simulate the heat vision and hits like a truck.
>wasting my time
>choosing to respond to posts on 4chan
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So whole AoS plot ended up with Order Black gurlboss vs Chaos Black gurlboss?
Not at all.
>1.5 editions at best
>Entire History
I hope not, you're not allowed to post black girls on /tg/ >>93245378 and I'd like to be able to discuss the game
Exactly what I was going to post, the troon you're replying too is an uppity cunt
At this point in the lore? Yeah, kinda. I hope that changes soon but it likely won't.


So is it done yet?
>So is it done yet?
And we like that, good work ethic.
>Order Black gurlboss
which one?
Honestly (lol, pun) 95% of his interesting takes or observations are from his twitch chat. He is basically just a twitch streamer who lives of the input of his fans and cuts them together to profit twice from YT.
Been away from AOS too long for the past year in 40k. Is a 2W 3+ Sv and 5+ ward body really durable for AOS/this edition specifically?
That's about as durable as anything can realistically get that isn't a special character, yes.
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So are Kruleboyz split off from Ironjawz now?

I miss when O&G used to be bros, bros.
good. I dont want stinky swamp "orcs" with my based Ironjawz.
they will share the index, who knows about the tome(s?)
It's still an unknown.

In AoS3 not so much, but AoS4 is generally much less killy than 3. Lower damage and rend all over and battleshock is gone so stragglers stick around longer.
Some retard is gonna give you this scan and you're gonna spam this general for weeks complaining about the contents

It seems like papers have been filed but the divorce isn't finalized yet.
They share a faction pack still and no announcement has been made of an Ironjawz spearhead.
Nothing stopped you from playing purely IJ in OWC
Madman went and textured fur and frayed fabric with a brush
why? are the contents bad? we already know about the plot points
It's not difficult it's just time consuming for a unit like clanrats

Imagine doing that on 80 of those fuckers
Like, I would love seeing it on the table but I'd consider the owner insane.
I'm so sick of reddit rats
I'm so sick of people who can't articulate opinions so just add reddit before the thing they don't like as if that place is any worse than here
Do we know what the sylvaneth half of this box does? These guys look cheap (hopefully)
Go away stormcast slop lord
Sick of newfags too
Zombies and skeletons need to be pretty cheap for 4e
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that's no real texture

Remember battleshock is gone and damage is down, hordes will be that much harder to clear.
Are there any more buzzwords you'd like to vomit out of your empty skull
Not really but by all means continue proving how much you don't fit in
Using "newfag" like this never made any sense. It's not a valid term to use when someone disagrees with you, because this site is not a hivemind that subsumes anyone who browses it for long enough. This website is best known for incendiary arguments over the slightest minutae.
>as if that place is any worse than here
but it is
Yeah, with less enhancement options. Thanks for nothing.
I really wish people like you just fucked off, you don't bring anything to the thread but buzzwords
"Fitting in" here means turning into a non-sapient cretin who can only converse in meme terminology and wojak edits. Fitting in is something of which to be ashamed.
It's always funny when people try to pretend like they're the "real 4channers" when the entire point of this website is to be anonymous. For how much you claim to hate reddit deep down you want that experience but no one likes you so if there was a record of your posts you would just be mocked relentlessly
Can all of you please just go back to the website you so obviously prefer?
I prefer this website when retards aren't trying to make me act like them. That's, ironically, the kind of behaviour that's inescapable on other websites.
You clearly don't based on how you act.
what did I miss
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Never played Age of Sigmar, but Spearhead seems interesting.
Is this a good box to get into the game?
The thread is there for you to read anon
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Is it just me or does anyone else also get tired of the non stop skaven coverage? Not that there's anything wrong with skaven, you're more than free to enjoy them but for ME, personally, I'm getting a little tired of them. Please don't downvote, just my 2 cents and you're more than free to enjoy any faction you prefer sexually or non sexually or completely asexually.
Basically noone has played Spearhead yet, so it's hard to tell.
The idea should be that all boxes are basically equal, assuming GW balanced the mode correctly
That is a spearhead box alright. Will work well in the format.

Its also a good box to start a mainline KO army with, so I say go for it.
I'm bored too... of the Skaventide models in particular. Show me the new Acolytes.
I disagree, if there was ever a time when a battleshock test would actually mean anything, you'd use a command point to skip it. Plus you no longer roll for each skeleton lost, so the number of returned models is much lower.
It's in the starter set, so it'll get more coverage than the other factions for a while.
The best way to fight this is to post your own dudes instead of reposting what you hate
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No it doesn't.

I made a new one exactly because I couldn't find this one.
We are in the middle of a huge release that is all about them what the fuck do you expect people to talk about
imagine the shock
He posted a stormcast.
You don't understand greentext either apparently
Delete it and then yourself
>too retarded to search 'sigmar'
I've looked at this cover too many times to count and it's only just now that I notice the guy falling head first in the background on the right.
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Yeah I'd be pissed too if my hit-and-run tactics required me to get hit before I'm permitted to run.
Army needs more bugs
Going to start Ogremaxxing at my lgs, bringing along big legs of ham and slabs of meat and ale to chow down on while i play the game sitting down.
Serves sylvaneth players right for being cowards.
oh great now we are split across two threads again thanks to retards
The feet look like shit on that one
I have been waiting for a refresh for almost a decade. And a fluff update. I'm getting all of that and they're the starter faction too. They're also getting a notable rule overhaul and buff too. It's a lot of things coming to ahead. Some good and some bad and that's going to drive interest for a lot.
>for almost a decade
Yeah I suppose 2017 fits
>Some retard is gonna give you this scan and you're gonna spam this general for weeks complaining about the contents

Nah. I just want the lore and if I don't like it I shall simply seethe silently in my bedroom. Like a real man!

I'm sure it's just the lighting but that fur is physically painful on the eyes.
Slaanesh full index looking for real as bad as if not worse than 2e.
I'll just combine the threads, and everything is gonna go fine.

i got one recently funnily enough its a great box for just doubling up on units, and getting the named vengorian lord. Not great to start with doe

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